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ARCHIVES: Scoop Commentary Early 2006 - Dec. 2006

ARCHIVES: Scoop Commentary Early 2006 - December 2006


Antiquities: Suzan Mazur Examines The Provenance Of A Bronze Boy - New York collector Stuart Pivar says the odyssey of his "nearly life-size" Roman bronze boy includes a chapter on an attempted "assassination" of the statue. He identifies the place of treachery as the Hunt-Sotheby's auction, June 19,1990. And he fingers the lead assassin: Bob Hecht. Hecht is now on trial in Rome for another conspiracy, one to traffic in ancient art, including pieces from the Hunt-Sotheby's sale. See... The Odyssey Of Stuart Pivar's Roman Bronze Boy

Biological Weapons: Bush Admin. Developing Illegal Bioterror Weapons - In violation of the U.S. Code and international law, the Bush administration is spending more money (in inflation-adjusted dollars) to develop illegal, offensive germ warfare than the $2-billion spent in World War II on the Manhattan Project to make the atomic bomb. See… Developing Illegal Offensive Use Bioterror Weapons

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  • Russell Brown & Ors. - Public Address 22/12/06 - Last Words, Public Address 20/12/06 - And The Word Of The Year & Public Address 19/12/6 - Losing The Billboard Plot
  • William Fisher - The Cost Of Islamophobia & Winning by Losing?
  • Elizabeth de la Vega - Who Will Speak for the Victims?
  • Bernard Weiner - Santa, Please Grant Us These Wishes
  • Martin LeFevre - Meditations: Jesus Was a Man
  • Norman Solomon - Powell, Baker, Hamilton - Thanks for Nothing
  • Lawrence R. Velvel - Re: The DeFacto Closing Of The Flagships & 1898 Redux
  • Phil Rockstroh - Eating The Planet Like A Bag Of Doritos For Jesus
  • Sanjay Upadhya - Nepal: How Real Is The Maoist Peace Camp?
  • Bill Berkowitz - End times for the Christian Coalition?
  • Robert Parry - A Very Dangerous New Year
  • Kelpie Wilson - Coming Home to Scotland (Part 1)
  • M.R. Josse - Interim Statute Okays SPAM, PM Dictatorship
  • Middle East News Service - Israel Names New Australian Envoy & Amos Oz: Have We Not Learned A Thing?
  • David Swanson - My Congressman Makes Me Prouder Than Ever
  • Evelyn Pringle - Zyprexa Cat Out Of The Bag
  • UQ Wire - Peter Dale Scott - JFK and 9/11
  • Dr. Chandrakala - Nepal: Latest Slogan By Leftists– 'Anti Moriarty'
  • Cindy Sheehan - Walk for Change, In Search of Peace
  • Tanveer Jafri - Jafri: Is Deputy PM's Office in India justified?
  • Culture: Jackie Little Considers The Deserving Recognition Of A Brit Pop Idol - Oh Happy Day! Joyous, joyous day!!! My best friend just texted from England to inform me of the final result in the Greatest Living British Icon poll. And Boy did those proud compatriots of mine get it right? See... Jackie Little: The People See The Light

    Suzan Mazur: Max Bernegger Talks John Deuss - I remember Max Bernegger's disarming smile the day he walked through the doors at Alexandra Christie, the 1970s fashion company owned by Dutch oil trader John Deuss -- where I was the model. Max was expensively tailored in a dark suit. I had no idea who he was, but I was certain he was not there to write an order for slinky silk chiffon dresses. See... Mazur: John Deuss Oil Trader Max Bernegger Speaks

    Race Relations: Sydney Cops' Big Day At The Beach- The first anniversary of last year’s violent and racially-motivated riots on Sydney’s Cronulla Beach has passed without a major hitch. New Zealand freelance journalist Jehan Casinader presents this photo essay from Sydney. Casinader is reporting from Australia courtesy of Flight Centre. See... Photo Essay: Sydney’s Cronulla Beach One Year On

    The Rule Of Law: Justice Weighs In On Post Constitutional America - Washington - In the first legal decision on a federal law that denies access to U.S. courts to detainees in the war on terrorism, a federal judge ruled Wednesday that foreign prisoners held at Guantánamo Bay, Cuba, could not sue for freedom. See Los Angeles Times… US Immigrant Detainees' Treatment Unconstitutional

  • The Washington Post - Link: New Docs Reveal Scope of CIA Secret Prison Program
  • The Associated Press - Link: Showdown Looms Over Domestic Spying
  • The Associated Press - Link: Fitzgerald Mum On Cheney In Leak Case
  • The Associated Press - Link: Judge Rules Gitmo Detainees Have No Rights
  • Fundamentalism: Video Game For 21stC Crusaders - "This is the first time any Christian religious instructional video has recommended killing all non-Christians who refuse to convert to Christianity. It is unprecedented and dangerous." This was the view expressed yesterday by Rev. Timothy Simpson, president of the Jacksonville, Florida-based progressive advocacy group The Christian Alliance for Progress, in describing a new video game titled ""Left Behind: Eternal Forces." See… William Fisher: Death To Infidels Via Video Game

  • William Fisher - In Defense of (Some) Contractors

  • Rosalea Barker - Stateside: Winding Down & Stateside: Full Moon Over The Teacups
  • Russell Brown & Ors. - Public Address 18/12/06 - Munted , Public Address 15/12/06 - Winners And Loose Units, Public Address 14/12/06 - Walk The Line & Public Address 13/12/06 - John Campbell's Bedroom
  • William Blum - The Anti-Empire Report December 17 2006
  • Ramzy Baroud - Ramzy Baroud: Aljazeera - The Plot thickens
  • Uri Avnery - Back To The Scene Of The Crime
  • Am Johal - A Complicated Kindness
  • Middle East News Service - Escalation In The Palestinian Authority
  • Pierre Tristam - As Bush Loiters - A Christmas Toll
  • Kelpie Wilson - Takes a Village to Cool the Planet
  • M.R. Josse - BP's Precepts Being Cast Aside When Most Needed
  • Jason Leopold - Sarah Olson Subpoenaed in Watada Case & Army Targets Truthout for Subpoenas in Watada Case
  • Michael Keefer - Canada's 'War-on-Terror' Immigration Policy
  • Sam Smith - Flotsam & Jetsam: Dealing With Myths
  • Robert Parry - Ronald Reagan's Bloody "Apocalypto" & A Way Forward, a Look Back
  • Bill Berkowitz - Kenneth Tomlinson's Reappointment
  • Richard S. Ehrlich -Thai Military Push Against Muslim Guerrillas Fails
  • Dr. Chandrakala - Percept and Practice
  • Sherwood Ross - Losing An Information War Against Muslim Jihadists
  • Ernest Partridge - Public Interest & The Limits of Volunteerism
  • Tanveer Jafri - Indian Muslims uplift - A Try
  • Frida Berrigan - What We Leave Behind
  • History: Who Gained From Old Europe's Self-Destruction? - The Bush Dynasty has reached the end of the line. The family name may go down in history along with the Romanovs as the embodiment of Imperial squander and ill-advised military bungling. George W. Bush is America's Nicholas the Last. See... M.G. Levey: The History of Dirty-Tricks (Part III)

    Kids: Jackie Little Receives A Call Out Of The Blue - Forgive me if this piece is not entirely coherent, but my heart rate has only just slowed to approximately 3 trillion beats per second and my hands are still a tad on the shaky side. You see, it only happened about half an hour ago: The phone call that every parent dreads. See... Jackie Little: The Phone Call

    Iraq:.. Meanwhile, Cynthia McKinney Proposes Impeachment - Political questions are tricky and complicated. Sometimes causes that are just and good must take a backseat to other priorities or long-term strategies. Setting all such perfectly reasonable considerations aside for a moment, I'd like you to ask ... See... The Best Reasons Not to Impeach, Why They're Wrong

  • Atlanta Progressive News - Cynthia McKinney's Call for Impeachment

  • David Swanson - McKinney Smith Bush & Impeachment
  • Chile: Augusto Pinochet In Neverland - Cinderella’s Fairy Godmother, Tinker Bell and General Augusto Pinochet had much in common. All three performed magical good deeds. In the case of Pinochet, he was universally credited with the Miracle of Chile, the wildly successful experiment in free markets, privatization, de-regulation and union-free economic expansion whose laissez-faire seeds spread from Valparaiso to Virginia. See... Tinker Bell, Pinochet And The Miracle Of Chile

  • Scoop Links - Chile's Former Brutal Dictator Dies At 91 Years
  • Robert Parry - Robert Parry: Pinochet's Death Spares Bush Family
  • COHA - A Divided Chile Contemplates Pinochet’s Passing

  • Russell Brown & Ors. - Public Address 12/12/06 - Our Man In Hong Kong & Public Address 08/12/06 - Copywrong
  • John Gideon - Daily Voting News For December 11, 2006 & December 7-10, 2006
  • Sherwood Ross - What the U.S. Really Learned From World War II
  • Atlanta Progressive News - Protesters Heckle Wolfowitz at World Bank Lecture
  • Kamala Sarup - Peace Education For Humanity
  • Bill Berkowitz - Unethical Weapon Of Mass Deception
  • INSS Insight - New Nuclear Programs in the Middle East
  • Washington Post - Sweeping Changes Expected in Voting by 08 Election
  • New York Times - Editorial: The Road to Reliable Elections
  • Genevieve Cora Fraser - Carter - Truth about Palestine, Lies about Israel & Israeli Ship of State Speeds toward Destruction
  • Robert Parry - Gary Webb's Death - American Tragedy
  • - CNN Host - Muslims Headed For Concentration Camps
  • Sam Smith - Potomac Playground
  • Ramzy Baroud - Hudna Or Not: Palestinian Rights Must Be Preserved
  • Truthout - Video & Link: Sheehan Trial for Protest at UN NYC
  • Peter Rost M.D. - What Went Wrong At Pfizer?, The Fencing Master &
  • Radio Netherlands - New NATO Commander's Gitmo Links Raise Questions
  • CS Monitor - ACLU Lawsuit Claims Rumsfeld Ordered Torture
  • Kelpie Wilson - A Tale of Two Frogs
  • Middle East New Service - Nauru On Our Side
  • Middle East News Service - Bolton Resignation - 2 Takes
  • Evelyn Pringle - Experts Battle Over Safety and Efficacy of SSRIs
  • Abukar Arman - On The Iraqization of Somalia
  • Ray McGovern - Taps for the Constitution
  • M.R. Josse - Nepal: Flavour Of The Week A Political Smorgasbord
  • Demographics: Tze Ming Mok Considers The Census - They're taking over. The 'New Zealanders' I mean. As you can see, they're actively killing off the white-folk, looting their homes and renaming their children. Once this demographer realises that we 350,000 'Asians' aren't actually one ethnic group, she may choose instead to worry about the 'New Zealanders' threatening to outnumber Maori to become the minority with the most leverage. See... Public Address 07/12/06 - The Identity Game . For more Public Address see also… Public Address 06/12/06 - Where You Heard It First, Public Address 05/12/06 - Doing The Rounds & Public Address 04/12/06 - How To Smoke An MP

    Iraq: America Reconsiders Its War And Its War Leadership - For most Americans, as the recent midterm elections made clear, the issue is how do we get our young men and women out of Iraq as quickly and safely as possible. For the Administration, it would appear that the issue is how to avoid blame for the catastrophe of Bush's war and occupation. See... Bernard Weiner: Who Brought Us to the Iraq Abyss?

