ARCHIVES: Scoop Commentary 2005 - Beginning 2006
Publisher on the Role of the Media - I have a lot of
sympathy right now for Arabs and Muslims who were offended
by the publication of cartoons mocking Mohammed. It’s
another example of media irresponsibility: as if the
newspaper that published them, Jyllands-Posten, didn’t
anticipate this reaction. As a media owner, I keep a careful
eye on this sort of thing. When we ran a picture of Gov
Schwarzenegger in one issue of Lucire, I made sure the
Democrats had someone: we ran a photo of former governor,
Gray Davis, in the same issue. See... What
The Mohammed Cartoons Say About The West
McGovern: Has the decsion on Iran Been Made? - What
President George W. Bush, FOX news, and the Washington Times
were saying about Iraq three years ago they are now saying
about Iran. After Saturday's vote by the International
Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) to report Iran's suspicious
nuclear activities to the UN Security Council, the president
wasted no time in warning, "The world will not permit the
Iranian regime to gain nuclear weapons." See... Juggernaut
Gathering Momentum, Headed for
New Book:
More Leaked Memos, Freakier Bush - The Guardian is
reporting that Bush told Blair "that the US was so worried
about the failure to find hard evidence against Saddam that
it thought of 'flying U2 reconnaissance aircraft planes with
fighter cover over Iraq, painted in UN colours'. Mr Bush
added: 'If Saddam fired on them, he would be in breach [of
UN resolutions]'." See... Phony
UN Airplanes to Provoke War
Che Tibby Gets Distracted From Treaty
Issues - Have pretty much just gotten home from a
very interesting 'debate' at Te Papa. The topic was the
Treaty of Waitangi, and as I'm sure you'll be aware it's
something I think we should all take a positive interest
in... Actually, walking home barely topped the experience of
listening to Geoffrey Palmer and Joe Williams Talk about
their respective vision of our social futures. See... Public
Address 03/02/06 - Conquering dictatorship
State of the
Union: Sheehan Arrested for Fashion-Related
Crime - Cindy Sheehan lost her son in Bush's war.
Tonight she accepted an invitation from Congresswoman Lynn
Woolsey to attend Bush's State of the Union speech. She had
told me earlier that she didn't want to go. But she ended up
going. All day she had been wearing a t-shirt and a sweat
shirt. When she unzipped the sweat shirt, revealing that the
t-shirt displayed a count of US soldiers killed in Iraq, the
Capitol Police lifted her out of her seat and hauled her off
to jail. She was released over 3 hours later, charged with
unlawful conduct, which carries a fine of $45. See... Sheehan
Released After Arrest for Wearing
Upton-on-Line Salute Auckland Tree
Saviours - What is it that makes Paris such a
stunning city to live in or mooch around? The cafés? The
metro? The dreamily smooth footpaths tailor-made for
roller-blading? Well, yes, all those things. But it’s also
the trees and the boulevards wide enough to accommodate
them. They stretch for kilometres – the plane trees are
probably the most memorable, but flowering chestnuts, limes
and a score of lesser species run them close. See... Upton-on-Line
- Diaspora Edition
Weiner Asks Why the GOP Wants Phone Taps, Bin Laden Tapes,
Search Engine Records and No Al Gore - OK, let's try
to puzzle out together some recent political events. The
unifying thread will appear; it always does because it's
always there, even if sometimes out of conscious reach. 1.
Why would the Bush Administration deliberately break the law
by engaging in electronic surveillance of Americans without
getting the required court warrants? See... Bernard
Weiner: Weaving the "Why?" Strands
East: Uri Avnery on the Palestinian Elections -
Like two very tired wrestlers who clasp each other, unable
to separate, the Israeli and Palestinian societies are glued
to each other. The Palestinian elections this week took
place in the shadow of the Israeli elections. Who is Ehud
Olmert? Has the Labor Party really changed? Will the next
Israeli government really be prepared to negotiate? Which
Palestinian leadership stands a better chance of liberating
us from the occupation? The Israeli elections, in exactly
two months, will take place in the shadow of the Palestinian
elections. See... Uri
Avnery: To Talk With Hamas
Debate: Roger Kerr Argues Why Scrapping
Carbon Tax Is Good - The government’s decision to
scrap the proposed carbon tax marks another (and more
positive) phase in a sorry saga of policy making on climate
change. Neither of the main political parties nor the public
service comes out of it with credit. National’s minister for
the environment Simon Upton was a leading evangelist on
climate change in the 1990s. His enthusiasm for action ran
far ahead of the scientific evidence and the economic case
for governmental action to combat warming. He attacked the
Business Roundtable for bringing distinguished scientist
Richard Lindzen to New Zealand to balance up the scientific
debate. See... Reality
Breaks Through With Axing of Carbon Tax
Rock'n'Roll: Iggy Gladdens The Hearts
Of Today's Fickle Youth - Vintage wine both improves
with age, and also becomes inexorably rarer. Much the same
is true of a set from Iggy and the Stooges, who have a
collective age of approximately six thousand. Eschewing the
traditional tactic of resorting to a best-of parade, Iggy
Pop and his crew wisely stretched out their stage show to
make the most of the rock ‘n roll spectacle. See... ET's
Big Day Out Wrap Up
Voting: Electoral Integrity Scrutinised
In South Pacific - The United Nations Development
Program out of Suva is seriously working on setting up a
domestic monitors scheme to support our nation's March
elections. In 2001, for instance, dozens of foreigners
monitored our last election. They called it a free and fair
one. Thailand
Seeks Aung San Suu Kyi Release
Astronomy: February Night Sky Excellent Viewing
From New Zealand - February is a good month for
viewing the planets. Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn will be
visible for the whole of the month. Only Mercury will not be
seen in February. Mars will be visible for the first third
of the night. At the start of the month it sets at 00:43 and
at 23:37 by month’s end. Mars starts the month in the
constellation of Aries, moving into Taurus on February 7.
Its magnitude fades from 0.2 to 0.7 during the month. Saturn
will be visible for the first three quarters of the night.
At the start of February it sets at 06:11 and at 04:15 by
month’s end. See... Brian
Carter's February Night Sky
Politics: Al Gore Defends the Intent of the Framers of
the Constitution - Congressman Barr and I have
disagreed many times over the years, but we have joined
together today with thousands of our fellow
citizens-Democrats and Republicans alike-to express our
shared concern that America's Constitution is in grave
danger. In spite of our differences over ideology and
politics, we are in strong agreement that the American
values we hold most dear have been placed at serious risk by
the unprecedented claims of the Administration to a truly
breathtaking expansion of executive power. See... Al
Gore: America's Constitution is in Grave
Mazur: The Sotheby's Euphronios Tape - In the 1970s
oil boom years, before Mu-ammar al-Gaddafi nationalized
Bunker Hunt's oilfield and the silver market collapsed, he
and brother Herbert amassed a quarter-ton of ancient coins
and some astonishing pieces of ancient art. These were put
up for sale in New York on June 19, 1990 to appease the
Internal Revenue Service and the Hunts' various creditors,
and raised more than $20 million. The Hunts bargained for a
60% commission over the benchmark figure on total sales. I
had arranged for a private preview of the auction pieces
with Sotheby's experts two weeks earlier, June 4, as part of
my coverage for an article for The Economist magazine.
Following are excerpts from my taped interview of that
preview. See... Mazur:
Sotheby's Pre-Auction Euphronios Transcript
Brown On Coddington's Reaquaintance With The
Blogosphere - Deborah Coddington claims to have
discovered the blogosphere last week, and she was shocked.
Shocked. "Planet blogger is a sad, pathetic sphere," she
lamented in her newspaper column. She's not entirely wrong,
especially as regards the character of argument in many blog
comments forums. But Coddington is hardly the blog virgin
(still less the delicate little flower) she claims to be in
her column. There See... Public
Address 16/01/06 - Second-Time Blog Virgin & Public
Address 13/01/06 - A Little Respect
Leopold: Illegal NSA Spying Began Earlier Than Thought
- The National Security Agency advised President
Bush in early 2001 that it had been eavesdropping on
Americans during the course of its work monitoring suspected
terrorists and foreigners believed to have ties to terrorist
groups, according to a declassified document. The NSA's vast
data-mining activities began shortly after Bush was sworn in
as president and the document contradicts his assertion that
the 9/11 attacks prompted him to take the unprecedented step
of signing a secret executive order authorizing the NSA to
monitor a select number of American citizens thought to have
ties to terrorist groups. See... Bush
Authorized Domestic Spying Before 9/11. FOR MUCH
Full Coverage: The NSA Domestic Spying Scandal
Ferguson Likes The Lines Of Peugeot's 206 GTI - Is
the 206 GTI the best looking hot hatch of all time? In
brilliant cherry red, and despite being more than a little
long in the tooth, the little Peugeot looks stunning. Colour
coded body mouldings, neat rear spoiler, front fog lights,
17” alloys and chrome exhausts all add to the picture of a
sensational looking small car. See... MOTORNET:
Peugeot Twins Turn On The Charm
Knight: Balancing Trade and Environment -
Frustratingly, freeing up global trade also increases the
risk of increasing rates of climate change and further
reductions in global and local biodiversity. To avoid this
risk, the three need to be tied together during
decision-making. To a limited extent they are at a research
and analysis level, such as with investment in sustainable
farming. See... Trade,
biodiversity and climate change
Address: Christie of London - The thing about
writing anything about London, is it's all been written
before. Usually by people a lot smarter and more astute than
me. Or should that be I? (Better sort that one out before me
head to Oxford on Thursday.) But anyway, a few brief
observations about the trip thus far... See... Public
Address 12/01/06 - Dirty Ol' Town
More Commentary
Rivers Pitt contemplates the next war - The wires
have been humming since before the New Year with reports
that the Bush administration is planning an attack on Iran.
"The Bush administration is preparing its NATO allies for a
possible military strike against suspected nuclear sites in
Iran in the New Year, according to German media reports,
reinforcing similar earlier suggestions in the Turkish
media," reported UPI on December 30th. See... William
Pitt: Attack on Iran - A Looming Folly
Address - Being Che Tibby - I was given the sage
gift of a copy of Being Pakeha Now for the festive
season and took the time out to read it cover to cover. I
thought this a wise idea as I've footnoted it several times.
For anyone unaware of the book, it's referred to on the back
cover as "a seminal book: the first serious analysis of what
it means to be a non-Māori New Zealander." But, umm,
without wanting to disrespect Michael King in any way, that
summation of the book just doesn't add up. See... Public
Address 10/01/06 - A Kingly Sum
Full Coverage: The NSA Domestic Spying Scandal - A
clandestine National Security Agency spy program code-named
Echelon was likely responsible for tapping into the emails,
telephone calls and facsimiles of thousands of average
American citizens over the past four years in its effort to
identify people suspected of communicating with al-Qaeda
terrorists, according to half-a-dozen current and former
intelligence officials from the NSA and FBI. See... Jason
Leopold: The NSA Spy Engine - Echelon
More Commentary
Pacific Ecologist: Putting Global Warming In
Perspective - Victoria University's PETER
BARRETT compares Global warming with climate
fluctuations in the geological past. Greenhouse gas emission
rates from human activity have increased in the last few
decades, and CO2 levels will soon be higher than at any time
in the past 25 million years. If not reduced soon,
temperatures will return our climate to where it was before
humans existed and global sea level was 70m higher. Much
greater effort is needed to reduce CO2 levels, to lessen
stresses on global ecosystems and avoid the collapse of
civilisation as we know it by the end of this century.
See... What
3 Degrees of Global Warming Really Means & Pacific
Ecologist issue 11 summer 2005/2006
Arar – The Story Of A Canadian Kidnapped And Tortured By The
US- September 26, 2002 to October 5, 2003 The
following is a chronology of events as told by Maher Arar,
beginning with his arrival at John F. Kennedy Airport in New
York on September 26, 2002, and ending with his October 5,
2003 release from Syrian prison... See... The
Story of Maher Arar: Unfolding Police State
Whistleblower Blows Lid On Met Antiquities
Intrigue - I first met Metropolitan Museum ancient
Near East expert Oscar Muscarella in the late 1980s. I went
to see him at his office to discuss some safety pins or
"fibulas" which had turned up in a couple of tumuli in
southwest Turkey along with other artifacts that Turkish
archaeologists identified as Phrygian. The Phrygians -- King
Midas's people -- were master craftsmen and the objects just
found appeared to belong to a royal Phrygian family: a
silver belt with a fibula-like catch, iron dagger with gold
reliefs on the handle, two griffins from a bronze caldron, a
fertility ring with phallus-shaped knobs, and statuettes -
one of Anatolia's mother goddess Kybele in ivory and another
in silver of a eunuch priest. The Met's controversial Greek
and Roman chairman Dietrich von Bothmer told me he
considered the statuettes "masterpieces" and "purely
Phrygian." See... Antiquities
Whistleblower Oscar White Muscarella . Earlier:
Mazur: A Preview Of Bob Hecht's Memoirs
The US Voting Machine Controversy - Earlier this
month Leon County, Florida Supervisor of Elections Ion
Sancho, invited computer experts to demonstrate the
existence of a security flaw in Diebold optical scanners
described in a report published on July 4, 2005. The test
was repeated in December in order to refute specific denials
by Diebold. In statements to two different election
officials Diebold claimed it was not possible to alter the
outcome of an election in such a way that the perpetrator
would not need passwords and the tampering would not be
noticed during normal canvassing procedures. Sancho set up
the test environment on December 13, 2005 to prove these
claims false. See... What’s
All the Fuss About Diebold in FL & CA?
No Flies On Misinformation Maestro Dennis Hans - John Edwards began his widely discussed guest column for the Washington Post , titled “The Right Way in Iraq,” with these dramatic words: “I was wrong.” See... Dennis Hans: I Was Right
(Phosphorous) Christmas - Bodycount
Iraq - George W. Bush, 12 December 2005: “How
many Iraqi citizens have died in this war? I would say;
30,000, more or less, have died as a result of the initial
incursion and the ongoing violence against Iraqis. We’ve
lost about 2,140 of our own troops.” As the Occupation
of Iraq is approaching three years, the mass murder of Iraqi
civilians is not questioned, but normalised in Western
conscience. President Bush reached the stage where he is
able to make his own figure of Iraqi deaths, with no remorse
or sadness. The war was not the result of “wrong
intelligence”; the war was an illegal act of aggression, and
a premeditated mass murder. ‘Democracy’ is used as a tool to
manipulate the public and justify war crimes. See... Ghali
Hassan: The Crimes of U.S. ‘Democracy’
Over Bush / McCain Torture Concession - In deciding
not to follow through on his threat to veto Sen. John
McCain’s amendment against torture, Bush actually
surrendered very little. Torture is still in the eyes of the
beholders in the defense and intelligence communities.
See... Bush
Gesture to McCain: Less than Meets the Eye
Repscowt Advances A Curious Plame Gate Observation -
The Associated Press recently released a story stating Bob
Novak is confident that President Bush knows who leaked
Valerie Plame’s name to the press. Does President Bush know
who leaked Valerie Plame’s name, or is President Bush the
person that initially ... See... L.
Repscowt: Is HE the leak?
Toni Solo: Made In Peru Asparagus Leaves Bronx Cold - In the first few days of December the United States marked emphatically another stage in its progressive imperial decline by frenetically and unexpectedly closing a bi-lateral "free trade" deal with Peru. Just a couple of weeks beforehand, Peru had joined Ecuador and Colombia in withdrawing from negotiations on a broad Andean regional trade treaty. Then, abruptly, early in December, Peru's negotiators were ordered to Washington. Outstanding differences were resolved and the negotiations declared successfully closed. Peru sold out its sovereignty to the United States for the sake of marginal benefits like increased asparagus exports. It was not so much a US victory as an unmistakeable sign of the Bush regime's failure to sustain credible leadership in the Americas. See… Varieties Of Imperial Decline
Keith Ng's WTO and
More! - Just a quick update from the Eastern Front.
All my photos from Tuesday are up here, as well as some
excellent shots from Sam Graham, a local journalism student.
The past two days has been more of the same: Wheeling and
dealing inside the conference, scuffling and swimming
outside. Local media has been giving a lot of coverage to
the proto-violence. And fair enough - it's not everyday that
you have a week-long mini-riot in Hong Kong. See... Public
Address 16/12/05 - Stories and Orcas
Miller: No, not in His name - How much damage will
men like George Bush, James Dobson, Pat Robertson, Sam
Brownback, Ralph Reed, and Rick Santorum inflict before
reason prevails and they are unmasked as the twisted,
malevolent charlatans that they are? Fundamentalist
Christians, adherents to a nauseating perversion of
Christianity (conjured from their twisted imaginations and
their distorted interpretations of the Bible) wield a
significant amount of power in the United States, socially
and politically. See... Jason
Miller: The Iron Fist of Jesus
Martin LeFevre on Facing Up to Torure - Some years ago I met an Argentine man who had been arrested during the 'Dirty War' in the 1970's and was slated to be tortured. His story is the most graphic example of the wrongful use of thought, as well as the potential for transcending thought, that I've ever heard. See... Meditations: A Tale of Torture
Richard S. Ehrlich Inside China - Punk fashions, shopping malls and Mandarin-language rap are helping China create a sanitized, communist-controlled, parallel universe which mimics the outside world. The apparent goal is a nationwide cocoon displaying the West's popular archetypes, but cloned and manufactured locally, so Chinese will perceive their society as open and prosperous, and not be attracted to free speech, political parties and other taboos. See... Richard S. Ehrlich: Letter from Jinghong
Rankin: Build the Cheap Road or the Right Road? - At
long last the penultimate (Mt Roskill) leg of Auckland's
southwestern motorway is underway. And the planning for the
final (Avondale/Rosebank or Waterview) leg has intensified,
with a view to completion well before the 2020 date that
looked likely while John Banks was mayor. Sadly, Auckland
will become entrapped in the same kind of problem that has
plagued Wellington. See... Keith
Rankin: Motorway Choices
Public Address: Media, Metics
and More! - As some readers will doubtless be aware,
I have a status amongst many members of the local right-wing
blogosphere as the very symbol of Left Wing Liberal Evil.
Given that I'm a director of two small companies and have an
interest in another, I write for two business magazines (and
am in fact the Magazine Publishers Association's - ahem -
business columnist of the year) ... See... Public
Address 14/12/05 - Left Wing Liberal Evil
Cartoonists Not Amused by Layoffs -
Black Ink Monday, a non-violent protest by the Association
of American Editorial Cartoonists (AAEC), is a response to
the Tribune Company's recent elimination of editorial
cartooning positions at several of its newspapers, as well
as a commentary on newspapers everywhere who have lost sight
of the value of having a staff editorial cartoonist. See...
Ink Monday – Outsourcing News Editorial
Swanson & Cindy Sheehan Are In The UK - Today,
Cindy Sheehan and Scottish mothers who have lost their sons
in Iraq held a rally outside the Scottish parliament, spoke
at a cross-party meeting of Members of the Scottish
Parliament, were welcomed to the City of Glasgow by the Lord
Provost, and addressed an anti-war rally in Glasgow. This,
plus the trips up to Scotland from London and back took
Cindy and Andrew Burgin and me about 16 hours, so we're a
wee bit knackered, but we're learning to speak the lingo –
and I'm going to run out for fish and chips after posting
this. See... David
Swanson: Scotland - Stop the War! and Mayor
of London Calls Bushies "A Gang of Thugs"
Marc Alexander – Food Is Important - Food is an important part of a person's life.but so is personal choice and responsibility. The battle of the bulge begins anew! In the left corner we have the self-appointed campaigners for more government intrusions into our lives; their latest crusade is to curb the size and sales of certain foods deemed injurious to the waistlines of Kiwis. See... Marc My Words 9 December 2005
Michel Chossudovsky: Iraq's Drive By Mercenaries -
Security contractors of the so-called "Victory" Group of the
British mercenary Firm Aegis Defense Services have committed
the ultimate war crime: the indiscriminate killing of
civilians as part of a "game", not a video game but a real
game of shooting Iraqi civilians as a form of entertainment,
as revealed in a "trophy video" posted on an Aegis employees
website. There are in fact several video clips, which
suggests that the practice is not an isolated event. See...
Mercenaries Shooting at Baghdad Motorists
Mazur Researches The Background Of An Accused Antiquities
Thief - Bob Hecht, the dean of antiquities dealers
now on trial for trafficking stolen art, has apparently
since his youth at Haverford College been single-minded in
his passion for recapturing the glories of the ancient
world. Much like late paleoanthropologist Mary Leakey, who
once told me over one of her macaroni and cheese casseroles
at Olduvai Gorge, "I live totally in the past." See... Suzan
Mazur: Bob Hecht, The Younger's Inside Track: View from Rwanda
- Chris Black, since 2000, has been a lead counsel at the
International Criminal Tribunal For Rwanda. From that
perspective he has seen that Rwanda was not a situation in
which the United States and its allies failed to act. On the
contrary, it was an example of direct interference by the
United States and its allies. Why? Three reasons: the US
wished to replace the Hutu regime which did not want to
cooperate with US aggression towards Mobutu in Zaire.
Secondly, the US wants to reduce French influence in central
Africa. The final US objective was and is control of the
vast resources of the Congo. See... Chris
Black: The Dallaire Genocide Fax
Hopsicker Gets Inside The Latest GOP Bribery Scandal And
Finds Drugs - San Diego businessman Brent Wilkes, a
key figure in the Randy “Duke” Cunningham bribery scandal—as
well as the Justice Department investigation of Republican
lobbyist Jack Abramoff—worked in Honduras during the 1980’s
for a company accused by federal prosecutors of deep
involvement in cocaine trafficking. Over the weekend the San
Diego Union-Tribune, Cunningham’s hometown paper, reported
that Brent Wilkes has a two decade long history of close
links with the CIA. See... GOP
Scandal Tied To Iran-Contra Drug Trafficking
Hans: Insights On The Naming Of CIA Analysts - Bob
Woodward is Valerie Plame. Granted, he has a few more lines
in his face and a less captivating hairdo, but in one very
important sense he is indeed she: Both have job
classifications or titles, or perceived job titles, that
have little to do with their actual work, and this has led
to a great deal of confusion among the news media and
citizenry. See... Dennis
Hans: Bob Woodward is Valerie Plame…
Smith: Hillary Clinton's Israel Conundrum - SAM
SMITH - History has a way of coming up with the wrong things
at the wrong time. For example, just as Hillary Clinton is
gearing up for her 2008 presidential run, increasing numbers
of Democrats are diverging from her on Iraq. See... Sam
Smith: The Democrats' Israeli Conundrum
Ray McGovern Critiques The President's Latest Iraq Speech - He says "victory." But the bromide-heavy speech that President George W. Bush gave yesterday at the Naval Academy presents a clear strategy for quagmire and eventual disaster. See... Bush Speech Offers "Clear Strategy" For Disaster?
Friedman in Striped Trousers, Silk Stockings and
Garters - If Michael Ignatieff is anything, it's
connected, and I do not mean just to the relatively small
establishment of Canada, I mean connected to the shadowy
godfathers of world empire. Ignatieff has a rich career in
America where truly loyal service, whether by natural or
adopted sons, is always handsomely rewarded. See... Canada's
Prince Of Darkness, Michael Ignatieff
MalcontentX: PlameGate is the Wrong
Scandal - Take the case of "outed" CIA agent Valerie
Plame-Wilson, and the "crime" for which some senior members
of the Bush Administration may be facing jail time. Of all
the thoughtful observers I routinely scan across the
internet, I have found only two that come close to the heart
of the matter. One is a rather brief reflection from a
somewhat anonymous observer (who has nevertheless proven
his/herself to be consistently astute). The other comes from
investigators Ralph Schoenmann and Mya Schoen, who have
provided a meticulous and well-documented analysis (in audio
format) upon which I will be relying somewhat for my
analysis here ... See... MalcontentX:
The PlameGate Affair is A Smokescreen
No Right Turn Talks Turkey -
Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan touches down in
Auckland tomorrow on the first state visit of a Turkish PM
to New Zealand. I've been wondering what to say about this
since I saw the government's press release on the visit last
month. Turkey has a poor human rights record: according to
the US State Department's 2004 country report on Human
Rights Practices in Turkey, while the Turkish government
"generally respected the human rights of its citizens" ...
See... No
Right Turn: Turkish PM Erdogan In
Address: Keith Ng on Hong Kong and Much, Much More -
Hong Kong's 'Honkies' aren't really known as the
ripping-some-mad-shit-up type. But they try. Around
100,000-200,000 of them took to the streets today in a
massive demonstration to protest against plans by the
Government to slow down democratic reforms in Hong Kong,
perhaps indefinitely. Ahem. Except not quite so
confrontational. It was more a... widely attended march
"aimed at expressing discontentment over the government's
package proposals for Hong Kong's constitutional
development". See... Public
Address 05/12/05 - Mentor As
Mazur on Sotheby's and Provenance - Proceedings
resume December 5 in the trial of the dean of ancient art
dealers -- Bob Hecht -- and former Getty museum antiquities
curator Marion True. Will Sotheby's be called to answer
questions about some of the items listed by Italian
prosecutors as looted from Italy -- particularly the
Euphronios pieces? The priceless Euphronios cup -- painted
with the image of the fallen Trojan war hero Sarpedon -- is
the earliest known work painted by the Athenian master, last
seen intact publicly in New York in 1990 on the Sotheby's
block ... See... Suzan
Mazur: Sotheby's & The Signed Euphronios
Rankin Delves into Bollard's Monetary
Policy - The First Law of Holes says "stop digging".
It applies, universally, to anyone who's in a hole. And Dr
Alan Bollard, Governor of the Reserve Bank of New Zealand
certainly is in a hole. So are the rest of us, although most
of us don't know it yet. It is a hole dug for us by the
Reserve Bank, while the Government sits back and watches
with increasing concern but no obvious sense of panic.
