2005 Vs 2006: Key And Climate

"I firmly believe in climate change and always have," was new National Party Leader John Key's answer to nine-till-noon interviewer Kathryn Ryan earlier this week when asked whether the climate was being affected by Greenhouse gas emissions.
Mr Key was something less of an eco-warrior a year earlier however when speaking in the House about the Climate Change Response Amendment Bill in mid-2005.
"The impact of the Kyoto Protocol, even if one believes in global warming—and I am somewhat suspicious of it—is that we will see billions and billions of dollars poured into fixing something that we are not even sure is a problem. Even if it is a problem, it will be delayed for about 6 years. Then it will hit the world in 2096 instead of 2102, or something like that. It will not work," explained the then eco-sceptical Mr Key.
What has sparked Mr Key and many other politicians 90/180/270 degree turn around on the environment may very well be former US Vice President Al Gore's and his movie 'An Inconvenient Truth'. A couple of weeks before taking over the reins of the National Party Mr Key spoke to the Kiwi FM current affairs guru Wammo about Al Gore's NZ presentation and his plans to catch the movie soon after.
Listen to John Key and Wammo shoot the breeze on how to save the planet