Green Party Co-Leader Jeanette Fitzsimmons was refused permission to table the following letter in Parliament today during question time. The attempted tabling came during a question to Deputy Prime Minister Michael Cullen from Peter Dunne concerning the Ministry of Health's funding of anti-tobacco legislation lobbying efforts.
United Party Leader Peter Dunne promptly sought leave to make a personal explanation. He then explained that the letter dated back to 1994 and related to reimbursement of luncheon expenses incurred by himself and his family while on a private visit to the United Kingdom.
United Party MP Paul Adams also sought leave to make a personal explanation to explain that the Paul Adams who signed the letter was not him.

Dear Mr Dunne,Paul Adams has asked me to send you the enclosed &100 to help pay for your "Awayday". I do hope you will enjoy yourselves.
If at all possible, I should be grateful if you could get receipts for your expenses and pass them on to the driver - even large companies have to account for their money!
Enjoy your visit to England.
Yours Sincerely,
Jean Macy
Secretary to Paul Adams