128,000 Households Have No Enrolled Voters
128,000 Households Have No One Enrolled For General Election
Letters will be delivered from today to 128,000 households throughout the country where there is no one currently enrolled for this year’s general election and referenda.
Electoral Enrolment Centre National Manager Murray Wicks said the letters will be sent to households that have not responded to previous mailings.
“The letters, which include enrolment forms, will remind people that they need to be enrolled to vote in this year’s general election and referenda.”
Mr Wicks said that 2.23 million New Zealanders are currently enrolled to vote in the election. This figure represents 81 per cent of the eligible voting population.
“This year electors will have the opportunity to cast four votes. As well as voting for their local MP and for the party they would like to govern, electors can vote in the two referenda on the number of MPs in Parliament and the proposed harsher penalties for serious offences.
“We want to make sure as many New Zealanders as possible are in a position to make their votes count on each of these important matters.”
Mr Wicks said enrolment forms are available at all Post Shops, by calling 0800 ENROL NOW (0800 36 76 56) or by downloading or requesting one from the elections website at www.elections.org.nz. Electors can also check their enrolment status by visiting the website.