Daily Voting News For August 31, 2006
Friday, 1 September 2006, 12:50 am
Article: John Gideon
Daily Voting News For August 31,
Guest Blogged by John Gideon
of VotersUnite.org and VoteTrustUSA.OrgUnder
pressure from activists Blackwell has decided to stop any
plans to destroy 2004 voting records for several months at
least. This seems to be a win for those who are still
looking going through the mounds of data. / Ballot access
(whether a person or party have the right to be named on the
ballot) issues seem to be picking up in the courts. / Summit
Co. Ohio has no money left to run the Nov. general election.
They are asking for $1.7M from the county but they are
getting a lot of questions in return. ...
National: Some Recent and Ongoing Election
Law Fights Over Ballot Access: New Skirmishes Could
Determine the Balance of Power in Congress LINKNational: Op-Ed - Dreaded voting-day bugs LINKArkansas:
Election Costs Reach Almost $3 Million LINKArkansas:
Spring election costs $600,000 over previous ones LINKCalifornia:
Measure To Improve and Open Up Election Audit Process Heads
To Governor LINK
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Bowen Election Reform Bill Heads to Governor LINKCalifornia:
Alameda County - County seeks poll workers LINKCalifornia:
Yolo County - County's disabled voters get new private
ballots for November LINKConnecticut: The future of voting is soon to change
Escambia County - Early voting and electronic machines make
election time a breeze LINKMinnesota:
St. James - New voting assistance LINKNorth
Carolina: Wilson County - Elections to educate voters LINKNew Jersey:
Trenton - Stankiewicz charges election irregularities LINKNevada:
Congressional Election Contest Filed In District Court LINKNew York:
Chautauqua County - Paper Ballots Are A Step Backward LINKNew York:
Monroe County - County Elections Officials Wonder What
Voting Machines to Buy LINKOhio: Ohio
to Delay Destruction of Presidential Ballots LINKOhio:
Destruction of 2004 Ballots Delayed LINKOhio: Ohio
Delays Destroying 2004 Ballots LINKOhio:
Cuyahoga County - More money for poll worker training LINKOhio:
Summit County - Summit election board asks county for
bailout LINKOhio:
Summit County - Summit board says it lacks funds to handle
election LINKWisconsin:
Madison - Testing the new electronic voting system for
Madison LINKWisconsin:
Madison - Madison gets ready for electronic voting LINK**"Daily
Voting News" is meant as a comprehensive listing of reports
each day concerning issues related to election and voting
news around the country regardless of quality or political
slant. Therefore, items listed in "Daily Voting News" may
not reflect the opinions of VotersUnite.Org or Scoop.**
************* John
Executive Director www.votersunite.org and
Manager www.votetrustusa.org
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