FULL COVERAGE: Labour Forms 3rd Term Govt.
Thursday, 20 October 2005, 10:53 am
Article: The Scoop Editor
FULL COVERAGE: Labour Forms 3rd Term

New Minister Clayton Cosgrove &
PM Helen Clark at last night's swearing in ceremony at
Government House Video:
Helen Clark Announces Labour-Led
Clark, Peters & Dunne Winners In Labour-Led Govt
Scoop Audio & Images:
Prime Minister Helen Clark has announced that New
Zealand First leader Winston Peters and United Future leader
Peter Dunne have been allocated ministerial positions in a
Labour-led Government. Labour has successfully negotiated a
Centre-Right deal that offers immediate assurance that it
can govern with New Zealand First and the United Party
having signed confidence and supply agreements. The
Progressive Party will be inside a coalition with Labour,
and the Green Party has committed to support the government
during confidence and supply votes but misses out on having
a role inside the executive. See...
& Images: PM Clark Govt. Formation Presser Scoop
News - Audio
& Images: Winston Peters Press
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Labour - Government
Arrangements Announced Labour NZ First Agreement
(pdf)Labour United Future Agreement
(pdf)Labour Progressive Party coalition agreement
(pdf) Labour Greens agreement
NZ First -
First To Provide Supply And Confidence
Progressive Party - Support
for Labour-Prog Govt WelcomedGreens - Greens
achieve significant policy gains Maori Party -
Party Makes Stand for IndependenceACT - Peters
and Dunne Betray Voters ACT - Peters
"An Insult" For Foreign Affairs Nats - National
will hold new government to account BUSINESS
Federated Farmers - Access
News A Highlight EMA - Shape
of new Government makes sense Newmarket
Business Association - Winston
gives business a workable result Business New
Zealand - Government
spending key issue
AUDIO: Rod Donald On The Shafting Of
The Greens - Today, the afternoon after what was
clearly not a high point in the political history of the
Green Party, 95Bfm News Director Noelle McCarthy interviewed
Green Party Co-Leader Rod Donald about the election 2005
coalition negotiations, their outcomes and the elevation of
Winston Peters to Foreign Minister. See... BFm
Audio: Noelle McCarthy IV With Rod Donald
Term Labour Progressive Govt. Cabinet Lineup
- Prime Minister Helen Clark today
announced a major reallocation of ministerial portfolio
responsibilities. Helen Clark said that the government was
renewing and refreshing itself for the third term in
government. "Experienced ministers need new challenges and
we have a significant number of new ministers to fill the
slots of those retiring," said Helen Clark. See... Ministerial
portfolios allocated &
Audio & Images: Clark Cabinet Press Conference.
Earlier: Cabinet
NZ Govt. - Maharey
welcomes education role NZ Govt. - King
enthusiastic about new roles National - Minister's
integrity in tatters from the start ACT - Can
Hodgson Cure Health? Progressives - Adding
value in primary industry ACT - Defence
Minister Faces Battle - Roy ACT - Helen
Clark in Total Control National - Labour’s
lack of new talent laid bare in reshuffle Aotearoa Legalise Cannabis Party - Helen lucky prostitution is legal
Police Assoc. Police
Assoc. Encouraged by High-Ranking Minister
Federated Farmers - Farmers
Will Work With Anderton TIA - Tourism
industry welcomes new minister SEAFIC - Seafood
Industry Welcomes New Fisheries Minister
Student Job Search - SJS
welcomes Benson-Pope PPTA - PPTA
welcomes new education minister NZUSA - Students
expect immediate action from new Minister
Nurses - NZNO
Looks Forward To Working For Fair Pay Medical
Assoc. - NZMA
Welcomes Announcement of New Health Minister
ASMS - Senior
Doctors Thank Outgoing Health Minister ASMS -
Doctors Welcome New Health MinisterCTU - CTU
Welcomes New Cabinet NZEI - NZEI
Acknowledges Minister’s Contribution
InternetNZ - Welcomes
Cunliffe reappointment keepleft.org -
Declares Victory, Heads for Bar COMMENTARY:
Marc Alexander Casts A Former MPs Eye Over
Coalition Formation - Nothing in politics is so
simple that it can't be misunderstood. The closed-door
coalition shuffle is mercifully at an end. And did it take
its time! We had an election over a month ago and we got
what we least expected: a result that should have come with
the instruction 'some assembly required'. See… Marc
Alexander: A Government at Last! Yeah Right
Russell Brown & More From
Public Address - There are some angry Greens over on
Frogblog. In the heat of the moment, some of them seem
inclined to turn on their leaders and go hostile on the
Left: to do an Alliance, in other words. I don't think that
would be too smart. On the face of it - and according to all
the news reports - the Greens don't get a lot in hard terms.
But they didn't ask for a lot. They made a virtue of going
into negotiation without an array of bottom lines, and the
agreement they now have, for no promise of support on
confidence and supply (just a promise not to vote against
the government), is the same one they had already negotiated
in return for their active support of a Labour-led
government. See... Public
Address 18/10/05 - Anger Management
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