Narconews: Testimonies of Rape by Police in Atenco
Giordano: Testimonies of Rape by Police in the Aftermath of Atenco
May 17, 2006
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Al Giordano continues to investigate accusations against Mexican police of systematic sexual abuse during the repression in Atenco and Texcoco earlier this month. Giordano reports from Mexico:
"Mexican presidential candidate Felipe Calderón - of president Vicente Fox's National Action Party (PAN, in its Spanish initials) - told reporters last weekend that he doesn't believe the reports that police raped and sexually abused women detained May 3 and 4 in Texcoco and San Salvador Atenco.
"The candidate - who is advised by two gringo political consultants, Dick Morris and Rob Allyn, on how to handle questions from the press - said that an accusation of rape, 'is so delicate that it requires clear elements of proof.' Calderón went so far as to accuse Fox's own National Commissioner of Human Rights, José Soberanes, who furnished hard evidence of at least 23 rapes of Mexican women while under arrest, of 'speaking badly against the country and I totally rebuke him.'"
In the face of such constant stonewalling from various representatives of the Mexican government, Giordano presents translations of several testimonies women gave of rapes and other crimes to the human rights group Comite Cerezo. "Again and again," writes Giordano, "they corroborate the testimonies of the four foreign women who were deported to their home countries of Spain, Chile and Germany after their arbitrary arrests and sexual torture in Atenco. Such as the testimony of Catalonian Maria Sostres, who told the daily El Pais in Spain: 'They stuck objects, fingers and keys in their vaginas. They forced one girl to say Cowboy! Cowboy! while a police officer smacked her ass.'
"Her testimony is corroborated - and deepened, sadly - by the political prisoner who Sostres witnessed being sexually abused in that instant, according to the Comite Cerezo's case file. That prisoner, Italia Méndez, is known to Narco News as a serious, committed, and honest single mom. She works with La Kinta Brigada, a collective that, among other projects, works with goat herders in San Luis Potosí's desert regions. An intelligent, coherent, soft-spoken, dignified person, we interviewed her about sunnier matters last summer during a meeting of Non-Governmental Organizations and collectives in the Lacandon Jungle..."
Read the full story, here:
From somewhere in a country called América,
Managing Editor
The Narco News Bulletin