See... Keith
Rankin: Dr Bollard & the First Law of
Address on New Zealand Culture - Russell Brown
writes: Somebody served me a long black without a crema
last week. In Wellington. The café had everything else: nice
décor, convivial company, Cafenet connectivity, that capital
city buzz. But no crema. Certainly, I am a bit of a nut
about this sort of thing. And Che Tibby Writes:
Originally I was on the verge of a little rant about Treaty
politics and the need to recognise that Māori do have a
distinct place within New Zealand. If you're the sort of
person who just plain doesn't like Māori, or thinks
that Māori culture has no inherent value, then it's
highly likely that you oppose recognition of Māori
distinctiveness. See... Public
Address 30/11/05 - Coffee And Culture
No Right
Turn: America Versus the ICC - One of the positive
steps in international law in recent years has been the
establishment of the International Criminal Court, a
permanant standing court to try cases of genocide, war
crimes, and crimes against humanity. Unfortunately, since
its inception, the court has been virulently opposed by the
United States, which fears that its soldiers (and more
importantly, its political leaders) might be held
accountable for any atrocities they commit or order to be
committed ... See... No
Right Turn: The Axis of Impunity
Drolette: Costa Rica, Cows and Terror - Returning to
America after a recent trip to Costa Rica, I could
practically smell the fear in the Phoenix airport. Welcome
to the Terrified States of America, folks. Kindly remove
almost every item of clothing and check all common sense at
the gate... Such is life for Americans these days as we have
been told incessantly since 9/11 by George W. Bush and his
fellow jackals that a citizen’s utmost patriotic duty, other
than shopping, is to be very, very afraid. See... Cow
Bombs In Costa Rica: Only A Matter Of Time?
Tze Ming Mok on Nguyen Tuong Van and
More - After defecting from the Communist Party, my
grandfather worked the Golden Triangle with a fleet of
trucks as an opium smuggler. When the family got to
Singapore from Burma, the PAP tried to hire him as a
political strategist - Nguyen Tuong Van's not so fucking
lucky. My gong-gong's not the only big-time drug-dealer the
Singapore Government has had dealings with. See... Public
Address 28-29/11/05 - Call Of The Wild
Cindy Sheehan counts her blessings -
It was hard to feel blessed today as I sat at Casey's grave
here in Vacaville, California. Sure, a lot of good things
have happened in my sphere of influence this year, but the
blessings are always hampered by the reason for the
blessings. If Casey had not been killed in Iraq in George's
imperialistic war for power and wealth, I wouldn't be on
this path. I wish to God I weren't on this path. But I am,
so here are the blessings I am thankful for this year.
See... Cindy
Sheehan: Blessings?
Brian Nicole's MMP Comments Raise Questions - Something has to be amiss when one of the centre right’s major strategists publishes a piece in a metropolitan daily newspaper, talking up the prospects of a fourth term of government for Helen Clark. Yes fourth term, not whether the current contrivance of a majority with Winston and Peter Dunne will last, but a real fair dinkum serious discussion about another term after this one. See... John Bishop: Praising Labour Won’t Help Right Win
Tze Ming on Cunliffe and Much More - A
class act, our new Minister of Immigration. Some in the
English-language communities already refer to him as 'Silent
T'; perhaps his new Mandarin name shall be David ****liffe.
Caught mocking Pansy Wong's accent during Parliamentary
Question Time, by asking her to 'wead' a particular
document, Immigration Minister David Cunliffe "later said
his remark was accidental and did not know he had said it."
Um... is this the manslaughter defense? See... Public
Address 24/11/05 - Conduct
Looks Tired and Emotional to Bernard Weiner - I
watched the newscast footage of Bush addressing an
election-eve rally in Virginia a few weeks ago, and the guy
looked and sounded somewhat inebriated, slurring his words,
a goofy grin on his face, oversized mannerisms. I had read
recent articles about Bush's inability to handle the
enormous stress he's under these days (screaming and ranting
at his aides), and the likelihood of his being on
anti-depressants and/or hitting the bottle again, but just
assumed those were sensationalist bloggers spreading some
dirty fictions. See... Extreme
Bush: The Good, Bad & Ugly
Miller Wasn't First to Get Plame Leak - Embattled
Washington Post editor Bob Woodward provided an important
clue that may help shed light on the identity of the person
who told him in June 2003 that Valerie Plame Wilson was a
CIA agent. In an interview with "Larry King Live" Monday
night, Woodward said he realized that he was the first
journalist to learn of Plame Wilson's covert CIA status when
Special Prosecutor Patrick Fitzgerald announced the
indictment last month of I. Lewis "Scooter" Libby, Vice
President Dick Cheney's former chief of staff... See... Leopold:
Woodward Provides Clues About His Source
Jamail: White Phosphorous In Fallujah - Revisited -
Nearly a year after they occurred, a few of the war crimes
committed in Fallujah by members of the US military have
gained the attention of some major media outlets (excluding,
of course, any of the corporate media outlets in the US).
See... Dahr
Jamail: Fallujah Revisited
MEANWHILE ¡ Pentagon
Admits To White Phosphorous Misinformation - US used
white phosphorus in Iraq: Tuesday, 15 November 2005, 23:57
GMT BBC News - The Pentagon has confirmed that US troops
used white phosphorus during last year's offensive in the
northern Iraqi city of Falluja. "It was used as an
incendiary weapon ... See... Link:
White Phosphorous Use As Weapon Confirmed
... Pentagon Has Called White Phosphorus a "Chemical
Weapon" - An American Department of Defense document,
declassified in 1995, refers to white phosphorus a chemical
weapon. Washington has maintained that the use of white
phosphorus weapons in the battle of Fallujah was not
illegal, as it is not a chemical weapon. See... Pentagon
Calls White Phosphorus "Chemical Weapon"
Audio: Herald's Fran O'Sullivan Says
Goff/Clark Muddying Waters - NZ Herald's Fran
O'Sullivan says Trade Minister Phil Goff and Prime Minister
Helen Clark have been "muddying the waters" a little over
what happened at APEC, events which have led to her being
accused of treason by the Foreign Minister Winston Peters.
Having spoken to NZPA's Ian Llewellyn about how the story
came out that Alexander Downer had issued a "please explain"
message with regards to Mr Peters, Ms O'Sullivan suggested
Phil Goff might be being a bit disingenuous in suggesting
that the information was routine. See... BFm
Audio: O'Sullivan Says Winston Should Grow
Satire: Parliament Decries State
Interference in World Cup Bid - Lyndon Hood writes:
Parliament, meeting today for the first time after New
Zealand's successful world cup bid, decried it as another
example of Labour party political interference. Flexing its
muscles against the minority Government, the house passed a
motion condemning the Prime Minister's open support of the
bid and the proposed large-scale state funding of the event.
"This is just another case of Helen Clark trying to pick
winners," said Rodney Hide, speaking to the motion. "The
Rugby Union is a private organisation. Madam Speaker. This
is nothing but corporate welfare!" See... Lyndon
Hood: Political Interference in Rugby!
Slack and Graham Reid Are There - Well, that two
months went far too quickly: from London to Berlin, then
Paris and Bordeaux, a drive across to Uzes and on down
through Venice, Florence, Rome and Naples to Sorrento where
we picked up a car and drove down into the heel of the boot,
back up the...See... Public
Address 21/11/05 - Home Again
Stateside: Where Rosalea Attends Diwali and Eid
Festivals - I keep postponing writing about Diwali
and Eid--Hindu and Muslim festivals celebrated at the same
time a couple of weeks ago. The gist of my musings is that,
while a much publicised and failed attempt to have Indians
and Pakistanis meet peacefully at the demarkation line in
Kashmir and pass on humanitarian aid to earthquake survivors
was going on, in my workplace a fasting Pakistani girl was
creating beautiful henna tattoos on the hands of my Indian
boss in celebration of Diwali. See... Stateside
With Rosalea: I, Immigrant
Russell Brown & More Are
There! I've been a little surprised that no one
today appears to have noted that when we host Rugby World
Cup 2011, it will (failing some sort of coalition collapse)
also be an election year. And that if the tournament dates
are similar to those in Australia 2003 (where the final was
held on November 22) both the campaign and polling day
itself will fall in the midst of the whole extravaganza.
That will be interesting. See... Public
Address 17-18/11/05 - Rugby Will Be Winner
Planet-Viewing Bonanza - December is the month of
the shortest nights for looking at the stars, but gives more
time for daytime activities. Planets - December is a good
month for viewing the planets. Venus, Mars, Jupiter and
Saturn will be visible for the whole of the month, and
Mercury for all but the first few days of the month. See...
Carter's The Night Sky
Samples on why Iraq is no Turkey Shoot - Goodness
gracious! Henny Penny! Since defense secretary Donald
Rumsfeld and vice president Dick Cheney teamed up to lead
the charge to create a New World Order, the whole universe
has become untidy. Very untidy. My friend Bernie says Dick
and Rummy's big plan to take over the world by waging
continuous war is kinda like baptizing a bobcat -- ain't
gonna happen. See... Sheila
Samples: Bobcats In A Brave, New World
Russell Brown & More Are
There! - "Could you point out Che Tibby for me?"
asked the nice woman from State Services. Over there, I said
- the tall dude in the blue shirt. And by the way, you're
the third person to ask me that in 10 minutes. Our Che, it
would seem, has a cult following in the public sector. "He
doesn't look like I thought he would," she said. No. We were
all looking for a dude with dreadlocks the first time he
hooked up with the rest of the PA crew in Auckland. But even
in his respectable, post-PhD phase, there's still a whiff of
eau de bogan about him. See... Public
Address 16/11/05 - Communication Fatigue
Prickett Reports On A Victory For African Women -
Imogen Prickett is a New Zealander working with the UN in
Liberia. Imogen writes: On a bustling street in central
Monrovia, my favourite message of the presidential campaign
is still scrawled on a wall; it reads “Ellen, She’s our
Man”. See... Liberians
Elect Africa’s First Woman Leader
Mazur Profiles Accused Antiquities Looter Bob Hecht
- We've seen little in the popular press about the secretive
86-year old Robert "Bob" Emmanuel Hecht, Jr., shaman of the
antiquities trade, in between news of his trial this week in
Rome for trafficking in stolen art and his sale of the
Euphronios vase to the Metropolitan Museum for $1million
over thirty years ago. And that's the way Hecht likes it. He
prefers to operate under the radar. See... Suzan
Mazur: The Provenance Of Bob Hecht
Extract - America And The Making And Breaking Of Global
Rules - In the 1940s the United States and Britain
led efforts to replace a world of chaos and conict
with a new, rules-based system. Although their views were
not exactly identical—one had an empire to protect and the
other did not, one had a constitutional order promoting
individual rights and the other did not—they hoped to make
the world a better place, free from fear or want. See... New
Non-Fiction: "Lawless World" By Philippe Sands
Pagani On The Smoldering Fires Of France - The odd
English word 'curfew' comes from French, 'couvre-feu'.
Literally 'smother fire'. Some form of curfew has been
introduced in forty small towns and larger suburbs around
France since the state of emergency was announced on
Wednesday. Mostly the rules prevent under-18s from
assembling late at night. See... Pagani:
Embers Of Resentment Burn On In Paris & Earlier… John
Pagani: A Kiwi Impression Of Paris Burning
Joules Reflects On The Passing Of Rod Donald - Today
is the funeral of Rod Donald, co leader of the NZ Green
Party, profound patriot and outspoken advocate for the
dispossessed and for Fair Trade. I have just heard his
coffin will be taken to Christchurch cathedral in a bus.
Trees are being planted the across the land in his memory.
These are my thoughts on this day. See... Bonus
Joules: The Cartoon Perfectimo
Stateside: Where Rosalea Barker Plays Meet The
Ambassador - Read the Meet the Ambassador page on
the US Embassy's website, and if you do not have alarm bells
ringing in your head about the buddy-buddy relationship of
the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Rt Hon Winston Peters, and
William P. McCormick, the newly appointed ambassador, then
let me spell it out for you. See... Stateside
With Rosalea: Fishy Whiff
Leopold: Karl Rove Remains In The Target Zone - News
reports in recent weeks have suggested that Special
Prosecutor Patrick Fitzgerald has narrowed his criminal
inquiry into whether Rove purposely failed to tell the grand
jury hearing evidence in the case that he spoke with Time
Magazine reporter Matthew Cooper in July 2003 and revealed
the identity of the undercover CIA agent. But Fitzgerald
hasn't resolved another important element in the case: what
appears to be misleading statements Rove made to FBI
investigators on Oct. 8, 2003, less than two weeks after the
Justice Department announced that it had launched a criminal
probe into Plame's outing, the attorneys said. See... Despite
His Demeanor, Rove's Still a Target
A New
US Declaration Of Independence - The history of the
present King of the United States [George II], and that of
his predecessors [of the Royal Houses of Elephant and Donkey
alike] dating back to the reign of King Richard of the Royal
Family of Nixon, is a history of repeated injuries and
usurpations [by kings and their trusted advisors], all
having in direct object the establishment of an absolute
Tyranny over these Colonies and their Poor and Middle Class
inhabitants. To prove this, let Facts be submitted to a
candid world. See... Jason
Miller: A New Declaration Of Independence
Leaders Meeting Exercises South Asian Commentators -
Before he flew into Dhaka to attend the much-delayed summit
of the South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation
(SAARC), Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh warned of the
danger of failed states emerging in the region. Long before
he left the Bangladeshi capital, Dr. Singh must have
discovered the futility of India’s worry of having to bear
the neighborhood’s burdens alone. See... South
Asia 101: Democracy And Geopolitics
Brown & Much Much More Is There! - Thanks to Stephen
Judd for directing me to the EFF translation of the Sony BMG
End User License Agreement for its malware music CDs. Who
knew that if you're declared bankrupt you have to erase all
the music you've bought from your computer? Seriously...
See... Public
Address 11/11/05 - Five Post Frenzy & Public
Address 10/11/05 - Mo French
Baroud On The Inimitable Rosa Lee Parks - What I
find truly remarkable in Rosa Parks’ now legendary defiance
is the simple forthrightness of her actions. Her death, at
the age of 92, should be more than a sober reminder of the
legacy of a legendary Civil Rights pioneer, but rather a
reminder of an often forgotten lesson that meaningful change
can be achieved if there are those willing to fight for it.
See... Ramzy
Baroud: Rosa Parks' Enduring Legacy. EARLIER: Stateside:
Rosa Lee Parks - The Power of Many
Brown & Tze Ming Mok Are There! - One of the things
I recall most strongly about the occasions I visited Paris
is that they had three kinds of police - and all of them
were pricks. You could be arrested if you were caught
without ID, and my more romantic illusions about Paris parks
were ... See... Public
Address 06/11/05 - Worf Vs Tuvok
John Pagani Writes On The Paris
Riots - I'm a long way from the riots to date,
bolted behind layers of security as Paris apartment dwellers
are. And though I rented a car for this weekend, I don't
have one parked on the street to be burned by the hordes.
Last night, police say thirteen hundred cars were set
alight. There was a feeling Saturday night would erupt into
the worst night yet. There were battalions of police,
hundreds have been arrested and yet the suburbs still burned
and the riots spread, to the South of the city, to the
centre and to other centres - Toulouse, Strasbourg, Nannies,
Normandy. Cars, schools, businesses, shops are being
attacked with molotov cocktails. See... John
Pagani: A Kiwi Impression Of Paris Burning
HARD NEWS from Russell Brown
& More - Red-robed figures, carrying a proclamation
from the head of state, swooshed purposefully across
Parliament Grounds today; past a bit of light traffic on
Molesworth Street; past schoolkids walking in the opposite
direction; past bronzed sunbathers and barefoot, ... See...
Address 08/11/05 - Only In New Zealand
Returns Book Review: Real Estate Cash - I liked
this book right from the get go. Anyone whose mantra in
relation to property is “to be the best at creating
beautiful spaces for people to live in, invest in and enjoy”
is – in my opinion – in the property investing market for a
great reason. Real Estate Cash from Treasure and Trash
begins with a small amount of history about the author,
including her main sources of inspiration... See... Real
Estate Cash from Treasure and Trash
Bill Grigsby Analyses The Culture Of Lies At The White
House - The neoconservative pundits are hard at work,
attempting to convince their readers that ‘Plamegate’ is an
isolated incident, hardly worth the cost of the newsprint.
The ever-spry George Will leap-frogged effortlessly from
Harriet Miers over indicted Scooter Libby to Samuel Alito.
Charles Krauthammer ignored Libby’s indictment, instead
navigating unfamiliar territory [for him] by attacking
persons of intellectual integrity (in this case, Brent
Scowcroft). See... Bill
Grigsby: A Culture Of Lies
Upton's Upton-Online Diaspora Edition - In This
Issue: A told-you-so commentary on the joyless world of
MMP from former FPP supporter, Simon Upton; distinguished
diasporan lawyer, Jeremy Waldron, boldly suggests that
academics can disagree without being rednecks; upton-on-line
apologises to Dr Elizabeth Rata for having been thoughtless
enough to have damaged her reputation by commenting on her
writing; Bill English paddles his own waka into the academic
piranha pond; and Vaclav Smil says told-you-so in the wake
of Hurricane Katrina. See... The
Absolutely Foreseeable Consequences Of MMP
Kiwi Kirk MacGibbon Writes From NY - The election
for Mayor of New York City has not set the world on fire.
But the unmistakable smell of burning cash has been wafting
over the city as the incumbent, billionaire Michael
Bloomberg spares nothing in his bid to win a second term in
a totally one-sided election campaign. He’s spent US$63
million so far, which is expected to reach US$100 million by
election day (Nov 8), the same as he spent the first time
around – so much for the power of incumbency. See... NY
Politics: In America Goliath Always Beats David
Israel & Occupied Palestine:
United States:
Brown & The Assault On The NZHerald Paywall -
Easily the most feedback from Public Address readers
yesterday came in response to the statement from the 14 New
Zealand Herald columnists unhappy about their work going
behind the Herald website's "premium content" paywall...
See... Public
Address 04/11/05 - More On Premium Content & Public
Address 03/11/05 - Premium Mushrooms
Rivers Pitt On The Lie That Won't Go Away - Harry
Reid's so-called "stunt" on the Senate floor this past
Tuesday - invoking Rule 21 to create a closed session,
during which he demanded an investigation into how we were
dragged to war in Iraq - brought the issue of the
never-found weapons of mass destruction back into the
daylight. It's about damned time. This ball of thorns is
three years old now, and we have come nowhere near
addressing its roots. See... William
Rivers Pitt: It's Still There
Mazur On A Couple Of Contested Antiquities - The
antiquities trial which opens November 16 in Rome has put
two of the ancient art world's biggest names in the hot seat
-- former Getty museum curator Marion True and dealer Robert
Hecht, an 86-year old department store-heir -- each charged
with ... See... Suzan
Mazur: Euphronios Ancient Art In Court
Yes It
Is Like Vietnam – Nixon Defence Sec On Iraq -
America attacked Vietnam and Iraq "based on intelligence
failures and possibly outright deception," according to
former U.S. Defense Secretary Melvin R. Laird, who blasted
President Bush's "west Texas cowboy approach." See... Nixon
US Def. Sec. Blasts Cowboy Approach To Iraq
Gregory Fortuin Talks Respect - I thank you for and
admire your courage (or is it financial acumen) in not going
for the “safe $15000 a pop professional” and opting for a
colourful card-carrying member of what was once a banned
so-called terrorist organisation to address your leadership
dinner. Although we are no longer banned and everybody wants
photo opportunities with Mandela, many still think the rest
of us are a bunch of terrorists. See... G.
Fortuin: I Wish To Be Respected, Not Tolerated
Partridge Is Not A Bird-Flu Sceptic - Several leftish
bloggers have published their doubts that the alleged avian
flu menace is anything more than another Bushevik
distraction. – and just in time to draw our attention away
from Plamegate and the "Scooter" Libby indictments. See...
Flu Is Real – And You’re On Your Own
Is Australia Locking Up & Deporting Kiwis? - "I'm a
Kiwi who was a businessman in Australia. When I started
writing this I was a detainee in Baxter Detention Centre.
Baxter is notorious in Australia. For the benefit of those
who may not yet be aware of Baxter, it's a purpose-built
prison facility for Australia's Immigration Department. It's
an isolated compound in arid and inhospitable country north
of Adelaide." See... Eyewitness
Account: The Kiwi Who Went To Baxter
Joules Takes A Look At The New Cabinet - Normally I
face with relative equanimity the possibility of meteors
slamming into Earth or seismic events dis-embowelling its
volcanic innards all over us or gigantic sunspots x-raying
us or humans blowing up each other in humongous nuclear
warfare or creating pandemics that wipe most of us out. I
can accept the risks and carry on in the knowledge that my
choice of activities can sustain our children and their
children and their children... But the news that the
Siberian tundra is melting really hauled me up in my tracks.
It almost derailed my sense of positive activism. See... Bonus
Joules: Holey Leaks!
From The Scoop Mailbox – Readers Have Their Say - The following is a selection of feedback and other unsolicited email received by Scoop recently. The opinions they contain do not necessarily reflect those of Scoop. They do not appear in any precise order. See... Scoop Feedback: Bond Controversy Deepens
Public Address Great Blend Comes South To Welly -
Folks, it's Great Blend Time again. Public Address stages
the fourth Karajoz Great Blend on Sunday November 13 at the
Hopetoun Alpha in Auckland. And boy, do we have something
for you. Our star guest is Ashley Highfield, the BBC's
Director of New Media and Technology... See... Public
Address 02/11/05 - Let's Do It Again
Assessment Of The Interweb's Value In Intel. Terms -
Not only are open sources at times indistinguishable from
secrets, but OSINT often surpasses classified information in
value for following and analyzing intelligence issues. By
value, I am thinking in terms of speed, quantity, quality,
clarity, ease of use, and cost. Speed: When a crisis
erupts in some distant part of the globe, in an area where
established intelligence assets are thin, intelligence
analysts and policymakers alike will often turn first to the
television set and Internet. See... Guest
Opinion: Why The CIA Reads The Internet
Russell Brown On The Kiwi Debut of iTunes (& Much
More) - This rumour comes to you entirely
without warranty, but from a fairly good source. There will
be a New Zealand iTunes store very early next year - perhaps
even on January 1, 2006. I'm not sure exactly what the
hold-up is, but presumably negotiations are ... See... Public
Address 01/11/05 - Rumour And Fact
Christiaan Briggs Considers Israel, Apartheid & Iran
- The situation for Arabs in Israel & Palestine is “far
worse” than that of the blacks in what was apartheid South
Africa. This was Ronnie Kasrils’ response to the question of
whether Israel could be compared to South Africa during its
apartheid era. He offered this during a speech he gave at an
international conference I attended on Palestine, Israel and
International Law at the Institute of Education in London
last weekend. See... Israel
“Far Worse” Than Apartheid South Africa
Barker On The Passing Of Rosa Lee Parks - As I was
trawling the Net looking for non-gaga information about the
92-year-old woman who will lie in honor in the US Capitol
Rotunda today, I came across--then lost--a quote attributed
to the lady herself regarding the state of affairs in
Alabama at the time she refused to give up her seat on the
bus. See... Stateside:
Rosa Lee Parks - The Power of Many
Rae & Damian Christie Are There! - As part of my
general getting up to speed with the theft of a national
icon, I decided to look into the story of the real Pania of
the Reef. Typically there are variations, but here's the
version I like best. It's an interesting tale, a hot woman
who lives in the sea falls in love with Karitoki, a young
rangatira. They get hitched and move in together, but the
catch is - and there's always a catch with this sort of
thing - she has to go back to the sea during the day, or
she'll die. See…Public
Address: Thank Heavens For True Stories
Paul G.
Buchanan Talks U.S. Psyops - The central tenet for
war planners in countries with the ability to project force
abroad is summarised in four words: stage, thrust, seize,
and hold. The US proved remarkable in accomplishing the
first three phases of the invasion of Iraq. See... Buchanan:
Psyops in US Military Force Projection
Israel & Occupied Palestine
US Vote Fraud
Russell Brown: Groupthink
Comedy - The National Party might have harnessed
its talent, old and new and set out on a course of informed
opposition to the new government, and the presentation of
robust policy alternatives. Instead, it chose to make an
appointment that makes it look like a comedy act. Yes, among
the spokesmanships announced by Don Brash yesterday is Wayne
Mapp on "Political Correctness Eradication". See... PUBLIC
ADDRESS 27/10/05 – Groupthink Comedy
Invitation For Dalai Lama To Lecture
Scientists On Meditation Meets Opposition - Scoop
Report: Austria – Marietta Gross writes that a
planned lecture by the Dalai Lama to United States
scientists in Washington has caused controversy among
neurologists. U.S. neurobiologist Nancy Hayes said this week
she cannot support a non-scientist giving a lecture on
research results in front of scientists. See... Scientists
Argue Over Planned Dalai Lama Lecture
Laws to Ban You from Criticising Australia - In the
wake of terrorist threats against Melbourne and more
bombings in Bali, the Australian government is attempting to
pass draconian new anti-terrorism laws. The draft of the
legislation had originally been kept secret, but last week
it was leaked by ACT Chief Minister John Stanhope, who while
approving it, believed that legislation with such an impact
on civil liberties should be open to public scrutiny and
debate. John Howard seems to regard this as practically
treason. But fortunately he'll soon have the tools to combat
this sort of betrayal of Australian values, because the
legislation would modernise the law relating to sedition.
See... No
Right Turn: Sedition in Australia
Out There… Brian Carter’s The Night
Sky - In the Summer months with warmer nights,
looking at the stars and planets becomes a pleasure, instead
of a cold ordeal. Planets: November is a fairly good month
for viewing the planets. Venus, Mars and Saturn will be
visible for the whole of the month. Mercury will be visible
for the first half of the month and Jupiter will be visible
for the last half of the month. See... The
November Night's Sky
Thai PM Tells
Islamic Conf. Official To Read Koran - BANGKOK,
Thailand -- Thailand's Buddhist prime minister angrily told
the Saudi Arabian-based Organization of Islamic Conference
to "read the Koran" before criticizing his military
crackdown in the south, where more than 1,000 people have
died in the worst Islamist insurgency outside Iraq. See...
