Submissions sought on reassessment of trichlorfon
Submissions sought on reassessment of trichlorfon
The Environmental Risk Management Authority is calling for submissions on the future use of the insecticide and veterinary medicine trichlorfon in New Zealand.
The reassessment is part of an ERMA New Zealand Chief Executive-initiated programme to review hazardous substances.
Trichlorfon is a broad-spectrum organophosphate insecticide used to control a range of insects in a variety of horticultural and agricultural crops. It is also used as a veterinary medicine.
Trichlorfon-containing formulations have been withdrawn in Europe, and their use is restricted in the United States and Canada. Australia has yet to review the substance.
ERMA New Zealand staff have compiled detailed information on the risks, costs and benefits associated with use of trichlorfon in New Zealand in a reassessment application document.
Initial responses from importers, manufacturers and some users of trichlorfon have indicated they would support its continued use only as a veterinary medicine.
Members of the public and interested parties are now invited to make submissions.
ERMA New Zealand’s General Manager for Hazardous Substances, Andrea Eng, says trichlorfon has the potential to cause harm to humans. It is also very ecotoxic in the aquatic environment.
The staff’s preliminary recommendation is to revoke the approvals for trichlorfon for use on plants and crops, but to allow its continued use as a veterinary medicine in some situations, providing strict controls are adhered to.
Ms Eng says this recommendation should not be considered to be the final outcome of the reassessment.
“Information about the use of these chemicals, and their risks and benefits, will also come from submissions, which form an important part of the reassessment process,’’ Ms Eng says.
A decision will be made by a committee of the Environmental Risk Management Authority once all the scientific information and submissions from the public has been evaluated and considered.
Submissions can be made in writing, either by letter or email, or through the ERMA website.
Submissions close on 1 September, 2010.
To read the full reassessment application, click here: