The Real Deal: Felix Rohatyn's Financial Holocaust
Felix Rohatyn's Financial Holocaust
A Response to the NY Times Bob Herbert's " An Appeal to Uncle Sam"January 16, 2003

CAPTION: Felix Rohatyn in Black Tie (right) enjoying the profits of death with Abe Rosenthal retired editor of the NY Times (left)...and Donald Newhouse of Knight Ridder (center)… and you ask why there is no free press! (Image from
The Real Deal is that we do not need to give more power and money to the people who are stealing our money and freedoms and promoting organized crime and warfare.
Instead, we need to take back the power and money from the people who make money from the Popsicle Index going down or ---despite the trillions that we have paid them in taxes, borrowing power and government contracts ---- have failed to perform to an acceptable Popsicle Index standard.
(For background on the Popsicle Index see... Narco-Dollars For Dummies (Part 7) )
Without the rule of law, we are lost. Start first with what is needed to ensure the rule of law and a rising Popsicle Index, and then work the cash flows out from there.
Here is the Real Deal on Felix Rohatyn and his proposals to solve your financial holocaust with more dependency on federal subsidies and debt paid by you and your credit and controlled by Washington.
In the late 1990's, Felix Rohatyn's friend and fellow Council on Foreign Relations colleague, Dick Ravitch was talking to me about his lobbying for large federal increases for domestic subsidy to ensure that his real estate projects would get more subsidy and he could sell them for big profits. We were sitting at dinner the Jockey Club in Washington and he said, "As long as I can get government subsidies, what do I care if people have education or jobs?" In addition to his private interests, Dick was the chairman of the AFL-CIO housing trust that also stood to benefit from more federal subsidies available to "help" poor people in times of trouble.
What Felix is doing is proposing lots of federal government money and contracts to protect the financial interests of the rich from any impact that results from increased narcotics trafficking, financial fraud, corporate takeover of government functions, the deterioration of small business and the movement of jobs and businesses off shore. The rich will not have to worry that the economy does not work --- they will have a pork filled soft landing.
Rather than spending more of our tax dollars, why does Felix not mention all the things that we can stop doing that save us money. We could stop money laundering, we could stop financial fraud, we could stop government corruption, we could stop corporate takeover of government functions, we could apply our anti trust laws to corporate crime against small businesses and our pension funds, we could stop dumping narcotics into our neighborhoods and schools.
Felix does not mention what we can stop doing because he is looking to finance these things and more central control with more of our money. Felix's federal spigot keeps the holocaust game going --- It's like W.C. Fields selling snake oil potion by carrying a snake with him. The game financed the merger and acquisition boom that built Felix's fame and fortune as a partner at Lazard ( and Felix wants the merry-go-round to keep going. Felix was great at keeping the game going in his workout of New York's financial crisis. If you look at his last statement quoted in Herbert's NY Times editorial --- "There's a real risk here to the New York State credit rating," said Mr. Rohatyn --- the threat is the same. Swallow more federal handouts or we will not refinance your debt. This is the currency - debt - drugs triad threat of the New World Order gracefully delivered to the American people by Ambassador Rohatyn.
Hence, in plain words that my neighbors in Hickory Valley, Tennessee would understand, here is the real deal on Felix Rohtyn.
Felix Rohatyn is a liar and a wolf in sheep's clothing promoting increased power for the military-industrial complex.
Felix Rohatyn is marketing a plan to make fascism a reality in your neighborhood.
Felix Rohatyn knows exactly what he is doing.
Felix Rohaytn is as civic-minded as Himmler.
Felix Rohaytn is fronting for the financial interests that found a way to bring narcotics holocaust into your neighborhood --- he built his personal fortune on reinvesting these holocaust profits. His rich personal profits and wealth are built on years of intentional targeting, disabling, incarceration and death of innocent American children -- not to mention insider trading, money laundering, mortgage fraud and pump and dump stock market frauds that targeted your retirement savings and your children's inheritance with stocks like Enron.
As compassionate trickster Caroline W. Casey would say, I am the friend of Mr. Rohaytn's soul and, therefore, the enemy of his project.
State and Local governments do not need more federal handouts that will permit significantly more federal economic control to give real clout to the expanded legal powers in the Patriot Act and "infinite war."
State and local governments need -- as starters:
1. Lower individual federal taxes;
2. The NY Fed, US Treasury, Lockheed Martin, DynCorp, AMS, JP Morgan-Chase, et,al. to find and give back the $3.3 trillion missing at DOD and HUD between fiscal 1998 -2001, for these agencies to be brought into full compliance for those years with the laws applicable to audited financial statements and accounts, and full seizure and disbarments actions related to the contractors complicit in criminal negligence or worse;
3. Significant reduction of federal regulation that requires local time and expense;
4. All federal mortgage insurance and credit programs reengineered to something healthy under local control in a model that creates new jobs and builds up small business based on performance that generates positive yields for pension funds (the solari model);
5. Removal of the federal intelligence-enforcement operations marketing narcotics to our children and grandchildren, including in connection with federal mortgage programs and money laundering and securities fraud operations, and the end of all war on drugs;
6. A legitimate court system with judges protected from "control file" operations by federal agencies and private corporations;
7. A repeal of the Patriot Act;
8. The federal government to stop manipulating the gold market;
9. And end to central banking, a return to sovereign issuance and management of currency subject to republic governance process and a cessation of the NY Fed relationship as depository for the US Treasury or manager of the Exchange Stabilization Fund;
10. Retroactive and current federal compliance with the laws requiring them to have transparent book keeping and audited financial statements;
11. Publication of federal appropriations, credit and regulations on a place based basis;
12. Open web based disclosure of all federal contract budgets and contracts by agency and contractor and a return of the management and control of all accounting, information and payments systems to 100% government workforce control and operation;
13. Illumination of all black budget slush fund operations and the technology that has been funded and created and who owns and controls it;
14. Proper regulation of the US banking and financial system;
15. Major budget increases for the SEC to ensure identification and return by seizure or any other necessary mechanism pump and dump stock market and insider trading fraud;
16. A Department of Justice that serves the American people ahead of financial interests;
17. An end to all federal and corporate "cointelpro" type operations targeting me and other people who promote the rule of law
18. To move to dismiss the qui tam against my company and to pay my company monies owed;
19. Creation of a death penalty for corporations within an place and for all places;
20. The necessary tax law and other regulatory changes necessary to facilitate the high speed conversion of consumer, municipal and small business debt to equity (the solari model);
21. An end to assassinations of state and local officials and judges who promote the rule of law; and
22. Federal employees and contractors paid on a compensation systems based on the performance of the Popsicle Index.
The federal government has been hijacked by financial terrorists -- as a practical matter we no longer have a sovereign government as the federal government has limited if any control over their finances and information systems --- and anything that increases the federal power will promote criminal enterprise in your neighborhood and throughout the world.
(See also… The
Real Deal: Austin Fitts For President, Or
If you want to hear more about real solutions that free you from dependency on those who do you harm, instead of increasing your dependency on the people stealing from you and marketing drugs to your children, come here Caroline W. Casey and me in our Reuniting Magic and Money Tour in the San Francisco - Bay Area:
Or see my articles, The Myth of the Rule of Law, Narco Dollars and Solari and the Rise of the Rule of Law --- you can link to them from the Reuniting Magic and Money website or from the Solari site at:
- Anti©opyright Catherine Austin Fitts,, 2003
Catherine Austin Fitts is the President of
Solari, Inc. She is a former member of the Board of
Directors and partner of Dillon Read & Company, a former
Assistant Secretary of Housing in the Bush Administration,
and President of The Hamilton Securities Group and is a
member of the Advisory Board of Sanders Research Associates
in London.