  • Washington Post - Iraq Panel: War a Catastrophe, Pullout by '08
  • David Swanson - Live Blogging from Gates Hearing
  • Greg Palast - Found: Saddam's Weapon of Mass Destruction
  • Robert Parry - Gates Hearing Has New Urgency
  • William Fisher - William Fisher: Bush's Second-Biggest Mistake
  • David Swanson - David Swanson: Honesty in Iraq
  • Israel/Occupied Palestine: Perspectives On Middle East War & Peace - A FRIEND of mine, who was brought up in Egypt, took part in the interrogation of Egyptian officers captured in the 1956 Sinai war. An Egyptian lieutenant-colonel told him: "Every time David Ben-Gurion gave a speech declaring that he was holding out his hand for peace, we put our forces on alert." See… Uri Avnery: A Sparkling Bubble

  • Haaretz - IDF Warns of Pending Mideast War
  • Scoop - Scoop Audio & Images: Arab Ambassadors Talk Peace

  • David Miller - New Zealand’s ‘Realpolitik’ response to Fiji
  • William Fisher - William Fisher: Unbending Bush & William Fisher: Four Hopeful Signs
  • Martin LeFevre - Meditations: The Best Spiritual Movie Ever Made
  • Sherwood Ross - The New Crime Of Refusing To Shake GW Bush’s Hand
  • Siddhi B. Ranjitkar - Siddhi B. Ranjitkar: King Be Made President
  • Evelyn Pringle - SSRI Experts Head to D.C. to Testify Before FDA
  • Akanimo Sampson - Nigeria: Rivers Fragments As Odili’s Forces Polarise
  • Sam Smith - NPR Ditches Heartland Pleasure For Homeland Sec., The Roosevelt Administration's Rating System & & Sam Smith: The Ritual of the Words
  • Cindy Sheehan - Respecting the Murdered? In Search of Peace
  • Tanveer Jafri - Indian Parliament Felt Ashamed Again
  • Rosalea Barker - Stateside With Rosalea: Law And Order
  • Phil Rockstroh - Wal-Mart Nihilism Versus the Punk Rock of Blogging
  • Peter Rost M.D. - Clueless Pfizer Executives
  • Jose Maria Rodriguez Gonzalez - Colombia: President Uribe Dupes U.S.A.
  • Scoop Link - Scoop Link: Chavez Claims Victory in Venezuela
  • Narconews - Narconews: London Observer Cribs from Bill Conroy
  • Kamala Sarup - Nepali Mother, Tonight, I Light A Candle For You
  • Mexico: Julie Webb-Pullman Reports On A Protest Turning Ugly In Oaxaca - The Popular Assembly of the Peoples of Oaxaca (APPO) protest marches in Oaxaca of 20 and 25 November have seen an unprecedented escalation of violence, the former resulting in over 50 requiring hospitalisation and more than 100 detained, and that of last weekend in at least 3 deaths, scores requiring hospitalisation and scores more injured, and more than 150 detained by police. Whilst on 20 November the police activity was largely confined to attacks on marchers, on 25 November the indiscriminate police tactics of Atenco were evident, with people being rounded up off the street, and houses entered and people seized from within them. See... Julie Webb-Pullman: Oaxaca – Means and Ends

  • Narconews - Giordano: The Coup d’Etat in Mexico
  • Council on Hemispheric Affairs - Revolution In Mexico Cannot Be Ruled Out

  • Julie Webb-Pullman - Mexico: The Good, The Bad, And The Hopeful & NZer Trapped In Oaxaca - Crackdown Underway
  • Narconews: An Affront to the People of Oaxaca
  • Media & Finance: John Deuss The Publisher - THE HUSH HUSH nature of the John Deuss investigation related to VAT-skimming deposits at his offshore First Curacao International Bank gives the impression that deeper politics are at play. And with the media having reduced Deuss to a balance sheet over the financial tangle -- even the usually respectable Guardian newspaper sinking into the Big Muddy with a story attributing Deuss' childhood scars to firebombing by anti-apartheid activists -- I decided to contact two former editors of Deuss' Chief Executive magazine for their perspective on the man. See... Mazur: John Deuss' Editors On Record On The Man

    Green-Washing: GE, BP and Wal-Mart Exercise Their Ecomaginations It starts with a light bulb. But not just any run of the mill watt-sucker—this is the much-touted CFL, the energy-saver that lasts ten times as long while using only one quarter of the electricity of the average incandescent. Accompanied by a press kit from General Electric’s new “Ecomagination” division, the wonderbulb rests cozily inside a bright green recycled cardboard sleeve covered with big, overlapping words like “sustainability,” “commitment,” “environment” and “conserve.” Charles Shaw: Stealing Green

    New Orleans: Greg Palast Releases Big Easy to Big Empty - Just released today: Big Easy to Big Empty DVD—the real story of how the White House drowned New Orleans and holds it underwater today.
    On August 22, my producer and I were charged by the Department of Homeland Security with violating anti-terror laws—we upset them for filming the bad guys. While the charges were dropped (whew!) we still have the film—originally made for Democracy Now! and LinkTV. See... Get the Film that Got Us Busted!

    Iraq: As Dad's Friends Say "Pullout" – Dubya Says Hold-up! - President Bush outright rejected calls for the withdrawal of US troops from Iraq Thursday, setting the stage for what will likely be a bitter showdown between the White House and the new Democratic leadership in both houses of Congress, who insist that the cornerstone of US policy in Iraq going forward must include a firm timetable by the administration for when US soldiers will return home. See... Jason Leopold: Pullout-Pullback Battle Looms

  • Washington Post - Link: Iraq Study Group to Call for Troop Pullback
  • Jason Leopold - Report: US Still Manipulating Iraq Intelligence
  • CNN - Link: Colin Powell Says Iraq in a "Civil War"
  • David Swanson - David Swanson: Closer to Home
  • Impeachment: Extracts From Elizabeth de la Vega's United States v. George W. Bush et al. - Assistant United States Attorney: Good morning, Ladies and Gentlemen. We're here today in the case of United States v. George W. Bush et al. In addition to President Bush, the defendants are Vice President Richard B. Cheney, former National Security ... See... Elizabeth de la Vega: Indictment US v GWB et al. & Elizabeth de la Vega: Bringing Bush to Court (1)

  • David Swanson - Swanson: Hearings on Bush Crimes Will Unite Nation
  • Afterdowningstreet.Org - Gore Vidal Audio Message: What To Do Next?
  • New Book: United States v. George W. Bush et al

  • Toni Solo - Remaking Antigone - The Cuba Five
  • Russell Brown & The Public Address System - Public Address 01/12/06 - Aggregate Me, Baby! & Public Address 30/11/06 - Citizen Key II
  • Steve McKinley - Nicky Hager: Late-Capitalisms True Punk Rocker
  • Tortilla con Sal - Rebelion: The Artful Fitting-Up Of Fredy Muñoz
  • UQ Wire - How Bin Laden's Master Spy Penetrated the CIA
  • Mark Levey - The History of Political Dirty-Tricks
  • Russ Wellen - Hitting The Snooze Button On The Iran Alarm
  • Peter Rost M.D. - Whistleblowers: Fired, Silenced . . . And Killed! & Pfizer's Shell Game: Cuts 20% Of Sales Force
  • John Gideon - Daily Voting News For December 1, 2006, November 30, 2006 & November 28-29, 2006
  • Scoop Link - Security of Electronic Voting Condemned by NIST
  • Bill Berkowitz - Charles Colson's Complaint
  • Kelpie Wilson - The Fallible Patriarch
  • Bhupal Lamichhaney - Indo Nepal Relation: Too Early to Judge!!
  • Scoop Link - U.S. Congress to Look at Voting Problems
  • Ramzy Baroud - Ethnic Cleansing And Israel’s Racist Discourse
  • Ann Wright - Torture, Geneva Conv. & the School of the Americas
  • Lawrence R. Velvel - Pretending November 7th Never Happened
  • William Fisher - Not Flying While Muslim
  • Scoop Blogwatch - The Sinking Of The Trawler Gaul – Case Reopened
  • Paul Levy - Paul Levy: Illuminated By Darkness
  • Atlanta Progressive News - APN: E-Voting Critic Runs for Dem Chair in Georgia
  • Sherwood Ross - Critical Thinking By Voters Burst Neocon Bubble
  • The Hollow Men: A Scoop Compendium Of Post Publication News & Comment - What happened to Frankenstein’s unnamed creature? He escaped his maker, blundered around trying to be accepted by real human beings, lashed out and killed in fury at being rejected, and disappeared into the frozen Arctic wastes, never to be seen again. Don Brash was not a politician, any more than Frankenstein’s creature was a human being. Many of the fascinating exchanges published yesterday from Nicky Hager’s book The Hollow Men show how hard his clutch of bumbling Frankensteins tried to turn him into one – and how cross they were when, despite their best efforts, he stuffed up yet again. See... Letter from Elsewhere: Frankenstein’s Creature

  • C.D. Sludge - Sludge Report #172: How Hollow The Hollow Men?
  • Alastair Thompson - Dr Don Brash Explains Himself To National Radio, Brash Responds – I Didn't Read The Email Either!, Stephen Joyce Talks Exclusive Brethren On RNZ
  • Russell Brown & Ors. - Public Address 28/11/06 – Maxim-ising The Vote & Public Address 27/11/06 – Hollow Men Impressions
  • Scoop Full Coverage - The Hollow Men
  • NATO: Michel Chossudovsky Previews NATO's Summit In Latvia - On the 29th of November, heads of State and heads of government from the 26 States together with Ministers of Defense and senior military brass of the "enlarged" Atlantic Alliance (NATO) will be meeting in Riga, Latvia. See... NATO Debates "War And Peace" Behind Closed Doors

    Scoop Blogwatch: Skepticism About The Litvinenko Poisoning Coverage - We are living in a prime-time Bond film: we have dashing spies, poisoning, espionage, allegations of undercover assassinations. Murdered journalists are involved, as are billionaire 'tycoons'. What is going on? A former KGB spy, Alexander Litvinenko, ... See... Bond And The Return Of The Evil Empire & Litvinenko Victim of Weapons Grade Polonium?

    Israel & Palestine: Post Election Hopes For Policy Change - The astounding results of the US Congressional elections of 7 November were undoubtedly a welcome sign of change, not in the American political apparatus, inasmuch as it is in the unmistakable reclamation by the public of its role as the driving force ... See… Ramzy Baroud: Democrats Must Truly Change Course

  • Genevieve Cora Fraser - US Policy Stays the Course Despite Dem. Victory
  • Haaretz - Scoop Link: Israel, Palestinians Reach Agreement on Cease-Fire
  • Uri Avnery - An Evening in Jounieh

  • Rosalea Barker - Stateside: A Loooong Weekend
  • Alexandra Bremner - Alex Bremner's Sojourn: Sydney Nukes n Bangkok
  • ABC News - Scoop Link: Britain May Start Pulling Out of Iraq
  • Cindy Sheehan - Siege and Seizure in Korea
  • The New York Times - Scoop Link: Deja Vu in Florida
  • Sam Smith - San Francisco
  • Sherwood Ross - Armenians Could Haunt Turkey’s Chances To Join EU & Hanging Hussein Without Fair Trial
  • Tanveer Jafri - Indian Muslims Efforts To Unite On Secularism
  • Peter Rost - The Pill
  • John Gideon - Daily Voting News For November 27, 2006, November 24-26, 2006 & Daily Voting News For November 21-23, 2006
  • W. David Jenkins III - Don’t Impeach Bush - Impeach The President
  • Martin LeFevre - Meditations: Deleting Memory Awakens Insight
  • Atlanta Progressive News - Celebrating 1 Yr of Publication
  • Patricia L Johnson - Connecting the Condi Dots
  • William Rivers Pitt - Will Pitt: All the Way on Lobbying Reform
  • LA Times - Scoop Link: Gates Advocated Bombing Nicaragua
  • Phil Rockstroh - America Has Left the Building
  • Bill Berkowitz - Neil Bush's Family Values
  • M. Shahid Alam - Pitting the West Against Islam
  • William Blum - The Anti-Empire Report Nov. 24, 2006
  • Tortilla con Sal Translation - Systemic Corruption & Elections In The "New Style"
  • David Swanson - New Downing Street Memos from Down Under
  • Kamala Sarup - Mahatma Gandhi And Justice
  • Antiquities: Suzan Mazur Talks To Medici Conspiracy Author Peter Watson - The Carlyle Hotel on Manhattan's Upper East Side was the designated meeting spot, in the bar made famous by Ludwig Bemelmans' mural of Manhattan, Carlyle's very own Euphronios masterpiece. Bemelmans' was packed at 5:30, and I ran into US News & World Report publisher Mort Zuckerman, who was happy to see me thinking I was his date. Medici Conspiracy author, Peter Watson, arrived soon after. And Peter and I settled in at a table beside one of Bemelman's bankers on the wall. See... Krumpets With Medici Conspiracy's Peter Watson

    Milton Friedman RIP: Killing America Softly With His Song - You'd never guess it from the sycophantic obituaries, but Milton Friedman did more damage to American democracy and culture than just about any figure in the 20th century. The sycophancy isn't surprising. Friedman was blessed with it from the start. For example, the supposedly liberal PBS starred him in a ten part series, "Free to Choose" in 1980 just in time to help Reagan win the presidency. See… Friedman: Killing America Softly With His Song . See also… Video: Milton Friedman Addresses 2003 ACT Conf.

