Politics: Are Key's Former Climate Change
Pronouncements Now Inconvenient Truths? - "I firmly
believe in climate change and always have," was new National
Party Leader John Key's answer to nine-till-noon interviewer
Kathryn Ryan earlier this week when asked whether the
climate was being affected by Greenhouse gas emissions. Mr
Key was something less of an eco-warrior a year earlier
however when speaking in the House about the Climate Change
Response Amendment Bill in mid-2005. See... 2005
Vs 2006: Key And Climate Change
ALSO: Scoop Video: Reaching For Dreams
– Who Is John Key? Scoop Audio: Wammo and Scoop's
Kevin List talk about John Key's adaptation to the demands
of leadership and compare and contrast his statements on
global warming leading to a little media advice for the new
leader. They also canvas Fiji negotiations and Nicky Hager's
influence on election '05.
AUDIO: Scoop Audio: John Key faces
the media after delivering his first speech as National
leader. What exactly will National do with Maori
electorates? And, is there really a role for
ex-leader Don Brash in a new look centrist National
Party? Scoop Audio: New National
Party leader, John Key, delivers his first speech answering
calls from those who ask: "Who is John Key and what does he
stand for?" Scoop Audio: Old Nat leader,
Don Brash, publicly hands the leadership reins over to John
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