Children with Foetal Alcohol more likely to end up in prison
Children with Foetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder 19
times more likely to end up in prison
The Health Select Committee should take seriously
Children’s Commissioner Dr Russell Wills concerns about
the increase of children with Foetal Alcohol Spectrum
Disorders(FADS), says Kim Workman, Director of Rethinking
Crime and Punishment. FASD is an umbrella term describing
the range of effects that can occur in an individual
prenatally exposed to alcohol.
“Research in
Canada and the USA shows that children with FASD are 19
times more likely to end up in prison than those who are not
affected. About 35% of young people with FASD end up in
the criminal justice system, and over half have been in
trouble with the law. Canadian research with young
offenders showed that more than one fifth are behaviorally
impaired due to prenatal alcohol consumption.”
“While there has not been any local research into the
incidence of FASD in prisons, there is every reason to
believe that the situation is much the same here. It would
be a forward step if all prisoners were screened for FASD,
and then managed appropriately.
“These are
typically the offenders who lack impulse control and have
trouble thinking through the future consequences of their
behaviour . They can’t connect cause and effect, lack
empathy toward victims, have difficulty taking
responsibility for their actions, and make really bad
decisions. In short, they are incapable of doing all the
things we expect offenders to do after they commit a
“Offenders with FADS are often the
ones who get talked into committing crime by their mates, or
who confess to crimes they didn’t commit. They often
break the law without intending to do so; such as touching
people when it is unwanted, or taking property because they
are attracted to it.”
If they are unfortunate
enough to end up in prison, there’s very little that can
be done for them. They often are manipulated by other
prisoners, and victimised. Therapeutic programmes rarely
work. They are better placed in an environment where they
can get job training, family and community support, and
proper medical care.”
“While they may not
commit serious crime, they are often repeat offenders
engaging in the same sort of crime time and time again; for
example theft, burglary and car conversion.”
“Offenders with FASD represent a significant recurring
cost within the criminal justice system. This is one of
those cases where legislation which limits the access of
alcohol to young pregnant mothers, would have a huge
economic and social return on investment.”