Scotty finds a new ‘side-kick’
Scotty finds a new ‘side-kick’

Lloyd Scott, known for his role as Barry Crump’s passenger, has found a new ‘side-kick’, in the form of Freemasons. He was on hand to congratulate the organisation when it launched its month-long men’s health campaign called “No More Secrets”. Freemasons will hold events at lodges and community centres nationwide to encourage men to taker positive steps to improve their health.
Specialist speakers will talk about: blood pressure; stress; diabetes; heart conditions; prostate, kidney, bowel and testicular cancer; alcohol use and abuse; obesity and erectile dysfunction. Recently diagnosed with bowel cancer, Lloyd said early detection was important in all men’s health issues.
“I think we have to face it, men are not fussed on dashing off to the doctor. We tend to put up with complaints, rather than seek advice – at times we are actually are a bit secretive about our health, I guess you could say this campaign is about revealing those secrets,” said Lloyd Scott.