Year of the Veterans Wellington March

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In 2005 a decision was nade by the NZ Govt, with the full support of the Royal New Zealand RSA to designate 2006 as the Year of the Veteran as a further step to show our nation's gratitude for what our veterans have done, and to enable a greater public understanding of the service they undertook on behalf of New Zealand.
This evening the Year Of The Veteran Military Pageant takes place at Wellington's Westpac Stadium. This event is the premier event marking the Year of the Veteran and the 90th anniversary of the Royal New Zealand Returned and Services’ Association.
Scoop caught a pipe band, some military vehicles and the veterans themselves having a quick march down Lambton Quay at lunchtime in preparation for the event.
Music and the military join forces for this spectacular one-night only event which will be screened exclusively on Maori Television tonite Friday November 3 at 8.00 PM.

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