    Media: The Death Of Newspapers? Journalism? - If some doomsday industry analysts are to be believed, newspapers are laid out and stacked neatly inside their own future death warehouses, not only in the United States, but worldwide. "October was a pretty depressing month for national newspapers. While circulations slide, the industry news has been dominated by job cuts and staff unrest, particularly among journalists," England's Guardian Unlimited reported in November. See... Thomas D. Williams: The Decline of Journalism

    Iran: Yet Another Seymour Hersh Scoop On Iran War Plans - A month before the November elections, Vice-President Dick Cheney was sitting in on a national-security discussion at the Executive Office Building. The talk took a political turn: what if the Democrats won both the Senate and the House? How would that affect policy toward Iran, which is believed to be on the verge of becoming a nuclear power? At that point, according to someone familiar with the discussion, Cheney began reminiscing about his job as a lineman, in the early nineteen-sixties, for a power company in Wyoming. See... Scoop Link: Seymour Hersh – Iran, The Next Act

  • Haaretz - Scoop Link: Bush Says "Understand" Israel Attack On Iran
  • Sherwood Ross - Bush's Reason To Back Israel’s Attack On Lebanon
  • Agence France-Presse - Link: CIA Analysis Finds Iran Not Developing Nukes

  • Russell Brown & Ors. - Public Address 21/11/06 - A Roar Across The Water & Public Address 20/11/06 - Giant Cancerous C*Ndom
  • Rosalea Barker - Stateside With Rosalea: All Over the Place
  • David Miller - Iraq Is Now The Democrats’ Problem, Not Dubya’s
  • Bernard Weiner - The Limits of Euphoria in a Political Dogfight
  • Sam Smith - Victory With No Place To Go
  • William Fisher - Scientific Sleight Of Hand
  • Evelyn Pringle - Big Pharma Hits On Pregnant Women
  • Tanveer Jafri - Veils & The Muslim Women
  • Siddhi B. Ranjitkar - Winners and Losers
  • Sheila Samples - No Peace, No Place For Palestine
  • Peter Rost M.D. - How Multinational Corporations Avoid Paying Taxes , The Lounge & What About Women’s Lib?
  • New York Times - Kissinger Says Victory in Iraq Not Possible
  • Paul Levy - Paul Levy: Delusions Of Separation
  • UK Guardian - Scoop Link: Did the CIA kill Bobby Kennedy?
  • Narconews - Blockades Close Chiapas in Defense of Oaxaca
  • William Fisher - How Long Is Long Enough?
  • Genevieve Cora Fraser - Israel’s Iron Will Inspired "The Iron Wall"
  • Kidd Millennium - Cartoon: Hangin' Out To Dry
  • Uri Avnery - Grossman's Dilemma
  • The Daily Mail - Link: Iraq Is a "Disaster" Admits Blair
  • Jason Leopold - Jason Leopold: Peter Lance's 9/11 Masterpiece
  • Bill Quigley - Prison for Anti-Nuke Clowns, US WMDs Protected
  • Ramzy Baroud - Ramzy Baroud: Killing Hope in Beit Hanoun
  • Tortilla con Sal Translation - Octavio Rodríguez Araujo: Mexico In Crisis
  • Masalai i tokaut - Masalai i tokaut: Forest Min Tries To Gag Debate
  • Robert Parry - Robert Parry: America: What to Do Next?
  • David Swanson - Want to End the War? Ask for Investigations!
  • Mexico: Julie Webb-Pullman Reports On More Massacres In Mexico - Monday in Mexico dawned as usual - while Felipe Calderón fiddled (with a guitar), and Andrés Manuel López Obrador celebrated his birthday by charming the ladies and kissing babies, paramilitary groups in Chiapas were doing what they do so well - massacring yet another indigenous community, this time Viejo Velasco Suárez, in the north-eastern zone of the Lacandona, where six women and two newborns were among the eleven indigenous Tseltales and Ch’oles murdered in their beds that morning. See... Human Rights in Mexico – Who Cares? Not U....N.. Correction: Narconews has corrected its initial report on the massacre. See.. Narconews Correction

    Stadium Wars: Ron Law In Praise Of Waka Stadium - As a citizen of the Auckland region, Trevor Mallard's claim that Auckland leaders lacks vision has had some substance up until this morning. The difficulty is knowing which of the schizophrenic Aucklands he is talking about? See... Waka Stadium: I'm Voting Jonathon Gunson for Mayor. See also… Waka Stadium Website -

    U.S. Midterms: Can George Change His Spots? Apparently Not - All the talk of bi-partisanship after the midterm elections was really nice, wasn't it? Granted, the only reason conversation got steered in that direction was because the Republican Party absorbed a staggering defeat the Tuesday after last, because George W. Bush had the shattered pieces of his credibility - nay, of his entire tenure to date - handed to him in a small brown paper sack by the American people. But hey, it was good while it lasted. It didn't last. See... William Rivers Pitt: The Same Old George

  • Michael Carmichael - Gates of Ivory: Langley Overshadows the Pentagon
  • Cindy Sheehan - Impeachment Proceedings
  • David Swanson - Will They or Won't They: Last Chance for Democrats
  • Norman Solomon - The New Media Offensive for the Iraq War
  • Senator Russ Feingold - A Way Out of Iraq
  • Kelpie Wilson - Kelpie Wilson: First, Re-Open the Libraries
  • Jason Leopold - Bipartisan Support to Keep Iraq Watchdog Agency
  • Lawrence R. Velvel - Conventional Wisdom And Bad People In Washington
  • Scoop Link - CIA Admits Bush Memo on Interrogation Techniques
  • Mary Pitt - WHA-A-A-A-A-AT
  • New York Times - Editorial: Counting the Vote, Badly
  • John Gideon - Daily Voting News For November 16, 2006, November 15, 2006

  • For much much more see... Scoop Full Coverage: US Midterm Elections 2006


  • Keith Ng & Ors. - Public Address 17/11/06 - Ng To Coddington & Public Address 16/11/06 - Uncapturing Content
  • Toni Solo Translation - A Letter From Colombia To US On Free Trade Treaty
  • Jason Leopold - Plame Wilson v. White House: Round 1
  • Middle East News Service - Prospects For A Compromise With Iran Have Dwindled
  • M.R. Josse - Pact - Peace For Our Time?
  • Kamala Sarup - Poverty Made Them Terrified & Immigrants And Continue Struggle To Survive
  • Scoop Link - Clear Channel Accepts $18.7 Billion Takeover
  • Narconews - U.S."Drug War" a Disaster in Northern Mexico
  • Project Censored - Top 25 Censored Stories of 2007
  • Public Address: Keith Ng Bakes Coddington Pie - Fisking is its own reward - mostly because it's unlikely that it'll lead to any other sort of reward - but it is quite satisfying to deconstruct a work and rip its still-beating heart out as a trophy.Oops. Sorry, that's just me being a blood-thirsty Asian. The cover story of the current issue of North & South, penned by Deborah Coddington, is entitled "Asian Angst: Is it time to send some back?".See... Public Address 15/11/06 - Coddington Nation

  • Public Address - 17/11/06 - Ng To Coddington
    MORE PUBLIC ADDRESS:Public Address 14/11/06 - The Stadium And God
    Public Address 13/11/06 - Glory
  • Antiquities: Suzan Mazur Scrutinizes A Somewhat Secretive Sale- With a searing ancient Near East focus, Hicham Aboutaam, the 30ish Lebanese antiquities dealer sweeps into the back of his Phoenix gallery showroom in Manhattan to greet me. He is dressed in French elegance, his handshake somewhat reserved. I later notice the smooth, manicured, almost translucent quality of his fingers -- certainly absent any trace of anything freshly dug up. See... Hicham Aboutaam: "It Is Good To Be Scrutinized"

    Women & Islam: Must The Veil Be Banned? The question of the veil has become a heated debate in the British media. In this debate some fundamental principles seem to be at stake: Individual freedom to practice one’s religion, freedom of choice, freedom of clothing and discrimination against a particular community, that is, the so-called Moslem community. See... Azar Majedi: Revisiting The Question Of The Veil & The Reality of Iran's Women’s Liberation Movement

    Jackie Little: Asking The Neighbours For Money - I answered the door recently to find a genial elderly gent who was laboriously doorstepping the street attempting to recruit - well - people to laboriously doorstep the street. He was after collectors for a forthcoming street appeal for a well known and worthy charity. See... Jackie Little: The Charity Collection

    U.S. Midterms: Bernard Weiner On Bush's Brain - Psychiatrist: The last time we met, you were so upset with me I thought I might be headed to Guatanamo. But those of us in the psychiatric profession are used to momentary rages from clients when they're dealing with highly sensitive topics. So why did you ask to see me again? See... Bush's Post-Election Session With His Shrink

  • Rosalea Barker - Stateside: Happy! Happy! Happy!
  • FAIR.Org - Morning-After Pundits Take Winners to Task
  • Ernest Partridge - And Now What?
  • Mary Pitt - America's Demands Of The 100th Congress
  • William Fisher - William Fisher: Arrogant to the End
  • Truthout.Org - Editorial: Impeachment and the Table
  • Scott Galindez - Galindez: Howard Dean's 50-State Strategy Pays Off
  • Daniel Patrick Welch - Left's Unwarranted Giddiness Over US Election Gain

  • See also… Scoop Full Coverage: US Midterm Elections 2006

    Iraq: Latest Solution For Iraq Is No Solution At All - President George W. Bush conferred yesterday with members of the James Baker-led Iraq Study Group against a background of chaos in Baghdad, a quisling government demonstrably incapable of stemming the violence, and an Iraqi resistance emboldened by the vote of no confidence given to the president's Iraq policy. As expected, yesterday's meeting was primarily photo-op. The important question is: Can the Iraq Study Group be expected to come up with constructive suggestions for alternative policy on Iraq? The answer is no. See... Ray McGovern: Iraq Study Group "Bipartisan?"

  • William Rivers Pitt - The Carlyle White House

  • UQ Wire - In Honor Of Our Veterans, We Call For Truth
  • RAI News - A Radioactive Bunker Buster Bomb Used In Lebanon?
  • Syed Atiq ul Hassan - Is Saddam Hussein A Scapegoat
  • Tanveer Jafri - Try George Bush Also
  • Narconews - APPO Forms Permanent Gov. Escalates Resistance & Al Giordano: Massacre in Chiapas
  • Peter Rost M.D. - Whistleblowers - Who Are They?
  • Scoop Link - Bush - Immigrants May Be Held Indefinitely
  • Bill Quigley - Robin Hood in Reverse On The Gulf Coast
  • Sanjay Upadhya - Nepal: Can We Ever Reconcile Our Relative Truths?
  • Prof. Ghataraj Bhattarai - Role Of The King In The Present Context
  • P.R. Pradhan - Destabilizing Age-Old Institutions
  • Siddhi B. Ranjitkar - Making Nepal Prosperous
  • Uri Avnery - Uri Avnery: In One Word: MASSACRE!
  • Toni Solo - Varieties Of Imperial Decline: Nicaraguan Election
  • Sherwood Ross - Revoking The Visa Of Muslim Scholar Tariq Ramadan
  • Bonus Joules Meets The Minister Of Energy - At last the BIG Moment! I reach the godhead, the controller of the universe, the definer of the potential of our existence, the New Zealand Minister of Energy. And the truth of it all? The answer resides in a banana. See... Bonus Joules: Dancing in the Dark

    A Fair Trade Activist View On Pacific Trading Relations - No one can doubt that we live in an age of empire and imperialism. The neo-liberal World Trade Organisation (WTO), the World Bank and International Monetary Fund (IMF) stalk the planet complimented by regional and bilateral free trade agreements. The attempts by the imperialist nations to open up new markets and new resources to their trans-national corporations (TNCs) are intensifying daily. A global trade system is being forced onto the world by the central capitalist nations to secure a flow of wealth and natural resources from the less developed to the developed world. See... Omar Hamed:A Citizen’s Guide To An Emerging Empire

  • Gaurav Sodhi - Gaurav
    Sodhi: Tonga Monarchy Needs Modernity

  • Russell Brown & Ors. - Public Address 10/11/06 - More Than A Little Odd & Public Address 07/11/06 - Watching The Register
  • David Swanson - Swanson: Throwing Stuff Over the White House Fence
  • Jamal Juma - Palestine: Between Resistance and Deception
  • Abukar Arman - The Somali Political Cliffhanger
  • Kamala Sarup - Women Power And Sub-Process To Live & Peace & Freedom Needed To Survive
  • Lawrence R. Velvel - Honesty, History, And A College Of History And Law
  • Genevieve Cora Fraser - Divide & Conquer Implied in Proposed Map of New ME
  • M. Shahid Alam - Two White Sisters in Asia: Israel and Australia
  • Russ Wellen - Was Afghanistan Really the Good War?
  • Patricia L Johnson - Wrong War, Wrong Place, Wrong Time
  • Martin LeFevre - California's Global Warming Contradictions
  • Middle East News Service - Armitage Laments Lebanon Invasion
  • Tanveer Jafri - Shia-Sunni Differences On Saddam's Death Sentence
  • David Miller - 'Terrorism Studies' And The War On Dissent
  • Siddhi B. Ranjitkar - Why King Did Not Reply
  • China: Emma Moore From China On The Hell Chinese Kids Call Exams - In Japan they call it juken jigoku or “examination hell”. Starting with their mothers playing Mozart CDs to fire up their unborn children’s neurons, Japanese children’s lives are often focused exclusively on passing a series of increasingly important exams. The Japanese have long gone to extraordinary lengths to ensure their children get into a ‘good’ a university in order to land the ‘good’ job this will most likely lead to. In China, some pregnant women go even further. See... Emma Moore: China’s Education Hell

