Apollo 13 boldly goes where no theatre has gone
August 18, 2008
Apollo 13 boldly goes where no theatre has gone before

Imagine what it might be like to be 200,000 miles away from Earth, trapped in the vast emptiness of space in a capsule no larger than a Morris Minor. Then imagine it's up to you to bring it home.
New horizons of the celestial kind will be set
with the launch of the innovative theatre production APOLLO
13: Mission Control at Wellington's BATS Theatre October 18
to November 1 as part of STAB 2008, commissioned by BATS
Theatre with funding from Creative New Zealand STAB Theatre
APOLLO 13: Mission Control is a live film on
stage, placing the audience into the heart of the action as
HASA's Mission Control team.
BATS will become a
replica Mission Control, complete with retro computers,
giant video screens and the tiny tin spaceship where three
astronauts are fighting for their lives. Each audience
member, seated behind their own console, will be part of the
action as they help make the crucial calls to bring the
helpless astronauts home.
Flight director Gene Kranz,
played by award-winning actor Jason Whyte, heads up the cast
joined by astronauts Ryan O'Kane and Rachel Forman – and,
of course, the audience.
Co-creator Brad Knewstubb
said that the story of space exploration captured the
essence of humanity.
"Only 26 people have ever seen
earth for what it truly is: a tiny blue sphere floating in
the vacuum of space," he said, "and they did it aboard a
machine so complex it took more than 400,000 people to build
and launch it.
"I believe Apollo 13 is one of the
great stories, with survival, technology and teamwork, and I
am excited to be bringing it to New Zealand."
are plans to tour the production to other New Zealand
centres following the conclusion of the 2008 STAB season at
BATS Theatre.
APOLLO 13: Mission Control
October 18 – November 1 2008
BATS Theatre, 1 Kent Terrace, Wellington
Bookings phone 04 802 4175 or email book@bats.co.nz
Corporate/School Bookings Contact
Mark Westerby, Producer
; mark@markwesterby.net