Scoop Images: Election Casualties Tamihere, Samuels, Worth
Images: Election night 2005 brought winners and losers into the public eye. Former Labour MP John Tamihere spoke perhaps the most humble conceding speech to be found. In contrast, Labour’s Dover Samuels displayed a bitter and troubled rendition. National’s Richard Worth seemed jollied and rather ‘oh well, never mind’ about the whole show.

Former Tamaki Makaurau Labour MP, John Tamihere.
Voters shifted away from John Tamihere in a close race in Tamaki Makaurau – JT is out of Parliament.

Former Tamaki Makaurau Labour MP, John Tamihere, and, former Te Tai Tokerau Labour MP, Dover Samuels.
Voters too ditched Dover Samuels in favour of Maori Party candidate, Hone Harawira (Samuels returns on Labour’s party list).

Former Epsom National, MP Richard Worth.
National’s Richard Worth was solidly beaten by ACT’s Rodney Hide for the Epsom seat. Worth is returned to Parliament thanks to National’s party list.