PM Tells Islamic Conf. Official To Read Koran
Hard News & More From Public
Address - Having noted Paola Totaro's love letter
to New Zealand this week, it seems only fair to also
acknowledge Douglas Davis's unintentionally hilarious
account for The Spectator of "visiting Auckland the other
week" and finding it "even more dour and dull than I
remember" from 30 years... See... Public
Address 19/10/05 - Doing A Lot
Rivers Pitt Proposes Questions For Bush's Pitbull -
Appointing a person with no judicial experience whatsoever
to the Supreme Court is by no means an unprecedented act.
Indeed, some of the most influential Justices ever to serve
never wore the robe before assuming that high seat. See...
Pitt: Some Questions for Harriet Miers
Russell Brown & More From
Public Address - There are some angry Greens over on
Frogblog. In the heat of the moment, some of them seem
inclined to turn on their leaders and go hostile on the
Left: to do an Alliance, in other words. I don't think that
would be too smart. On the face of it - and according to all
the news reports - the Greens don't get a lot in hard terms.
But they didn't ask for a lot. They made a virtue of going
into negotiation without an array of bottom lines, and the
agreement they now have, for no promise of support on
confidence and supply (just a promise not to vote against
the government), is the same one they had already negotiated
in return for their active support of a Labour-led
government. See... Public
Address 18/10/05 - Anger Management
Did SBS Bury This Doco. On Indonesian Military
Terrorism? - This controversial SBS report which
includes extracts from an interview with the former
President of Indonesia Abdurrahman Wahid, points to the
involvement of the Indonesian Military Intelligence and
Police in the 2002 Bali bombing. See... SBS
Documentary: Inside Indonesia's War on Terror
R. Rossing Talks Biblical Abuse - Professor Barbara
R. Rossing is an associate professor of New Testament at the
Lutheran School of Theology at Chicago. At the Chicago
Sabeel Conference, she answered these questions: “How does
the Bible apply to current political realities? How do we
remain faithful to the meaning of texts as we apply them to
contemporary events, and how do we recognize when we are
manipulating scriptural sources to promote a political
agenda?”See... Sonia
Nettnin: Uses & Abuses of Biblical Prophecy
Rosalea Barker On San Fran's Newest Talk Show Well,
shave me legs and call me Nermal! Never did I think I'd see
the day when a political operative uttered the word "Pshaw"
on television. But such is the whacky world of KRON4's
Sunday morning show "4 The Record" that the utterance looked
entirely in place, even coming from the lips of a young
blonde Republican in response to a comment by an old black
Democrat. See... Stateside
With Rosalea: Pshaw!
Richard S. Ehrlich On Roman Polanski In Thailand -
BANGKOK, Thailand -- Roman Polanski, who recently dodged
possible extradition from England to America where he was
convicted for illicit sex with a 13-year-old California
girl, said he has "no problems" being arrested as a fugitive
while traveling to other ... See... Polanski
Not Worried About Thai Extradition Law
Impeachment Discussion Not A Waste Of Time -
Swanson To Rhodes - You were talking today about our
poll on impeachment, so Bob Fertik called in to speak with
you. But you spent the whole conversation attacking the idea
of impeachment, claiming that it couldn't succeed and would
therefore make any Democrats who tried ... See... An
Open Letter To Randi Rhodes On Impeachment & Poll:
Americans Favor Impeachment If Bush
Rep. Conyers - Members
Call On Fitzgerald to Issue Status Report
Sumner Burstyn On 21st Century Birthing - You’re in
the last weeks of your pregnancy and the pressure is on;
finish up at work, get the baby’s room ready and all that
stuff you have to buy. Oh and draw up your labour party
plan, complete with seating arrangements, menus and guest
lists. The New York Times spotted it first. The headline
‘Move Over, Doc, the Guests Can't See the Baby,’ trumpeted
the benefits and downsides of labour parties. “Like
bridesmaids and pallbearers,” the article said, “invitees
are marked as an honored group of intimates.” See... Birth,
The Final Frontier Of Spectator Sport?
Smith: The Quiet Storm - Thomas Jefferson saw it
coming. He warned, "From the conclusion of this war we shall
be going down hill. It will not then be necessary to resort
every moment to the people for support. They will be
forgotten, therefore, and their rights disregarded. See...
Smith: Blowin' In The Wind Of Cultural Decay
You Said
It! - The following is a selction of feedback and
other unsolicited email received by Scoop recently. They do
not appear in any precise order. See... Scoop
Feedback: Brickbats, Bouquets, Tracts
Russell Brown et Ors. Are In
The House - Looks like we might have a government,
and pretty much on schedule: even if it does turn out to be
at the cost of a superannuation windfall that might just be
affordable now but certainly won't when the baby-boomers
start clocking off. For all that some of us fume about
Winston Peters, he can (unlike last time around) guarantee
his own party's discipline. See... Public
Address 13/10/05 - Ins And Outs
Karl Ferguson Takes A Diesel Volvo SUV For A Spin - With
the way fuel prices are going – around the $1.50 a litre
mark last time I checked – trying to sell new, large SUV’s
in New Zealand could be akin to promoting Iraqi tourism. In
other words, very hard work. See... MOTORNET:
New Engine = New Life For Solid Swede
LeFevre On Al Gore's Views Of America - Former
Vice-President Al Gore gave a speech recently that ranged
from cultural commentary to political philosophy to a
prescription for saving American democracy . He covered
everything except the real reason he lost to George W. Bush
in 2000, and how it relates ... See... Al
Gore Explains "America’s Alternate Universe"
Christian Leaders Discuss The Occupation Of
Palestine - Church delegates from five, Christian
denominations discussed their church’s positions on Israel’s
military occupation of the Palestinian Occupied Territories
and divestment. See... Church
Delegates Address Occupation and Divestment & for
earlier coverage of the conference… Sabeel
2005: Will Justice And Peace Embrace?
Joules On The Election Result - The votes are in
and counted. The NZ Labour Party led by Helen Clark has the
priority right to attempt to form a new government. The
political options are being scoped. Around the world, oil
continues to be pumped from the ground and rumours are it is
increasingly sour. Where are we going to find the ideas that
help keep life sweet for us? See.. Bonus
Joules: The Holey Ozone Layer
Promise - Continuous Warfare for Decades to Come -
Vice President Cheney in a recent speech to US military
personnel has acknowledged that the war could go on for
several decades. This statement, which reveals the Bush
Administration's commitment to global warfare, was barely
mentioned by the mainstream media. We are dealing with a
"military roadmap". Iraq and Afghanistan are at the outset
of the Bush administration's military adventure. See... Michel
Chossudovsky: Cheney's War Without Borders
Scoop Named Among Bernard Weiner's Media Heroes - A
political and media onslaught is about to be unleashed with
the indictments of a whole host of key White House officials
(including you-know-who) caught up in the Plamegate coverup.
See... Before
the Deluge: Honoring Journalistic Heroes
Public Address: Brown On
Turia, Tibby On English & Ng On Salient - I don't
think this is what the Maori Party wanted before its first
group of MPs are even seated. Its third-ranked list
candidate Atareta Poananga has blasted its consultative hui
process, describing it and co-leader Tariana Turia's
glad-eye approach to National as "political suicide"...
See... Public
Address 11/10/05 - Salient Sells Out & More
Nettnin Reports From A Chicago ME Peace Conference -
Director and President of the Sabeel Center in Jerusalem,
Rev. Canon Naim Ateek opened the 2005 Chicago Sabeel
Conference at the Lutheran School of Theology at Chicago.
The theme for the conference, “Jerusalem: will justice and
peace embrace?” focused on the struggles Palestinians face
living under Israeli military occupation; and the ways in
which Jews, Christians and Muslims can stand together for
human rights and social justice. See... Sabeel
2005: Will Justice And Peace Embrace?
To Hang (Or Not To Hang) The GOP - "It's a well
known fact that when your enemy is hanging himself, the best
thing to do is stay out of the way and make sure he has
enough rope. That's more or less our plan." But experts
agree that the Democrats have a troubling history of giving
their Republican counterparts so much rope that they are
able to put their feet on the ground, walk away from the
execution, and then use the rope to tie politically inept
Democrats to their horses and drag them through town.
See... Freepressed:
Democrats Fiddle While GOP Burns
Bill Berkowitz On Michael Moore's Next Move - As Moore prepares a new film on America's ailing health care industry, will it continue being open season on the 'scruffy guy in a baseball cap'? See... Bill Berkowitz: Michael Moore gets ready to roll
Stephen de Tarczynski: Liberia Goes To The Polls -
Liberia’s George Weah was crowned as FIFA’s World Footballer
of the Year in 1995, the most prestigious individual award
that a soccer player can achieve. Ten years later, Weah is
running for President of the small West African nation of
Liberia, ... See... George
Weah: From Soccer Star to President?
CA Prof.
Spills The Beans On The Dorak Mystery - The Dorak
mystery flower has opened at last. Earlier this week in
phone conversations I had with David Stronach, Professor of
Near East Archaeology at the University of California -
Berkeley, Stronach disclosed that Jimmie Mellaart invented
Dorak. He called it a "dream-like epsidode". See... Suzan
Mazur: The Dorak Affair's Final Chapter
Stateside: Rosalea Barker Is The Virtual Spectator
- According to a Today in History listing, on
October 9, 1776, Spanish missionaries settled in what would
become known as San Francisco. Two hundred and twenty-nine
years later about a million people are out there enjoying
the sunshine and watching the Blue Angels and the Red Bull
aerobatic teams do their thing. Or they're over at the golf
course watching Tiger et al do their thing. Or, if they're
like me, they're sitting inside at their computer and
watching all those things on the various websites streaming
video of them. See... Stateside
With Rosalea: It's All About Timing
i tokaut Uncovers Forest Abuse In PNG - As we
celebrate 30 years of Independence, it is timely that we
examine the effective loss of sovereignty over an entire
Province. In the last few years, Malaysian corporate giant
Rimbunan Hijau has illegally seized control of almost the
entire forests of Gulf Province. See... The
Rape of Gulf Province - Independence Special
Russell Brown et Al are In
The House - So the first person I see when I get
into the New Zealand Music Awards is Ahmed Zaoui*. His is
becoming, ironically, one of the more recognisable faces in
New Zealand public life. I've never met him, so I bowl up
and introduce myself to him, and to his lawyer.. See... Public
Address 07/10/05 - Yes Prime Minister & Public
Address 06/10/05 - Zaoui Sings
Chossudovsky: Soldiers With Syringes On The March -
The threat of the avian flu pandemic is real. Until
recently, national governments and the WHO have dismissed
the seriousness of the crisis. The public has been
misinformed. The issue has been barely mentioned by the
media. See... US
Martial Law And The Avian Flu Pandemic
Wasserman Chimes In On Harriet Miers - An angry
groundswell has risen against the appointment of George W.
Bush’s personal attorney to the US Supreme Court. One key
question must be asked: as a Justice, would she soon be
asked to rule on a conspiracy conviction against her present
boss? See... Will
Miers Overturn Bush’s Conspiracy Conviction?
Kiwi Supermodel on Rampage in New York - Elle
Macpherson Intimates is turning heads with 14-storey high
billboards in Queens, New York city. The two giant
billboards, featuring stunning images from the latest Elle
Macpherson Intimates campaign, were unveiled this month as
part of the North American launch of the new campaign. See…
States Launch Takes Elle Macpherson Intimates Sky
Tom Delay
On The Family Values Inherent In Monetary Cleansing
- Sugarland, TX-- In his second indictment in as many weeks,
Former House Majority Leader Tom DeLay from Texas now faces
up to 20 years in jail for money laundering if convicted.
Rep. DeLay told reporters that regardless of what the
criminal investigation uncovers, he was upholding sacred
values passed down through generations of Mafia families
when he filtered illegal campaign contributions through the
Republican National Party. See... DeLay:
"Money laundering is a family value."
Right Turn On The Prospects For Progress - Last
Parliamentary term is seen as a high-water mark for
progressive social legislation, with Acts such as the Civil
Union Act, Relationships Act, and Prostitution Reform Act
perceived as causing a conservative backlash against the
government. See... No
Right Turn: The Prospects For Progress
Not Easy Being Green - Despite a well intentioned
and highly publicized meeting, big business still finds the
Green Party scary. By the way the media has portrayed this
it seems like we are all supposed to be worried that the
‘anti-business Greens’ may well form part of the next
government. On the contrary I would be more worried if big
business and their lobbyists weren’t afraid of the Green
agenda. See... Greens
Shouldn’t Waste Time With Greed Merchants
Sheehan On The Hearts & Minds Of Capitol Hill - The
past week in DC found me in many offices of our elected
officials: Senators, Congresspersons, pro-war, "anti-war,"
Democrat, Republican. With a few notable exceptions, all of
our employees toed party lines. See... War-Hawk
Republicans and Anti-War Democrats
… On The Gathering War Clouds Over Iran - The recent Resolution of the IAEA is preparation for War. The voting pattern on the Resolution against Iran is significant. But what is even more significant - that people all over the world including in the anti-war movement in the United States are against the sanctions and war against Iran, as it is no longer possible to camouflage the real reasons for the war against countries which possess significant oil and gas reserves. See... Niloufer Bhagwat: US Prepares For War Against Iran & Mike Whitney: The Impending Cakewalk In Iran
More On
The Strange Case Of The Basra SAS Rescue Op. - Does
anyone remember the shock with which the British public
greeted the revelation four years ago that one of the
members of the Real IRA unit whose bombing attack in Omagh
on August 15, 1998 killed twenty-nine civilians had been a
double agent, ... See... Were
British SAS Soldiers Planting Bombs in Basra?. See
Ghali Hassan: Iraq - Resort to Deception
Click here for more Scoop international comment
How Much
HGP Is There In NZ Beef? - Butchers dancing like
Hari Krishna’s, senior citizens thrashing out hard rock, the
Evers-Swindell twins smiling furiously, meat, especially red
meat is hot right now. “New Zealanders are fond of their
meat,” says Richard Umbers, managing director of supermarket
chain Progressive Enterprises. And quality, he comments, is
everything. See... Barbara
Sumner Burstyn: Sexy Beef
Joules Is Disappointed With The Election - My heart
is not really in this blog as I start to write (Sunday 11
September 2005). I am watching my country take humans ever
closer to war, chaos and misery. It is now less than a week
to our elections and everyone is looking at the signposts
around them and not realising the ground they stand on is
moving. See... Bonus
Joules: The Zone of Ozone
More On
The Strange Case Of The Disappearing Yortan Goddess
- I've heard from a variety of figures in the antiquities
world about the evidence I presented recently on these
pages, which essentially cracks the case of one of the great
art mysteries -- the whereabouts of the so-called priceless
Dorak treasure. See... Dorak
Diggers Weigh In On Anna & Royal Treasure & Mazur: Getting To The Bottom Of The Dorak
Book: AMERICA'S "WAR ON TERRORISM" - In this new and
expanded edition of Michel Chossudovsky's 2002 best seller,
the author blows away the smokescreen put up by the
mainstream media, that 9/11 was an attack on America by
"Islamic terrorists". Through meticulous research, the
author uncovers a military-intelligence ploy behind the
September 11 attacks, and the cover-up and complicity of key
members of the Bush Administration. See... UQ
Wire: Michel Chossudovsky's New 911 Book
Has A Correspondent @ US Election Reform Summit -
In this report: - Activist Attorney Paul Lehto Makes a
Strong Case - VotersUnite.Org's Theisen Explains How
Citizens have "Outsourced" the Voting and Tabulation Process
to Corporations - A Huge Opportunity in New Mexico and Three
Weeks to Raise the Money ... See... National
Summit to Save Our (US) Elections – Day 1 & Cobb
Will Not Run for 2008 Presidential Nomination
Public Address from Russell
Brown Is In - Simon Pound conducted an excellent interview on The Wire with
National Party historian Barry Gustafson, regarding the
moderate pushback within the party: NATFORT and all that.
Gustafson's view is that the ideas on Maori and immigrants
that National took into this year's election were the work
of the "radical right" and that true conservatives would be
far more circumspect. See... PUBLIC
ADDRESS - Traditional and Pragmatic
Larry Ross Previews An Expose Doco. On NZ's Nuclear Guinea
Pigs - In 1957 the UK goverment, with the
collaboration of the NZ government, deliberately and
knowingly exposed UK and NZ servicemen and their future
descendants to nuclear radiation, resulting in disease,
suffering, pain, genetic damage and eventual death. It's all
in the article below and on Expose, TV1, Thursday Sept 22,
2005. See... NZ
Soldiers - Treated As Nuclear Guinea Pigs
Sumner Burstyn Spots A (neo)Con On TV3 - Does anyone
actually watch the TV shows they watch? Medical
Investigation (TV3) for example. On the surface this drama
looks like just another mildly entertaining medical show.
But watch closely and you begin to see the creepy undertones
of neoconservative ideology, with its concomitant
fundamentalist Christianity, embedded in the storylines and
characters. See... Barbara
Sumner Burstyn: Prime Time Propaganda
Barker On Her New Job - As I mentioned last week,
I've just started a new job. I forgot to add that at the end
of my trek through the industrial wasteland, I get to walk
along the edge of San Francisco Bay. This week at work, I
got all the paperwork to fill out. I seem to recall that in
New Zealand that would be a form signing up to have my pay
put into a bank account, but nothing is that simple in the
U.S. of A. See... Stateside
With Rosalea: Filling Out The Paperwork
mouth that prays, a hand that kills— Arabian
proverb - “How do you find a lion that has swallowed
you?” asked Swiss psychologist, Carl Jung, commenting on the
moral dilemma posed by the “shadow,” his insightful term for
the dark, hidden side of the human psyche. The answer to
Jung’s questions is “you can’t find or see that lion”—not as
long as you are inside the beast. And therein resides the
essential dilemma of a group’s dark side or shadow: it is
nearly impossible for those caught inside a group’s belief
system to see their own dark side with any clarity or
objectivity. See...
John D. Goldhammer - The Fundamentalist Shadow of George W.
Immigration & The Election - This year, as with
every election year, migration is a hot issue amongst
politicians vying for the public’s vote. Like a repetitive
tune stuck on replay, at election time we hear racist jibes
being thrown at migrants and ethnic groups that do not fit
so-called ‘mainstream NZ’. See... Migrant
Effect - The Changing Face of NZ Voters and Immigration:
Needed, A Policy For The 21st Century
Scoop Report Ends Up On Utah Attorney General's Desk! - Don’t think that the Internet news, Scoop or Counter Punch is not being read or getting passed around. On March 24, 2005, an article entitled, "Utah Prosecutors Are Soft On Polygamy," authored by Yours Truly, was published in Scoop, and within two weeks made it to the hands of the Utah Attorney General Mark Shurtleff without any help from me or Tapestry Against Polygamy. Mr. Shurleff called me in person and asked to see the bigamy file that I turned over to San Pete County Attorney Ross Blackham. See... Laissez-faire Polygamy Condoned In Utah
Stateside: Rosalea Barker Gets A New
Job - I started a new job this week in what I thought
was just an industrial wasteland at the southern end of San
Francisco International Airport but which is, I am assured,
a "tony burg." Burlingame is a one-hour BART ride away from
home, and then a twenty-minute
... See... Stateside
With Rosalea: Me And Tony Burg
Padilla Case Delivers Blow To The Land Of The Free
-As if the official ineptitude of the Bush administration in
the aftermath of Katrina and the callousness of the Bush
family were not enough to digest, a U.S. Federal appeals
court has just delivered a bombshell in the Jose Padilla
case. See... Siddharth
Varadarajan: Police State In America
William Fisher - Today,
Padilla. Tomorrow, Who?
Returns Reviews Bob Jones' Latest Tome - My
Property World is the long-awaited sequel to Bob Jones' 1977
best-selling Jones on Property. Packed with wisdom and
insightful thinking on the contemporary world of property
investment by one of our best-known property investors, My
Property World ... See... Book
Review: Bob Jones - My Property World
New US Chief Justice Nominee's Justice Record -
George W. Bush has nominated John Roberts to be Chief
Justice of the United States. Bush lauded Roberts for his
"goodwill and decency toward others." Yet Roberts' record
reveals a callous disregard for the rights of people very
much like the tens of thousands ... See... John
Roberts: Uncompassionate Conservative
A Flurry Of
Opinion On The Peace Process In Nepal
Leopold On The Attack On Cindy Sheehan - Cindy
Sheehan has been subjected to an unwarranted backlash by
right-wing pundits because of her antiwar protests and some
explosive statements she made about President Bush. Perhaps
Sheehan, while mourning the death of her son, Casey, a U.S.
soldier ... See... Jason
Leopold: What's Eating Cindy Sheehan?
Samples: The Mothers Are Coming!
Russell Brown On What The Internet Means For
Libraries - An address by Public Address blogger,
Scoop Columnist and media commentator Russell Brown to a
libraries research conference in Wellington at the National
Library, delivered Saturday September 3rd at 1.15pm. See...
Russell Brown Address: "Information Entrepreneurs" See
the full text of the address at: Public Address' Great New Zealand
Call For The President To Slow Down On The Supreme Court - The death of Chief Justice William Rehnquist and the deaths of some 10,000 or more American citizens in New Orleans and Mississippi have come virtually at the same time. See... All Supreme Court Appointments Must Be Postponed
Stateside: Broken Levees In New
Orleans - When I moved to this poor part of Oakland
last year, one of the things I noticed first about it was
the amount of subsidence and number of potholes in the
streets. See... Stateside
with Rosalea: When The Levee Breaks
Shaft On The Forgotten Poor Of America- This series
of articles is an outlet for the people who are living
through an overwhelming crisis. They want to tell everyone
how bad it really is, and how terrible their day-to-day
living conditions have become. See... Jay
Shaft: Voices of the Lost and Forgotten- Pt. 4
Song Images: North Harbour Vs Canterbury - North
Harbour was unable to bring an end to Canterbury's year long
winning streak in the NPC with a 23-23 draw at North Harbour
Stadium with man-of-the-match Anthony Tuitavake scoring two
tries. See... NPC
Pictures: North Harbour Vs Canterbury 27/8
Brown, Ming Mok, Slack, Reid & Tibby Address The Public
- So the Maori Trustee Office enjoys a reprieve, apparently.
In yesterday's Herald lead story, which was presumably based
on somebody's actual statement, the trustee's office was one
of those over which Don Brash's "knife" was said to be
hovering... See... Public
Address 30/08/05 - Five New Posts
Mazur: The Mystery Of The Royal Treasure of Dorak -
He's held out longer than Woodward, Bernstein & Deep Throat.
But it's time British archaeologist James "Jimmie" Mellaart,
now age 80 or so and in his golden years, finally fesses up
to the whereabouts of the priceless "Royal Treasure of
Dorak," which he first tantalized the world with by
publishing drawings of the artifacts in the November 28,
1959 issue of The Illustrated London News, saying the pieces
were from a clandestine dig in northwest Turkey. And after
which the press clamored to see it. However, fabulous Dorak
had by then apparently vanished, along with its owner, Anna
Papastrati. See... Mazur:
Getting To The Bottom Of The Dorak Affair
Avnery, Yasser Abu Moailek, Sol Salbe & M. Shahid Alam Talk
Gaza - "Dear" in the most literal sense. At long
last it must be spelled out, without hypocritical pity,
without "if" and "but". We have paid billions of shekels in
order to settle you in the Gaza Strip. See... Uri
Avnery: Dear Settlers (And Others)
Right Turn BMR: Counting The Cost Of Mismanagement -
Last year, the High Court entered a landmark judgement
against the Department of Corrections, ruling that the
department's Behaviour Management Regime (BMR) was unlawful
and inhumane, and awarding compensation to five current and
former inmates for their treatment. Since then, a further
fourty inmates have filed claims - and the government has
passed draconian legislation aimed at letting Corrections
off the hook for its failure to abide by fundamental human
rights standards. See... No
Right Turn: Behaviour Miss-Management Regime
Karpinski – The General Who Took The Fall For Abu
Ghraib - " I had been hesitant to speak out before
because this Administration is so vindictive. But now I will
... Anybody who confronts this Administration or Rumsfeld or
the Pentagon with a true assessment, they find themselves
either out of a job, out of their positions, fired, relieved
or chastised. Their career comes to an end." - Janis
Karpinski, interview with Marjorie Cohn, August 3, 2005.
See... Marjorie
Cohn: An Interview With Janis Karpinski
Chuckman & Shultz On The Call For Chavez's
Assassination - The Rev. Pat Robertson’s call for
the US to assassinate Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez
brought a rare, small burst of US attention to South
American politics. However, as we describe below,
Robertson’s comments are just the cap to months of spinning
by the Bush White House about the dark political threat
hanging over this continent where I live, and Bolivia
specifically. Here is the story of -- George Bush and Bad
Intelligence: The Sequel. See... The
False Intelligence Game In South America
Rankin On The Struggle Of UNITEC - Two important
stories this year have been Unitec's long struggle for
recognition as a form of university, and the record high
balance of payments deficit that New Zealand is now
experiencing. See... Keith
Rankin: Universities of Technology
No Right Turn On The War Clouds Over Iran - Last week, in a scene strikingly reminiscent of the lead-up to America's current foreign policy disaster in Iraq, we saw President Bush blustering against Iran, threatening to use force unless that country ended its nuclear program. See... No Right Turn: Iran - No Military Solution
Strange Tale Of Selective Humidity Striking Clermont County
OH. - The 2005 Hackett-Schmidt contest for Ohio’s
2nd Congressional District took place in the midst of
ongoing concerns about the 2004 Presidential election. Ohio
was ground zero for Election Day irregularities,
controversies, and charges of election fraud. See... The
Veteran Of Fallujah Defeated By OH's Humidity
What Is Really Behind This US/NZ Thaw In Security
Relations? - Security Expert and Auckland University
lecturer Paul Buchanan writes that election year politics
has thrown new light on US-New Zealand relations: "Outgoing
US ambassador Charles Swindell reiterated his concerns that
recent years have seen a decline in the relationship,
officially noted in the US shift from viewing New Zealand as
an ally to (rather) that of “close friend,” and felt
practically in the termination of the ANZUS military
alliance." What has this thawing of US/NZ relations got to
do with the elections and trade? See... Military
Exercise + Spurious Trade Relationship
Leopold On 9/11 & The Reasons For War - The
disinformation campaign the White House launched last
weekend should leave no doubt that the war in Iraq was
hatched well before 9/11 and is part of a broader strategy
to remake the entire Middle East into a so-called Pax
Americana, a blueprint drafted by hardcore neoconservatives
years ago that called for overthrowing Middle East dictators
and installing U.S. approved governments in the region.
