Public Address 11/05/06 - Flocking Tossers
PUBLIC ADDRESS 11/05/06 - Flocking Tossers
Flocking Mental | May 11, 2006 10:07
Russell Brown's
Hard News
To read the rambling letter sent by Iranian
leader Mahmoud Ahmadinejad to President Bush is to be put in
mind of a slightly dotty blogger who doesn't know when to
stop writing. He makes obvious points - what would Jesus
think of Gitmo? - and leaves well alone...,
Tossers I Have Met (pt 1) | May 11, 2006 08:10
Christie - Cracker With Attitude
I've discussed the
phenomenon of racist taxi drivers before, but it never fails
to surprise me when middle-aged men decide it's okay to
share their vitriol with me. I know I'm ostensibly white,
and if my infinitesimal Ngati Whatua heritage doesn't stop
me from burning in the Auckland sun, I...,