    Mexico: Julie Webb-Pullman Reports From Protests In Oaxaca - As the caravana of suporters from Mexico Federal District (DF) left the Hemiciclo yesterday at noon for Oaxaca, hundreds crowded the streets to cheer them on their way. The scene was repeated throughout the journey, with indigenous women in traditional ... See... Images: Caravana Arrives in Oaxaca for Megamarch

  • Bloomberg News - Revolt in Oaxaca
  • Narconews - Underlying Social Problems in Oaxaca

  • Russell Brown & Ors. - Public Address 06/11/06 - A Whole New Week! & Public Address 02/11/06 - Torture Spammers Now
  • Ricardo Restrepo - Is Venezuela Next in the "Global War on Terror"?
  • Washington Post - Bush Cites Oil As Reason to Stay in Iraq
  • Greg Palast - I Want To Hurt Somebody
  • Middle East News Service - At Least 46 Palestinian Killed In Four Days
  • Lawrence R. Velvel - Mock Letters To Bush
  • Kamala Sarup - Reach To The World Of Companionship & Women Violence: The Daughter of Ram Prasad
  • Uri Avnery - Lovable Man , Who Is Afraid Of The Iranian Bomb? & Ehud von Olmert
  • M.R. Josse - Arms Management Is A Political Issue
  • Ramzy Baroud - Palestine As A Foil For Unconnected Dreams
  • Remi Kanazi - Unmasking the Second Palestinian Intifada
  • Evelyn Pringle - Cheney Fitted for New Halliburton Striped Jumpsuit
  • Stateside: Rosalea Barker Hits The Waves & A Torque Shop - Torque is a measure of how much a force acting on an object causes that object to rotate. So if you put a handful of folks together who are determined to move conservative people's politics towards the progressive end of the spectrum then you have the torquing heads at the panel discussion I attended last week, What Are Americans Voting For? See... Stateside With Rosalea: Torquing Heads. See also… Stateside With Rosalea: On The Water

    Climate Change: Russell Brown Concerns Himself With The PR Of Food Miles - If ever there was a place for good public relations, it's the "food miles" debate. The Stern report's use of New Zealand kiwifruit as an example of unacceptable food miles was wholly mistaken - our kiwifruit is shipped, not flown, to Europe, making ... See... Public Address 01/11/06 - From A Faraway Place .... For more Public Address commentary see… Public Address 31/10/06 - Forthright Responses & Public Address 30/11/06 - That's A Nice Metaphor


  • David Miller - Iraq Is Not Vietnam: Division Not Unification
  • Between The Lines - Israeli and Palestinian Fighters Tour US For Peace
  • Martin LeFevre - Meditations: No Such Thing as ‘Just War’
  • Scoop Link - Pentagon Memo Reveals Launch of New PR War
  • Kamala Sarup - Why They Killed My Husband? Says Ritakumari & Kamala Sarup: Nepal - My Motherland For Peace
  • Mark Bradley - A Plan To Save America From Fascism For a While
  • Tanveer Jafri - Tanveer Jafri: Controversy On Capital Sentence
  • Bill Berkowitz - Bill Berkowitz: Faith-Based Confidential
  • Robert Parry - The Original October Surprise (3), (Part 2) & (Part 1)
  • Letter From Elsewhere: On The Tragic Death Of Two Teenagers - On 22 October nineteen years ago, my younger son Patrick died. He was eighteen, and he thought he was indestructible. But he made one mistake, and he fell to his death. See... Letter from Elsewhere: Death Of A Teenager

    Metaphysics: Martin LeFevre Considers The Importance Of Humanity - Being self-centered by nature (a nature we’re being compelled to radically change), people have always tended to put ‘man’ at the center of the universe. Galileo spent the last years of his life under house arrest because he found evidence that Copernicus was right, the earth revolves around the sun. But are we just specks on a speck in space? That’s just as wrong as anthropocentrism. See... Martin LeFevre: Does Man Matter? & Martin LeFevre: Does Man Matter? Part Two

    Corporate Fraud: Halliburton Caught With Its Hands In US Govt. Till - Halliburton's contracts for work in Iraq are what's known as costs plus contracts, meaning that after all the costs for labor, materials and other expenses are added together, the company makes its profit based on a percentage of that total. See... Pringle: Halliburton Motto - "Its Cost Plus Baby" & Why Bunny Greenhouse Sits In A Corner

    Justice: Carla Binion Assesses The Military Commissions Act 2007 - On October 17, George W. Bush signed into law the Military Commissions Act of 2006. This new law gives Bush power similar to that possessed by Stalin or Hitler, and grants agencies within the Executive Branch powers similar to those of the KGB or Gestapo. See... Carla Binion: Bush's Absolute Power Grab

  • US Rep. John Conyers - George Bush v. The US Constitution
  • Lawrence R. Velvel - Stealth Immunity For Bushman
  • Iran: Michel Chossudovsky Reports On The Potential For Tonkin II - There is a massive concentration of US naval power in the Persian Gulf and the Arabian Sea. Three US naval strike groups off the Iranian coastline are deployed: USS Enterprise, USS Eisenhower and USS Iwo Jima Expeditionary Strike Group. See... US Naval War Games Off The Iranian Coastline

  • Robert Parry - How Democrats Might Blow It
  • Robert Parry - Robert Parry: The Original October Surprise & (Part 2)
  • Bernard Weiner - Travelling The "National-Security" Route To Nov. 7

  • Russell Brown & Ors. - Public Address 27/10/06 - If You Hum It ..., Public Address 26/10/06 - Grandstand Special & Public Address 25/10/06 - Totally Tripped Out
  • Sol Salbe - Fiftieth Anniversary Of Kafr Qasem Massacre
  • Toni Solo - Nicaragua's Election, Things Turn Nasty
  • Cameron Walker - Sri Lankan State Terror
  • Ramzy Baroud - American Voters Must Not Reward Failure
  • Middle East News Service - Mystery Of Israel's Secret Uranium Bomb
  • W. David Jenkins III - One More Reason to Win - Let Sibel Edmonds Speak
  • Scoop Link - Top Official - US on Verge of Economic Disaster
  • William Fisher - Blame and Run?
  • Sam Smith - US Campaign Financing (Circa 1999)
  • David Swanson - David Swanson: Republicans For Slave Labor
  • Jason Leopold - Admin Officials Bill $1.5Mn For Private Air Travel
  • José María Rodríguez González - "Stay The Course" A Victory For Iran & Nth. Korea
  • Robert Parry - Robert Parry: Misreading Al-Qaeda On Iraq
  • Tlaxcala Translation - Latin America: The Heavy Hand Of The Right Arrives
  • Kamala Sarup - Surviving Under Terror
  • Siddhi B. Ranjitkar - SPA-Maoists’ Failed Deal in Nepal
  • Greg Palast - Cut And Run - It's Fun!
  • Scoop Link - Afghans Say Dozens of Civilians Killed
  • Phil Rockstroh - Iraqi Dead & Collateral Damage to America's Soul
  • Mary Pitt - Hip Deep In The Trickle Down
  • Evelyn Pringle - Bush Gang Swore Under Oath Saddam Was Behind 9/11
  • William Fisher - Stupidgate
  • Bill Berkowitz - Falwell Builds His Legacy
  • UQ Wire - 9/11 Widows Want Rice/Tenet Documents Released
  • Sherwood Ross - Bush Giving Up On Reconstructing Iraq
  • David Swanson - Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld Prosecuted By Ed Asner
  • Scoop Link - Israel Admits Phosphorous Bombs Used in Lebanon
  • Jason Leopold - The Failure of Jeff Skilling's Deregulation & Jason Leopold: Jeffrey & Me
  • Noam Chomsky - US Threats To Venezuela
  • David Swanson - Rumsfeld and Saddam: Guilt Buy Association
  • Green Left Weekly - Global Warming - Why Kyoto Is Not Enough
  • William Rivers Pitt - A Study in Constant Motion
  • Norman Solomon - Channeling Thomas Friedman
  • Tanveer Jafri - America In Iraq - See, Which Way The Wind Blows
  • Stateside With Rosalea: Arrogance And Stupidity - Stay after school, Mr Fernandez, and write 500 times: "I must not say 'there has been arrogance and stupidity' by the US in Iraq." Bad diplomat! Climb back into your Green Zone bubble and hush your mouth! See... Emerald City, Golden State, Orange Jumpsuit

    Publishing & Banking: Suzan Mazur Interviews The Rescuer Of Banker Deuss' Canterbury Tales - John Deuss, multi-millionaire Dutch oil man and, until recently, chairman of Bermuda Commercial Bank, is being questioned in his native Netherlands about "carousel" financial irregularities involving his Curacao bank. So what, you would be pardoned for asking, has that to do with Chaucer's famous stories? Deuss is surely a latter-day merchant telling tales as did his medieval forerunner. Someone who might, if the world's banking authorities succeed, have good reason to walk his own pilgrim's way and pray forgiveness. See... The Rescue Of Deuss' Visionary Canterbury Tales

  • Suzan Mazur - John Deuss - The Manhattan projects
  • Suzan Mazur - Why Has John Deuss Offshore Bank Been Singled Out?
  • United States: As Midterm Elections Approach Iraq Gets More Like Vietnam - With the mid-term elections looming dangerously close, and with public opinion in opposition to George's failed foreign policies crossing the two-thirds mark, the White House announced that they are going to present their puppet government of Iraq ...
    See... Cindy Sheehan: Is It Vietnam Yet?

  • William Fisher - Bush's Strategic Change
  • Scott Galindez - It's About Checks and Balances
  • William Rivers Pitt - William Rivers Pitt: A Major Event
  • Religion: M. Shahid Alam Considers The Clash Of Civilisations - Terrorism has long been the chief demonizing marker that Israel and the United States have used in their wars against Islamic states and peoples who have stood in the path of their imperial ambitions. See... M. Shahid Alam: Muslims = Terrorists

    War: Guest Opinion - The Word Of A Soldier - As a combat veteran wounded in one of America’s wars, I offer to speak for those who cannot. Were the mouths of my fallen battle brothers not stopped with dust, they would testify that life revolves around honor. In war, it is understood that you give your word of honor to do your duty -- that is -- stand and fight instead of running away and deserting your friends. When you keep your word despite desperately desiring to flee the screaming hell all around, you earn honor. See... Guest Opinion: The Warrior’s Code Of Honor


  • Russell Brown & Ors. - Public Address 24/10/06 - Wind And Sunlight
  • Martin LeFevre - Cultures and Countries Are Things of the Past
  • Pierre Tristam - The American Way of Gore
  • Ramzy Baroud - Nuclear Dual Standards
  • Siddhi B. Ranjitkar - Shame on You
  • Sheila Samples - He's B-A-A-A-A-C-K...
  • Daniel Batten - I Can Hold My Tongue No Longer ...
  • Narconews - Reports From Baja, Atenco & Oaxaca
  • Sinead Dumigan - Hep B & CDC’s expendable children
  • Aiman Mansour - Asad’s Declarations: Ambiguous Words Clear Meaning
  • Genevieve Cora Fraser - Israeli Crimes Against Humanity In Palestine
  • John Chuckman - Israel, Palestine, And Canada
  • Patricia L Johnson - Survival Of The Fittest
  • Marcos in Tijuana Speaks a Little English , Marcos Details The Next Stages Of Other Campaign & Howard: Another World Without Borders Is Possible
  • Evelyn Pringle - Forest Labs Bogged Down With Celexa Legal Woes
  • Kendra Pettengill - TV As The Cause of Autism Study
  • David Swanson - Audio: David Swanson Interview With Dennis Loo
  • Middle East News Service - Palestinian Filmmaker: End Israel Cultural Boycott
  • Islam: Aesha Lorenz Al-Saeed: Eed All Around The World - Muslims are celebrating Eed in many countries in the world, in their own unique way, but also have the main Eed customs in common. In Saudi Arabia people dress in their nice clothes, or new thobes or pajamas, and go out for the Eed prayer about 7:00 in the morning. Afterwards they return home and sleep for a few hours, then dress to go have lunch in the oldest relatives home. There they exchange Eediya’s of money and gifts. See... Aesha Lorenz Al-Saeed: Eed Celebrations Worldwide

    Foreign Affairs: Who Is NZ Backing For A UNSC Seat? MFAT Not Telling - An intense contest is underway at the United Nations General Assembly over who will get the next Latin American seat on the United Nations Security Council. According to reports the level of votes for the two candidates Guatemala and Venezuela are fairly evenly split. Venezuela's President Hugo Chavez recently made a big splash in the General Assembly in a speech in which he likened US President George Bush to "El Diablo" (the devil). Which way is NZ casting its vote? Scoop asks MFAT. See... Scoop Q&A With MFAT Re: UNSC Latin America Seat

    War Criminals: President Bush's Odd Real Estate Purchase - Why might the president and his family need a 98,840-acre ranch in Paraguay protected by a semi-secret U.S. military base manned by American troops who have been exempted from war-crimes prosecution by the Paraguayan government? – Wonkette. PRENSA LATINA - The land grab project of US President George W. Bush in Chaco, Paraguay, has generated considerable discomfort both politically and environmentally. The news circulating the continent about plans to buy 98,840 acres of land in Chaco, Paraguay, near the Triple Frontier (Bolivia, Brazil, Paraguay) is the talk of the town in these countries. Undernews: Bush Purchases 99000 Acres In Paraguay?

