Power Rangers to Shoot in New Zealand
Power Rangers to Shoot in New Zealand

The New Zealand Film Commission and Film New Zealand are delighted to announce the upcoming Power Rangers series, Power Rangers Dino Charge, will be returning to shoot in Auckland later this year, and for the first time will be featuring a New Zealand character among the team of superheroes.
Power Rangers Dino Charge will be the tenth season of the franchise to be shot in Auckland. Power Rangers is a global phenomenon with a 20 year-plus legacy. It is one of the top-rated and longest running boys live-action series in television history, which is seen in over 150 markets, translated into numerous languages and a favourite on many key international children’s programming blocks around the world.
The line-up for the new season was announced on Saturday at Power Morphicon, a bi-annual fan-run Power Rangers convention attended by thousands of fans in California. Power Rangers Dino Charge will feature New Zealand actor James Davies as part of the group of ordinary teens who “morph” into superheroes and save the world from evil.
Film New Zealand CE Gisella Carr says association with the show is a great opportunity to reinforce New Zealand’s international reputation for television production. “Power Rangers is an iconic brand enjoyed by millions of fans around the world, and has a long history of working in New Zealand. This is a fantastic opportunity to tell that story and include New Zealand within it.
“We are delighted to be working with Saban Brands and the Power Rangers, and agencies such as Auckland Tourism Events and Economic Development (ATEED) to promote New Zealand’s involvement, particularly New Zealand cast and crew, and messages about our screen industry’s capacity and capability for television production.”
New Zealand Film Commission CE Dave Gibson says the production has historically played an important role in developing New Zealand talent, with many actors going on to international careers. A new initiative for the coming season is exciting because it will also create an opportunity to foster New Zealand writers and directors, he says.
“The new season is particularly important as it is the first time that the production will formally engage directing and writing interns to work alongside the experienced team.
“Having up-and-coming New Zealand talent actively participating in the creative process is something we value highly and forms part of a long-term strategy to develop New Zealand expertise, with an eye to future development of New Zealand IP.”
The new Power Rangers season will be eligible for the New Zealand Screen Production Grant and meet criteria for bringing significant economic benefits to New Zealand. Power Rangers Dino Chargeis being executive produced by Haim Saban and Judd Lynn and produced by New Zealander Sally Campbell and Saban Brands’ Brian Casentini.