Narconews: Archbishop Romero Anniversary & More
Hardy: Archbishop Romero Anniversary
More "House of Death" Revelations
March 24, 2005
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Today marks the 25th anniversary of Salvadoran Archbishop Oscar Romero's assassination at the hands of a U.S.-trained death squad. As Charlie Hardy reminds us in his entry today in the Narcosphere, the tragedy in El Salvador is nearly forgotten in today's political circles, and, was, incredibly, cited by Dick Cheney in his debate with John Edwards as an example of U.S. support for "freedom."
Also, don't miss Bill Conroy's latest update on the "House of Death" case, which implicates Texas border officials in complicity with mass murder just across the border in Ciudad Juárez, Mexico. Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests from Narco News have uncovered a letter from DEA whistleblower Sandalio Gonzalez. In the letter, to a Homeland Security official, Gonzalez further outlines how U.S. agencies did nothing to stop a killing spree in which one of their own informants (helping customs and the DEA bring down a local drug operation) was involved, and which ended with twelve bodies buried in the yard of a Juárez house.
Conroy reports that "there is a wealth of information in the FOIA records" he has received from the Merit Systems Protection Board, the government committee charged with handling complaints from whistleblowers that have suffered for their truth telling. More on this story is sure to come from Conroy, so stay tuned.
From somewhere in a country called América,
Dan Feder
Managing Editor, Narco News