Smell the roses together this Valentine’s Day
February 11, 2011
Smell the roses together this Valentine’s Day
Instead of rushing to buy expensive roses this Valentine’s Day, why not take time to “smell the roses”?
Showing your partner that you care and appreciate them is more important than ever during times of economic stress, and it needn’t cost anything says Relationship Services National Practice Manager Jo-Ann Vivian.
“When we are feeling under pressure to make ends meet, it is especially important to look after our relationships. They are fundamental to our wellbeing, but it is easy to take them for granted,” she says.
“Relationships need nourishing to stay strong and healthy, especially when things are tough.
“Valentine’s Day is a good chance to do something special for your loved one, and that doesn’t need to mean spending loads of money. Often the most precious things we can give are time and attention.
“It might be as simple as cooking a favourite meal together, going for a walk or having a picnic in the gardens to enjoy the roses without spending a cent. If you have roses in your own garden, you could pick one for your partner as a symbol of your love.”
Relationship Services encourages people to look past the pressure to spend and to do something special this Valentine’s Day to nurture their relationship.
Valentine’s Day ideas:
Watch a favourite DVD together
• Go for a walk
• Pick a flower from the garden
Have a picnic at a favourite park or beach
Cook a favourite dish for dinner and light some candles to
create a special atmosphere
• Put on some
favourite music and enjoy each other’s company
Write a card or letter describing all the things you love
about your partner
• Create a CD of favourite
music as a gift
• Turn down the lights, warm
some massage oil and enjoy each other