See... Jason
Leopold: President Bush's Big Secret
Hard News: Russell Brown On The Leader's
Debate - I really wish this election hadn't turned
into a bidding war. That it has means Labour is heading in a
direction with which I'm not entirely comfortable, and
National is making spending assumptions I seriously doubt it
can meet... See... Public
Address 23/08/05 - Whatever & Yesterday Public
Address 22/08/05 - A Don Never Wears Shorts
Ehrlich: Thai Massage Kingpin Turned Politician Refused US Visa - BANGKOK, Thailand -- Thailand's massage parlor tycoon-turned-politician said the American Embassy rejected his visa application, barring him from joining a Thai government trip to visit FBI, DEA and other U.S. officials. See... Massage Tycoon-Turned-Politician Refused US Visa
Scoop's Rosalea Barker On The Passing Of David Lange - I've been pondering what it was that really changed under David Lange's government in the 1980s. From what I'm reading or gleaning from Internet video/audio originating in New Zealand, the two big things that the media is referring to are the nuclear-free ... See... Stateside With Rosalea: Mr Big Thumb-on-Nose
Am Johal: Healing Ceremony For Canadian First Nation - In the small island community of Alert Bay near northern Vancouver Island, hundreds of residential school survivors from St. Michael's Residential school stood on the idyllic shoreline near the U'mista Cultural Centre around ten in the morning on Friday. It was misty as the fog rolled in and perched itself on the calm water. See... Alert Bay School Gathering Full of Emotions
Everybody Weighs In On The Cindy Sheehan
Break Through - The Washington Post today wondered
out loud whether Cindy Sheehan might be a " catalyst for a
muscular antiwar movement ." In translation, this is an
assertion that Cindy Sheehan has already become an accepted
reason for the corporate media to finally ... See... David
Swanson: Sheehan Breakthroughs
Roughan On The Latest Solomon's Report Card -
SIDT's latest Report Card (No. 7) makes it clear that the
Kemakeza Government continues to fail its people. In spite
of millions of dollars of overseas aid-already a half
billion dollars and still counting- a tremendous security
blanket provided by RAMSI's ... See... John
Roughan: Better But Still Failing!
LeFevre: The Twisting Of Religion - Just as the
perversion of Mohammed’s teaching has produced bin Laden and
the evil of Al Qeda, so too the perversion of Jesus’
teaching has produced George Bush and the evil of the US
military machine. I cannot speak for Islam; Muslims will
have to sort out for themselves where it went wrong. But I
can speak to Christianity, which bears so little resemblance
to the spirit, teachings, and mission of Jesus that I don’t
know how anyone can call themselves a Christian. See... Martin
LeFevre: Jesus Died for Nothing
HARD NEWS from Russell Brown - Small
children howled as my car sprayed them with gravel on its
headlong, desperate dash to Christchurch Airport. Their
mothers held them tight, faces frozen in in rictuses of
fear, and burly rugby players blanched and sobbed like silly
little girls... See... Public
Address 12/08: No Debate
12 August 2005 |
Sheila Samples Asks Why Wont Bush Meet Slain
Soldier's Mum? - The incomparable Raw Story website
is publishing a letter it acquired on Tuesday, Aug 9, from
16 Democratic Representatives (whose number has now
burgeoned to 38) urging George Bush to meet with Cindy
Sheehan, whose son, Casey, was slain in Iraq in 2002.
Sheehan has been camped on Bush's doorstep since Saturday
when she and a small group of supporters were forced to walk
in a ditch struggling through knee-deep weeds as they made
their way to Prairie Chapel, the Bush "ranch," a former pig
farm in Crawford, Texas. See... The
Revolution is NOW...
Scoop Feature: New Zealand's Statesman
Passes Away - Memorial Feature On David
Lange: Scoop co-editor Selwyn Manning reflects back
on what this remarkable New Zealander meant to the people of
South Auckland, what difference he made to NZ, and what it
was like to be in his presence. See... Personal
Reflections Of South Auckland's
ALSO: Memorial
service to celebrate David Lange Saturday ALSO Russell
Brown Has Made Available David Lange's Oxford Debate
Audio AND Full
Coverage: David Lange Passes Away
Fisher On The Bolton Appointment - President Bush
poked a thumb in the eye of Senate Democrats today by his
recess appointment of John Bolton as America’s ambassador to
the United Nations – and triggered wholly predictable
responses from the foreign policy community. See... William
Fisher: Big Apple Here I Come
Says He Is Shocked & Then Does Nothing - After the
grotesque torture photographs emerged from Abu Ghraib prison
in April 2004, Bush said, "I shared a deep disgust that
those prisoners were treated the way they were treated." He
vowed the incidents would be investigated and the
perpetrators would "be taken care of." See... Cohn:
Bush Defies Military, Congress on Torture
Eland Considers The Politics Of An Iraq Withdrawal-
In Iraq, like everywhere else, if things don’t add up, it is
safe to assume that politics is involved. Although the
insurgency in recent months has worsened, Gen. George W.
Casey, the commander of U.S. forces in Iraq, astonishingly
claims that ... See... Ivan
Eland: The Politics of Troop Withdrawal
Brown & Paul Brislen Unimpressed With Telecom DSL
Moves - Can anybody tell me some more about
Telecom's decision to withdraw all its faster JetStream
consumer plans - meaning that anyone who wants a 2Mbit
service now faces a price rise from $79 a month to a
"business" rate of between $249 and $299? See... Public
Address 01/08/05 - A Cornucopia Of Comment
Stateside: Where Rosalea Promises To Do Her
Best - To all those readers who take the Boy Scouts
of America and their Commander in Chief seriously: What
follows is a parody, so you might want to leave before you
get offended. And as a special bonus, here are the three key
points of Bill Frist's amendment to the Defense
Authorization Bill ... "Support Our Scouts Act of 2005."
See... Stateside
with Rosalea: Sending Out An SOS
Meditations: Poisoned By A Nuclear Lie - It is the
lie that began the long decline to America’s loss of its
soul. The people are still fed, and still swallow, the
propaganda that began 60 years ago, after Hiroshima and
Nagasaki were leveled. As Time magazine echoed for the
umpteenth time this week: ... See... LeFevre:
The Atomic Bombings and America’s Soul
Polynesia Blue Air Deal Causes Concerns For South Pacific
Governments - Pacific Insights' John Andrews writes
that planned changes for Samoa’s air services have prompted
a strategic rethink by airlines and governments in the South
Pacific. The pending demise of Polynesian Airlines’
international jet operations in favour of Polynesian Blue, a
recently announced joint venture between the Samoan
government and Virgin Blue, means other airlines are eyeing
consequent opportunities in the region. See... Cuts
Cause Rethink Over Polynesia Blue Air Deal
Barker: Whazza Buzz? - I'm sure the story was so
quirky it made it to the TV news Down Under--on Tuesday, a
couple in Hazleton, Indiana, found out they had a quarter of
a million house guests living in a beehive five foot tall
and seven foot wide in their attic. See... Stateside
with Rosalea : Whazza Buzz?
Hard News From Russell Brown & More - My old friends
Children's Hour are back together and playing a gig at the
King's Arms tonight, to celebrate the release of Looking for
the Sun, a collection of live recordings retrieved and fixed
up by Rob Mayes of Failsafe Records... Public
Address 29/7/5 - Stories Now Safe To Tell
Wilson On The Energy Bill From Hell - If anything
merits drawing the filibuster sword out of its sheath, it is
the energy bill that came out of a House/Senate conference
this week. The world and America are at a critical juncture
with regard to energy, and there is very little time left to
change course. See... Kelpie
Wilson: Kill the Bill
Meanwhile In Nepal… - As democracy spurs, the
monarchs in Nepal get up in arms, which is evidenced by two
royal coups in past 50 years. The first royal coup of 1960
orchestrated by the king Mahendra father of present king not
only lasted for thirty years but also resulted ... See... Politico-Economics
Of Royal Coup In Nepal
Hard News from Russell Brown & Much More From Public Address - NOTE: This issue of Public Address via Scoop is a compendium of three days worth of material. Enjoy. See... Public Address 26-28/07/05 – A Triple Dose!
S. Ehrlich On A Victory For Aung San Suu Kyi -
BANGKOK, Thailand -- Muted in her gloomy, lakeside mansion
in Burma by a decade of depressing house arrest, the world's
most famous political prisoner, Aung San Suu Kyi, scored a
psychological victory when she helped force the Association
of Southeast Asian Nations to ditch her country's military
regime. See... Aung
San Suu Kyi Victory Over The Burmese Junta
Nettnin Reviews A Film On The Seige Of Fallujah -
The documentary “Fallujah 2004,” chronicles the death and
destruction within Fallujah caused by U.S. Forces in April
2003 and April 2004. Director Toshikuni DOI exposes the side
of the U.S. war in Iraq that Americans do not see or hear in
mainstream ... See... Sonia
Nettnin Film Review: Fallujah 2004
Bernard Weiner Takes A Peek At Karl Rove's Diary -
Dear Diary: Oh shit! It's been one badddddddd week. But I
think Scooter and I and the others probably can finesse our
way out of indictments for the Plame leak. However,
Fitzgerald -- one of our guys! -- must have forgotten who
butters his U.S. Attorney's ... See... Inside
Rove's Diary: How Do I Get Out of This One?
Mark Drolette Attends A DSM House Party - I was
heartened by the reaction a group of about fifty of us
received the other day when, prior to attending a Downing
Street Minutes (DSM) House Party, we all stood at a busy
Sacramento intersection for an hour or so displaying signs
and banners ... See... Getting
Americans To Spend Minutes On The Minutes
No Right
Turn & Russell Brown On Work For The Dole - National
looks set to try and revive the failed policies of the
1990's with a vengeance, with Judith Collins announcing that
a National government would reintroduce work-for-the-dole .
See... No
Right Turn: Failed policies and Public
Address 25/07/05 - Bombs And Big Brothers
Lewis Falls Victim To "Crab Bucket Mentality" -
I'm enormously sad to learn that New Zealand Tennis have
finally driven tennis ace Chris Lewis from New Zealand.
Chris is a wonderful sportsman and a tremendous human being,
and his departure for California leaves me angry at his
treatment here at home. See... Peter
Cresswell: Chris Lewis - Tall Poppy
Cruise's Role In The Valerie Plame Affair - A member
of special prosecutor Patrick Fitzgerald’s legal team
confirmed that actor and covert CIA agent Tom Cruise blew
the cover of undercover agency operative Valerie Plame
Wilson. See... Dennis
Hans: Super-spy Tom Cruise Outed Plame
Cohn Assesses The Supreme Court Nomination - Who
leaked the name of John G. Roberts before Bush's official
prime time revelation Tuesday night? My guess: Karl Rove. He
had the most to gain from an early announcement. Rove knows
the mainstream media has a very short attention span. What
better way ... See... Marjorie
Cohn: Mr. Roberts' Neighborhood
Wilson On The New Fuel - Food - It was one of those
things that you can't quite believe is real. I was flipping
through a magazine and saw an ad for a stove that burns corn
kernels. For heat. Corn is food, not fuel, I thought, but
the ad assured me that "Corn is replenished annually. ...
See... Kelpie
Wilson: The Tragic Abuse of Corn
Right Turn On The G8 Outcome - The G8 has produced
its final communique, promising to boost aid to Africa by
US$50 billion and forgive some third world debt. But while
this will make a real difference, overall it is
disappointing. According to Make Poverty History, only 40%
of that aid boost is actually new funding, the rest having
already been announced. It also will not arrive until 2010.
In the intervening five years, millions will die who could
have been saved if the boost had been immediate. See... No
Right Turn: G8 - Disappointing
For much more see... Full
Coverage: G8 At Gleneagles (Part
Drolette Updates His Plans For A March On D.C. -
'Twould appear I'm not the only American who's fed up with
the political goings-on in our country today. Fancy that! My
most recent article, "The march of the madder'n hells,"
calling for one million of us to march to both the White
House and Capitol ... See... The
March/Swarm Of The Madder'n Hells, Part II
For much much more see... Full Coverage: The Downing Street Memo - Part 4, 500,000+ Americans, 122 Reps. Seek DSM Answers , Part 2 & Part 1
LeFevre - Meditations - In the science fiction
classic “2001, A Space Odyssey,” HAL, the all too human-like
computer, malfunctions and becomes evil. It begs for the
life of its higher functions as the sole surviving astronaut
is erasing them. It’s a metaphor for the growing
destructiveness of man and the dreaded death of the ego.
See... Meditations:
Breakthrough Beyond “Modern Humans”
Bernard Weiner Considers The Rove Plame Back Story -
At long last, Plamegate -- the scandal surrounding the
outing of covert CIA operative Valerie Plame Wilson by two
"senior administration officials" -- has exploded out of the
D.C. beltway to become a major national news story. See...
Scandal Leading to Deeper White House Horrors
The Madder’n Hells Are Deader’n Hell - My plan to inspire one million pissed-off Americans (the “madder’n hells”) to descend upon the U.S. Capitol on September 26, demand Congress hold hearings on the Downing Street Memos (DSM), and then attend said hearings while re-swarming the building daily, has met an early demise. See... Mark Drolette: Attempt To Save The Country Falls
Roasting Monk Caught Tricking Women Into Sex -
BANGKOK, Thailand -- A defrocked Buddhist novice who roasted
a baby to create a powerful ghost has been arrested for
allegedly tricking women into giving him cash and sex during
useless animist rituals, according to police and
anti-corruption officials. See... Baby
Roasting Monk Caught Tricking Women Into Sex
Hurricane Emily Approaching Mexican Coast -
Hurricane Emily is 36 hours away from landfall on the Gulf
Coast, most probably close to the Mexico/Texas border ( See
supercomputer forecast of landfall below ). The following
image shows the most recent National Hurricane Warning
Center forecast ... See... Supercomputer
Weather: Emily's Landfall Imminent
Cherkaoui On Developments In Egyptian Politics -
Tarek Cherkaoui writes that after decades of political
stagnation in Egypt, there is a semblance of change in the
Egyptian public arena thanks to the emergence of new actors
on the political scene. Yet there are still many challenges
ahead. See... Kifaya:
The New Player in the Egyptian Politics
The Once
Mighty American Eagle's Fall - Having long been an
observer of history and having lived through much too much
of it, I have fond memories of the time when the United
States was seen as the savior of the world. Whenever
despotism reared its ugly head, nations of the world looked
to the United States of America to come to their aid, to
free them of their oppressors, and to assist them in
rebuilding their country. See... Mary
Pitt: From Soaring Eagle To Sitting Duck
Australia Has Changed Its Detention Policy - On the
17th of June this year John Howard announced a softening of
his government’s policies concerning the detention of asylum
seekers and others in Australia’s Immigration Detention
Centres . Before we all rush to congratulate the Australian
Government for its sudden enlightenment, it might be worth
considering the history which led to these changes. See...
Detention Across The Ditch – Oz's Gitmo
Hood's Guide To Election Lexicography - Having
trouble sorting out the scandals from the storms-in-tea-cup?
Have you been left drowning and helpless in waves of
catch-all buzzwords and empty political rhetoric, and that
even though actual campaigning hasn't started yet? See... Lyndon
Hood: An Election-Year Glossary. ALSO: This week
on Fighting Talk: a guest post from London, ruminations on
national days and jailed journalists from Hamish, and
lashings of random outpourings from Lyndon. See... Fighting
Talk this Week: Taking on the World
Yasser Abu Moailek's Letter From Palestine - Palestinians have generally considered that talk of natural gas or similar minerals being found under the Gaza Strip was only for dreamers. However, a recent discovery of a large field of natural gas has gripped the imaginations of many Gazans. See... Good Gas Is Gaza's New Treasure
Russell Brown: Out Of The Mouths Of… - My 10
year-old hears a lot more than he usually lets on. Earlier
this week, we were watching yet another TV item on the
Zimbabwe cricket tour, and he piped up: "why can't the
government just get on with it and intervene?" He said that,
from the way ... See... Public
Address 15/07/05 - Not Just Cricket
Mazur Explores The Mormon/Mason/ Diebold Nexus -
Diebold, the Ohio computer election systems manufacturer,
remains under a cloud regarding irregularities in its
tabulation of the 2004 US presidential vote, which led to
the reinstalling of George W. Bush. So it may be productive
to explore what appears to be a significant Diebold-Mormon
link, as well as observe how the Mormons are jockeying for a
major political role in America. See... Suzan
Mazur: Diebold & The Mormon Mason Handshake
Opinion: Harry Potter vs The Warjocks - Harry awoke
from a sound sleep, rubbed his eyes, and wondered if his
dream was only a nightmare. He dreamt that, in a world of
witches, warlocks and spells, a dark spell had been cast on
two mighty nations. The people of America and England adored
diversion, fast food filled with toxins, children's books
and childish movies, cosmetic makeovers, brutish sports,
mindless millionaires and vacuous celebrities. See... Harry
Potter And the Princes of Darkness
Monkey-Wrenching the Globalization Gang - I went to
Bretton Woods, but all I got was this lousy t-shirt.
Amazingly, it’s not a ‘one size fits all’ and it’s not full
of holes. See... AZ:
Monkey-Wrenching the Globalization Gand
Bernard Weiner Puts GWB On A Couch - "We're under
confidentiality here, right? You can't ever tell anyone what
I say to you, doctor/patient relationship, yes?" "That's
correct. Under normal circumstances, I cannot be forced to
reveal anything you say to me. Only if you're about to do
imminent harm to yourself or others am I allowed to break
that vow of silence." See... Bernard
Weiner: A Powerful Man Glimpses His Demons
Karl Rove, Judith Miller And The WMD Fairy - The
only thing more evil, small-minded and treacherous than the
Bush Administration's jailing Judith Miller for a crime the
Bush Administration committed, is Judith Miller covering up
her Bush Administration "source." See... Greg
Palast: Mr. Rove And The Access Of Evil
No Right Turn On Greenhouse Emissions - The Press had a story this morning about our skyrocketing greenhouse emissions , based on the National Inventory Report . Overall emissions have grown 22% since 1990, with significant growth in both the transport and energy sectors. See... No Right Turn: Reducing Emissions
Construction Halted On A Hospital Where It Is REALLY
Needed - Construction of a new surgical centre
halted because of the violence in Iraq, President of
Emergency USA Alberto Colombi M.D. M.P.H. said. His
organization began building the centre next to the Al
Husayin Hospital in Karbala, a Shiite city located 100 ...
See... US-Iraq
War Halts Emergency Hospital Construction
Biff Guevara's
inclusive coverage of NZ's 2005 General Election -
Because we don't know the date of the election we know when
it will be. That is - as it hasn't been called yet; it can
only be late September. The question is whether taking the
term to the very end has been a good or a bad tactic. There
was some talk that it should have been called in January
around the time of the John Tamihere kamikazi run into his
own career. Force him to go and then call an election.
Labour may well have romped home then. See... Biff
Guevara: Election 2005
Gregory Fortuin Says Cricket Amounts To “Constructive Engagement” - “Never again must we allow the oppression of one group over another” said former President Nelson Mandela at his inauguration speech in May 1994. Was Madiba specifically referring to the oppressive Apartheid Regime and the dehumanization of those born with the wrong skin colour, or was the sage dreaming about a better world. I guess a bit of both. See... “Constructive Engagement” With A Despot
BuzzFlash.Com Interviews Ambassador Joe Wilson - If
there's a list of people who have fearlessly stood up for
democracy, decency and the truth against the corrupt buzzsaw
of the Bush Administration, Ambassador Joe Wilson is
certainly at the top of the list. See... Buzzflash
Interview: Ambassador Joe Wilson July 9
S. Ehrlich: Compassion On Holiday For Hmong -
BANGKOK, Thailand -- About 6,500 ethnic Hmong, who illegally
crossed the Mekong River into Thailand, suffered the death
of a baby girl after Thai officials reportedly ordered
people not to feed or help them. See... Thai
Officials Order Hmong Refugees Abandoned
Marjorie Cohn: The Supreme Court Battle Begins -
With the unexpected resignation of Sandra Day O'Connor,
George Bush finds himself on the horns of a dilemma. After
his 2000 campaign pledge to appoint justices in the mold of
Antonin Scalia and Clarence Thomas, Bush garnered the
crucial support of right-wing evangelical Christians.
Mobilizing in thousands of churches across the country, they
provided the foot soldiers and the votes to elect and
re-elect Bush. Their eyes were on the big prize -
overturning Roe v. Wade, to stop the "holocaust" of
abortion. The Supreme Court vacancy they've prepared for so
long and hard has finally materialized, and the right-wing
fundies are calling in their chits. See... Marjorie
Cohn: Payback Time?
Paul Buchanan On US Special Forces Losses - The downing
of a US helicopter in Eastern Afghanistan with 16 Special
Forces soldiers represents the single worst combat loss by
the US in that country since the invasion of late 2001. The
loss is made all the more grave when considering the
investment that goes into the training and equipment of
special forces troops—in this case 8 Navy SEALs and 8 Army
Aviation special operators sent on a mission to rescue a
four man SEAL reconnaissance squad lost after coming under
fire in Kunar Province. See... Paul
Buchanan: On Special Ops Military Investment
Let The U.S. Supreme Court Battle Begin - What
nobody seems to be noticing, though, is what may well be the
real agenda of George W. Bush and those around him -
neo-fascism. For this agenda, Alberto Gonzales is the
perfect man. Although he testified that "I don't recall
today whether I was in agreement with the analysis" on the
meeting that led to the infamous 2002 torture memo that said
"injury such as death, organ failure, or serious impairment
of body functions - [are necessary] in order to constitute
torture," he actually chaired the committee that drafted it.
See… Supreme
Court - Possible "Fascist" Play
Bill Berkowitz - William
Greene's Angry Rapid Response Machine
Yasser Abu Moailek's Letter From Gaza -
A car pulls off the road near an olive grove on the eastern
border of the Gaza Strip. Alongside the road runs an
electronic fence built by Israel to prevent infiltrations by
Palestinian militants. On the other side Israeli military
forces patrol it constantly. The car's headlights turn off.
A few meters away shadows lurk among the trees. Figures
leave the car and join them. They blend together for some 10
minutes. Then all are off their separate ways. The deal has
been done. See... A
Gaza Gun Deal Goes Down
Russell Brown On The Stoning Of Ashraf Choudhary - Having now seen the part of the 60 Minutes interview that got Labour's Muslim MP Ashraf Choudhary into trouble this week, I have to sympathise with him. He was not asked whether homosexuals and adulterers should be stoned to death; he was invited ... See... Public Address 06/07/05 - Gods And Devils
Barker On Independence Day - The feeling of the
nation must be quickened; the conscience of the nation must
be roused; the propriety of the nation must be startled; the
hypocrisy of the nation must be exposed; and its crimes
against God and man must be proclaimed and denounced. See...
What To The Slave Is The Fourth Of July
A Victim Of The Nazi’s Call’s Bush’s Brownshirts Out
- There I was -- a bratty, independent kid, with a
twisted sense of humor who enjoyed doing illegal things:
Entrance into anyplace at all displaying the “No Dogs or
Jews Allowed” signs was fun, even though it was clearly
understood that – if discovered – neither dog nor Jew would
ever be seen again, regardless of age. See... Doris
Colmes: Morphing the Gestapo
Hard News & More Is There! - So what exactly did
yesterday's OECD report say about New Zealand's economic
position and prospects. Depends who you ask. In the Dominion
Post, Vernon Small's story leads thus: "The economy has won
a strong report card from the OECD, which says New Zealand
... See... Public
Address 05/07/05 - What People Think
Brown Reports From The Cake Tin - The Wellington
Stadium is a marvellous place to watch rugby. It is an arena
in a sense that other New Zealand grounds are not, in that
its shape and symmetry have the effect of concentrating
atmosphere... See... Public
Address 04/07/05 - Glory Days
Cohn: Sacrificing America’s Youth - Like the
recruiter trying to get the youth to enlist in the military,
George Bush invoked the September 11 terrorist attacks in
his June 28 speech - six times. Bush ended his address with
a recruiting pitch: "I thank those of you who have
re-enlisted in an hour when your country needs you. And to
those watching tonight who are considering a military
career, there is no higher calling than service in our armed
forces." See... Marjorie
Cohn: The Creeping Draft
Inspiration To Take You To The Cake Tin Tomorrow -
Scoop received a piece of visual wit today via email
courtesy it seems of Adidas and the NZRFU. It shows the All
Blacks taking on a pride of Lions. You can guess who comes
off worse. In the spirit of tomorrow’s clash at the Cake
Tin… enjoy… See... Scoop
Images: Adidas’s All Blacks vs Lions
Meditations: Bush and Blair - Vultures at
Gleneagles - What do war, poverty, and climate
change have in common? Nothing, if Tony Blair has his way at
Gleneagles. And because of that disconnect, failure by the
Group of Eight (the richest countries in the world) to
adequately address the most pressing concerns of humankind
is a foregone conclusion. See... Martin
LeFevre: Vultures at Gleneagles
Smith On That Hillary Clinton Book - One only needs
to read a chapter or two of Ed Klein's book on Hillary
Clinton to understand the problem. It is written by - and in
the style of - someone who has contributed to both Parade
Magazine and Vanity Fair, two of the most unnecessary
publications in the land. It is Walter Scott and Dominic
Dunne go to Arkansas. See... The
Real Problem With Ed Klein's Hillary Book
Mazur On The Mason’s Mason - Frank Carlucci I - The
life of Frank Carlucci I has largely escaped public
scrutiny, possibly because he's grandfather to one of the
knights of the political chessboard -- Carlyle Group’s Frank
Carlucci III -- who is not known for being flashy. His
talent for secrecy in the Masonic brotherhood, for example,
for which he was rewarded with the highest honor: “sublime
prince of the royal secret” was no doubt coded somewhere in
the Y chromosome passed along to Frank Carlucci III, who has
so far served as deputy director of the CIA, secretary of
defense and national security adviser, among other trusted
appointments. See... Suzan
Mazur: Frank Carlucci I, "Sublime Prince"
Scoop Reader Opinion: Why Are Kiwi Kids Dying? - Why are New Zealand children dying of influenza B? I asked this question to Dr Sue Huang, virologist at the Institute of Environmental Science and Research (ESR), last week. Dr Huang admitted that she ‘was puzzled’, and that the ESR had been unable ... See... Why Are NZ Children Dying Of Influenza B?
