Future Looking Brighter
Student leaders at the Auckland University Students’ Association (AUSA) today welcomed the election of a centre left government.
“Indications are that tertiary education will be a priority for the Labour-Alliance government with both Jim Anderton and Helen Clark signalling that removal of interest from loans will be one of the first policies to be implemented. While the removal of interest from student loans is an encouraging first step, we urge the incoming government not to stop there,” said Eva Neitzert, Education Vice President of AUSA.
“We cannot forget that student fees are notoriously high and force students to take on huge debts which will take some students decades to repay. If we are to really tackle student hardship, fees must be decreased and eventually abolished. In addition, we call on the new government to provide universal living allowances and to reinstate the Emergency Unemployment Benefit during the summer,” continued Ms Neitzert.
“The election of
Labour and Alliance on Saturday has provided students with
the hope that in several years participating in tertiary
education need not mean years of financial hardship,”
concluded Ms