    Mexico: Human Rights Commission Report on Texcoco/San Salvador Atenco Atrocities - At 11am Monday morning, the National Ombudsman of Mexico, José Luis Soberanes Fernández, held a press conference to deliver the recommendations contained in his report into “The facts that occurred in the municipalities of Texcoco and San Salvador Atenco on 3 and 4 May 2006,” when two young men were killed, and 207 people brutally detained by municipal, state and federal security forces. See... The Crimes Of Texcoco & Atenco Remain Unanswered

  • Kate Doyle - : The Dead of Tlatelolco
  • Narconews - Oaxaca Women Tap for Hope with Their Fingernails
  • William Rivers Pitt - Getting Dumberer In The GOP "The 5 Stages of Republican Scandal." As follows: 1. "I have not been informed of any investigation or that I am a target." 2. "I am cooperating fully, but this whole thing is a political ploy by the Democrats." 3. "I'm SHOCKED by the mistakes made by my subordinates." 4. "I'm deeply sorry for letting down my friends and family. I now recognize that I am an alcoholic. I will be entering rehab immediately, so I have no time for questions." 5. "Can I serve my time at Eglin Federal Penitentiary (aka Club Fed)?" See... William Rivers Pitt: Like the Mafia, Only Dumber

    Stan Goff Reflects On U.S. Defence Sec. Donald Rumsfeld - In August 2003, I was interviewed on CNN as "the father of a soldier." Iraq had claimed only 270 American armed forces members' lives. I called the conflict "a quagmire," bringing hoots of virtual laughter from right-wing bloggers the following day. See... Stan Goff: Reflecting on Rumsfeld


  • Jason Leopold - Dark Days Ahead
  • Russell Brown & Ors. - Public Address 20/10/06 - All The Bad Words, Public Address 19/10/06 - Astroturf Update & Public Address 18/10/06 - Like It's A Bad Word
  • William Blum - The Anti-Empire Report October 19, 2006
  • David Swanson - The Industrial Services Complex a.k.a The Military
  • Middle East News Service - BBC - Heated Debate Over Use Of Torture
  • Narconews - Donahue: Conspiracy To Silence Francisco Ramírez?
  • Middle East News Service - ALP, Greens, Democrats Join To Support ME Peace
  • Narconews - Market System Designed to Prosper from Misfortunes
  • Green Left Weekly - North Korea - US Provokes Nuclear Crisis
  • Robert Parry - Shame on Us All
  • Dr. Abbas Bakhtiar - New World Order & The Economic Man
  • - Multimedia Link: Marc Ash Interviews Bill Moyers
  • Sonia Nettnin - Viable Solutions For Israeli-Palestinian Peace
  • Cindy Sheehan - Playing the Numbers Game
  • Bernard Weiner - It's Worse, and Better, Than We Thought
  • Scoop Link - Bush's Petro-Cartel Almost Has Iraq's Oil
  • David Swanson - Bush as Brat - Pretensions to Empire
  • North Korea: Some Things You Didn't Lean About The Korean War On M*A*S*H - North Korea lost thirty percent of its population as a result of US led bombings in the 1950s. US military sources confirm that 20 percent of North Koreas' population was killed off over a three period of intensive bombings. See... Brian S. Willson: Korea and the "Axis of Evil"

  • John Chuckman - North Korea's Bomb
  • Mary Pitt - Straight Talk From Cowboy Country
  • Robert Parry - Robert Parry: Moon, North Korea & the Bushes
  • Former President Jimmy Carter - Solving the Korean Stalemate, One Step at a Time
  • William Rivers Pitt - The Loser

  • See also… Scoop Comment Full Coverage: North Korea Tests Nuclear Bomb

    Money Laundering: Suzan Mazur: Accused Banker John Deuss & The Canterbury Tales - The question is why has Dutch businessman John Deuss' offshore First Curacao International Bank (FCIB) been singled out over the issue of VAT on mobile phone sales deposited at FCIB -- which mushroomed over the last two years from $60 million to billions of dollars before the bank was recently shut down -- when the international banking system as a whole is compromised? See... Why Has John Deuss Offshore Bank Been Singled Out?

    Nobel Prizes: Tanveer Jafri: Prof. Yunus Brought Economics To The Poor - Noble Prize committee has decided to award Noble peace Prize to an economist Prof. Mohammed Yunus, 66, a native of Bangladesh. It has been decided to award this prize collectively to Mohammad Yunus and the Grameen bank set up by him. This honour is considered to be the highest prize in the world. This honour will be given on December10, in Oslo. There were well contested 191 entries for Noble prize but it was decided to give this prize to Prof. Mohammad Yunus and the Grameen bank established by him. See... Tanveer Jafri: Noble Prize
    17 October 2006 |

    Israel/OT: Genevieve Cora Fraser Takes A Second Look At Mel Gibson's Motivations - For those who inhabit Tinseltown and its environs as Mel Gibson does, there’s one site that is as famous to locals as Hollywood and Vine is to tourists - the Temple of the Arts in Beverly Hills. Located at the Wilshire Theater at 8440 Wilshire Blvd, the congregation led by Rabbi David Barron, though claiming solidarity with their brothers and sisters in Israel, has been treated to a variety of speakers, including luminaries such as Hillary Rodham Clinton. See... Cora Fraser: Is Mel Gibson Pro-Middle Eastern?

    Eco-Economy: An Argentinean Economic Perspective On The Decline Of The USD - Analysts the world over are starting to recognize the early warning signs of a gathering storm regarding the strength of the international financial system in general, and the stability of the United States Dollar, in particular. This essay provides an alternative view on this impending crisis, written from the viewpoint of an Argentine analyst whose country has undergone recurrent monetary and financial crises over the past forty years, albeit on a domestic rather than an international scale. See... Adrian Salbuchi: Death & Resurrection Of The $US


  • Rosalea Barker - Stateside: Shopping With Doreen
  • Russell Brown & Ors. - Public Address 17/10/06 - Tricky Issues
  • David Miller - David G. Miller: Sanctions Wont Stop North Korea
  • Scoop Link - Rape Charge Advised Vs. Israel President
  • Daniel Patrick Welch - Denouncing Hugo Chavez
  • Martin LeFevre Meditations: When Time Stops
  • Narconews - Baja Farmers Seize World's Largest Salt Mine & Narconews: Fitzgerald - Mothers of the Disappeared
  • Sanjay Upadhya Nepal: Precarious Premise Of Peacemaking
  • S Kchetri - Nepal: SPA and Maoists May Take Rash Decisions
  • David Swanson - Audio: Congressional Candidate Tony Trupiano
  • Sherwood Ross - Fear of Tyranny Sweeping America
  • John Gideon - Daily Voting News For October 16, 2006 & October 15, 2006
  • Robert Parry - Foley "October Surprise" Claim Flops
  • Mexico: Julie Webb-Pullman Reports From Oaxaca On Mexico's Dirty War - Yesterday in Oaxaca, delegates to the APPO National and International Forum were outraged when news came that one of their members had just died, after being shot in the head by police in the early hours of that morning. See... Webb-Pullman: Oaxaca - Another Day, Another Death & Julie Webb-Pullman: Adios Ruiz, Bienvenidos AEPO

  • Narconews - "House of Death" Informant Fingers Mexican US Govs
  • Narconews - Reports from Other Campaign in Sinaloa
  • United States: Why It's So Hard To Make Good Things Happen - This is the part of history I don't like. Not the part where people don't know what's happening to them nor the part where they try to do something about it. There's plenty to do in both those parts. No, it's the part where people know there's something wrong but nobody knows what to do and how to do it and so they just sit around or go through the same old motions just as vulnerable as when they didn't know what was going on only now they're also mad and frustrated and confused and nothing happens even though everyone wants it to. See…Sam Smith: Running Out Of Change

    Israel/Palestine: Will Starvation Achieve Israel's Palestinian Policy - IS IT possible to force a whole people to submit to foreign occupation by starving it? That is, certainly, an interesting question. So interesting, indeed, that the governments of Israel and the United States, in close cooperation with Europe, are now engaged in a rigorous scientific experiment in order to obtain a definitive answer. The laboratory for the experiment is the Gaza Strip, and the guinea pigs are the million and a quarter Palestinians living there. See… Uri Avnery: The Great Experiment

  • Sherwood Ross - Israel Starves Palestinians Into Submission
  • Ramzy Baroud - The Logic Behind Rice's Grin
  • Middle East News Service - How Hezbollah Defeated Israel - Analysis
  • Middle East News Service - Israel Envoy: Let's Enhance Ties With 'Yellow Race
  • Middle East News Service - Israel Bars New Palestinians From Its Universities
  • Iraq: Bringing Iraq's 655,000 Casualties Back To The White House - Two years ago, a team of epidemiologists at the John Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Heath in Baltimore published a study in the Lancet estimating that the US invasion and occupation of Iraq had led to approximately one hundred thousand excess deaths. While the study caused a storm of outrage among supporters of the war, its methodology and conclusions were generally regarded as robust and repeatable. The authors of the study have now done exactly that, repeating their sampling with a greater number of clusters. Their midpoint estimate for the number of excess deaths is now 655,000 . See... No Right Turn: Pyramid Of Skulls

  • Dahr Jamail - Excess Death in Iraq
  • Norman Solomon -The Pundit Path for Death in Iraq
  • William Rivers Pitt - The Wretched Years
  • Middle East News Service - Methodology Of Lancet Iraq Study Defended
  • North Korea: Some Things You Didn't Lean About The Korean War On M*A*S*H - North Korea lost thirty percent of its population as a result of US led bombings in the 1950s. US military sources confirm that 20 percent of North Koreas' population was killed off over a three period of intensive bombings. See... Brian S. Willson: Korea and the "Axis of Evil"

  • John Chuckman - North Korea's Bomb
  • Mary Pitt - Straight Talk From Cowboy Country
  • Robert Parry - Robert Parry: Moon, North Korea & the Bushes
  • Former President Jimmy Carter - Solving the Korean Stalemate, One Step at a Time
  • William Rivers Pitt - The Loser

  • See also… Scoop Comment Full Coverage: North Korea Tests Nuclear Bomb

    Terror: Toni Solo Reports An Outbreak Of Civil Rights Illogic At Labour's UK Party Conf. - At the recent Labour Party conference in Britain, Tony Blair led a one minute standing ovation for Home Secretary John Reid for a speech in which Reid declared "And let's be clear. It cannot be right that the rights of individual suspected terrorist be placed above the rights, life and limb of the British people. It's wrong. Full stop. No ifs, no buts. It's just plain wrong." This is the same logic he inherited from his predecessor Charles Clarke which led to the killing of the innocent Brazilian "terrorist suspect" Charles de Menezes and the subsequent return to duty of the police officers who shot him dead. An officer responsible for the botched operation was recently promoted. See... T.Solo: Globalization, Terror, Virtual Colonialism


  • Rosalea Barker - Stateside With Rosalea: Politics
  • Russell Brown & Ors. - Public Address 16/10/06 - Surplus Love, Public Address 13/10/06 - Scramble! & Public Address 12/10/06 - Truth: More Convenient!
  • Ruby Harrold-Claesson - Guest Opinion: Smacking Children Is Not Harmful
  • Jim Shultz - Jim Shultz: Bolivia's Deposed President 3 Years On
  • UQ Wire - Last Man In Jail From 9/11 Sweeps
  • John Gideon - Daily Voting News For October 13 & 14, 2006, October 12, 2006 & October 11, 2006
  • Scoop Links - Brit Gen. Richard Dannatt On Iraq Withdrawal
  • Jake Whitney - Book Review: Lone Wolf Takes On The Pharma Pack
  • Evelyn Pringle Evelyn Pringle: Paxil Five-Year Litigation History
  • David Swanson - Did They Fool You On Iraq? Are You Ready For Iran? & Swanson: A Blue District Gone Red, Coming Back
  • Robert Parry - Robert Parry: Bush and His Dangerous Delusions
  • Bill Berkowitz - Bill Berkowitz: Viguerie To GOP - Fuhgedaboutit
  • Jason Miller - Jason Miller: Fealty to a Moral Abomination
  • Tanveer Jafri - Afzal's Death Sentence: Politics Or Clemency
  • Lawrence R. Velvel - Reposting A Blog On An American Third Party
  • William Fisher - Swift-Boated, Again
  • Green Left Weekly - Police Racism - Stop Black Deaths In Custody!
  • E.J. Dionne Jr - Sometimes The Paranoids Are Right
  • Elyse Van Breemen - Teen Screen - Creating A Nation Of Victims
  • Larry C. Johnson - A New"Night of Long Knives?"
  • Kelpie Wilson - Plan B and Plan B
  • Economics & Energy: Bonus Joules Gets The Measure Of Economic Measures - Recently a school janitor proposed a new principle of energy. If correct it predicates the survival or demise of humanity. Should we be concerned that the principle suggests Peter Jackson’s new movie, the Dam Busters could be a damn buster? You decide. See... Bonus Joules: Dark Measures

