Folic Acid Campaign
13 July 2009
Folic Acid Campaign
STOP! You have been fed a great deal of misinformation. Please hear the other side.
• Folic acid does not cause postrate cancer in
humans. The negative studies referred to involve extreme
levels of folic acid fed to rats. Levels humans would never
• For every negative study there are 10 more
stringent research studies to refute it
• UK has
approved folic acid fortification – the delay is because
they are still deciding on the best vehicle ie bread or
flour (including pastries/biscuits etc)
• Neural tube
defects (NTDs) are more common and deadly then
• 14 babies were born with NTDs in New
Zealand last year. Specialists know this number should be
quadrupled because many NTD affected babies are aborted and
these are not recorded in the birth register. NTD
miscarriages are also excluded.
• The level suggested
is not the full 400mcg RDI but it works (US data since 1998
implementation) in reducing the number of NTD births, and
has been proven to reduce heart disease and stroke, colon
and stomach cancers, congenital heart defects in babies and
onset of Alzheimers.
• Folic acid is a b-group vitamin
necessary for healthy cell development and is
comprehensively proven as beneficial for general
• The current anti-campaign is funded and
fuelled for commercial not food safety reasons. Australian
bakers are not complaining because they are already set up
for injecting folic acid - they add thiamine
• The
Bakers Association, including president Laurie Powell, have
all agreed to the proposal many times during face to face
meetings over the past 10 years. Sue Kedgley has also
pledged her support as long as organic bread was not
• Major bakers (eg Goodman Fielder) have put
in higher levels of folic acid in bread over some years but
sold it as a premium product
• National and Labour MPs
over three successive governments have agreed to this
proposal – often unanimously
• The current levels
suggested have been based on many rigorous research trials
and reviews over the past 10 years and all have concluded no
evidence of risk to the population. The programme included
two full rounds of public consultation
• All details of
this proposal have been widely publicised in the media over
the last five years.
• The Bakers Survey conducted two
years ago, so often quoted was heavily biased, emotive and
void in terms of accurately measuring public
• This is the most important preventive health
initiative since iodised salt to prevent goiter and the
rubella vaccine.
We don’t have the Bakers budget of thousands of dollars to fight this. We do know this programme is soundly based on quality research, full consulation, international support and many hours of taxpayer and volunteer dollars over the past 20 years. Just pick up the phone.