Scoop Images: Henry Kissinger Digs Deep
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Henry Kissinger Digs Deep
The Photos Kissinger Doesn't
Want You to See
Credit: The Memory Hole
Washington Babylon by Alexander Cockburn and Ken
Silverstein, Verso Books, 1996 (from which these photos were
The photographs of Kissinger [taken by Adriana Lorete], seen pondering affairs at a trade conference in Brazil, originally appeared on the front page of Jornal do Brasil, a major Rio de Janeiro daily, on November 13, 1992.
A few years later, Kissinger's lawyer sent Jornal do Brasil a letter saying the former secretary of state would file a lawsuit for damages if the newspaper did not immediately cease and desist from selling the photos. To its credit, Jornal do Brasil refused to bow to Kissinger's attempted assault on free speech.
One purchaser of the photos was the advertising agency Woolward & Partners, which bought the pictures of Kissinger for use in an ad for computer equipment. Woolward & Partners also received a letter from Kissinger's lawyer demanding that it make no further use of the Nobel prize winner's image.
© Russ Kick, Editor The Memory Hole
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