    Cuba: Julie Webb-Pullman Remembers The (Forgotten) Cuban Five- Wow! The US doesn’t only do it in Abu Ghraib, Guantanamo, Afghanistan, Europe, Asia and North Africa – they practice cruel and inhuman imprisonment right there at home as well!! And despite the daily diet of anti-terrorist rhetoric their mainstream media dishes up as nauseum, for the last eight years there has been only misinformation, Miaminformation, or an iron curtain of silence regarding the treatment of five Cuban anti-terrorist political prisoners in the U.S. and their families. See... Julie Webb-Pullman: Spies, Lies and Visa Red Tape


  • Russell Brown & Ors. - Public Address 11/10/06 - Things In The Sky & Public Address 10/10/06 - Prison Special
  • William Fisher - That's a Joke, Son
  • Cindy Sheehan - A Nation Still at War
  • Kamala Sarup - Peace From Global Aspect
  • John Gideon - Daily Voting News For October 9, 2006
  • Paul Budde - Vodafone And IHUG Writing New History
  • Wasserman & Fitrakis - Ken Blackwell Campaigns With White Supremacist?
  • Nurit Peled-Elhanan - Education Or Mind Infection?
  • Sherwood Ross - World Slum Population To Double
  • Scoop Link - NYT Editorial - The White House & Mr. Abramoff
  • Bill Berkowitz - Bodies Without Passports
  • Siddhi B. Ranjitkar - Siddhi B. Ranjitkar: Champion or Naught
  • Stateside: Rosalea Barker Photographs The Delights Of Fall In San Francisco - The first week of October is totally THE best time to be in San Francisco. The days might start off foggy but by the afternoon it is sunny and warm, and in the evening you get the golden-est sunsets. Thursday, October 5, was a day of protest against the Bush administration, and San Francisco's Justin Herman Plaza--down by the Ferry Building--was the site of a large gathering. By the time I got there in the evening it had mostly dispersed, but I did get to hear the Bay Area director of the 9-11 Truth Alliance speak. See... Stateside With Rosalea: Rosalea Does SF

    Israel/OT: News From Palestine A One-Act Play By Genevieve Cora Fraser - Based on the life and writings of Samah Jabr - Palestinian, international and Israeli peace activists walk in a circle protesting, chanting and carrying "free Palestine" - "end the occupation" - "tear down the wall" signs. Israeli occupation forces approach and spray the crowd with tear gas and rough people up. Others stand at a distance, rifles trained on the crowd. Sounds of a helicopter can be heard overhead as shots ring out. See... One Act Play: News From Palestine

  • Uri Avnery -Lunch In Damascus
  • Remi Kanazi - Hazardous Intent: US Brokers in Palestine
  • Ramzy Baroud - Baroud: Palestinian Power-Struggle - Siege Within
  • Fascism: John Chuckman Joins The Debate Over American Fascism - The word fascism is used a lot, often pejoratively. The image that immediately comes to mind is Mussolini in a steel helmet, hands on hips, head tipped back, jaw thrust out. It is an image that influenced other fascists. Young Hitler was a great admirer. See... John Chuckman: A Subtle Kind Of Fascism

  • Phil Rockstroh - Six Flags Over Neo-Nuremberg
  • Norma Sherry - Is It Time For A Bloodless Revolution?

  • Bernard Weiner - The "F" Word and How To Escape From Its Clutches
  • Mary Pitt - Faulty Intelligence
  • Mark Drolette - Drolette: The Nuts And Dolts Of America’s Downfall
  • Mark Bradley - Mark Bradley: The Devil with Training Wheels
  • William Rivers Pitt - The Tipping Point
  • Antiquities: Suzan Mazur: Italy Seeks Return Of Medea Vase Highlighted On Scoop - Cleveland Museum's antiquities officials have failed to respond to my email request for information as to how the museum acquired the South Italian Medea vase in 1991 recently cited on this page Scoop: Cleveland's Got Prized South Italian Medea Vase. The vase was part of a highly controversial auction of the Hunt brothers' collection at Sotheby's in June 1990. However, an informed source close to the Italian investigation advises that Italy will pursue the Medea along with other pieces now in Cleveland's collection of ancient art. See... Italy Will Contest Medea Vase At Cleveland Museum

    Appeal Filed in Bilbray Election Challenge: Speaker Hastert's Swearing In At Issue - Attorneys Paul Lehto and Kenneth Simpkins just entered an appeal to a California Superior Court decision that prematurely ended an election contest in California's 50th Congressional District. Just seven days after the election, Speaker Dennis Hastert swore in Brian Bilbray on the House Floor on June 13, 2006. Hastert claimed that Bilbray was the rightful winner of the close election based on a communication he received from the office of California's Republican Secretary of State, Bruce McPherson. See... Appeal Filed in Bilbray Election Challenge

  • Daily Voting News For October 8, 2006, October 6 & 7, 2006 & October 5, 2006

  • UQ Wire - 9/11 Widows Blast Bush Ad. Over Rice Tenet Meeting
  • Russell Brown & Ors. - Public Address 09/10/06 - Now Here's An Idea ... & Public Address 06/10/06 - Smoking Guns, Sunny Days
  • Scoop Link - White House Aide to Rove Resigns
  • Scoop Link - Prominent Russian Journalist Silenced by Bullet
  • Eric Shackle - Is Wellington Really A Slow City?
  • David Swanson - The Genius of John Nichols
  • Dahr Jamail - The US Occupation of Iraq: Casualties Not Counted
  • Alex Shea - Small Arms In The Wrong Hands
  • Dean Lawrence R. Velvel - Re. Moral Meltdown
  • Justice: Seditionist Will Eat Xmas Pud In Clink - My release date is 4 April 2007. The date of my appeal hearing is 22 February 2007. Mathematics was never my strong suit, but isn’t that only about five and a half weeks before I’m going to be getting out anyway?! (Does Terence Arnold set the fixtures dates?). Can I appeal the appeal date? See... Justice Delayed…

    Kids: Jackie Little's Life As A Domestic Ogress - As Victor Medlrew would say: " I don't belieeve it" Except I can! Number three child had fallen on a cactus. A Cactus!!! for Pete's (whoever Pete may be) sake!! This was while in care of the grandparents, so I admonish myself, though Grandma hastens to add, 'twas in Grandad's sole charge See... Jackie Little: The Cactus Incident

    Foleygate: - Suzan Mazur - Where Do Congressmen Have Their Trysts? - The current sex scandal involving former Congressman Mark Foley (Rep.-FL)begs the question: Just where do Washington politicians and US military seeking private trysting spots -- free of pesky media and routine security questions -- continue to find them? See... DC & Int'l Officers Clubs For Trysting Politicians

    Torture: William Rivers Pitt: When Fear Of The State Gets Personal - I have been told a thousand times at least, in the years I have spent reporting on the astonishing and repugnant abuses, lies and failures of the Bush administration, to watch my back. "Be careful," people always tell me. "These people are capable ... See... William Rivers Pitt: In Case I Disappear

  • David Swanson - Mommy, What's Waterboarding?
  • James Abourezk - After Torture, What’s Next?

  • See also… Full Coverage: US Legalises Torture

    Iraq War: Sean Penn's Address To The World Can't Wait Marchers - The arrogant, the misguided, the cowards would argue that an immediate pull-out of our troops from Iraq would inspire lack of confidence and the lost credibility of the United States. See... The Arrogant, the Misguided, and the Cowards

  • Russ Wellen - Cut And Run Or Carve It Up?
  • Norman Solomon - Iraq Is Not a Quagmire
  • Atlanta Progressive News - Iraq Veterans Working For Congressional Campaigns

  • Rosalea Barker - Stateside: Gettin’ You Some Learnin'
  • Russell Brown & Ors. - Public Address 05/10/06 - Infirmity Strikes!, Public Address 4/10/6 – Frivolous, Not Even Friday, Public Address 3/10/6 - Meet Our New Crew Member & Public Address 02/09/06 - Thanks For The Add
  • Martin LeFevre - Meditations: Mind, Brain, and Meditation
  • Narconews - DHS, DOJ Brass Turned Blind Eye To House Of Death
  • Scoop Blogwatch - NepaliPerspectives: The Root of Nepal's Insecurity
  • Tanveer Jafri - Quacks In Islam - Well Wishers Or Harmful
  • Ramzy Baroud - Risk of Misreading US-Iran Dispute
  • Kidd Millennium - Cartoon: Sheiks On A Plane
  • Bill Berkowitz - The Conversion Factor
  • Narconews - Zapatista Intergalactic Call - Dec. 30 in Chiapas
  • Think Progress - HUD Secretary Admitted "Bias" Against Bush Critics

  • Translation by Sol Salbe - Gideon Levy: Man Bites Dog
  • Middle East News Service - Sol Salbe's Middle East Round-up

  • Atlanta Progressive News - Diebold's 2002 Secret Patch On GA E-Voting Systems
  • Atlanta Progressive News - McKinney & Harris To Dig Deeper Into GA Primary
  • John Gideon - Daily Voting News For October 5, 2006 , October 4, 2006, Daily Voting News For October 2-3, 2006, Sept 30 & Oct. 1, 2006 & September 28-29, 2006

  • Mary Collins - Depression Screening – A Cruel Fraud
  • Laura Doreson - National Depression Screening Day
  • Evelyn Pringle - Profitable Year For Whistleblowers , Evelyn Pringle: Zyprexa Takes Major Hit In Alaska , Warning Pharma Customers About Dangers of SSRIs , FDA Still Dodging Bullets Over Ketek & Plavix Sales To Soar Due To Faulty Heart Stents
  • Faith: When Kamala Sarup Met Mother Teresa - I slowly look at her and smiled, "You like to love, forgiveness, companionship. Life is not easy as I think." Mother Teresa began to speak, "Live easily and let others live easily. You have to understood the meaning of life at all. The meaning of life is not to keep yourself in misery. Yes, you can offer many people happiness". See... Kamala Sarup: When I visited Mother Teresa


  • Russell Brown & Ors. - Public Address 29/09/06 - Goodbye To Che, Public Address 28/09/06 - Father And Son & Public Address 27/09/06 - Flight Of The Chumby
  • Sam Smith - Why Smart Growth Isn't As Smart Is It Thinks It Is
  • Sherwood Ross - Blueprint For American Withdrawal From Iraq & TFAs, The Food Industry’s “Trojan Horse”
  • William Rivers Pitt - Terrorism and the Republican & Will Pitt: The Deep Breath Before the Plunge
  • Siddhi B. Ranjitkar - Secret Deal In Nepal
  • Sheila Samples - Fool's Goal
  • Cindy Sheehan - Lift Your Head & Commas for Profit
  • Robert Parry - How to Avoid World War III
  • Translation by Sol Salbe - Eventually We Will Have To Withdraw From The Golan & Daily Briefing: Sol Salbe's Middle East Roundup
  • Ramzy Baroud - Risk of Misreading US-Iran Dispute
  • Evelyn Pringle - Nursing Home Fraud Neglect & Abuse Too Common , Kaiser Kidney Transplant Program Gets Reprieve & J&J Can't Settle Ortho-Evra Cases Fast Enough
  • Tanveer Jafri - India -Festivals & Communal Harmony
  • Green Left Weekly Venezuela's Hugo Chavez slams Bush
  • John Gideon - Daily Voting News For September 27, 2006, Sept. 26, 2006 & Sept. 25, 2006
  • Ernest Partridge - A Gathering Storm
  • Emma Moore - The Great Chinese Rip Off
  • Emma Miller - Have A Cheap Holiday On Other People’s Misery
  • Martin LeFevre - Meditations: The Will is Never Free
  • Scoop Link - US Senators Propose Funds for Paper Ballots
  • Kelpie Wilson - Gas Is Down - Go Back to Sleep
  • Scoop Link - NYT Editorial - The Fine Art of Declassification
  • Rosalea Barker - Stateside: Update And Some Feedback
  • Bernard Weiner - Gearing Up for Rove's Pre-Election "Surprises"
  • Phil Rockstroh - Reflections On Our Inner Bush
  • Dahr Jamail - A Broken, De-Humanized Military in Iraq
  • James J. Zogby - Papal Redux
  • John Chuckman - Cartoon: Taking Liberties
  • David Swanson - Peace Activists Arrested on Grounds of US Capitol
  • Tel Aviv Notes - The Budget Debate After The Lebanon War
  • Dr. Abbas Bakhtiar - Dr. Abbas Bakhtiar: Who Will Pay the US Debt
  • Preeti Koirala - Preeti Koirala: Ripples of the Thai Coup
  • David Swanson - Lt. Gen. Odom Speaks Truth In US Capitol Basement
  • Genevieve Cora Fraser - September 11th And The Israelization Of America
  • Green Left Weekly - Aus. Native Title Win Sparks Right-Wing Hysteria
  • Fitrakis & Wasserman - Preserved Ohio '04 Ballots Tell New Tales Of Theft
  • Gary Hart - Blogwatch: The October Surprise
  • Lawrence R. Velvel - A Conference On "Presidential Power In America"
  • Philip J. Rappa - For God's Sake
  • UQ Wire - 5 Years On The Official Story Falls Apart
  • China: Emma Moore Kiwi Expat- Letter From China - There is no shortage of inches devoted to China in the New Zealand media. China’s economy, top companies, financial institutions, trade surpluses, trading relationships, savings and spending rates… Are you detecting a theme? Yes, all of these stories appear in the same section – the business section. See... Emma Moore: China - Just A Pile Of Stats?

