More palliative care positions to be established
Hon Dr Jonathan Coleman
Minister of Health
Media Statement
More palliative care positions to be
Health Minister Jonathan Coleman says up to 60 new palliative care positions are being established as part of the Government’s $76.1 million boost for hospices.
“Hospices make a huge difference ensuring terminally ill people are as free from pain and suffering as possible. They also provide valuable care and support for families and friends,” says Dr Coleman.
“Of the $76.1 million invested in Budget 2015 over four years – an additional $52 million has been pumped directly into hospices to ensure sustainability and developed into baseline funding.
“The remaining $24.1 million is being allocated to DHBs to provide new hospice services that improve the quality of palliative care in aged residential care, primary care and community settings.
“Hospices around the country have been developing service proposals on behalf of their DHBs. To date, 13 service proposals equating to $13.4 million over four years.
“As a result, over 40 new palliative care positions are being established across 15 DHBs.
“These additional palliative care services will allow people more choice about dying in their home or community, as well as access to high quality care and support. They will also provide an expert resource for colleagues in residential and primary care.
“The development of additional services has created opportunities for stronger local collaboration to tailor services around community needs.
“A further nine hospices continue to work on their service proposals. Through this process another 20 specialist roles are likely to be created.”