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Australian and New Zealand aid and support will be crucial in containing Fiji’s serious HIV outbreak – including combating the drug trade that is fuelling it.
It captures the rich history and profound impact of the Waitangi Tribunal over the past 50 years. Through a series of 50 images and narratives, the exhibition explores pivotal moments, landmark cases, and the enduring legacy of the Tribunal in addressing Treaty of Waitangi grievances.
This converted vehicle, central to the Hīkoi for Health: A People’s Inquiry, will journey from Kaitaia in Northland to Parliament, collecting healthcare stories and ideas for reform from communities along its route.
Unforgettable and amusing memoirs, novels that move and unnerve, illustrated books that powerfully illuminate the past and present, and sizzling, considered poetry collections are among the 43 books longlisted from 175 entries.
In the 20th season of New Zealand’s premier single seater category, Britain’s Arvid Lindblad could be heading towards a history-making season in the 2025 Castrol Toyota Formula Regional Oceania Championship.
“While the global shortage has not been solved by any stretch, we are looking at what we can do to ensure that people can get the best patches for their personal situations,” says Pharmac’s Senior Therapeutic Group Manager/Team Leader, Alexandra Compton.