Public Address 29/03/05 - Hysteria
PUBLIC ADDRESS 29/03/05 - Hysteria
Hysteria | Mar 29, 2005 10:57
Russell Brown's Hard
Having only heard of Terri Schiavo five minutes ago,
a surprising number of her "supporters" have found
themselves able to not only declare that her husband (who
appears to have provided more care for her than any other
individual, and never stopped visiting her) is wrong, but to
declare him...,
Campbell Lives! | Mar 25, 2005 11:57
Fiona Rae from
the couch
Yes, they would swear like Tony Soprano on a bad
day and make nasty suggestions regarding the course of
action their rivals should take. No, not Deadwood, silly,
the heads of news and current affairs at the country's
television stations...,