Leopold: Yet Another Poacher Becomes Game Keeper -
The audacity inside the Bush administration never ceases to
amaze. The latest example of chutzpah from Bush and co. is
the announcement that Joseph Kelliher, a former policy
adviser with the Department of Energy who currently serves
as a commissioner on the Federal Energy Regulatory
Commission, the agency that controls the country's natural
gas industry, hydroelectric projects, electric utilities,
and oil pipelines and has played a critical role in the
deregulation of those industries, will be named by the White
House Thursday to chair FERC. See... Enron
Policy Pimp To Be Named Chair of FERC
McGovern On Bush’s Unconvincing Iraq Rhetoric - The
editors of the New York Times this morning feign shock that
in his speech at Fort Bragg yesterday evening President
George W. Bush would "raise the bloody flag of 9/11 over and
over again to justify a war in a country that had nothing
whatsoever ... See... Ray
McGovern: Stay the Crooked Course
Bernard Weiner: 15 Reasons To Impeach Bush - Though
my degrees are in government and international relations, I
hadn't been part of the political arena in an activist way
since "The Sixties" -- roughly the Civil Rights Movement
late-'50s through the anti-Vietnam War mid-'70s. Instead,
after years ... See... 15
Things About Bush&Co.: An Impeachment List
“Mainstream NZ” Debate Gets Up A Head Of Steam
- On Morning Report yesterday, Don Brash declared that gay
people are "clearly not mainstream New Zealanders … they're
a very small minority." Pressed on whether they might
reasonably aspire to be part of his "mainstream" he
eventually quoth "I'm sure some of them absolutely are." And
what, pray tell, are the others? See... Public
Address 28/06/05 - Clever, Creepy
Found Guilty Of War Crimes - Istanbul, Turkey -
Today in Istanbul the jury was taken aback by witness
testimony from Iraqi war victims and a US Air Force veteran.
"Snipers hunt people in the streets. People attempting to go
to health centers are shot at," testified Eman Kmammas, an
Iraqi translator. "There are many crippled children. There
are thousands of widows and orphans. There are no police for
security and there are no courts. Even hospitals are
occupied and bombed and burned." See... Iraq
Tribunal: Is This What They Call Democracy?
Guest Opinion: Remembering The Drowned Of SIEVX - On
October 19, 2001 an unnamed fishing boat carrying over 400
refugees bound for Australia sank. 353 people just like us,
146 children, 142 women & 65 men, died under the Southern
Cross. See... Mary
Davies: Sievx - Titanic And A Tennis Court
Scoop Link: USA Resumes Plutonium Production - New
York Times - The Bush administration is planning the
government's first production of plutonium 238 since the
cold war, stirring debate over the risks and benefits of the
deadly material. The substance, valued as a power source, is
so radioactive ... See... Scoop
Link: US To Resume Plutonium Production
Devil Found In Detail Of G8 Poverty Deal - Casual
readers of the newspaper headlines could be forgiven for
believing that the leaders of the richest and most powerful
countries have had a miraculous change of heart. If the
papers are to be believed, the key decades-long demand of
the global justice movement — debt cancellation — had been
agreed to, thanks to an unlikely alliance between Tony
Blair’s British Labour government, leading aid agencies and
pop “legends” Bob Geldof and Bono. However, the devil is in
the details, as Green Left Weekly’s Norm Dixon discovers.
See... Norm
Dixon: ‘Africa Needs Justice Not Charity’
Toni Solo - Toni
Solo: "Debt" - Remaking Procrustes Bed
McArthur's Bonus Joules On The Dark Ages - Do I hear
right? I turn the shower onto cold blast to check my senses
are working OK. Have I just heard Don Brash, leader of the
New Zealand National Party, the nation's top polling party,
saying, &ldquot;Greens hate cars and electricity&rdquot;? If
so, roll on the Dark Ages if he resumes complete control of
the Treasury Benches again. See... Bonus
Joules: Is EECA a Black Hole?
Barker: Summer In San Francisco - Well, possums
I'm thinking of you on your Monday morning at work Down
Under where the autumn solstice has just passed and you're
headed into the bowels of winter. For me it's a lovely sunny
Sunday afternoon, and I have to confess to being a bit
summer-casual about writing something this week. See... Stateside:
If You See Me Walking Down The Street
Fisher: The Breast Of Justice Is Back - Well, I'm
glad that's over! Victoria's Secret, Janet Jackson, and all
the rest of us, can now breathe a huge sigh of relief.
Drapes are out. Breasts are back. That was the big news from
the Department of Justice over the weekend (though Justice
seemed to want to keep it as quiet as possible). See... William
Fisher: Our Titular Attorney General
Not The
Hillary We've Come To Know - I've given the date of
Orwell's words lest someone think they were written by a
contemporary bearing the writer's name. Recent events surely
qualify the United States to claim some sort of title from
the Guinness Book of Records such as the world's largest
moral and intellectual open sewer. See... John
Chuckman: Drowning In Filth
Are Kyoto Related Jokes In Danger Of Running
Out?- I’m given to understand that all the jokes
about marsh gas, Parliament and global warming were used up
last century. Certainly, experts have suggested that the
rate at which we are discovering new Kyoto-related comedy
had been exceeded by the rate at which we used this humour
as long ago as the 1990s. One day there may be no global
warming jokes left for us to make. See... Hodgson’s
Billion-Dollar Kyoto Punchline
Marjorie Cohn’s Bully Twins - George Bush and John
Bolton have a symbiotic relationship. They need each other
to nail shut the coffin of the United Nations, to make the
world safe for US domination. See... Marjorie
Cohn: Bush & Bolton - The Bully Twins
Not PC: Morally-blind Cricketers Head To Zimbabwe -
If it's true as Martin Snedden says that New Zealand
cricketers "unanimously agreed" to tour Zimbabwe then,
sadly, that says little for New Zealand's leading
cricketers. It's true as Snedden says that many of the
countries on the cricket circuit are "volatile," but that
doesn't even begin to describe the Zimbabwean situation. Not
Cricket, RMA Reform, and Property Rights Death
Hard News Is Not Impressed With Telecom
- The reflexive forgiveness of Telecom over this
week's big jumbo outage has obscured some salient points.
Although both cable breaks were to the north of Wellington,
many people in the city were unable to send emails across
town... See... Public
Address 24/06/05 - It's Not Alright ...
Sonia Nettnin Talks To Iraqi Organised Labour (Part
2) - (Chicago) – Iraqi labor leaders Falah Awan and
Amjad Ali Aljawhry spoke about the current state of Iraq and
the challenges Iraqi workers face with an outdated labor
code. See... Iraq
Union Leaders Speak About Labor Movement (2) and
Iraqi Union Leaders Speak About Occupation (1)
Russell Brown & More From Public Address - If John
Key wants to demonstrate that economist Peter Harris is
wrong when he says National's tax and spending promises
don't add up, he would seem better advised to do so by
releasing the numbers than by impugning Harris's
credibility. Wouldn't that settle the argument? Key told The
Press that he couldn't reveal National's numbers: "It's a
decision for the leader's office." In other words, a
tactical decision to hold off the presentation of an
alternative Budget for as long as possible. Until such time
as National fronts with its numbers, it can hardly complain
that others are unfairly speculating on them. See... Public
Address 23/06/05 - The Money
Julie Webb-Pullman On The Halliburton
Gitmo Cash Grab - Havana, Jun 22 (Prensa Latina)
Flip, Flop, Flip - Rumsfeld, George W, and Cheney just can't
get this Gitmo thing right. A couple of weeks ago, it was
the best thing for getting the low-down on terrorism since
sliced head, I mean bread. See... Kickback,
Brown-nose and Rooting-in-the-trough
Steve Weissman On The Killing Of The Messengers -
When truthout boss Marc Ash asked me earlier this year to
look into the Pentagon's killing of journalists, I didn't
know what to expect. Many reporters at the time believed
that American soldiers were purposely targeting them. But,
as I soon found, the crime was larger and more systemic..
See... Steve
Weissman: Kill the Messenger, Hide the News & Dead Messengers – Four Part
No Right
Turn On Criminal Asset Forfeiture - The Government
has finally introduced its long-anticipated asset forfeiture
legislation to the House as the Criminal Proceeds and
Instruments Bill. The bill allows the crown to seize assets
from suspected criminals on a civil ("balance of
probabilities") standard of proof. But the crown does not
have to link the assets to any specific criminal activity;
all it has to prove is that the target has engaged in
"serious criminal activity" within the last seven years.
See... Asset
forfeiture: sacrificing justice
Brown On Kyoto And Other Things - Don Brash is
officially a global warming sceptic. He wants proof that
climate change is happening and that it is driven by human
activity. Perhaps he should do some more reading, and try
and think past September... See... Public
Address 22/06/05 - Bits And Pieces
Ritter On The War Against Iran - Americans, along
with the rest of the world, are starting to wake up to the
uncomfortable fact that President George Bush not only lied
to them about the weapons of mass destruction in Iraq (the
ostensible excuse for the March 2003 invasion and occupation
of that country by US forces), but also about the very
process that led to war. See... Scott
Ritter: The War With Iran Has Already Begun
Peter Calder
Defends His Anti-Che Guevara Stance - Several months
have elapsed since the publication of two pieces on this
page - one written by the Cuban ambassador to New Zealand,
Miguel Ramirez Ramos, the other by a representative of two
New Zealand-Cuba Friendship Societies, Malcolm McAllister -
taking strong exception to assertions I made in the New
Zealand Herald and Weekend Herald referring to historical
events and present circumstances in Cuba. See... Peter
Calder Defends His Che Guevara Writings
Catriona MacLennan On Elections For Animals - Voters have the opportunity to press for better treatment of animals in 2005 by making politicians aware that this is one of the issues which will determine how they cast their ballots. See... C. MacLennan: An Opportunity To Help The Animals
Nettnin Talks To Iraqi Organised Labour -
(Chicago) – Falah Awan and Amjad Ali Aljawhry spoke about
the effects of military occupation on Iraqi society and the
country’s labor union movement. Awan is president of the
Federation of Workers Councils and Unions of Iraq (FWCUI)
and Aljawhry is representative of the FWCUI and the Union of
the Unemployed in Iraq (UUI) for North America. Both
workers’ organizations want independent, democratic unions
free of government control. See... Iraqi
Union Leaders Speak About Occupation (1)
Leopold: Here We Go Again With The Lies - "We went
to war because we were attacked," President Bush said
Saturday in his weekly radio address. Yeah, by al-Qaeda not
Iraq. For President Bush to say publicly that the United
States attacked Iraq because of 9/11 is not only an outright
lie but it's a disservice to the 1,700 men and women that
died in combat in Iraq and thousands of other soldiers who
were maimed believing they were fighting a war predicated on
finding weapons of mass destruction. See... Someone
Tell Bush Iraq Wasn't Responsible for 9/11
Barker: Father's Day In A Nation At War - Today, the
United States celebrates Fathers Day. Some young men will
never become fathers. Here is the story of one of them, in
his own words, annotated by his father. I am grateful to
Richard Linn for sharing this with me, and hope I have
treated it with due respect. It explains so much about the
complexities of this world we're living in that I urge you
to read it all. See... Stateside
With Rosalea: No Child Left Behind
Solo: From Klaus Barbie To Posada Carriles - The
political and economic problems afflicting the United States
and its allies generate effects progressively more corrosive
and self-destructive. From the bogus "war on terror" to
fraudulent declarations on debt relief, they seem to
flounder from one transparently desperate manouevre to the
next. For the moment, poisoned by successive colonial
interventions, their governments expect people to believe
the absurd myth that they are defending "democracy" or the
"homeland". See... Toni
Solo: US Co-Dependency On Terror
Berkowitz: The March Of The Horowistas - Before
9/11, David Horowitz attacked political correctness on
college campuses across the country. These days, under the
rubric of academic freedom, bands of Horowistas are waging a
vigorous ground war against liberal academics. See... Bill
Berkowitz: Campus Crusader
S. Ehrlich On The Birthday Of Aung San Suu Kyi -
BANGKOK, Thailand -- The world's most famous political
prisoner, Burma's Nobel Peace laureate Aung San Suu Kyi,
will not be celebrating a happy birthday on Sunday (June 19)
when she turns 60, because she is locked under house arrest.
See... Richard
Ehrlich: Aung San Suu Kyi's 60th Birthday
LeFevre Meditates On The Devil - “The greatest
triumph of the devil in the modern age is convincing people
he doesn’t exist.” I don’t remember the author of that
memorable quote, but it encapsulates my problem with New
Agers, sophisticated secularists, and run-of-the-mill
rationalists. See... Martin
LeFevre: The Devil is Man-made
Not Only Foreigners Being Tortured By The US -
(Chicago) – Human rights lawyer and Unitarian Universalist
Service Committee’s Stop Torture Permanently Campaign
Director Jennifer Harbury spoke about U.S. prisoners abroad
and their experiences with abuse and torture. According to
the UUSC web site, the organization initiated the STOP
Campaign in 2004 “…in response to the human rights crisis
created by the U.S. torture and abuse of detainees in
Afghanistan, Iraq and Guantanamo Bay.” See... Sonia
Nettnin: Abuse of U.S. Prisoners Abroad
Cresswell In Defence Of Graham Kelly - Well , Graham
Kelly is clearly no diplomat. And we might remember that as
Labour Housing spokesman our present High Commissioner to
Canada called for all State houses to be lifted up and
turned north to face the sun. See... Breakfast,
Chickens and Graham Kelly, Diplomat
William Fisher On The Allure Of
GITMO-By-The-Sea - Oppressed Christians: Looking for
a five-star holiday? Have we got a deal for you!
GITMO-By-The-Sea. Don't laugh, folks. Our Naval base at
Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, could just be poised to become the
country's hottest tourist destination for folks of faith.
See... William
Fisher: This Just In... GITMO-By-The-Sea
Jackson Verdict: America As Neverland - As I watch
the puerile, middle-aged miscreant walk away unscathed from
one of the most media-hyped trials in the history of the
nation, a particular word reverberates in my mind:
collusion. The word which literally means co-illusion
implies the sharing of an illusion, the silent, secret
handshake between one party and another which condones the
evil of one of them and thereby proliferates and exacerbates
the evil. Once again, America has colluded in evil-a pattern
now as old and familiar as our proverbial apple pie. See...
Baker: America As The Jackson Jury
Estulin Takes A Look Inside Bilderberg 2005 - May
24, 2005—The annual secret meeting of the Bilderberg group
determines many of the headlines and news developments you
will read about in the coming months. But the Establishment
media completely black it out. With the exception of
half-a-dozen high-ranking members of the press who are sworn
to secrecy, few have ever heard of the exclusive and
secretive group called The Bilderbergers. See... The
World In The Palm Of Their Hands (Part 1),
(Part 2) & Bilderberg
2005: List Of Participants
No Right Turn
Questions Pakistan's President Pervez Musharaf's NZ
Visit - On Monday, the Prime Minister said in her press conference that she would not be
raising the issue of women's rights with President Musharraf
as she hadn't been briefed on the issue by MFAT and wasn't
aware of "anything specific [she] should be raising". No
Right Turn believes in Pakistan's case there are some very
specific human and women's rights issues the New Zealand
government should be raising, and in the strongest possible
terms. See... No
Right Turn: Some Guidance Re. Specific Abuses
Estulin Takes A Look Inside Bilderberg 2005 - May
24, 2005—The annual secret meeting of the Bilderberg group
determines many of the headlines and news developments you
will read about in the coming months. But the Establishment
media completely black it out. With the exception of
half-a-dozen high-ranking members of the press who are sworn
to secrecy, few have ever heard of the exclusive and
secretive group called The Bilderbergers. See... The
World In The Palm Of Their Hands (Part 1),
(Part 2) & Bilderberg
2005: List Of Participants
Barker Wants A Tamihere Doll - Would somebody
please create a John Tamihere action figure and send it over
here for me to take to work? I'd like it to say, "If you're
thick enough to ask the question, you don't deserve an
answer." And do that arm thing from the haka. See... Stateside
with Rosalea Barker: Right On!
Russell Brown Assesses The Cut Of Winnie's Jib - I was driving on Saturday to buy Tze Ming lunch, by way of reward for that great post, listening to Winston Peters being interviewed at length on National Radio. I realised that what he almost always does is to characterise, rather than describe, his party's policies... See... Public Address 13/06/05 - Characters for the latest from Public Address
Govt. Hocks Off The National Art Gallery - Last
Saturday morning's SIBC Talk Back Show said it all. 9 of 10
callers bitterly disagreed with Government's recent sale of
the National Art Gallery to a foreign buyer. Callers gave
strong reasons why the Art Gallery should have never been
sold--great setting for local artists to show place their
talents, convenient entertainment spot, prime land for
future local investors to use, historical site, etc.--but
their reasons were cast aside. People once again realise
that our political elite have learnt little from the five
years of Social Unrest. See... John
Roughan: They Don't Listen!
Dean Bites Republicans, Receives Rapturous Applause
- If the leadership qualities of those in charge of the
national Democratic Party could be squeezed into a shampoo
bottle, the directions on the back of the bottle might read
something like this: “Make tentative statement. Offer
equivocation to avoid appearing adamant. Scramble for cover
when colleague offers stinging critique of opposition. Stab
colleague in back in public. Palpitate and fret, hem and
haw. Lather, rinse, repeat.” See... William
Rivers Pitt: Dean Was Right
Week Of It: Agenda Snafu, Benson-Pope & Much
More - Last Saturday there was no need for a stiff
coffee to assist waking up – one only had to tune in to
Television One at 8:30am and watch the new ruthless Simon
Dallow going at it hammer and tongs with National Party
candidate Tau Henare. See... A
Week Of It: Agenda, National Policy & Privilege
MORE POLITICAL COMMENT: Blogs A Revolution In Boliva - Kind
readers, the battle of many armies and one death has reached
its end. In these moments, several deputies are in the
headquarters of the Supreme Court to invite the "new
constitutional president," as Hormando Vaca Diez called him,
to assume command ... See... Narconews:
Bolivia Has a New President
For much much more see... Full Coverage: Bolivia's June Revolution
Joules: Not Just The Usual Suspects - Policy launch:
Greens offer brighter thinking on energy. So reads the media
release this week. Strange. Why does the world suddenly dim
down and lose its sparkle? Have we suddenly blown a galactic
fuse or something? Time to get the Energy Gobbledygook
detector out to check things. See... Bonus
Joules: Is EECA A Nuclear Reactor?
Insider Seeks Govt. Funding For Latest Venture -
The federal government may guarantee hundreds of millions of
dollars in loans to help a former energy executive who
publicly admitted he had no idea that the division he once
ran cooked its books and who is now trying to secure funding
for a new energy company he started with three
ex-colleagues. See... Enron's
White Seeks Govt. Energy Project Funding
S. Ehrlich: Do As US Says Not As US Does- BANGKOK,
Thailand -- U.S. Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld
reportedly tried to sell F-16 warplanes, capable of firing
Advanced Medium Range Air-to-Air Missiles (AMRAAMs), to
Thailand two days after he lashed out at China for upgrading
its own ... See... Rumsfeld
Seeks To Sell Advanced F-16s To Thailand
Chossudovsky: War Games On Paper - A recent Report
of the Homeland Security Council entitled Planning Scenarios
describes in minute detail, the Bush administration's
preparations in the case of a terrorist attack by an outside
enemy called the Universal Adversary (UA). See... Preparedness
against the "Universal Adversary"
Calls For Prosecutions Over US Torture - The
editorial page of the St. Petersburg Times, under the
direction of Philip Gailey,.hit Amnesty International (AI)
and its secretary-general, Irene Khan, with several low
blows in the May 27 editorial “American ‘gulag’?” One can
only hope that this will bring to an end Gailey’s dreadful
14-year reign as editorial page editor. If that happens, I
offer this advice to his successor: Don’t use the word
“fabricates” in an editorial denouncing someone else unless
(1) you know you are right, and (2) you don’t engage in the
same offense yourself. See... Dennis
Hans: St. Petersburg Times Slanders Amnesty
Of Chernobyl & Three Mile Island Fading - Twenty
years after Chernobyl, the pro-nuclear lobby has decided
that it's time to glue a happy face on nuclear power again.
Simultaneous pro-nuclear public relations campaigns have
plastered their briefs in the US and British media markets
in the last couple of months. Time will tell whether they
stick. See… Kelpie
Wilson: Sellin' Nukes, Dissin' Wind
Leopold: Pentagon Fesses Up To Koran Abuse - If you
want to ensure that the media doesn't cover an important
political story, send out a press release on a Friday,
preferably at the end of the day. By the time reporters
return on Monday, the story will be old news and will either
be buried deep within a newspaper or not covered at all.
When Is Someone Going To Toss Rumsfeld In A Cage?
List's A Week Of It - In This
Edition: - John Key – From State House to Lucky, Lucky,
Lucky Man - ‘Classically Liberal’ Media Dream Team Not To Be
- TV3 Distance Themselves From News-Generating Perk-Busting
Internet Political Diarist - What Do Georgina Te Heu Heu and
Tau Henare Think Of the National Party’s Latest Campaign?
See... A
Week Of It: Key, K(iwi)s & Coddington
Simon Upton Writes About France's EU Referendum -
In this issue: The aftermath of the French referendum on the
European Constitution ; and Stuart McMillan explores the
NZ/Australia security relationship in an address to the NZ
Institute of International Affairs. See... Upton-On-Line
2/6/05: French Referendum Aftermath
America's Religious Right - Saints or
Subversives (Part 5) - Death by stoning for
atheists, adulterers, and practicing male homosexuals. And,
oh yes, death to witches, Satanists, and those who commit
blasphemy. Does this sound like a radical Islamist
nightmare, a replay of Afghanistan under the Taliban? See...
Weissman: The Ayatollah of Holy Rollers
Nettnin Film Review: Waiting for Quds - “Waiting
for Quds” chronicles the inspiring lives of a Muslim
Palestinian man and an Israeli woman who fell in love,
married and managed the birth of their first child while the
man was a political prisoner in administrative detention.
See... Sonia
Nettnin Film Review: Waiting for Quds
Drolette Assesses PNAC's Star Wars Ambitions - As
any politically-minded American should know, it's never a
bad idea to regularly revisit the document that enumerates
the core principles by which the American government
operates. See... Mark
Drolette: Spaced Cowboy's Space Cowboys
Palast On The Watergate Revelations - I've been
gagging all morning on the Washington Post's
self-congratulatory preening about its glory days of the
Watergate investigation. See... Greg
Palast: Washington Post Still Sucks
Your Broker Doesn't Know Or Won't Tell You! - Right
from the beginning, this book started changing my perception
and beliefs on share trading. I found myself starting to get
enthusiastic about the prospect of share trading. What
brought this change was the author’s refreshingly simple
philosophy and methodologies, giving me “hope” that maybe
share trading isn’t out of the realms of the everyday
person. See... Book
Review: Exploding The Myths
Talks To The US Congress, Or Does He?- Author's
note: I cannot attest to the absolute accuracy of the
following transcripts, as the print was smudged with
perspiration by the time I received them. It seems my
confidential source, a congressional page, had to smuggle
them out of the House Chamber in the bustier portion of his
black vinyl cat suit. See... Holy
Messiah Speaks To His Congressional Fan Club
S. Ehrlich: Terror As A Tourist Commodity -
BANGKOK, Thailand -- The Osama bin Laden cigarette lighter
is adorned with his raised, chrome portrait, an embossed
"9.11", sketches of the World Trade Center, an approaching
airplane, and a big red splotch. See... Osama
bin Laden & 9.11 Souvenirs In S.E. Asia
Stateside America Remembers The Fallen - The last
Monday in May is a federal holiday called Memorial Day. Its
observance began not long after the Civil War to honour
those who had died in battle. Today, it honours all the dead
in all the wars that the US has ever been involved in. See…
Stateside with Rosalea: Memorial Day 2005
McArthur's Bonus Joules – The Importance Of Words -
Nightmare No 1: The sky is crashing on you. The earth is
breaking open. Your house is chasing you down the street.
Nightmare No 1: You are trapped in a metal coffin with
windows hurling through a foreign land. A massive truck
looms at you…. These are more than the stuff of mere bedtime
nightmares this week in NZ. This was Reality News last week.
See... Bonus
Joules: EECA In A Vacuum
LeFevre: A Great Valley Under Attack - To the pride
and shame of Californians, “The Great Central Valley” is
often described as the “most productive agricultural region
in the world.” The pride is obvious, but the shame has to do
with the fact that the Valley is being “developed” at an
astonishing rate. The land is vanishing as quickly as the
rainforests of South America. See... Martin
LeFevre: Dig Your Own Well Daily
Barker Want's YOU To Go To Wairoa - Circus Barker
for a day, I'm here to tell you not to miss the Inaugural
Maori Film Festival in Wairoa on Queen's Birthday Weekend.
