Vanguard Military School
17 September 2013.
Vanguard Military School - Press Release
Vanguard Military School is very proud to be established as one of the Government’s new Partnership Schools and will open in February 2014 in Albany, Auckland. It is a senior secondary school that will cater for Year 11 and 12 students in its foundation year before expanding to take Year 13 students from 2015.
The school will use the ethos and training methodology of the military to help students, especially those from disadvantaged backgrounds, achieve attitudinal and academic excellence. It will follow the best practices and traditions of military schools from around the world.
The New Zealand Curriculum will be taught with NCEA Level 1, Level 2, Level 3 and University Entrance being our measurable performance targets. Maths, English and Physical Education are all compulsory subjects at the school as we look to improve the numeracy, literacy and health issues many of our young people have.
Vanguard Military School will use registered teachers to teach every core subject in the curriculum.
lt will only be using non-registered teachers in areas where an expert with instructional experience will provide a better fit. An example of this is our teaching of Military Drill by ex-New Zealand Defence Force Personnel. All staff at the school will have police and background checks regarding their suitability.
The Ministry of Education also requires Vanguard Military School to report to it every three months to monitor its performance and provide high levels of accountability to the community.
As of today, applicants can now register their interest in attending Vanguard Military School by accessing and filling in the documentation.