Daily Voting News For August 1, 2006
Thursday, 3 August 2006, 3:54 pm
Article: John Gideon
Daily Voting News For August 1,
Guest Blogged by John Gideon
of VotersUnite.org and VoteTrustUSA.Org"We
are headed for a train wreck on Election Day," said
Republican Tom Leatherwood, who is seeking re-election as
Shelby Co. Tennessee register and is calling for more
machines to be stationed countywide. / Today is Kansas'
primary election / A state Senate investigative panel in
California queried the Asst. Registrar of Voters in Kern Co.
as to why precinct workers were told they didn't need to
test their machines before election day, and why volunteers
weren't trained in the use of paper ballots should their
machines fail and why inexperienced workers were allowed
inside the elections secure area that night. / The so-called
"Battle of Athens" began Aug. 1, 1946, when veterans opened
fire on the local jail to stop corrupt local officials from
stealing an election in Athens, Tennessee. / "The root cause
of our troubled elections is that, unbelievably, the U.S.
provides less security, testing, and oversight of our
nation's voting equipment and election administration than
it does to slot machines and the gaming industry." Steven
Hill in his WaPo column....
National: Will Your Vote Count in 2006? LINK
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Touch Screens Are Not The Best Choice For Disabled Voters LINKNational:
Worst Ever Security Flaw In Diebold Voting Machine (Diebold
TS) LINKNational:
Major security vulnerability in touch screen voting machines
LINKNational: Diebold voting machine hack exposed LINKArkansas:
Voting machine vendor vows to improve communications with
Ark. (ES&S) LINKArkansas:
Election firm told its miscues burdened counties (ES&S) LINKCalifornia:
Lawmakers grill officials on voting snafus LINKCalifornia:
State examines local voting problems LINKCalifornia:
Kern County - CA Senate Panel Rakes Kern Co. Elections
Officials and Diebold Over the Coals LINKCalifornia: San Diego County - Guest Editorial:
Count the Vote in CA-50 LINKCalifornia:
San Diego County - Lawsuit seeks to void Bilbray-Busby
results LINKCalifornia:
San Diego County - Download the Busby/Bilbray Election
Contest Lawsuit… LINKFlorida: Duval County - A paper trail for your vote
Pottawattamie County - CNN's Lou Dobbs Looks Into
Programming Errors in Iowa LINKIowa:
Pottawattamie County - CNN's Lou Dobbs: Hand Counts in Iowa
Kept Incorrect Op-Scan Counts From Installing the Wrong
Candidates! LINKKansas:
Primaries to demonstrate changes in how Kansans vote LINKKansas:
Douglas County - Shew reports voting technology working, but
some problems at polls. Some names not appearing on voter
rolls LINKMichigan:
Oakland County – Editorial - Congress bungles voting
machine reforms LINKMissouri:
St. Louis County - County election officials seek more poll
workers LINKMississippi: Hattiesburg - Voter fraud concerns
raised LINKNew York:
New York State Voting Machine Certification: Hurry up and
Wait LINKTennessee:
60 years ago, vets took up arms in Tenn. LINKTennessee:
Vote Tampering: West Tennessee Woman Arrested LINKTennessee:
Bedford County - New voting machine put through its paces
(MicroVote Infinity) LINKTennessee: Rutherford County - Light turnout. Less
than 10,000 take advantage of early voting (MicroVote
Infinity) LINKTennessee:
Shelby County - An Inconvenient Truth. New machines + extra
races = more than long lines LINKTennessee:
Shelby County - Tied-up voting machines LINKWest
Virginia: Voting machines will be ready LINKINternational: 2nd International Workshop on
Electronic Voting 2006 LINK**"Daily
Voting News" is meant as a comprehensive listing of reports
each day concerning issues related to election and voting
news around the country regardless of quality or political
slant. Therefore, items listed in "Daily Voting News" may
not reflect the opinions of VotersUnite.Org or Scoop.**
************* John
Executive Director www.votersunite.org and
Manager www.votetrustusa.org
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