Given that I never could figure out why Northland didn't
have a thriving spaghetti Western film industry up there
among the sand dunes, it's no surprise that I'm thrilled to
see that at least one other region of the country is
defining itself around the film industry. See... Stateside
With Rosalea: Hurry! Hurry! Hurry!
Interview With The New US Anti-War Poster Child -
Thom Hartmann here with you on AM 620 KPOJ in Portland and
we're also going to record this and play it on our national
program. Thanks so much, Mr. Galloway for being with us
today. See... Thom
Hartmann: IV with British MP George Galloway
World Bank, International Aid and The Ghettoization of
Palestine While George Bush had his first White
House meeting with Mahmoud Abbas - a summit giving Bush a
platform for his phony $200 million “aid” package -
devastating new realities are being constructed in
Palestine. The Apartheid Wall and accompanying
infrastructure of Jewish-only bypass roads, military zones
and settlements, are rapidly moving towards the permanent
ghettoization of the Palestinian people. See…
Jamal Juma: "Developing" Israeli Apartheid
It's Not
Just A Book That Has Been Desecrated - The reported
desecration of the Quran by US guards at the infamous
Guantanamo prison, as originally reported by Newsweek on May
9, 2005, was not - as it should’ve been - an opportunity for
a thorough examination of US army practices, and thus human
rights abuses, toward Muslim inmates in the numerous
detention camps erected throughout the world. See... Muslim
Lives are Desecrated, Not Just Their Book
List Takes A Trip To Happy Valley - Due to it being
a recess week at Parliament this week’s column is an Art
ands gossip special. Last evening A Week of It visited
Master Stonemason Carl Gifford and his amazing stone
creations at 'Carlucci Land', where they put the happy in
this slightly dank but beautiful part of Wellington – Happy
Valley. See... A
Week of It Art And Gossip Special
Solo Recalls U.S. Intelligence Tsar's Finest Hour -
They recalled a 1983 encounter in the Honduran capital
Tegucigalpa with "a dreadful woman" who enthused about her
visits to Nicaraguan Contra bases in Honduras and the great
job those US funded terrorists were doing. The dreadful
woman turned out to be death squad godfather John
Negroponte's wife, Diana. See... Toni
Solo: Taking Sides And Solidarity
Fisher On The U.S PR Push In The Arab World - As the
Muslim world continued to demonstrate its hostility to the
U.S. on the heels of a Newsweek magazine article charging
that a copy of the Koran was flushed down a toilet,
America's premiere foreign policy organization issued a new
report claiming that better communications could still win
Muslim hearts and minds. See... Improving
US Communications With Muslim World
Who Was
Responsible For Terrorist Attack On Casablanca May 17
2003? - Two years ago, bombings blasted Casablanca
killing 45 people, including the 12 assailants. The targets
included a hotel, two restaurants, and a cemetery. Tarek
Cherkaoui examines the terror attack and considers who could
have carried out this operation. See... Sirocco
in the Kingdom of Morocco
Guevara Returns To Bolivia - In 1967, Che Guevara
died at the hands of CIA-backed Bolivian soldiers while
attempting to lead a guerrilla struggle in Bolivia. In the
small town where his body was uncovered 30 years later,
graffiti is scrawled declaring: “Che: Alive as they never
wanted you to be.” See... Federico
Fuentes: New Uprising In Bolivia
Narconews - A
Time of War in Bolivia
Narconews - Narconews:
A Fast, Dramatic Day in La Paz
Gideon: ES&S Rigs The Voting Technology Market -
Refusing to demo its product to the largest market in the
United States, reducing the commission paid to salespeople
who sell the product, minimizing publicity about the
product's successes, increasing the product price as the
size of the contract increases are these marketing
techniques designed to take advantage of a business bonanza
or are they evidence that ES&S is trying to decide where and
whether Americans will be voting on paper? See... Does
ES&S Really Want To Sell Automark Machines?
When The
First Ladies Speak Up - "In the U.S., if there's a
terrible report, people don't riot and kill other people.
And you can't excuse what they did because of the mistake -
you know, you can't blame it all on Newsweek," said Laura
Bush at the start of her trip to prop up the world's sagging
opinion of America.What can you say about so uninformed a
statement? Could it just be dishonest? We all know the
Newsweek story was not a rumor. See... John
Chuckman: It Runs In The Family
Smith On Newsweek's Capitulation To The Spin
Bulldozer - Reliable sources inform us that Newsweek
will no longer be using reliable sources. Instead it will be
relying on such unreliable sources as professional message
manipulators, bureaucrats with their asses in hock,
political appointees on their way up, legislators funded by
corporate payola and such demonstrable masters of
prevarication as our current president. See... Sam
Smith: Newsweek Resigns From The Free Press
McArthur's Bonus Joules On EECA - A quick quiz to
energize you: Quiz Q No 1: When did EECA last impact on your
awareness? This year? Last year? 2003? 2002? 2001? Not this
century? Hands up those who recall last noticing its
existence in 2003 (and then back in 2001). Don’t worry. You
are not alone. See... B.
Joules: EECA's struggle to Save the Impossible
Barker Watches The Digital Strategy Webcast- Will
somebody please tell the Minister for Information Technology
that you don't actually have to type www. into a browser
these days to get to a web address? It does not make you
look hip to use "dub, dub, dub" when making a speech; it
makes you look really, really daft. See... Stateside
With Rosalea: The Mother of All Bells
Wright: George Galloway's Welcome Home - George
Galloway received a rapturous welcome this Wednesday at a
Respect rally in central London, less than twenty four hours
after his barnstorming performance in the US Senate. See...
Galloway Receives A Hero's Welcome Home
Link: Seymour Hersh Update On Abu Ghraib - It's been
over a year since I published a series of articles in the
New Yorker outlining the abuses at Abu Ghraib. There have
been at least 10 official military investigations since then
- none of which has challenged the official Bush
administration line that there was no high-level policy
condoning or overlooking such abuse. See... Scoop
Link: Seymour Hersh On Abu Ghraib Inquiries
Berkowitz's Puts The Buzz In Buzzflash - As the
deadline approached for naming its GOP Hypocrite of the Week
for the Friday, May 13, edition of, Editor
Mark Karlin was faced with a daunting challenge. While some
of the previous "winners" -- Pennsylvania Senator Rick
Santorum, House Majority Leader Tom DeLay, Karen Hughes and
President Bush -- are all well-known political figures, this
week's choices were a gaggle of relatively unknown GOP
officials and surrogates involved in sexual shenanigans.
See... Bill
Berkowitz: Getting its Buzz On
Wellington's Local Song Stars - Andrew
Masseurs and I (Mathew Powell) have been selected as one of
the top 5 from over 650 entries. We are the only Wellington
based songwriting duo in the competition. We've been writing
our own songs for 15 years (since our college days) and
wrote our song "all I wanted" back in 1994! Since making the
top five it's been pretty out of it! See... Wellington's
Songstar Finalists Masseurs & Powell
List's A Week Of It - In this edition:
Anonymous Hidesight Reader Seeks Help And Provokes A
Witch-hunt - Media Matters – The Dangers Involved In Working
For The Sunday Star Times- When is 'Off The Record' Actually
'On The Record'- Journo With Special Insight Into NZ's
Political Processes On Job Market - What Has Happened To
Budget Festivities? See... A
Week of It: Nazis, Parties & Media Matters
Mackay Image: Dawn Over Ohau- " I took this shot
this morning at first light. Lovely colours with the mist
rolling in over the lake and the sun just making its
appearance."- Norm Mackay Lake Ohau See... Scoop
Images: Dawn Over Ohau Autumn 2005
Narconews: The Latest Gas Rebellion In Bolivia -
Today around 500 miners came down from El Alto. Led by Jaime
Solares and the secretary general of the Bolivian
Mineworkers Federation, Miguel Zuvieta, they again
confronted the police just outside downtown La Paz. See...
Bolivian Miners Besiege Capital
Accepts New Law as El Alto Defines Next Move
Díez Passes Hydrocarbons Law in Bolivia
Freepressed.Com Satire: Newsweek To Abandon It's Spine
- MSM--Since its founding in 1933, the pages of
Newsweek have been held together by a perfect combination of
glue and staples. The binding method proved incredibly
effective, ensuring that the pages would not be lost or
shuffled in the wrong order. See... Newsweek
To Remove Spines From Future Publications
Greg Palast - Palast:
Cowardice in Journalism Award for Newsweek
Conyers -
Push Back on the White House Newsweek Scam
Reid Discovers A Politician Who Deserved His Beating
- A group of former schoolteachers has responded to
allegations in Parliament by the deputy leader of the Act
Party Mr Roderick White that Labour spokesperson for civic
politeness Mr Phil Ryan had beaten him mercilessly when he
had been a student in Mr Ryan's woodwork class in 1964. The
spokesman for the former teachers at Routebourne High in
Otago, Mr David Manners, said they were hardly surprised Mr
White had been punished while in 3D Commercial. See... Public
Address 18/05/05 - Right Hand Of Darkness
Intelligence And Facts Were Being Fixed Around The
Policy." That incriminating "smoking gun" memo
proving the Bush and Blair Administrations pre-determined an
invasion and occupation of Iraq long before the invasion
occurred has apparently come and gone, barely noted in the
American press, AWOL from editorial pages. See... Doug
Giebel: A Nation Willingly Deceived
For Much More coverage of the "Downing Street Memo" see
Care For A Middle East Nuclear
Holocaust? - Israel has drawn up secret plans for a
combined air and ground attack on targets in Iran if
diplomacy fails to halt the Iranian nuclear programme. The
inner cabinet of Ariel Sharon, the Israeli prime minister,
gave “initial authorisation” for an attack at a private
meeting last month on his ranch in the Negev desert. See...
Israel Plans Strike On Iranian Nuclear Plant.
BACKGROUND: Chossudovsky: Planned US-Israeli Attack on
Sandor Lau Savages Winston Peters With Blunt Irony - I offer my warmest congratulations to the honourable member (of parliament) from Tauranga, Mr. Winston Peters, for recently bringing to light a great threat to Aotearoa’s image as a free, open and democratic society. See... Winston Peters & Weapons Of Mass Discrimination
Else: Shades Of Reds Under The Bed - John Tamihere’s
“trash-talk laddism” (as the Listener editor labelled it)
was repulsive, but I didn’t take it seriously enough to
respond in public. This is different. Last week Ian Wishart,
Tamihere’s interviewer, and Sandra Paterson, who gets
published in the New Zealand Herald, both wrote articles
about how a woman called Kay Goodger and a pamphlet
published in 1974, was, they claimed, linked to women in the
Labour government. See... Letter
from Elsewhere: Joe McCarthy Lives
Baker On The Fundy's 12 Step Programme - In recent
article, I promised readers that I would address the mindset
of the religious right as an addiction. In order to do so
with accuracy and clarity, it is first necessary to define
addiction and clarify the terms, Christian fundamentalism
and Dominionism. See... The
Religious Right (2): Pushing A Deadly Addiction & An
Anti-American Terrorist Movement
Barker: The Town Bike, Part 3
- There's an ad
running on TV here at the moment that features a white
version of the black dog that lives at the White House. You
know, one of those scotty terriers from the Black and White
whiskey bottle. In the ad, the dog watches its master
messing under the bonnet of a car, realizes something is
wrong and runs inside to its mistress. Doggie is relieved to
find that she's already at her computer, on-line to a cash
advance website. See... Stateside:
Unleashing The Hounds Of 7-Point Type
Will Security Woes Erode Labour's
Confidence - Paul Buchanan considers whether
there is a slow cloud building on the horizon of Labour’s
re-election. It has loomed larger for the last three years,
although it has it origins in previous National governments.
That cloud is called insecurity. There is a general unease
in the air about security-related issues. Public
apprehension is not so much about immediate security threats
as it is about the government’s ability to plan for and deal
with them. On that score, there is wide spread scepticism
that transcends the normal boundaries of social uncertainty
about the future. See... Lapses
in Security Have Election Implications
Brown Addresses The Benson Pope Tennis Ball Sadism
Debate - I wouldn't put too much stock in Rodney
Hide's apparent speedy withdrawal of his claims of
historical classroom bullying against associate education
minister David Benson Pope. I'd say the whole idea was to
extract denials on multiple allegations ... See... Public
Address 13/05/05 - Going Nuclear
McArthur Opines On Bulk Electricity Spin - Have you
ever suddenly seen through a massive con? If you are like
me, you don’t know whether to rage against the perpetrator,
to be depressed by your ignorance or to laugh at your own
gullibility. See... Bonus
Joules: Confusion or Concussion?
Cresswell Attributes Blair's Win To The War - This
week, why PC is uncharacteristically celebrating a Labour
victory, and unceremoniously plotting where New Zealand's
political parties fit in the political spectrum. See... Not
PC: Blair's Post-Election Blues Vs NZ Politics
Reid Addresses Another Hoax A hoax 111 call
yesterday had police, emergency services, the Westpac
helicopter and army units mobilised and rushed to an area of
native bush 30 kilometre west of Dargaville. The anonymous
caller -- who identified himself as Stephen Bainbridge, a
23-year old horticulture student from 27 Lone Pine Rd, New
Plymouth -- alleged that a kauri tree had been illegally
felled in the remote area of bush. "The prime minister's
department was immediately informed of the hoax," said the
Commissioner of Police Mr Robert Robertson, "and we were
very pleased with the speed at which emergency services and
Victim Support groups swung into action. See... Public
Address 12/05/05 - Clear And Present Danger
Jay Shaft On The
Suffering Of Iraq's Children - Since the U.S.
invaded Iraq on 3/20/03 at least 50,000-100,000 civilians
have been killed. A great majority of those casualties have
been women and children. One of the purposes of the invasion
was to “free and liberate” the Iraqi people. See... Jay
Shaft: When Silence Becomes Betrayal
Views On The King of Nepal's Coup - On Monday US
Secretary of State for S. Asia Christina Rocca arrived in
the capital of Kathmandu. She met with various leaders of
the major parties, held a press conference, and dined with
the King. See... Michael
Van De Veer: 100 Days Of Fascism In Nepal
Partridge: Last Chance for Civilization - Humanity
is facing a catastrophe of unimaginable proportions. The
final depletion of petroleum reserves is likely within this
century. Without this energy source, and with no alternative
sources in place, the Earth could probably not support half
of the present population of six billion souls. See... Ernest
Partridge: Last Chance for Civilization
Berkowitz On The Hijacking Of World Earth Day - On
April 22nd, thousands of people in hundreds of communities
throughout the U.S. celebrated the 35th anniversary of Earth
Day. Originally started during the turbulent days of
anti-Vietnam War protests through the initiative of Senator
Gaylord Nelson, Earth Day has devolved from a day of
reflection about environmental issues to a series of
amorphous and unfocused public celebrations, many of which
are corporate sponsored. See... Earth
Day 2005: Contrived Commercialized Co-Opted
Smith Ponders The Absence Of US Christian Moderates
- The failure of Christian moderates to take on publicly
religious extremists who claim the same Bible and theology
sadly brings to mind the failure of liberals to take on
Joseph McCarthy. See... Sam
Smith: Where Are The Christian Moderates?
Weissman Investigation Part IV: America's Religious
Right - Rev. Tim LaHaye thinks deep thoughts.
Co-author of the best-selling Left Behind and Babylon Rising
novels, the 78-year-old evangelical probes the mind of God
as revealed in Holy Scriptures. See... America's
Religious Right (IV): Pie in the Sky
Rivers Pitt Wonders What Went Wrong With The GOP? -
I have trouble imagining what it must be like to be a
Republican these days. The party of Lincoln and TR, the
party of fiscal responsibility and small government, has
become so profoundly separated from its roots that it is
barely recognizable anymore. Millions of people who proudly
call themselves Republican must, I think, be dealing with a
quiet yet insistent voice within. Something, whispers that
voice, has gone wrong. See... William
Rivers Pitt: The Millstone
Barker Discovers The Future Of TV - I have seen the
future of television, and it is PSP. I'm not talking about
just the technical feasibility of broadcasting to, and
receiving input from, a handheld device like Sony's Play
Station Portable, but about programme content itself. See...
with Rosalea: PSPTV
Faraj al-Libbi? Never Heard Of Him - Even as Tim
Russert solemnly announced on Meet the Press Sunday that the
"Number three man" in the entire Al-Qaeda network was now
under lock and key, the world edition of The Sunday Times
quoted European intelligence as saying that Abu Faraj
al-Libbi was not only NOT number three, he is not even a
blip on the terrorist radar screen. See... Sheila
Samples: We Are Very Good Drivers...
Baroud On The Besieged Palestinian President - To
the uncritical eye, Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas
looks like an ordinary statesman residing over an equally
ordinary political reality. Nothing could be further from
the truth. See... Ramzy
Baroud: Abbas’ Terrible Dilemma
From The
Hebrew: The Theft Of Trees - Over 100,000 trees
have been removed. Some of these have turned up mysteriously
in Israel, being sold for up to 25,000 shekels (A$7,500).
For the Palestinians the trees have an enormous economic
significance. An olive tree is not just a tree but often
their major source of income. It is also has a cultural and
spiritual meaning to the Palestinians, being also the
family's wealth, often inherited from previous generations
and destined to be for their offsprings. See... Sol
Salbe: How To Turn The World Upside Down
List: Nazis & Winston Peters Most Excellent Sources
- A Week of It can but wonder at the marvelousness of Mr
Peters sources, not only do they know more about what's
happening with Iraqi Cabinet Ministers than the Immigration
Service, but they also seem to know more about what is going
on at McLeod and Associates than the firm's own consultant.
Week Of It: Smoking Nazi’s And Outing Iraqis
McArthur Sees Some Lucidity Albeit Not In NZ's Media
- “What does living in Lala land mean?” This question is put
to me this week by a friend from India. I answer with a
string of expressions: It means you are away with the
fairies. Out of your tree. You don’t have your feet on the
ground. You are out of touch with reality. You live in cloud
cuckoo land. You are bit crazy, dotty nutty over-optimistic.
I might have added that you are like many of New Zealand’s
most prominent business and media people with regard to oil
and gas. See... Bonus
Joules: A Major Encounter
Smith: From A Little Plant Civil Rights Abuses Grow
- The war on drugs was the first major test by the country's
elite to see if Americans would willingly surrender their
constitutional rights. It turned out that they would and so
for the past twenty years invasions of civil liberties
increased, America threw more and more of its young people
into prison, while exploding drug war budgets did nothing to
stem the growth of the drug industry. See... Sam
Smith: Pot- The Sina Qua Non Of A Drug War
Review: Portfolio Investing Is Not Rocket Science -
While property is still a favourite of New Zealand
investors, author Cameron Watson believes it is important
for investors to maintain a balanced portfolio of
investments to complement their exposure to the property
sector. To help those with little or no investing
experience, Watson who is Head of Research at ABN AMRO
Craig, has produced a book - Risk, Return and Reality -
outlining the basic principles. See... Book
Review: Risk, Return & Reality
A Wall Of Sand In The Saudi Kingdom - Look at these
amazing photos of our recent sandstorm in Jeddah. I got
those windows & doors sealed with towels at the edges, just
in time! See... Scoop
Images: Sandstorm In Jeddah, Saudi Arabia
Ecologist Assesses The Quantum Of Global Energy
Resources - Peter North calculates how long the
world’s energy supplies can continue to support the existing
pattern of 2% pa increase in energy consumption. The figures
suggest increasing energy consumption is unlikely to be
sustainable for much longer. See... Pac.
Ecologist: Global Energy – How much Remains?
Robert Mann - Robert
Mann: Euphoric Cornucopianism Mischievous
Chossudovsky: Israel Poised To Bomb Iran - At the
outset of Bush's second term, Vice President Dick Cheney
dropped a bombshell. He hinted, in no uncertain terms, that
Iran was "right at the top of the list" of the rogue enemies
of America, and that Israel would, so to speak, "be doing
the bombing for us", without US military involvement and
without us putting pressure on them "to do it". See... Chossudovsky:
Planned US-Israeli Attack on Iran
Shaw: Regulated Resistance: Pt. 2 - Last February
United for Peace and Justice, the largest representative
coalition within the American "anti-war movement", emerged
from their second annual Assembly with a 2005 "action plan"
that effectively caged the "anti-war" debate exclusively
within the Iraq conflict to achieve partisan ends on behalf
of the pro-war Democratic Party and their Neoliberal
corporate benefactors. See... UQ
Wire: The Gatekeepers of the So-Called Left
News From Russell Brown Is Here! - How clever of
Metro magazine to stage a major power cut last night as a
marketing device for its cover story on Auckland's ailing
infrastructure. Or possibly not. Anyway, shortly before 7pm,
the lights went out in Pt Chevalier, Grey Lynn, Westmere,
... See... Public
Address 03/05/05 - Scoops And Blackouts
Administration Getting Away With Torture - When the
torture photographs began to emerge from Iraq's Abu Ghraib
prison one year ago, Bush said, "Those mistakes will be
investigated, and people will be brought to justice." As
fingers began to point up the chain-of-command, some
prisoners were released and commanders were reassigned.
Congress held hearings, investigations were undertaken, and
some low-ranking soldiers were prosecuted. But those
responsible for setting the policy that led to widespread
and systemic torture of prisoners in United States custody
remain uninvestigated and un-indicted. See... Cohn:
Team Bush Goes Unpunished for Torture
Civil Unions Launched With Rainbow Parade - The
parade for the first Public Civil Union celebrated outside
the Wellington Town Hall, across Civic Square and the
City-to-Sea Bridge, and around the lagoon at around 4.30pm
yesterday, May Day. Images submitted by Dylan Packman.
See... Scoop
Images: Civil Unionists Celebrate May Day
Stateside: Where Rosalea Goes East - When I told
friends that I was going to Boise, Idaho, the response I got
was illuminating. "They're all survivalists up there."
"White supremacist country. Beware." Coupled with my inkling
that Boise (pronounced boys-ee) is the States' fun-time
equivalent of Eketahuna, I didn't expect much as I set off
on my trip last week. See... Stateside
Images: Boise, Idaho
The Inside Oil From Molesworth & Featherston - Molesworth & Featherston comes to you delayed this week by the shortened ANZAC week, though it was a quiet week. The Reserve Bank held interest rates. We investigated how seriously to take reports of falling business confidence and list our top near-term concerns about our economy. We worry things aren’t going so well in the ANZAC relationship and we update media tattle. See... Molesworth & Featherston (Lobby Edition) – 29/4/05
Synlait Is The Apex – Where Is Dairy Going? - Last
week, Alex Sundakov argued that the arrival of Synlait – an
ambitious new Canterbury dairy company – “closes the debate”
on the 2001 reforms and “completes the evolution of the
dairy sector”.
If Synlait’s birth is the industry’s
apex, it has some serious problems. See... Tony
Baldwin: NZ Dairy - Sylait The Saviour?
List On The Immigration/News/Politics Nexus - NZ
First leader Winston Peters looks set to cause a stir when
Parliament resumes after a two-week recess. Mr Peters told A
Week of It today that he would be naming under parliamentary
privilege the refugee status claimant whom he alleges was a
high ranking member of the Iraqi Baath Party and a former
Government Minister under Saddam Hussein. See... A
Week Of It: Saddam, Doone & Lynton Crosby
Keith Ng
Interviews Film Maker Tony Sutorius - "Paper's for
wimps," Toby said. He leans over the pool table, drafts a
few paragraphs of the State of Union address in his shiny
head, then sinks the next ball. "Now that's cool," I thought
to myself in bed this morning, while drafting my big scoop
in my head. It was pretty good, but then I fell asleep again
and lost it. See.. Keith Ng: The West Wing Effect
Profiting From National Security & Corruption
BANGKOK, Thailand -- Investigations by the U.S. Department
of Justice and Securities and Exchange Commission into
"foreign corrupt practices" by an American company selling
airport bomb-detectors, and the alleged involvement of Thai
officials, have created an uproar in Thailand. See... US
Co. Involved In Thai Security Bribery Case
"We Must
Prepare to Invade Turkey Immediately!" - As we
reflect on ANZAC day and give remembrance to the men who
gave their lives on foreign fields, we must ask ourselves
one question: Why haven't we given those Turks the lesson
they deserve? It's been 90 years, already! See… Lyndon
Hood: NZ Armed Forces Need New Challenge
William Rivers Pitt Meets Scoop's Dhar Jamail - In
this mean and meager time of pre-packaged, pre-processed,
corporate-controlled infotainment that passes itself off as
'news, it is a rare and refreshing experience to see and
hear a true journalist reporting the facts. See... William
Rivers Pitt: Hostile Information. See also… Dahr Jamail On Scoop
Robert Mann On Why Ownership Matters - The spectacular twentieth century was convulsed repeatedly by wars over ownership. The first decade, known to us as the Edwardian period, was generally peaceful & prosperous in the British Empire and many other regions, but Communism got going in Russia and took advantage of WW1 to seize dictatorial power for fanatical atheists in that large industrial/peasant society. See... Robert Mann: Ownership Matters
Meditations: Two Ducks On A Log Clears A Cluttered
Mind - Two mallards, a multi-colored male and a
rather plain brown female (except for a dazzling blue
chevron on her wings) drifted downstream. They were
completely at home and at one with each other, communicating
through subtle movements where to go and what to do. See...
LeFevre: A Persistent Meditative State
Investigation: America's Religious Right Randall
Terry claims he has mellowed, as most of us do with age.
