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As the Summer Circuit continues, all eyes now turn to the upcoming Jennian Homes New Zealand Track and Field Championships, in Dunedin from the 6th-9th of March.
A key finding shows global access to medical oxygen is highly inequitable. Five billion people, mostly from low and middle-income countries don’t have access to safe, quality, affordable medical oxygen.
NZEI Te Riu Roa Te Manukura | President Ripeka Lessels says shortages forecast in the latest teacher demand and supply planning projection are an ongoing pressure for primary schools and a major stress for school leaders. However, there are solutions, she says.
This March, Glaucoma New Zealand (GNZ), are asking Kiwis to invest two minutes of their time to understand a little more about glaucoma by taking their free, easy, two-minute challenge.
The guide provides an overview of medicinal cannabis and why it’s prescribed, sets out employers’ and employees’ rights and responsibilities, and suggests practical changes to workplace policies and procedures to manage disclosure of medicinal cannabis use and workplace impairment.
Burnett Foundation Aotearoa Interim General Manager Alex Anderson says that this data is critical to eliminating HIV transmission in Aotearoa by 2030.