New National Leadership Brash And

At a press conference introducing the new National Party Leader (John Key) and Deputy Leader (Bill English) Mr Key was asked about attacks on his wealth ($40 million +) by Labour's Finance Minister Dr Michael Cullen.
Mr Key's response was a speech imbued with Horatio Algeresque triumph over adversity.
"I grew up in a state house [and was] brought up by a solo mother. The fact that I was given an education by the state [and was] lucky enough and motivated enough to go on and have a successful career I would put as one definition of the New Zealand dream. If I could make a difference for anybody in New Zealand it would be to give that opportunity to other young New Zealanders in a disadvantaged position. If that is something that the Labour Party doesn't like then I think that is reason in itself for the Labour Party to vacate the Treasury benches," said Mr Key
How exactly Mr Key intended to assist other young people to step onto the floors of international currency traders and experience merchant banking for global super companies remains however a mystery.
It was difficult to ascertain whether Mr Key's deputy would be stepping into the shadow finance portfolio (probably) let alone any new National Party policy this afternoon.
Whether or not Mr Key intends abolishing student loans and/or capping state house rentals in order that todays' disadvantaged young New Zealanders can experience the New Zealand dream Mr Key enjoyed in the 1970s will have to wait for another press conference.
Listen to Mr Key (mainly) and Bill English outline their
desire to sit on the Treasury benches come the next