But, along with many of his fellow evangelicals, he remains
aggressively committed to his goal of turning America into
"a Christian nation." Appearing almost nightly last month on
Fox News, CNN, and MSNBC as the spokesman for the parents of
the brain-damaged Terri Schiavo, the charismatic militant
urged Florida’s Governor Jeb Bush to violate a court order
and reinsert the feeding tube that had kept the poor woman
in what her husband and doctors called "a persistent
vegetative state" for nearly 15 years. See... Steve
Weissman: A Deadly Culture of Life
Thousands Of Ozzie Camels To Be Culled - In
Australia thousands of wild camels will be shot from
helicopters. This was necessary in order to halt the
explosive growth of the camel population, explained a
government spokesperson. See... Australia:
Cull Of 1000s Of Wild Camels Planned
Is It
Possible To Change The System When You Are The
System? - In February of this year, United for Peace
and Justice (UFPJ) , a coalition of more than 800 peace and
justice groups throughout the United States, held their
second annual Assembly to hear and vote on proposals for a
2005 “action plan.” See... Charles
Shaw: Regulated Resistance
The Lines Interview's Terry Jones
- With Humor
and Irony, A Founding Member of Monty Python Blasts Bush and
Blair's War on Terror - Interview with Terry Jones, founding
member of the Monty Python comedy troupe, conducted by Scott
Harris See... Monty
Python's Terry Jones Blasts Bush/Blair War
Would Not Be Impressed With SWAT - A client of mine
uses "swat" operation when referring to a complex series of
seemingly unrelated actions by a series of governmental
agencies, including agencies of judicial, executive and
legislative branches, often with the participation and
assistance of private individual or corporate informants, to
profit from the destruction, silencing, asset seizure or
blackmail of an individual or company who is out of favor or
has offended some individual or group in power. See... Anatomy
Of A SWAT From A Lawyer’s Perspective
Image: Spotted Buzzing Above Wellington - The Boeing
Vertol 107-II, owned and operated by Columbia Helicopters
New Zealand Limited, has two rotors on top rather the more
usual single rotor and tail blade. See... Scoop
Image: Twin Rotor Chopper Over The Capital
UQ Wire:
What Sibel Edmonds Won't Say - Former FBI contract
translator and whistleblower Sibel Edmonds and her attorneys
were ordered removed from the E. Barrett Prettyman U.S.
Courthouse so that a three-judge U.S. Court of Appeals panel
could discuss her case in private with Bush administration
lawyers. See... UQ
Wire: S. Edmonds, 911, Drugs & Campaign Finance
List's Had A Month Of It - It’s back, Scoop's 'A
Week Of It' column, not by any popular demand but just for
the sheer flippin' heck of it. Due to the soporific nature
of the Parliamentary year this irregular Scoop column went
away. It’s hard to type a column when one has fallen asleep
at the keyboard. See... A
Month of It – Late April Politics, News & Stuff
How The
United States Is Able To Torture Political
Prisoners- Paul Buchanan examines the revelations
about torture of political prisoners held in US prisons in
Afghanistan, Guantanamo Bay, Cuba and Iraq. See... Buchanan:
The Symmetry Between Torture & Terror
Hon Simon Upton's Diaspora Edition
Newsletter - In this issue: France discovers a new
way of putting itself at the centre of Europe by threatening
to derail the new European Constitution; the Father of the
Constitution, Valéry Giscard d’Estaing plans his own
apotheosis; and French farmers are given holidays paid for
by the taxpayer. ... See... Upton-on-line:
France’s Allergic Reaction To EC
MOTORNET: Karl Ferguson On Subaru's RS - How do you
give an existing car that's generally well respected, but no
longer the new kid on the block, a new lease of life? Simple
really. Take the most popular model and put a bigger engine
in it. See... MOTORNET:
Old Dog, New Tricks
Joules Is Banned From The Welly. College Of Ed. -
Banned from me old alma mater. Yes, no room on the Ship of
Knowledge for me. Left sitting in the gutter in the cold
outside the warm, cosy Home of Education. And they made it
sound so wonderful: See... Bonus
Joules: New Zealand Heroes
22 April 2005 |
Webb-Pullman Gives The US A Human Rights Report Card
- How does the United States measure up against the
Universal Declaration of Human Rights? This, the first of a
two part series, assesses US performance in relation to
Articles 1 to 15 of the UDHR. See... Julie
Webb-Pullman: UDHR Report Card For US, Pt. 1
LeFevre Meditates On Benedict XVI - So now we (the
‘we’ in this case is most problematic) have a new pope whose
diffident exterior masks a doctrinaire interior. The
Catholic Church could have embraced worldwide ecumenism.
Instead it is, in Pope Benedict XVI, reasserting its
medieval claim to ... See... Meditations
(Spirituality): The Last Pope?
Scoop Report: Mark Blumsky Faces Some V8 Bouncers
- Mr Blumsky’s years in Local Government have seen
him develop a fantastic front forward defensive technique to
journalistic probity, and frustrated by Mr Blumsky’s
beautiful technique in cracking loose questions to the ropes
Scoop unleashed a barrage of bouncers to try to make things
interesting. See... The
Great (Scoop) V8 Debate With Mark Blumsky
Leopold: Alaskan Oil Drilling Threatens Disaster -
It's true that thousands of caribou and other types of
wildlife will be displaced if Washington D.C. lawmakers pass
a measure to allow drilling in the Arctic National Wildlife
Refuge. See... Opening
ANWR to Dev. Could Lead To Disaster
Hood Ponders How Transpower Ended Up In The Caymans
- CONFIDENTIAL ATTENTION: Chairman, Chief Executive Officer
or Minister of State Owned Enterprises. Warmest greeting! I
hope my message finds you to be in good health. My name is
YOUR NAME HERE. I have a genuine business proposal that may
be of interest ... See... How
Transpower Ended Up In The Caymans
Opinion: The Baker Carter Election Commission - So,
Jimmy Carter and James Baker are sitting at a table, and
Carter starts talking about the disastrous election of 2000
in Florida.... It sounds like the start of a joke. See... David
Swanson: Half-Baked Baker Carter Commission. See also...
Conyers - First Baker-Carter Hearing
Review: Investing In Commercial Real Estate - The
Commercial Real Estate Investor’s Guide gave me a clearer
picture of the pros and cons of commercial versus
residential property, their similarities and differences,
the oddities of commercial property and the different types
of commercial properties and their pros and cons. See... Review:
Commercial Real Estate Investor’s Guide
Ecologist – New Issue Out Now! - On 30 March, yet
another study, the Millennium Ecosystem Assessment (MA)
Synthesis Report highlights the global environmental crisis.
The MA, conducted by 1,300 experts from 95 countries warns
60 percent of ecosystem services supporting life on Earth
e.g fresh water, fisheries, air and water regulation, and
regional climate are being degraded or used unsustainably.
This adds to a stream of recent reports saying similar
things. See... Pacific
Ecologist Issue 10 – Late Summer 2005
News Is There! - Surely, if God actually chose the
Pope it would be much simpler. Just put everyone's name in a
hat, and have an innocent child draw out the name of the
next pontiff. If God wants an African Pope, or a Latin
American one - or for that matter a female... See... Public
Address 19/04/05 - Choice
19 April 2005 |
McShane's Short Shrift For Peak Oil Theorists - I
know many people get their kicks out of forecasting doom but
a little balance is needed. The following piece from spells out the real geopolitics and
geo-economics of oil and what we should do about it. See...
Feedback: The Peak Oil Mirage
Sonia Nettnin: Palestine Film Festival's Opening Night -
Opening night of the 4th Annual Chicago Palestine Film
Festival brought Professor Joseph Massad to the Gene Siskel
Film Center where he shared his essay, “The Weapon of
Culture: Cinema in the Palestinian Liberation Struggle,”
forthcoming in Hamid Dabashi, editor, Palestinian Cinema,
(London, Verso, 2005). See... Nettnin:
Massad Lectures at Palestine Film Fest.
Opinion: The US National Election Reform Conference
- As they slowly hack democracy to death, we’re as alone —
we citizens — as we’ve ever been, protected only by the
dust-covered clichés of the nation’s founding: “Eternal
vigilance is the price of liberty.” It’s time to blow off
the dust and start paying the price. See... Robert
C. Koehler: The Silent Scream Of Numbers
Stateside: Rosalea Barker On The Credit Card
Caper - Those of you old enough to have seen the
moon before it had footprints on it might recall a fun
little song with the words: "What did Delaware, boys? What
did Delaware?... She wore a brand New Jersey, that's what
she did wear." See... Stateside:
The Town Bike Of Wilmington, Delaware and Stateside:
The Town Bike, Part 2
Nettnin At The Chicago Palestine Film Festival - The
documentary “Women In Struggle,” explores the lives of four
Palestinian women, ex-political detainees, who grew up in
the West Bank and in Jerusalem. While military occupation
shaped the course of their lives and it created economic,
family, mental, and emotional hardships, the women made
individual choices as well. See... Sonia
Nettnin Film Review: Women in Struggle
Weissman Investigates The Religious Right In America
- Judge Roy Moore knows how to rally the troops, especially
among right-wing Christian evangelicals. A devout Southern
Baptist, he tells them what they want to hear, as he did in
early 2002 to a gathering in Tennessee: See... The
Religious Right (Pt. 2): Hang Ten and Fight!
Hughes: The Woman To Sell America To The Middle East
- She's smart, savvy and she can spin with the best of them.
When revelations about George W. Bush's DUI surfaced in the
final days of the 2000 presidential campaign, she ran
interference for the startled candidate as well as any
blocking back in professional football.
See... Bill
Berkowitz: Tapping Karen Hughes
Nader's New Book – 'Z' - The 'war on terror' is
merely child's play. There will come a time when terrorists
will declare real war, on each other, and you'll be forced
to take sides. You've seen the horror that freedom-fighters
can unleash. You've seen the devastation that demented
terrorists can inflict. But could you combat the new breed
of sophisticated terrorists who are intent on absolute
power? Could you out-smart educated terrorists who seek
retribution in the name of righteousness? Would you ever
condone vigilante terrorists who commit the worst of acts
for the purest of motives? See... New
Book By Jonar Nader – What Would You Kill For?
Scoop Report:
Potluck and Sunshine for Ahmed Zaoui in Wellington
-Kevin List writes that the last time Ahmed Zaoui flew
on a plane, he got nabbed at the airport, whisked off to a
jail cell and interviewed without a lawyer present by the
Police and members of the NZ Security Intelligence Service.
After that, life for Mr Zaoui didn’t improve much, he ended
up in solitary confinement in Paremoremo, without even his
beloved Koran for company. What followed was ten months of
taunting from guards, the occasional spot of mindless
brutality and only lawyers and politicians for company.
See... Kevin
List: Mr Zaoui Comes To Wellington
Bonus Joules: The Confusing World Of Modern "Energy Speak”
- They say the darkest hour comes before the dawn.
Well it sure has been dark of late. Maybe there are now
glimmerings of dawn. This week the unbelievable happened and
Don Brash announced they are going to alter their “mad”
Electricity Reforms of the 1990s. See... Bonus
Joules: Energy Babble
Tze Ming Mok & More At Public Address - The
venerable Guardian caught stoking the fires of East-Asian
thermonuclear war. New Zealand's top Bursary scholar not
Chinese for the second year running. These are surely the
end times. On the 'big scary China zombie-attack leaping
from cupboard' ... See... Public
Address 15/04/05 - End Of World And More
Brash Caught Somewhere Between Outrage And A Yawn -
Don Brash has released National’s education policy to the
outrage of all the people who need to be outraged, and to
the applause of those like David Farrar and the Education
Forum that you’d expect to applaud. The Libertarianz, caught
between, have called it a ‘yawner.’ See... Not
PC: Brash Has Still Got Education Wrong
Daniel Hopsicker: 9.11 Hijacker’s Flatmate’s Legend
Uncovered - Crucial details in the biography of
"Professor” Abdussattar Shaikh, the San Diego man called the
"best chance to uncover the Sept. 11 plot before it
happened” by the Joint Congressional 9.11 Intelligence
Committee, are untrue, mis-leading, or false, a
MadCowMorningNews investigation has discovered. See... UQ
Wire: The Secret World Of 9.11
Lally: A Review V8 Car Race Proposal (revised) -
...the economic benefits to Wellington will be substantially
less than $8.6m per year rather than the $22.9m repeatedly
claimed in the Council‘s Proposal, both because of
inappropriate definitions of benefits and through failure to
allow for capacity constraints... See... A
Review Of The Wellington V8 Car Race Proposal
Molesworth and Featherston’s Latest Inside Oil -
John Tamihere gets a reprieve for now, but we think he’s
more or less done as a Labour MP now. Treasury tells
ministers the economy has peaked, but doesn’t seem to have a
care in the world about the current account monster in the
closet. Our new aid ... See... Molesworth
& Featherston (Lobby Edition) – 14/4/05
Hard News From Russell Brown & More Is Here! -
Having kicked off the psychedelic revolution in 1954 with
The Doors of Perception, a still-entrancing account of a
maiden mescalin trip, Aldous Huxley subsequently fell out
with Timothy Leary on the matter of who should really get
access to this ... See... Public
Address 14/04/05 - Drugs Special
Indira Singh - Heroic Wall St 9/11 Whistleblower -
In this special report, Michael Kane recounts the personal
story of JP Morgan IT professional, Indira Singh, a heroic
9/11 whistleblower who was fired, harrassed, and physically
threatened for exposing the Saudi/terrorist-linked origins
of one of the government's most pervasive software systems,
and thereby offering the 9/11 Commission more truth than it
ever wanted to know. - Editor See... UQ
Wire: Journey of a Wall Street Whistleblower
Hard News & More Is There! - And so, a political solution. Not so much the only solution as the only one that wasn't completely horrifying to contemplate. Really, would you rather be savaged by a dead sheep Don Brash, or face the very real possibility of your renegade MP ... See... Public Address 13/04/05 - Fear And Loathing
Cohn: John Bolton At The Senate - John Bolton
refused to come clean at his confirmation hearing in the
Senate Foreign Relations Committee yesterday, playing down
his contempt for the UN and for international law. See... Cohn:
Senators Challenge Bolton on Contempt for UN
Earlier: Marjorie
Cohn: Bolton Nominated to Destroy UN
Greg Palast: What’s Good For The Goose… - When the
feds swoop down and cuff racketeers, they also load the vans
with all the perp's ill-gotten gains: stacks of cash, BMWs,
hideaway houses, whatever. Their associates have to cough up
the goodies too -- lady friends must give up their diamond
rocks. ... See... Palast:
Give It Back, George - Wyly Coyotes' Loot
Public Address Is There! - To paraphrase John Lennon: life is what has been happening to other people while we've been busy making plans. We leave tomorrow for a fortnight in the States: a trip from SanFran to Seattle and back to visit the Boeing factories, maybe catch ... See... Public Address 12/04/05 - All Sorted
Between The Lines: The Nukes In Space - Threat of
Global Nuclear Weapons Proliferation Met by U.S. Development
of New Atomic Arms and Militarization of Space - Interview
with Dr. Helen Caldicott, anti-nuclear activist and founder
of the Nobel Prize-winning Physicians for Social
Responsibility, ... See... New
Atomic Arms And The Militarization Of Space
Will Algeria
Really Seek Justice For Victims Of Brutal
Regime?Ahmed Zaoui's lawyers are to appear before
the New Zealand Supreme Court next week submitting that
human rights ought to be considered during a review of a
security risk certificate issued against him by the NZ
Security Intelligence Service. But what is the situation
back in Algeria? Is Algeria moving to address the crimes of
a brutal regime that reigned throughout the 1990s? Is it
really seeking justice for its murdered? Or is this merely a
diversion? See...
Tarek Cherkaoui: Is Algeria Facing Up To Ghosts of the
Zaoui & Refugee Issues
Rosalea Barker On Her Sunny Sunday - With all this
potting mix under my fingernails, I'm forced to observe--as
an entry in my high school autograph book once did--that
spring has sprung, the grass has riz, I wonder where da
boidies iz! See... Stateside
with Rosalea: Sunday, Sunny Sunday
Feedback: Re: BBC Use Of Fake News - In response to
David Miller's article published on on 24 March
entitled 'BBC
Say 'Fake Journalists' Will Not Be Used Again '. From
Charles Foster, Controller BFBS Radio & Helen Williams,
Controller BFBS TV See... Scoop
Feedback: Regarding BBC Use Of Fake News
News & More Is There! - Time for a laugh, I think.
The best thing to come out of the whole Tamihere shemozzle
must surely be the excellent Hairy McLairy parody aired on
Morning Report today after whizzing around the Internet this
week... See... Public
Address 08/04/05 - A Laugh Or Two
Related: Kevin List Interviews Pita Sharples - Given the fact that John Tamihere has probably received about two million dollars worth of free advertising this week Scoop decided to quickly catch up with his main opponent in the electorate of Tamaki Makauru, the Maori Party co-leader Dr Pita Sharples. See... A short Dr Sharples IV on the weeks topical issues
News & More Is There! - I'll put this up the front
of the post to avoid confusing fanboys who have Googled
their way here. My interview yesterday with Chris Knox,
about the excellent new Toy Love retrospective Cuts, is
archived here as a 10MB MP3... See... Public
Address 07/04/05 - Labouring
Molesworth and Featherston – The Insiders Good
Oil - John Tamihere’s comments about his colleagues,
and the subsequent anguish, have not affected the data yet
but Labour is up in our rolling poll of polls. That could be
the reason National is importing help. We are arguing there
won’t be an early election date, though. The campaign for
across-the-board five percent wage settlements rolls on and
the OECD wants to see more mothers working. See... Molesworth
& Featherston (Lobby Edition) – 7/4/05
Weissman Investigates America's Religious Right -
When Lt. Gen. William G. "Jerry" Boykin boasted that his God
was bigger than Islam's, many people demanded his scalp.
But, as angry as his critics were, they dismissed what he
said as little more than military machismo, political
insensitivity, and bone-headed public relations. How could
we possibly win Muslim hearts and minds when this highly
decorated Crusader so callously belittled Allah? See... America's
Religious Right - Saints or Subversives?
Shaw On The Passing Of Saul Bellow - Day broke sharp
and fast across Chicago this morning as the incendiary
copper glow of a million sunbeams ignited an undulating sea
of high-rise windows which coat the shore of Lake Michigan.
Light spilled amply through one of these solitary windows
into an old building in Hyde Park that Saul Bellow once
called home. See... Saul
Bellow: Eulogy From A Former Student...
Russell Brown On Schiavo Is Here!- Just a quickie
today: the way the death of Terri Schiavo neatly segued into
the death of the Pope has encouraged the US conservative
right to go ahead and politicise the Pope to try and carry
forward the momentum generated by the Schiavo debacle...
See... Public
Address 06/04/05 - Ethics And Ethnics
Returns Book Review: Finance For Couples - Linda
Gough, an investment columnist in Australia, has written
this book to help young couples (married, de facto and
same-sex) to sort their finances and personal arrangements
to give themselves security for the future. Although it is
quite a slim book and easy to read, it covers a wide range
of topics, from budgeting to taxes, wills and divorce.
See... Book
Review: The NZ Couples' Guide to Money
McArthur Gets Energy Wise Done At The Creek - “At
the heart of this assessment is a stark warning”. So said
the 45-member Board of the UN Millennium Ecosystem
Assessment Synthesis Report last week. The stats are
impressive: 2,500 pages of assessment drawn up by 1300
researchers from 95 nations. See... Bonus
Joules: Great Ideas
Smith Isn't Buying The Media's John Paul Saintjob -
An eight page slobbering special section in the NY Times,
Cokie Roberts oozing from the Vatican, endless coverage on
cable TV: not since the death of Ronald Reagan has the media
so blatantly displayed its hypocritical indifference to
objectivity when the occasion suits it. See... Sam
Smith: Media Objectivity Embalmed With Pope
Cohn Speculates On John Bolton's Real Mission At The
UN - John Bolton as US ambassador to the United
Nations reminds me of what a US commander in charge of the
destruction of Ben Tre city said during the Vietnam War, “We
had to destroy the village to save it.” See... Marjorie
Cohn: Bolton Nominated to Destroy UN
Public Address Is There! - Ans Westra is one of this
country's most enduring and remarkable documentary
photographers. A Dutch immigrant, for nearly half a century
she has been photographing New Zealanders and taking
snapshots of the events that form our history... See... Public
Address 04/04/05 - Four Great New Posts
New Loan Shark Net In Place From April 1st - New
consumer laws which took effect on 1 April aim to provide
better protection from unscrupulous credit practices. The
reforms are well overdue. Existing consumer credit laws were
out-of-date and confusing. See... Catriona
MacLennan: Loan Sharks - Beware
Sonia Nettnin Film Review - The documentary “Until
When…” delves into the lives of several Palestinian
families who live in Dheisheh Refugee Camp, near Bethlehem.
Through personal stories, people share their experiences
with the occupation and how it affects their lives. See...
Nettnin: Film Review: Until When…
The Rise of Black Propaganda and Dirty War Tactics
(Again) - Washington’s efforts to discredit the
Venezuelan Government have increased over the past few
weeks. Tactics and strategies applied in prior years
attempting to overthrow the Chávez administration through a
coup d’etat, an illegal oil industry strike that crippled
the Venezuelan economy and a constitutional recall
referendum on Chávez’s mandate infused with illegal campaign
contributions by the U.S. government to the Venezuelan
opposition, all failed miserably. See... Eva
Golinger: U.S. Aggression towards Venezuela
Kamala Sarup: The Plight Of Nepal’s Children - 14
years old Sunita Aryal said "Before the maoist war, we lived
in Baglung. When the conflict broke out in October 1996, we
took refuge in another area. Meanwhile we have a house in
Baglung. But we cannot go there because there is hatred, and
robbery is widespread. We'd like to go home. If we could,
our problems would be partly resolved". See... Mass
Death Of Thousands Of Nepali Children?
National Security:
Ought The “Guantanamo-isation” Of Zaoui's Experience
Factor In A Risk Certificate Review? - Paul
Buchanan writes that the NZ Supreme Court will soon hear
arguments as to whether the Inspector General of the SIS
must take into account Ahmed Zaoui’s human rights when
considering the validity of the security risk certificate
issued against him… There are simply too many legal balls
to juggle for the government to make its case, particularly
when it refuses to divulge the ostensibly secret information
it holds against Mr. Zaoui. But that is the reason why the
Supreme Court must allow the appeal and rule against
considerations of human rights when the Inspector General
makes his review of the security risk certificate issued
against Mr. Zaoui. See... Of
Security Risk Certificates and Human Rights
Hard News On Tamihere vs TV3 - I
suppose no one can really yank the chain on John Tamihere -
that's part of his thing - but his Parliamentary assault on
TV3's Duncan Garner, and more especially the claim that 3
News shows political bias towards Rodney Hide, was fairly
extraordinary. Being angry is one thing: alleging malign
intent of a whole group of people is another. See... Public
Address 01/04/05 - Doggin'
Will Pitt On The Scaredy President - When I went
to New York City this past summer to cover the GOP
convention, I remember being awed by the degree of security
surrounding Madison Square Garden. There were fences to
control the fences, fifty cops on every corner, none of whom
knew what the others were telling people to do, a half-dozen
passes of needed to get twenty feet in any direction, and
that was before you even got inside the door. See... Will
Pitt FYI: George W. Bush, the Frightened Man
Mark Bradley Takes Another Look At An Old Fable -
One afternoon in late autumn, a grasshopper sat in the
shade of a crabapple tree, stuffing his face with cracked
wheat and watching in amusement as a tiny ant labored
diligently to transport a sizable stash of grain, one kernel
at a time, past the grasshopper's place of repose. See...
Fables: The Ant & Grasshopper Revisited
Suzan Mazur On The Sharemarket/Oil Price Nexus -
Opec's acting Secretary General Adnan Shihab-Eldin has
called the high price of oil "unjustified." Former Opec
master Zaki Yamani has re-emerged to say that $50-a-barrel
oil is "unsustainable," and he's predicted another cycle
like the late '70s/early ... See... Suzan
Mazur: Pension Funds & The Price Of Oil
Hard News On Tamihere vs TV3 - I
suppose no one can really yank the chain on John Tamihere -
that's part of his thing - but his Parliamentary assault on
TV3's Duncan Garner, and more especially the claim that 3
News shows political bias towards Rodney Hide, was fairly
extraordinary... See... Public
Address 01/04/05 - Doggin'
Will Pitt On The Scaredy President - When I went
to New York City this past summer to cover the GOP
convention, I remember being awed by the degree of security
surrounding Madison Square Garden. There were fences to
control the fences, fifty cops on every corner, none of
whom knew what the others were telling people to do, a
half-dozen passes of needed to get twenty feet in any
direction, and that was before you even got inside the
door. See... Will
Pitt FYI: George W. Bush, the Frightened Man
Mark Bradley Takes Another Look At An Old Fable -
One afternoon in late autumn, a grasshopper sat in the
shade of a crabapple tree, stuffing his face with cracked
wheat and watching in amusement as a tiny ant labored
diligently to transport a sizable stash of grain, one
kernel at a time, past the grasshopper's place of repose.
See... Fristian
Fables: The Ant & Grasshopper Revisited
Suzan Mazur On The Sharemarket/Oil Price Nexus -
Opec's acting Secretary General Adnan Shihab-Eldin has
called the high price of oil "unjustified." Former Opec
master Zaki Yamani has re-emerged to say that $50-a-barrel
oil is "unsustainable," and he's predicted another cycle
like the late '70s/early ... See... Suzan
Mazur: Pension Funds & The Price Of Oil
Hard News & More Is There! - Well, if you had the
choice, wouldn't you put Rob Robinson up for a TV interview
over George Hawkins? The Police Commissioner ("a civil
servant!" hissed John Campbell) was clearly paying attention
during media skills training, and handled an enjoyably ...
