EXPLANATORY NOTE Re: Scoop's Election Briefings: - Over the next few weeks, utilising the latest electronic wizardry, Scoop will be interviewing key players from across the political spectrum. The interviews will be posted in full in audio files in MP3 format with a summary note from the interviewer. The intention is to provide a venue for a more detailed understanding of the thinking of the political parties and their views on policies than can be obtained from the typical debate style presentations being carried by other media.
Scoop Election Briefing - NZCTU's Ross Wilson
Thursday 8 September 2005 – Ross Wilson's Office - NZCTU

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Ross Wilson, the Council of Trade Unions president, talked to Scoop Media today about the recent furore regarding the National Party and their dealings with the Exclusive Brethren and the Business Roundtable. Last year the Exclusive Brethren and the Business Roundtable were both united in opposition to changes to employment legislation – changes that passed thanks to the Greens supporting the Government. Also covered in the interview are National's tax cut proposals and how John Howard's government has introduced sweeping employment law changes in Australia following a campaign centred around tax cuts.
Mr Wilson also explained to Scoop how a mix up at the Newspaper Publisher's Association lead to advertisements placed by his organisation being counted as part of the Labour Party's campaign.