3 August 2005
Scoop Transcript: Document tabled August 2 by Phil Goff regarding Lockwood Smith's alleged comments to United States officials in January 2004.
Yesterday in Parliament, Foreign Affairs Minister Phil Goff suggested his opposition counterpart Dr Lockwood Smith had asked the United States to support, with the resources of a think tank, a public relations campaign regarding New Zealand's anti-nuclear legislation. Mr Goff later tabled an extract from a diplomatic cable that he considered back up his parliamentary assertions.
Dr Smith today released a statement today asserting that he was committed to an independent foreign policy for New Zealand.
“I am absolutely committed to an independent foreign policy and I have made major efforts to find a way through the conflicts in the relationship with the US that have developed under this Labour Government while maintaining that independence," he said.
Extract from MFAT reporting cable on visit by US Congressional Delegation Saturday 10 January 2004
Dr Smith asked whether it would be worthwhile for a US think tank to assist with the public campaign in New Zealand, following the National party study/review? Nickles remarked that it was an internal issue for New Zealand and as such should be left up to a New Zealand think tank. The US should not involve itself with such a national issue.
This quote is taken word for word from the reporting cable

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