See... Public
Address 31/03/05 - Missing George
Sam Smith Remarks On The Digestion Of Ideas In DC -
Upon reading the lead story in today's Washington Post the
thought occurred that if I weren't a dissident journalist
I'd make a hell of a member of the establishment. The
thought quickly dissipated even though my futile arguments
that the president ... See... Sam
Smith: A Brief Encounter With The Normal
Dave McArthur’s Bonus Joules & NZ Wages - "Market
forces determine pay rates." So reads the headlines in the
Wellington Dominion Post (5 Feb 05). The local investment
guru is pronouncing on why the average wage in New Zealand
is lagging behind other indicators in an "expanding
economy". See... Bonus
Joules: First Impressions
Radha Basnyat On The Nepali Democracy Crisis - It
was a good thing that career politicians who had looted the
country were arrested and placed behind bars. Hopefully,
they will get appropriate punishment. See... Radha
Basnyat: Let Us Live In Peace MORE:
Hard News & More Is There - David Cohen wrote an interesting column on the coverage of religious news and issues in last week's NBR. He's right: matters of the spirit generally get an even worse deal than matters of science in the papers, which is saying something... See... Public Address 24/03/05 - Expats And Moonbats
Marjorie Cohn On The Terri Schiavo Case - The
nation's attention is riveted on the fate of one poor woman
in a Florida hospice. Terri Schiavo has been in a persistent
vegetative state, with no upper brain function, for 15
years. See... Marjorie
Cohn: Whose Right to Life? MORE:
Francisco Bay Guardian 9/11 Skepticism Cover Story
- Sure, the people with the 9/11 conspiracy theories are a
little odd. But not everything they're saying is entirely
crazy. See... UQ
Wire: SFBG Cover Story - We're All Paranoid
Polygamist Turned Prosecutor Critiques Utah Justice
- In spite of the abuse and corruption attributed to Mormon
fundamentalism, the substance of which is published almost
daily in Utah's newspapers, there is in Utah a well
organized, impressive movement to decriminalize polygamy.
See... Utah
Prosecutors Are Soft On Polygamy
The Beeb
Promises Not To Use Fake News Anymore - Responding
to complaints about the use of 'fake journalists' paid for
by the MoD, the BBC Controller of Editorial Policy, Stephen
Whittle, has acknowledged that their use was 'not ideal' and
'will not happen again'. BBC
Say 'Fake Journalists' Will Not Be Used Again
Wasserman: If Christ Returned Today - As we enter
another Easter Season, it's become all too obvious that if
Christ returns, those who hate in his name will slime him,
then kill him. Christ was a long-haired peace activist who
would have been sickened to his soul by the war in Iraq.
See... If
Jesus Returns, Karl Rove Will Kill Him
Public Address - Public Address 23/03/05 - One Way Bernard Weiner - Bernard Weiner: Rove's Tricky Decoy Dump William Blum - William Blum: The Anti-Empire Report, No. 19 Edith Fletcher - Edith Fletcher: A Picture Of Indecent Exposure Kamala Sarup - Kamala Sarup: Security Of Life Angie Pratt - Bush Isn't Interested in Fixing Social Security Ivan Eland - Ivan Eland: Free Commerce vs. National Security Sam Smith - Sam Smith: Things To Do In The Bad Times (Updated) Mark Drolette - Drolette: The Fashionable Politics of Face-Spiting
Rivers Pitt On The Terri Schiavo Case - The greatest
strength of the Republican majority in Congress and their
allies in the White House is their unfailing ability to say
and do anything, no matter how hypocritical or brazen or
wrong, in order to win. See... William
Rivers Pitt: Dictators, Tyrants and Fools
Ruppert Says Peak Oil Is Here - "Sometimes I wonder
whether the world is being run by smart people who are
putting us on or by imbeciles who really mean it." - Mark
Twain See... The
Fire Is No Longer On Its Way - It Has Begun. See
also... Marshall
Auerback: The Militarisation Of Oil
Johal: Hell In The Hebron Hills - Off the beaten
path, you see the desert for miles from Hebron Hills on this
September day. If it weren't for the military outposts, the
barbed wire and the checkpoints, it would actually be quite
peaceful here - a National Geographic spread waiting to
happen. The goats are grazing nearby. Amidst the chaos and
the hell, there's beauty here. See... Am
Johal: Hell in Hebron - Hebron Hills
Wasserman: If Christ Returned Today - As we enter
another Easter Season, it's become all too obvious that if
Christ returns, those who hate in his name will slime him,
then kill him. Christ was a long-haired peace activist who
would have been sickened to his soul by the war in Iraq.
See... If
Jesus Returns, Karl Rove Will Kill Him
Hard News from Russell Brown Is
Here! - So how was, ermmm, Licencegate for you? It
won't be the story of the year, but the investigation on
which TV3's Campbell Live based its debut programme was
competent and at times even stylish. And at least there was
an investigation, albeit one pinched ... See... Public
Address 22/03/05 - Front Page Next Day and Public
Address 21/03/05 - Going Live
Cohn On Hotel Rwanda - As we walked out of Hotel
Rwanda, my teenage son asked me, "So why did we go into
Iraq, but not Rwanda?" This youngster was horrified that the
United States not only sat on the sidelines during the
genocide that killed 800,000 Rwandans in 1994, but then
prevented the United Nations from acting to stop it. See...
Cohn: Getting Away with Murder
Food, Family Values, The Christian Right & GW Bush -
I know I'm late to the party, but last weekend I finally saw
Morgan Spurlock's Academy Award-nominated film, Supersize
Me. See… Super-Sized
Food Industry Targets Families
Hard News & More Is There!
- The rumour is that Campbell Live has a killer story lined
up for its launch programme on TV3 tonight - which is, of
course, exactly the sort of rumour you'd want to be
circulating at this juncture... See... Public
Address 21/03/05 - Going Live
Rosalea Barker: Urban Gardens &
Machine Gunnery - It is the first day of spring,
and today in Berkeley, California, there will be a memorial
service for Karl Linn, a landscape architect who died at the
age of 81 on February 3. See... Stateside:
Karl R. Linn's Secret Garden
Ramzy Baroud: Baghdad Before &
After - I visited Baghdad as a reporter a few years
before the US invasion. There were posters and statues of
the ousted President Saddam Hussein everywhere. But not one
checkpoint. See... A
Series Of Unfortunate Events, The Iraq Edition
Masalai i tokaut - PNG Forestry: Sold Into Slavery John Roughan - John Roughan: A Solomons Future Am Johal - Heroin Prescription Program Introduced in Canada Mark Drolette - The Benefits Of A Deep Message, Er, Massage Uri Avnery - Uri Avnery: Remember What? Remember How? Genevieve Cora Fraser - Arab Jews in Palestine Before Israel Ray McGovern - Ray McGovern: The Intelligence Made Me Do It John Chuckman -John Chuckman: Nightmare Vision Of North America Norman Solomon - Norman Solomon: Why Iraq Withdrawal Makes Sense Kamala Sarup - Kamala Sarup: Economic Impact of HIV/AIDS
Stateside: Where Rosalea Meets The Cable Guy -
"Cable's new reality!" That's the breathy ad series a Very
Big Cable Company is currently running here in the Bay Area
in its fierce battle for market share. Suckered into it, I
decide to sign up for a month's free cable internet, with
no contract, and $35 a month after that if I decide to keep
it. You gets what you pays for, I suppose. See... Stateside
with Rosalea: Cableat Emptor
Rivers Pitt: And That Was Yesterday -
recap: Neocon warlord Paul Wolfowitz will head the
World Bank; The White House illegally puts out fake news
reports, and the Justice Department does nothing; Another
$81 billion of your money and mine is to be poured onto the
Iraqi sand; The GOP majority in Congress is preparing to
trash 200 years of Senate tradition in order to post a
number of certifiably insane people to the bench; Kevin
Martin, a conservative Christian activist for the GOP, will
now chair the FCC; The Alaskan National Wildlife Reserve,
one of the most ecologically pristine areas remaining to us,
will be paved and drilled for its tiny amount of petroleum.
And that was just yesterday. See... Will
Pitt's FYI: The Darkness Drops Again
Palast: The War Behind The War For Oil - The Bush
administration made plans for war and for Iraq's oil before
the 9/11 attacks sparking a policy battle between neo-cons
and Big Oil, BBC's Newsnight has revealed. See... Greg
Palast: Secret U.S. Plans For Iraq's Oil
Returns Book Review: Rich Budget Wise, Dollar Rich
- As many as 95 percent of New Zealanders have difficulty
simply managing their money day to day; for most people the
thought of having money to invest and create wealth is no
more than a pipe dream. Budget Wise, Dollar Rich is a
practical handbook designed to help readers take control of
their personal finances – not a topic that most people
choose to think about, let alone discuss or spend time
working on. See... Book
Review: Rich Budget Wise, Dollar Rich
Returns Book Review: Rich Budget Wise, Dollar Rich -
As many as 95 percent of New Zealanders have difficulty
simply managing their money day to day; for most people the
thought of having money to invest and create wealth is no
more than a pipe dream. See... Book
Review: Rich Budget Wise, Dollar Rich
Stateside: Where Rosalea Meets The Cable Guy -
"Cable's new reality!" That's the breathy ad series a Very
Big Cable Company is currently running here in the Bay Area
in its fierce battle for market share. Suckered into it, I
decide to sign up for a month's free cable internet, with no
contract, and $35 a month after that if I decide to keep it.
You gets what you pays for, I suppose. See... Stateside
with Rosalea: Cableat Emptor
Rivers Pitt: And That Was Yesterday -
recap: Neocon warlord Paul Wolfowitz will head the
World Bank; The White House illegally puts out fake news
reports, and the Justice Department does nothing; Another
$81 billion of your money and mine is to be poured onto the
Iraqi sand; The GOP majority in Congress is preparing to
trash 200 years of Senate tradition in order to post a
number of certifiably insane people to the bench; Kevin
Martin, a conservative Christian activist for the GOP, will
now chair the FCC; The Alaskan National Wildlife Reserve,
one of the most ecologically pristine areas remaining to us,
will be paved and drilled for its tiny amount of petroleum.
And that was just yesterday. See... Will
Pitt's FYI: The Darkness Drops Again
Palast: The War Behind The War For Oil - The Bush
administration made plans for war and for Iraq's oil before
the 9/11 attacks sparking a policy battle between neo-cons
and Big Oil, BBC's Newsnight has revealed. See... Greg
Palast: Secret U.S. Plans For Iraq's Oil
Molesworth and Featherston: Politics & Business - With its major review of New Zealand’s aid agency due, the OECD argues international aid can too often be a raw deal for both the recipient of aid and taxpayers who fund it. Their argument appears in full for the first time in Molesworth & Featherston. ... See... Molesworth & Featherston (Lobby Edition) – 17/3/05
Left Weekly: East Timor Ripoff Continues - ''We
went to East Timor to help those people, and now we are
slapping them in the face and stealing their oil.'' This is
what Chip Henriss-Anderssen, a former major in the
Australian military who served with the International Force
for East Timor, told reporters on March 7. “We thought we
were doing something decent. Now we have to ask the very
real question of whether or not we went to East Timor to
secure oil assets that aren’t ours.” See... Howard’s
Attempted Bribery To Steal Timor Oil
Opinion: No Longer the "Lone" Superpower - I recall
forty years ago, when I was a new professor working in the
field of Chinese and Japanese international relations, that
Edwin O. Reischauer once commented, ''The great payoff from
our victory of 1945 was a permanently disarmed Japan.'' Born
in Japan and a Japanese historian at Harvard, Reischauer
served as American ambassador to Tokyo in the Kennedy and
Johnson administrations. Strange to say, since the end of
the Cold War in 1991 and particularly under the
administration of George W. Bush, the United States has been
doing everything in its power to encourage and even
accelerate Japanese rearmament. See... Chalmers
Johnson: Coming to Terms with China
Weiner: The Message Bolton's Appointment Sends -
Traditionally, a lame-duck president has a two-year window
of opportunity to successfully push his foreign and domestic
agenda. Karl Rove knows this well. See... Bush
to UN, Screw You! - Bolton's Nomination
Russell Brown - Public Address 17/03/05 - Responses Robert Rabbin - America, Rejoice! Evelyn Pringle - Get Mercury Out Of Vaccines – NOW! - Andy Rowell: Remember Saro-Wiwa Green Left Weekly - Halliburton In Oz: Publicly Funded War Profiteer
Biting Men: Tim Selwyn Goes To Court For Sedition -
On 18 November an axe was lodged in the
window of Prime Minister Helen Clark’s Sandringham Road
electorate office. After an anonymous tip-off to a radio
station, flyers were found on the corner of Ponsonby Road
which purported to explain the attack. See... Dog
Biting Men: Wedge Politics
Peron On His 15 Minutes Of Fame - Andy Warhol once
said everyone will be famous for 15 minutes. I don’t
recommend it. See... 15
minutes of fame by Jim Peron MORE:
LeFevre: A Surreal Contrast Found In The Hills -
The verdant slopes beyond the gorge are adorned with
thousands of brilliant orange poppies and deep blue lupines.
The swollen creek is over a hundred meters directly below.
It wends its way around dark volcanic rocks that look as if
they just hardened from their molten state. Above, a
procession of clouds of every shape skate across an azure
Meditations: A Stark Contrast
Feedback: Mormons And Mental Health - I am writing
you with regard to the posting: Suzan Mazur: Bush And The Mormons. There
are quite a few discrepancies and misleading statements in
the above noted posting and I would like to address a few of
those here. See... Scoop
Feedback: Mormons & Mentally Ill Kids
Professor Jane Kelsey:
What's Up In The Pacific - Dr Jane Kelsey, Action,
Research and Education Network of Aotearoa (ARENA/NZ),
Address to the International Coordinating Network WTO
Preparatory Meeting, Hong Kong, February 2005 See... Updates
On Developments In The Pacific
Miller: Not The News - A Spinwatch investigation
has revealed that journalists working for the Services Sound
and Vision Corporation (SSVC) have been commissioned to
provide news reports to the BBC. See... David
Miller: BBC Broadcast 'Fake' News Reports
William Fisher:
The New Face Of US Public Diplomacy - The expected
nomination of one of President Bush’s closest advisors to
lead America’s public diplomacy efforts has been met with
cautiously hopeful skepticism by some leaders in the U.S.
foreign policy community. See... William
Fisher: Whither Public Diplomacy?
Christopher Hitchens Joins The
Ranks Of The Ohio Election Skeptics - No
conspiracy theorist, and no fan of John Kerry's, the author
nevertheless found the Ohio polling results impossible to
swallow: Given what happened in that key state on Election
Day 2004, both democracy and common sense cry out for a
court-ordered inspection of its new voting machines. See...
Link: Christopher Hitchens - Ohio's Odd Numbers
Russell Brown - Public Address 15/03/05 - Leave The Chip Behind William Rivers Pitt - William Rivers Pitt: Exiting Iraq Ivan Eland - Morning in the Islamic World? William Fisher - Blogging In The Middle East Kamala Sarup - Kamala Sarup: No Confrontation Please
Stateside: Where Rosalea Bids Dan Rather
Farewell - Well, it's 6.30 pm Wednesday, 9 March,
here in the Bay Area and CBS veteran reporter and editor Dan
Rather has just said his last words from the anchor's chair.
Last word, actually. ''Courage.'' And he wished it to all of
us here in our homes, not just to people battling with the
aftermath of natural and man-made disasters, or fighting far
from home, or trying to stay alive in failing health and
oppressive circumstances. See... Stateside
With Rosalea: Courage
Ramzy Baroud: More ME Moral Duplicity - President Bush's stern warning urging Syria to withdraw its troops from Lebanon once again highlights the moral duplicity practiced by the US administration in its dealings with the Middle East affairs. Ramzy Baroud: Reining in Syria on Behalf of Israel
Weissman Investigates Military Targetting Media In
Iraq - Nik Gowing is no idiot. A top BBC news
anchor and one of Britain's most respected journalists, the
white-haired Gowing has warned repeatedly of precisely what
Mr. Cheney did not want American newspapers even to
consider. See... Dead
Messengers: But What About Al-Jazeera?
MORE: Investigation
(1): Hearing What Eason Jordan Said Investigation
(2):Army Failed to Probe Its Attack on Palestine Hotel
Investigation (3):Targeting Media The American Way
Genevieve Cora Fraser: A Midnight Rant About Peace - When were you last in Palestine? I recently asked that question to a friend who was saying that if people are upbeat and focus on the positive about Israelis and Palestinian relations than things, by-golly, are just bound to improve. See... A Midnight Rant About Israel And Palestine
M. Shahid Alam: On Comparing Cats To Kids - Instead
of comparing X across people in poor and rich countries, I
am suggesting that we make these comparisons for people in
poor countries and mammalian pets in rich countries. In
other words, economists at the World Bank, IMF, WTO and OECD
should devote some of their resources to tracking how the
economies of poor countries – especially in Africa, Latin
America and Asia – are faring relative to the economies of
pets in the rich countries. See... M.
S. Alam: Global Disparities - Of People And Pets
Catherine Austin Fitts: Meditations on 9/11 Truth- A
"limited hangout" is a partial confession, a mea culpa, if
you will, that leaves the essence of a crime or covert
reality hidden. Because it includes some small part of the
truth, the limited hangout is irresistibly attractive to
dissidents and political critics whose thirst for such
truth makes them jump at the dangled scraps. Once the
system's watchdogs are busy chewing on the limited hangout,
the guilty players can go about their illegal business for a
new round of unaccountable, semi-secret mayhem. See... Will
The Real Economic Hit Men Please Stand Up?
Mazur: An Open Letter Re: Polygamy & Child Abuse -
Last week you were cited in these pages Scoop: Rescind Utah's Statehood?
for refusing to dismantle the polygamy cults in your
respective states, flouting federal law as well as the UN
Convention on the Elimination of Discrimination Against
Women, which has declared polygamy a human rights violation.
On closer scrutiny it now appears that your ease in
embracing such sexism and a disdain for human rights may be
your way of fitting neatly into the Bush fascist agenda for
America. Please advise otherwise. See... Suzan
Mazur: Open Letter To AGs Of Utah & Arizona
Steve Weissman Investigates Military Targetting Media In
Iraq - Mazen Dana lived a charmed life, or so it seemed.
A Palestinian from the West Bank city of Hebron, he worked
as a television cameraman for the British news agency
Reuters and was one of their most experienced conflict
journalists. See... Dead
Messengers: Targeting Media The American Way
Earlier: Investigation
(1): Hearing What Eason Jordan Said Investigation
(2):Army Failed to Probe Its Attack on Palestine Hotel
Molesworth & Featherston's Lobby Edition - This week the wages campaign gets a new head of steam as the Reserve Bank steps in, Treasury has told Ministers growth will slow this year and there’s an update on house prices. We ask whether the dollar and the current account deficit are yet high enough to attract the attention of policy makers. You’re spending more time in your email inbox than you realise – but it’s good for business. In media tattle this week the Herald plans changes to its front page. See... Molesworth & Featherston (Lobby Edition) – 10/3/05
Steve Weissman Investigates Military Targetting Media In
Iraq - As America's Third Infantry Division took control
of Baghdad on the morning of April 8, 2003, an M1A1 Abrams
tank stood in the middle of the Al-Jumhuriya Bridge, which
spans the Tigris River. Over a mile away, on a balcony of
the 17-story Palestine ... Army
Failed to Probe Its Attack on Palestine Hotel
Earlier: Investigation
(1): Hearing What Eason Jordan Said
Karl Ferguson
Takes A BMW To The Wairarapa - It was a beautifully
sunny late December morning and traffic was unusually light
on the Rimutaka Hill Road out of Wellington. The Holden
Monaro coupe was taking full advantage of the situation,
hunkered down in the bends as the big bore V8 worked ...
1 Series Heats Up Hot Hatch Wars
Good Returns
Book Review: Managing Property - As a landlord who has
recently made the decision to take over the management of
some of our properties, I found the information supplied in
Working Landlord, Happy Tenants was invaluable. See... Book
Review: Working Landlord, Happy Tenants
Thieves Greed And Disputed Possession Thailand-Style BANGKOK, Thailand -- A murky tale of thieves, greed and disputed possession of a ruby-and-pearl-studded gold crown, which may have been worn by a Siamese king but now glistens in San Francisco, is a mystery worthy of Indiana Jones. See Richard S. Ehrlich's - The Indiana-Jones-Like Tale Of A Stolen Thai Crown The Scoop Editor - Super-Cylone Ingrid Heads For Queensland Coast
Che Tibby Is Over There! - I don't think I ever realised how snobbish Melbournians were towards Brisbane until I spent a little time here. All in all it's not too bad a place really. What I had expected from seeing a few locals heading this way on the same flight from Cairns ... See... Public Address 08/03/05 - Critters
St Molesworth On Margaret Wilson In The Speaker's Chair - Top 10 ways Parliament will be different when Margaret Wilson is speaker. See... Molesworth: Top 10 Changes Under Margaret Wilson
Scoop Poll Watch: NBR Shows Labour Leads By 9 Points - Labour 43 National 34 NZ First 9 Greens 6 United Future 2.3 ACT 1.7 Maori 1.6 See... Scoop Poll Watch: NBR-Phillips Fox Poll 4.3.05
Ivan Eland On The End Of Child Executions In The US - The most important aspect of the recent U.S. Supreme Court ruling on the constitutionality of executing juveniles was its consideration of evolving international views of ''cruel and unusual punishment.'' See... Ending Death Penalty for Juveniles Is Not Enough MORE: - Marjorie Cohn - Marjorie Cohn: US Finally Outlaws Child Execution
Bolivia On Verge Of Yet Another Revolution - Acting Publisher Luis Gómez continues reporting today via the Narcosphere on developments in Bolivia, where a presidential resignation and massive mobilizations have nearly paralyzed the country. See... Bolivia At Stand-Still, Nation Awaits Resignation
William Fisher Uncovers The Bush Admin's Domestic War - Civil libertarians say America's 'war on terror' is eroding the constitutional freedoms of ordinary citizens. For example, the USA Patriot Act, hurriedly passed by Congress without debate in the weeks after the attacks of 9/11, gave the government sweeping ... See... William Fisher: America's 'Other' War. See also... William Fisher: Coming To A Church Near You
Harvey Wasserman On Senator Robert Byrd's Hitler Speech - The U.S. Senate's senior Constitutional scholar has correctly equated Bush with Hitler , and the usual attack dogs are howling. But they are wrong, and Americans must now face the harsh realities of an increasingly fascist and totalitarian GOP. See... Senator Byrd Is Correct To Equate Bush With Hitler
Steven Hass Discovers Much Wisdom In A T-Shirt Shop - I live and work in a city that hosts a major U.S. university. The demographics of all major universities being equal, this city is temporarily home to students and faculty from many different countries. See... Steven Hass: 'You're Too Smart To Be An American'
Genevieve Cora Fraser: Zack, Mel & The Passion Of Palestine - If memory serves me, Zack Sinclair and I shared time together in early September 2004. Zack is the 34 year old drifter, as some have described him, who showed up to pray with Mel Gibson, the director of The Passion of the Christ, at a Southern ... See... Mel Gibson's Stalker And The Passion Of Palestine. See also... Calls for US Investigation into Israeli Killings
William Rivers Pitt: Oil - On August 27, 1859, Edwin Drake's oil well in Titusville, Pennsylvania struck a gusher, making him the man credited with drilling the first commercially successful oil well in America. In the time between then and now, the world has burned through about ... See... William Rivers Pitt: The Prophecy Of Oil
John Chuckman: Frankenstein's Monster Is Alive! - Doctor Frankenstein's frightful creature was assembled from the limbs of corpses collected in the dead of night. See... John Chuckman: The Creature Walks Among Us
W. David Jenkins III: Yeah Right - "Democracies have certain things in common. They have a rule of law, and protection of minorities, a free press, and a viable political opposition." - George W. Bush. See... W. D. Jenkins: Oh George – You Can’t Be Serious!
Ray McGovern On Intelligence Tsar John Negroponte - Senate skids have been greased for John Negroponte to be confirmed as the first director of national intelligence. Never mind that he deliberately misled Congress about serious human rights abuses in Honduras where he was ambassador from 1981 to 1985. See... Who Now Will Read To The President In The Morning?
Kidd Millennium Cartoon: When Vlad Met George - Cartoon by… See... Kidd Millennium Cartoon: Soul Mates
Ramzy Baroud: A Journalist In Jail In Spain - Al Jazeera’s correspondent Taysir Alouni is in a Madrid jail for no other reason than challenging the Western and distinctively the American narrative of the Third World. See... Ramzy Baroud: Taysir Doesn’t Deserve This
Kamala Sarup On A Path To Peace Through Education - If the leaders and the government of Nepal promote education and values that emphasize national and international identification rather than ethnic, religious, tribal or clan identification, then the ethnic, religious, tribal and clan conflicts will diminish, ... See... Will Social Transformation Reduce Conflict?
Tarek Cherkawi Writes Syrian Intelligence Most Likely Hariri Assassins - Tarek Cherkawi writes that as Rafiq Hariri's high-tech protection was useless it implies the perpetrators were professional, sophisticated. Eyewitness reports on Hariri’s death strongly suggest involvement by a major intelligence agency. See... Rafiq Hariri's Assassination - Syrial Killer?
Public Address Is There… -Exceeding well over? Russell Brown's Hard News If the Herald on Sunday can't find a better lead story than yesterday's, it should … try harder. Under the heading '$50,000 a day: the princely sum you're paying for Charles' NZ visit', the paper declared ... See... PUBLIC ADDRESS - Exceedingly!
Dave Crampton Explores The Plunketline Debacle - Sometimes parents with a new baby like to ring plunket line. This causes a few problems lately as plunket line has pretty much been swallowed up by health line, except the health line people think that mothers are neurotic when they ring and ask for help. See... Dave Crampton's Big News: Plunket Line Hassles
Evelyn Pringle Considers The Pros And Cons Of Pharmaceutical Profits - Dr Peter Rost has spent 20 years marketing pharmaceuticals. On Feb 16, 2005, he testified before a senate committee on health, education, labor and pensions, in support of the reimportation of cheaper drugs from other countries. See... Profits - Sole Reason For Blocking Cheap Drugs
Rosalea Held The U.S' Education Holy Grail In Her Hand - Last Sunday, for a couple of hours, I was the proud possessor of the holy grail of the US education system: a GPA of 4. By the time my second course grade was added, I had slipped to 3.83--on account of the minus sign after that second A--but that's ...See... Stateside With Rosalea: My 4 by 3.83