Hillary Laureate 2018 Announced
Hillary Laureate 2018 Announced

FALLONE (CEO - Barefoot College International – INDIA
– www.barefootcollege.org)
The first New Zealand
born Hillary Laureate; the first mountaineer; the first
grass roots practitioner - her work rooted in the kinds of
communities and the model Sir Edmund Hillary championed with
passion during his lifetime. The first to lead a truly
hybrid social enterprise and to work at the intersection of
technology in the hands of illiterate and semi-literate
women…and (akin to Sir Ed himself), the first
“Beekeeper”, who has together with her team, launched a
bi-continental set of Honey enterprises in India and Africa
through which rural women beneficiaries are creating wealth
for themselves and the environment. The 2018 Hillary
Laureate is Barefoot College International Chief
Executive, Meagan Fallone.
Ms Fallone is the 9th Annual HILLARY LAUREATE chosen and celebrated by the Institute’s international board of Governors from a short-list of candidates demonstrating extraordinary leadership in mid-career around the world. She joins a distinguished alumni including: her immediate predecessor, Sweden’s Johan Rockström; the UK’s Jeremy Leggett (2009) and Tim Jackson (2016); China’s Peggy Liu (2010); former Kiribati President Anote Tong (2012); Amazon Watch Founder Atossa Soltani (2013) and from the US, Michael Brune (2015) and Aimee Christensen (2011). All share a profound commitment to and focus on, existential issues, in particular Climate Change, Social Justice and disruptive economic transition.
Born in Aotearoa New Zealand, Ms Fallone attributes her most valuable education to having come from living amongst the simple rural community of Tilonia in Rajasthan India, where Barefoot College is based. Most recently, she has returned from the Harvard Kennedy School and an in depth exploration of Leadership for Systems Change at Scale, alongside her fellow Schwab Foundation Social Entrepreneur colleagues. Educated in the USA and UK, she holds a BFA, an MA and an MBA. In her current role, since joining Barefoot Founder Bunker Roy in 2011, she is steering the establishment of a further seven Barefoot Women’s Vocational Training Centers throughout Sub Saharan Africa, Latin America and the Pacific, focusing on the mastery of renewable energy technology, enterprise and holistic empowerment skills for illiterate and semi-literate women living on less than $2 a day. She has tripled the size of the Barefoot College footprint beyond its foundation in Rajasthan and developed a sustainability movement led by rural women across the Global South, identifying India as a leader in localizing the Sustainable Development Goals through grassroots women.
Guiding field operations in 96 countries, she and her team have set an example of positive impact through ground breaking partnerships with Governments, Corporations and a network of Civil Society and Multilateral organizations. A dedicated entrepreneur, Ms Fallone has led the evolution of Barefoot College into a profitable hybrid social enterprise which today fosters and supports a host of rural innovation, digital and financial technology, Solar R&D and rural enterprises by attracting formally educated young people to work side by side with non-formally educated rural innovators. Her work has touched the lives of more than 500,000 people. A strong commitment redefining education in the rural context, and a belief in communities developing their own capacity to meet their own challenges within the developing world, is at the heart of every Barefoot Solution. (*for full bio see barefootcollege.org)
“I could not be more honored to
join this distinguished and visionary group of Laureates. I
am enormously grateful for the tremendous recognition it
also carries, for my truly exceptional ‘Barefoot College
family’, whose innovative work and dedication have enabled
us to make a difference to so many. I believe deeply in the
power of transformational leadership, that the time has come
to embrace an “Agitate, Innovate and Orchestrate”
approach towards social change in order to create a more
equal and just world. In light of my New Zealand heritage,
which dates back five generations, I could not be more
touched and grateful to be recognized as the 2018 Hillary
Laureate.“ Meagan Fallone
global order and common humanity struggle in the face of
nativist nationalism and ‘leadership’ which in some
cases barely resembles coherence never mind courage; the
Hillary Institute continues to champion outstanding
individuals who are the flag-bearers of a world-view rooted
in equity, justice, environmental stewardship and
integrity”, says Institute Founding Director Mark
Prain. “There is nothing ambiguous about Meagan and
Barefoot College’s work with women across 96 nations, many
amongst the poorest on the planet; she is a profoundly
important player in what might be described as ‘the future
we want’.”
Institute Chairman Anake
Goodall adds: “We are very excited to have this
opportunity to recognize and celebrate Meagan’s - and her
team’s - global contribution across a broad front of
pressing issues. Her leadership of Barefoot College’s
empowerment of women, in their communities, and across
nations and hemispheres, is truly inspiring and exemplary of
Sir Ed’s own enormous contributions on the world stage.
Community level empowerment, and the resulting increase in
local resilience, is one of the fundamental levers with
which we can improve our collective performance against the
SDG targets. Meagan, nau mai hoki mai, welcome
The Hillary Institute of
International Leadership warmly congratulates Ms Fallone on
joining her Laureate colleagues in Sir Edmund’s Leadership
legacy. Her Laureate Award will be conferred with her home
community in Rajasthan in the Spring and she will visit New
Zealand later in the