Public Address 20/02/06 - Philosophies
PUBLIC ADDRESS 20/02/06 - Philosophies
thank you for calling | Feb 19, 2006 15:52
Slack on his own account
If you read Boing Boing, you'll
know the story already, but if you've missed it, you should
absolutely go see this. Let's say you lose your camera.
Let's say someone else finds it...,
Philosophical | Feb 19, 2006 11:55
Russell Brown's
Hard News
I had a dream in which somebody committed
suicide last week. The room was a classic interior of the
unconscious: the foyer of some grand theatre, primarily
consisting of smooth, mottled, curving marble. We were
looking down, a long way down, over a balcony...,
In Two Minds | Feb 19, 2006 11:30
Graham Reid's many
Like many people -- including most of the crowd in
Eden Park, some of the television commentators, and not a
few players it seemed -- I was baffled and then bemused by
the end of the 20:20 cricket match between New Zealand and
the West Indies...,