Scoop Audio: Rod Donald Tribute At Parliament
The Scoop Team
Wellington team attended today's memorial for Green Party
Co-Leader Rod Donald held in Parliament's Legislative
Council Chamber (with overflow filling up the Grand
The 2 hour memorial featured speeches from numerous friends and colleagues of Mr Donald and with a fairly heavy dose of political content was a supremely appropriate memorial for Donald the activist politician.
Rod Donald himself featured in two audio visual segments, one a combination of a speech and an interview, and the second a montage of television and print images.
(note: You can fast forward to a specific spot by sliding the slidebar in windows media player to the right.)
Streaming Audio:
The MC for the memorial was Catherine Delahunty. Speech makers during the memorial included (in the order they appear on the audio recording with approximate times of their speeches beginning):
Secretary Bronwen Summers - 0 Mins
Rod Donald (Interview and speech AV presentation) - 7.30 Mins
Prime Minister Helen Clark - 13 Mins
Rod Donald (Image montage with Pink Floyd backing.) - 19 Mins
Electoral Reform Coalition Campaigner Dana
Glendining -24 Mins
Press Gallery Chair Marie McNicholas
- 31 Mins
CTU President Ross Wilson - 40 Mins
Ullrich (Manufacturers Federation & Ullrich Alluminium) - 47
Song "Beautiful Fish" performed by Greenpeace campaigner Steve Able 53 Mins
Unite & Arena's
Robert Reid - 58 Mins
Writer Nicky Hager - 1Hr 7
Liz Thomas - 1Hr 15Mins
Two Songs, "Under Nigundl" and "Ale Brider", performed in yiddish by Klezmer Rebs - 1Hr 20 Mins
Green Party Leader Jeanette Fitzsimons - 1Hr
26 Mins
Nicola Shirlaw (Rod Donald's wife) - 1Hr 30
Leaving music (The Cranberries) - 1Hr 36 Mins