    Politics: Anne Else Assesses The Relativities Of Political Offence - Interesting choice of words in the headlines this week. Helen Clark was described as "furious" and "bitter", "savage" and "lashing out", over the ludicrous insinuations about her husband's sexuality, and the fact that the Exclusive Brethren had hired a private investigator to scurry around him, her, and senior Labour ministers. See... Letter from Elsewhere: The Adjectives Of Outrage

  • Russell Brown - Public Address 25/09/06 - Cuckoo?
  • Antiquities: Suzan Mazur Finds A (Possibly) Looted Treasure In Ohio - After an online search for the whereabouts of the fabulous "Medea in Flight" vase featured in my recent story about artifacts Italy wants back from Boston's Museum of Fine Arts, it appears that the Red-figure Calyx Krater, 5th/early 4th Century BC is now in the Cleveland Musuem collection. Once part of Bunker Hunt's hoard, it was auctioned at Sotheby's in June 1990 along with the signed Euphronios vase and wine cup, and sold above estimates for $360,000 (plus tax). See... Cleveland's Got Prized South Italian Medea Vase & Ancient Art Italy Wants Back From Boston's MFA

    Prison Tales: Is Wilbur Smith A Cruel And Unusual Punishment? - Incarcerated seditionist Tim Selwyn points out in his latest letter from jail that the prison he's incarcerated at has a rather pitiful library - 'Wilbur Smith’s epic chronicles of super-macho Victorian elephant slaughterers seems to be the backbone of a bleak expanse of Readers Digest condensed novels and 80’s paperback fiction," writes prisoner 60477981 of Hawkes Bay Prison. See... Tumeke – Sorry State of Book Learnin' In Clink

    Satan: - Hugo Chavez Calls President Bush The Devil - I’m no fan of Hugo Chavez. He has all the earmarks of a demagogue, and has repressed dissent in Venezuela. But his UN performance, mixing theater with truth, was astounding. Delivering a line with panache that will go down in the annals of history, he said, ... See... Martin LeFevre: Is The Devil In The White House?

  • Greg Palast - Chavez' Comments: Strategy Or Ravings Of Madman?
  • Religion: Uri Avnery On The Pope's Trouble With Intolerance - Since the days when Roman Emperors threw Christians to the lions, the relations between the emperors and the heads of the church have undergone many changes. See... Uri Avnery: Muhammad's Sword

  • Remi Kanazi - Tolerating Intolerance
  • Tanveer Jafri - Pope Issue: Foes Of The Islam?
  • Environment: Catherine Austin Fitts Reviews An Inconvenient Truth - The day after 9-11, a person whom I respect and care about a great deal said to me, "George Bush was anointed by God for a time such as this." He then asked me what I thought. I said that I thought that the Bush family was anointed by financial fraud, narcotics trafficking, and pedophilia. Stunned, he said, "If that is true, then it's hopeless." I replied that things were far from hopeless, but that for me solutions started with faith in a divine intelligence rather than affirming a dependent relationship with organized crime. See... The Real Deal: The Source Of Hopelessness

  • Charles Shaw - Review: "An Inconvenient Truth"
  • Dave McArthur - The Inconvenient Truth About An Inconvenient Truth
  • Rosalea Barker - An Inconvenient Truth (aka MI 4.5?)
  • Torture: President Bush's Torture Amnesty Legislation - The United States is following the lead of "dirty war" nations, such as Argentina and Chile, in enacting what amounts to an amnesty law protecting U.S. government operatives, apparently up to and including President George W. Bush, who have committed ... See... Robert Parry: Bush's "Dirty War" Amnesty Law

  • Robert Parry - Bush Shields Dad on Chile Terrorism
  • Scoop Link New York Times Editorial - A Bad Bargain
  • Mark W. Bradley - Satire: Wallace Pulls A Boehner
  • Thom Hartmann - Reclaiming The Issues: "Keep George Out Of Jail"
  • Scoop Link - CIA Refused to Operate Secret Jails

  • Rosalea Barker - Stateside: Just Another Day In The Tank
  • Mark Drolette - Bombing People Really Pisses Them Off – Report
  • Atlanta Progressive News - Amy Goodman Scolds Corporate Media In Atlanta
  • Michel Chossudovsky - Militarization & Deconstruction of North America & Who Benefits From Afghan Opium Trade
  • Evelyn Pringle - Merck Insurance Carriers Jump Ship Over Vioxx , FDA Needs To Ban Accutane & 500 Ortho-Evra Birth Control Patch Victims Sue
  • Dahr Jamail - AP Propaganda About Iraq
  • Ramzy Baroud - The Next Palestinian Struggle
  • UQ Wire - Pentagon's 911 Claim Debunked by Inspector General & Chossudovsky - Who Is Osama Bin Laden?
  • Sherwood Ross - Quitting Iraq With Honor Impossible
  • Siddhi B. Ranjitkar - Coups And Kings
  • Russell Brown & Ors. - Public Address 22/09/06 - Tally Ho!
  • David Miller - The Impact of Iraq on the War on Terror
  • Abukar Arman - A Blink of an Eye Could Derail the Somali Peace
  • Robert Parry - The Bushes and the Truth About Iran
  • John Chuckman -
  • Norman Solomon - The Hollow Media Promise of Digital Technology
  • Guest Opinion - Decommissioning Dilemma of the Maoist in Nepal
  • Torture: Keith Olbermann On The Acceptability Of Thought - The President of the United States owes this country an apology. It will not be offered, of course. He does not realize its necessity. There are now none around him who would tell him or could. The last of them, it appears, was the very man whose letter provoked ... See... Keith Olbermann: Bush Owes Us an Apology

  • Bernard Weiner - Control the Dictionary, Control the World
  • Robert Parry - Bush's Way or the Highway
  • William Fisher - The 3rd Rail of Bush's Dictionary

  • Scoop Links - Editorials: WashPost & NYT On Bush Torture Policy
  • Sherwood Ross - FBI Agents - US Using Wrong Interrogation Methods
  • Larry C. Johnson - George Bush, Whirling Dervish
  • President Bush - Presser On Terror Legislation 9/06 & Radio Address
  • Good Returns Reviews Gareth Morgan's Pension Panic - Warning: This book is intended to scare you. Its message is keep saving, but clean up your act when it comes to investing those savings for your retirement, or its milk arrowroots and mittens in Bluff for you. Pension Panic will show you just how many investment advisers and managed funds rip you to bits, and help you to avoid the traps. Author and economist, Gareth Morgan, dispels some of the mythology, hype and bluster that can cloud your judgement when it comes to planning for a secure future. See... Pension Panic - Tough Talk On Sorting Your Finance


  • Richard S. Ehrlich - Burma Boasts At UN Of Big Northern Friends
  • Russell Brown & Ors. - Public Address 20/09/06 - All Kinds Of Crazy Stuff
  • John Gideon - Daily Voting News For September 19, 2006, September 18, 2006
  • Sarah Olson - Marching Against the Freedom Agenda & Sarah Olson: Lieutenant Watada Faces New Charges
  • Sherwood Ross - How USA Reversed Its Policy on Bombing Civilians
  • Al Gore - Global Warming Is the Immediate Crisis
  • Narconews - Nancy Davies: Oaxaca's Cry For Independence
  • Evelyn Pringle - Device-Maker Medtronic Weighed Down With Lawsuits
  • Jim Shultz - Bolivia's Political Revolution – Nine Months On
  • UQ Wire - Scheer - Gaping Holes in the 9/11 Narrative
  • Ramzy Baroud - Murdoch Almighty: When Public Loses Opinion
  • Dr. Abbas Bakhtiar - Dr. Abbas Bakhtiar - Afghanistan: More Of The Same
  • Rajat KC - The Maoist Quest for Chinese Support
  • Kamala Sarup - Children Are Victims Of Terrorism
  • Boston's Looted Antiquities That Italy Wants Back - With Boston's Museum of Fine Arts nearing an accord with Italy over its collection of classical art acquired primarily from Italy both before and after the1983 UNESCO curb on antiquities trafficking - I thought it might be interesting to revisit a conversation I had with Cornelius Vermeule III, MFA's "swashbuckling" curator of classical art for almost 40 years (1957-1996). Vermeule has also shared a long friendship with Bob Hecht, the dealer now on trial in Rome for antiquities trafficking, and he's acquired important antiquities from him as well -- like the beautiful statue of Sabina -- in which Hecht acted as "agent" for the November 1979 transaction. Hecht also sold an oil flask (lekythos) to MFA in November 1989, and in 1991, a South Italian amphora that he first owned was sold to the museum, depicting the murder of Atreus. See... Ancient Art Italy Wants Back From Boston's MFA

    Rosalea Barker On The Impending US Mid-term Election - Election season is here again, and once more I'm pounding the pavements in support of electoral reform. The third city in six years where I've volunteered on an Instant Runoff Voting campaign is Oakland, and we kicked off the effort this weekend. See... Stateside With Rosalea: Hail Atlantis!

  • Ramzy Baroud - Bush PR Campaign: Back to the Basics
  • William Rivers Pitt - The Absurd Season
  • Harvey Wasserman - Will Anti-Nuker John Hall Rock The Congress?
  • Lawrence R. Velvel - Lawrence R. Velvel - Re: The Pretexter Stain
  • Walter Brasch - The Bush Magical Mystery Political Capital Tour
  • Atlanta Progressive News - Blackwell Faces Green Challenger in Ohio Race
  • The Failed US Response to Rwanda and Darfur - In 1994, an estimated 800,000 people died in Rwanda, as the U.S. and the international community failed to mount an intervention to stop genocide. Senior U.S. officials later expressed regret, and acknowledged that this crime against humanity should have invoked a more urgent and active response. It is reported that President Bush reviewed a memo on the Rwandan genocide early in his presidency and wrote "Not on my Watch" in the margin of that document. Less than a decade after the Rwandan genocide, the U.S. was faced with another unfolding genocide in Africa, this time in Darfur, western Sudan. See... Africa Action: The Tale of Two Genocides


  • Russell Brown & Ors. - Public Address 15/09/06 - Rock 'N' Roll
  • Jason Leopold - Murtha Lays the Dead at Rumsfeld's Door
  • Uri Avnery - Help! Peacemongers!
  • Kidd Millennium - Cartoon: Shakes On A Plane
  • Scoop Link - Colorado Lawsuit Seeks to Ban Computer Voting
  • John Gideon - Daily Voting News For September 17, 2006, September 16, 2006 & September 15, 2006
  • Thom Hartmann - Nobles Need Not Pay Taxes
  • Robert Parry - Robert Parry: New Clues in the Plame Mystery
  • Rowena Thursby - Uncovering The Truth About Dr David Kelly’s Death
  • Evelyn Pringle - Evelyn Pringle: Latest Celebrex Court Ruling 50/50 & Abuse And Neglect Rampant In Nursing Home Industry
  • Scoop Link - In Replay of Iraq, Battle Brews Over Intelligence
  • Narconews - The Other Journalism Heads Toward the Border
  • John Chuckman - John Chuckman: Decline Of The American Empire
  • Tel Aviv Notes - The Fading International Resolve To Confront Iran
  • M.R. Josse - Citizenship En Masse: Demographic Fire
  • William Fisher - A Murrow Moment
  • Scoop Link - Link: IAEA Protests "Erroneous" US Report on Iran
  • Bush Is Found Guilty By The Bush Crimes Commission - The testimony that I presented in January to the International Commission of Inquiry on Crimes Against Humanity Committed by the Bush Administration was related to the evidence found in the Downing Street Memos. This evidence is connected to Count 1 in the Wars of Aggression Indictment being delivered today, which reads: "The Bush Administration authorized a war of aggression against Iraq." See... Bush Crimes Commission Verdict: Bush Is Guilty

  • Cindy Sheehan - Cindy Sheehan: Hey George
  • Keith Olbermann's Special 911 Comment on Bush - "History teaches us that nearly unanimous support of a government cannot be taken away from that government, by its critics. It can only be squandered by those who use it not to heal a nation’s wounds, but to take political advantage. Terrorists did not come and steal our newly-regained sense of being American first, and political, fiftieth. Nor did the Democrats. Nor did the media. Nor did the people. The President — and those around him — did that." See... Blogwatch: Keith Olbermann 9/11 Comment Transcript

  • Bill Berkowitz - Keith Olbermann's finest hour

  • Keith Olbermann To Rumsfeld - "Have You No Sense of Decency, Sir?"

