Letter From Palestinian Leaders To Al-Jazeera
Letter From Palestinian Leaders To Al-Jazeera
To the Editor of Al-Jazeera News
December 4, 2005
Dear Sir,
We the undersigned representing the New Zealand Palestine Human Rights Campaign; Students for Justice in Palestine, Auckland University and Students for Justice in Palestine, Waikato University in Hamilton; hereby implore you to screen our plea for the abductors of the peace activists to be merciful and free the men in question who have been supportive of those Palestinian and Iraqi people who to this day suffer injustice and oppression.
As groups concerned with the plight of Palestinians and Iraqis, we owe it to our friend and supporter Harmeet Sooden, held hostage with three other peace activists, to ask their abductors not to commit an unforgivable crime and harm the innocent.

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Hameet Sooden (pictured left).
We know Harmeet personally as a fellow university student, a gentle person who regularly joins our rallies and demonstrations in support of the Palestinian and Iraqi people as evident in the attached photo recently taken in Auckland, holding a placard denouncing Israel's Apartheid policies. Harmeet Sooden is NO spy. He is a peace lover and very supportive of the oppressed Iraqi and Palestinian peoples.
Signed: Tuma al-Hazou, Palestine Human Rights Campaign, Auckland, New Zealand,
Za'eem Baksh, Students for Justice in Palestine, Waikato University, Hamilton
Miriam Pierard, Students for Justice in Palestine, Auckland University, Auckland.