Gayest Musical Ever Opens In Wellington
Gayest Musical Ever Opens In

Colin Craig may have
been right. The gay onslaught has
Wellington’s Gryphon Theatre is
celebrating New Zealand’s historic embrace of gay marriage
- and everyone is invited to the party.
Theatre Ltd. in association with Backyard Theatre are happy
to announce the New Zealand premiere of the hit Off-Broadway
musical Zanna, Don’t! – perhaps the gayest
musical ever staged.
Written by Tim Atico,
Zanna, Don’t!opened in New York in 2002. Its
bubble-gum pop score and wittyscript was an instant hit with
audiences and it received great reviews.
as a ‘musical fairytale’ it centres aroundZanna, a love
fairy, whose job is to find people with ‘extra love’ and
pair them with their perfect match. Guys with the guys and
girls with the girls, nothing could be more perfect! That is
until two rebel opposite-sex Heartsville High students
create a storm of heterophobia by falling in love. It’s up
to Zanna to ‘make the world safe for heterosexuals’, but
what cost will he pay to create a safe world in which his
friends can love in peace?
Don’t!turns traditional ideas of love on its head in a
world where everyone is gay, and heterosexuals are the
Director Stuart James says its themes of
acceptance vs. tolerance are particularly relevant in New
Zealand right now.
“During the marriage equality
campaign, New Zealanders had to think, did they tolerate or
accept their gay community? Were they for or against
equality for all?”
James, 27, says that while
growing up gay in New Zealand is easier for young people
today, there is still a lack of information available for
the gay community.
“Growing up, I had to look
outside of my immediate family, school or friends to come to
terms with who I am. Hopefully now the Marriage Equality
Bill has passed, we will see a more open and honest
communication of what it means to be gay.”
says the show explores themes of love and equality – and
far from being “anti straight” promotes the idea that
everyone deserves an equal chance at love.
Zanna, Don’t!opens at Gryphon Theatre in
Wellington on tonight (Thursday 25 April) – so follow the
big gay rainbow, and help celebrate a brave new world of
love equality.
Tickets available at iticket
runs from Thursday 25 April to Saturday 4 May, with no
performances on Sunday or Monday.