Education for Sustainability Boost Welcomed
Education for Sustainability Boost Welcomed by UNESCO National Commission
Today's budget news that $13 million will be spent on education for sustainable development is a significant step towards sustainability says the Secretary-General of the NZ National Commission for UNESCO, Elizabeth Rose.
"Engaging more Kiwis - particularly our future decision makers - in the debate on the state and the fate of our planet has been given a huge boost," she says.
"Education for sustainability must have a strong place in classrooms throughout Aotearoa New Zealand."
Ms Rose is pleased that the Enviroschools Foundation will receive extra funding in the budget.
"Enviroschools are an excellent example of how children and their families are learning how to live in a sustainable way - from reducing waste, conserving water to caring for the local environment - by practicing what they learn," she says.
"Furthermore, new funding for a matauranga Maori coordinator will help address the needs of Maori-language immersion schools or kura: many of whom are also enviroschools."
"Throughout the world, the fundamental thing all peoples share is the planet we live on and ensuring its sustainability is critical to our own futures.
The United Nations Decade of Education for Sustainability (2005-2014) is a worldwide endeavour to firmly place education for sustainable development within the value systems of all nations and their citizens. The UNESCO National Commission is the focal point for the decade in New Zealand.
"Education for sustainability is a lifelong challenge, which challenges individuals, organisations and communities to look at tomorrow as a day that belongs to all of us: or it will not belong to anyone."
The United Nations Decade of Education for Sustainable Development pursues a global vision: a world where everyone has the opportunity to benefit from quality education and learn the values, behaviour and lifestyles required for a sustainable future and for positive societal transformation.
For more information on the UN Decade of Education for Sustainable Development in New Zealand please contact: