The Brainwave Singers
6 October 2010
Did you know a new singing
group is starting in Tauranga called The Brainwave
What makes The Brainwave
Singers different?
The Brainwave
Singers have neurological conditions and sing to improve
their speech and voice.
Last year saw the launch of New Zealand’s first choir offering music therapy for people with neurological conditions. The inspiration for the launch of this choir was the success of a similar choir in London.
Bay of Plenty District Health Board, Speech and Language therapist and cofounder of The Brainwave Singers Robin Matthews said “We know that singing makes us feel good. Now science is discovering how singing can help people suffering from Parkinson's to Aphasia (stroke),” he said.
Mr Matthews gave an example: Colin uses his inhaler less since he started attending a small Parkinson’s group using singing therapy. A Parkinson's sufferer, Colin had problems with his speech and voice, so he started attending fortnightly. The effect on his condition has been remarkable says his wife. “He breathes much more easily and has a stronger voice”.
Through attending the group, people with Parkinson’s have learned that they can use singing as a means of holding off the negative effects of this progressive neurological condition. “The theory is that Parkinson’s will most likely get the better of you if you let it, so throwing vocal and breathing exercises back at it, seems to go a long way to holding the symptoms at bay” says Robin Matthews.
The Brainwave Singers
co-founder and BOPDHB Occupational Therapist, Janet Freeman
says “now people can help improve their breathing, speech
and voice, and if they wish, be part of new global research
that will look into the positive benefits of singing on
health and well being. Robin and I are very excited about
this new initiative in Tauranga, which is fully supported by
the Parkinson’s Society Tauranga and Stroke Foundation
Tauranga,” she said.
Robin and Janet are keen to
include people who have neurological conditions, including
Parkinson’s, stroke and brain injury into The Brainwave
Singers choir.
“Singing uses different parts of the brain. To sing, you have to remember the tune and words, then fill your lungs with air, produce a voice and then coordinate your voice and breathing whilst singing the melody. For people with Parkinson’s, the coordination required helps produce a better, louder voice.”
“For people who have had a stroke; research shows that they can regain the ability to talk by learning to sing words they are unable to speak. If the brain’s language centres are damaged, neural plasticity – ‘rewiring’ the brain – may train the part of the brain responsible for singing to take over the speech functions.”
Why not come along to the inaugural meeting to discuss the choir over tea and biscuits at 11:00am on Thursday 28th October at the BOP Clinical School Education Centre, 889 Cameron Rd, Tauranga. (The old RSA Club)