  • Kelpie Wilson The Good News Is Local
  • Ernest Partridge - The Scorpion, The Frog, And The Corporation
  • Tanveer Jafri - Tanveer Jafri: Bin Laden's Religion?
  • Bernard Weiner - "The Flying Wi-Fi" -- Working Out the Bugs
  • Dr. Abbas Bakhtiar - US vs. Iran (II) - Hybrid War
  • Nasser Amin - Muslims Are Trying To Integrate Despite New Labour
  • Mary Pitt - Mary Pitt: The Disgraceful Plight Of American Poor
  • Dahr Jamail - Dahr Jamail: Meanwhile in Baghdad ...
  • Ann Wright - A Camp for Democracy in US Capital
  • Between The Lines - Over-the-Counter Sale of Morning-After Pill In US
  • Between The Lines - DC Demolition Of New Orleans' Public Housing
  • Sheila Samples - Sheila Samples: No Mercy
  • Greg Palast - Palast Charged with Journalism in the First Degree
  • Tlaxcala Translation - The Geopolitics Of Latin American Foreign Debt
  • Evelyn Pringle - Glaxo Promotes Mental Disorders - Then Paxil
  • The Independent: Gaza Is Dying! - Gaza is dying. The Israeli siege of the Palestinian enclave is so tight that its people are on the edge of starvation. Here on the shores of the Mediterranean a great tragedy is taking place that is being ignored because the world's attention has been diverted by wars in Lebanon and Iraq. A whole society is being destroyed. There are 1.5 million Palestinians imprisoned in the most heavily populated area in the world. Israel has stopped all trade. It has even forbidden fishermen to go far from the shore so they wade into the surf to try vainly to catch fish with hand-thrown nets. See... The Independent: A People Betrayed By The World

  • Uri Avnery's Lebanon Series - State of Chutzpah & "Left, But…"
  • Genevieve Cora Fraser - Sponsorship Of Palestine Genocide Beneath Contempt
  • Tel Aviv Notes - The Iranian Nuclear Crisis
  • Gaza: Media Fails To Report Plight Of Reuters Reporters - Two Fox News journalists, Steve Cantani and Olas Wing were released by their Palestinian kidnappers in the Gaza Strip on Sunday, August 27. Just one day earlier, two Reuters’ cameramen were seriously wounded in an apparently deliberate Israeli strike on their clearly marked vehicle, according to news reports. The names of the two wounded cameramen, however, as well as their story went largely unreported. Their plight seemed inconsequential compared to that of the Fox News journalists. See... Kidnapped In Gaza: Chaos As A Strategy


  • Rosalea Barker - Stateside: Justice Breyer on the US Constitution
  • Russell Brown & Ors. - Public Address 08/09/06 - What Chicks Really Dig, Public Address 07/08/06 - Itunes, B**Bs And Stuff
  • Greg - Palast Faces Police Inquiry For Filming Exxon Site
  • John Gideon - Daily Voting News For September 9, 2006, September 8, 2006, September 7, 2006 & September 6, 2006
  • Ray McGovern - Bush: A "Plenty Tough" Torturer's Apprentice
  • Evelyn Pringle - Johnson & Johnson Chirate Spinal Disc Under Fire & Pfizer Celebrex Lawsuits - 1500 and Counting
  • Kamala Sarup My HIV Positive Friend Rita
  • Sanjay Upadhya - Nepal: Geography And Politics In Perpetual Contest
  • Rajat KC - HR Situation In Nepal: Challenge & Dilemma
  • Bhupal Lamichhaney - Nepal’s Maoists Out-of-Sync with Rest of Nation
  • Jason Leopold - Jason Leopold: Armitage Shmarmitage & FBI Suspected Rove and Libby Pre-Fitzgerald
  • William Rivers Pitt - The Other War & A Day of Chicken-Counting
  • Richard S. Ehrlich - Thai Counter-Insurgency Officials Coup Plotters?
  • William Fisher - What Should We Know & When Should We Know It?
  • Scoop Link
  • Ohio Judge Orders '04 Ballots Be Preserved
  • Norman Solomon - As Others See US - The "War on Terror"
  • Mary Collins - Let Truth Win
  • Larry C. Johnson - Senate Intel Committee Bloodies Bush's Nose & What George Bush Didn't Say About Guantanamo
  • Atlanta Progressive News - Bush Protested During Visit in Atlanta
  • Scoop Link - Bush Tribunal Plan Ignores Supreme Court Ruling
  • Sinead Dumigan - Devastation Via Inoculation
  • Sam Smith - The Role Of Respect In Peace
  • John Cory - Clowns and Harlots
  • Bill Berkowitz - Bush Names New Faith-Based Czar
  • Tanveer Jafri - Live & Let Live
  • Bill Berkowitz - The Dudley Do-Wrong of George Mason University
  • Scoop Link - US Army Bans Some Interrogation Techniques
  • Iran: The US, Israel & Iran - Conflict? - In the final installment of this interview series for Truthout, McGovern discusses links between US/Israeli policy, the need for change if there is to be true security for either country, the Bush administration's use of torture, and the likelihood of a US attack on Iran. See... Dahr Jamail: Interview With Ray McGovern, Part 3

    Plamegate: Marc Ash Speaks Out In Praise Of Fitzmass - Special Counsel Patrick J. Fitzgerald and his investigation of the outing of undercover CIA operative Valerie Plame are under attack by multiple mainstream media organizations acting simultaneously. The reports are - at best - shoddy journalism and at worst ... See... Marc Ash: Special Counsel Fitzgerald Under Attack
    Robert Parry: How Obtuse Is the US Press?

    Israel/Palestine: Sol Salbe On What's Not In The Israeli Media - Sometimes it is easier to write on what the Israeli media is not covering rather than on it does. Foreign Minister Downer’s spat with the Australian media is a no-show. Downer has slammed our media for telling fibs about Israel. See... Sol Salbe's Middle East Round-Up - 5 Sept 2006

  • Ilan Pappe - Genocide in Gaza
  • Haaretz - Israel Officials Fear Wave Of War Crimes Law Suits
  • Genevieve Cora Fraser - Zionist Acquisitions Bought By Bullets And Bombs

  • Russell Brown & Ors. - Public Address 06/09/06 - Counterspin
  • Rosalea Barker - Stateside: Disappearing Croc Doc Google Mystery
  • John Gideon - Daily Voting News For September 5, 2006 - September 4, 2006
  • William Fisher - No Planet Left Behind - Well, Maybe One
  • Evelyn Pringle - Nursing Home Inspection Process Full Of Corruption
  • Rajat KC Civil Society And The Maoist Insurgency In Nepal
  • Greg Palast- Greg Palast: Today's Pig Is Tomorrow's Bacon
  • Sherwood Ross - U.S. Shows Many Characteristics Of Global Bully & Iraqis Who Sweated Hussein Are Leaving Under Bush
  • Narconews - Giordano: Another Grenade Attack Against Por Esto!
  • Atlanta Progressive News - Possible New Nuclear Reactor is Threat to Georgia
  • Bad Language: Russell Brown Defends A "Blue" Bill Ralston & Corresponds With Rosalea Barker - I'm not sure I get Bill Ralston's moment of shame, as breathlessly reported by two Sunday newspapers. During the week, a Herald on Sunday reporter was pursuing a "news" story on an itinerant Auckland man, whose only conventional news value appears to be that he's Ralston's cousin... See... Public Address 04/09/06 - The Clearing Of Throats & Public Address 01/09/06 - Home And (Bombs) Away
    If you, like I, have ever wished that the writing at Stateside could be as well-informed as the writing over at , then wish no more! PA founder and Hard News-man, Russell Brown, stopped over last week in San Francisco on his way back to New Zealand. See... Stateside With Rosalea: A Godwit Flies By

    Plamegate: Jason Leopold - Armitage's Guilt Does Not Exonerate Rove - Richard Armitage, the former deputy Secretary of State, may be syndicated columnist Robert Novak's primary source who told him on July 8, 2003, that Ambassador Joseph Wilson's wife, Valerie Plame, worked for the CIA. But that doesn't change the fact that Karl Rove told former Time magazine reporter Matthew Cooper the same thing three days later - and then subsequently failed to tell federal investigators about it for a year. See... Jason Leopold: Plame Leak(s)

    Martin LeFevre Meditates On Bush And Rumsfeld's Rhetoric - President Bush made an extraordinary statement at his unexpected news conference on August 21st. He said: “the consequence of leaving Iraq before the job is done…[is that] we will have lost our soul as a nation.” The Nazis used that kind of rhetorical trick, turning the root cause of their rise to power into a rallying cry. It won’t work this time. See... Meme Warfare: Bush & Rumsfeld - They’ve Lost the 'War of Ideas'

    A Pakistani View On What's Cricket & What's Not - While people admire Australian sports' talent and strength worldwide; they are also famous for being arrogant and sledgers in some parts of the world. Famous World Cup-winning Sri Lankan captain Arjuna Ranatunga branded the Australian cricketers as arrogant as well as vulnerable. Another great alrounder and World-cup winning captain of Pakistan, Imran Khan called the Australian cricketers as biased. See... Syed Atiq ul Hassan: Pompous Aussie or Firebrand


  • Richard S. Ehrlich - 22 Simultaneous Bank Bombs Explode In Thailand
  • Jason Miller - It’s the American Way or the Highway
  • Evelyn Pringle - Roche Puts Accutane Profit Over Lives of Consumers & Big Pharma Bankrupting US Health Care System
  • Sherwood Ross - US Officials Guilty Of Violating Anti-Torture Laws & Big Tobbaco, Potheads & Poor Folks
  • John Gideon - The Constitution As A Weapon Against Democracy
  • Bob Fitrakis - Saving The Ballot Evidence From Ohio 2004
  • Sarwat Hassan - John Howard Slashes Muslims Again
  • David Swanson - The Cablization of Network News
  • Scoop Link - Scoop Link: Activists Want Ohio Election Chief Out
  • Sherwood Ross - Oil Seen As Reason For U.S. Middle East Invasions
  • UQ Wire - 9-11 Questions -- Still Unanswered
  • Cindy Sheehan - Obligations
  • John Gideon - Daily Voting News For September 1-2, 2006, August 31, 2006 & August 30, 2006
  • William Rivers Pitt - : Fascist Appeasers
  • Larry C. Johnson - Smearing the Wilsons and Sliming America
  • Walidah Imarisha - Hasan Shakur: A Maroon on Death Row
  • William Fisher - Muslim-Americans Turn To The Law
  • Purbasi Chhetri - Nepal Interim Draft Constitution-2063: Solution/Problem?
  • Vande Mataram - A Political Game
  • Kids: Jackie Little Takes A Trip To Town With The Tykes - One of the perks of being a stay at home mum is that you get to re-live some great childhood experiences without the scary parts - and under the guise of being a responsible adult too. It had been a long time since I had been aboard a vehicle so fraught with social hazard as the good old school bus, but here I was, standing with my group of supervisees awaiting voyage to the Capital.and a day of exploring national treasures at the museum. See... Jackie Little: The School Trip

    Terror: Toni Solo Takes A Global Perspective On Terror - The bomb attacks in Madrid in 2004 and London in 2005 raised the issue of racism especially starkly for politicians in Europe as well as for their North American and Pacific allies. No matter how they spin it, the fundamental question they face is whether they value people's lives on racist criteria or not. The record of their responses to terror attacks by the US government and its allies weakens their condemnations of such attacks against civilians in the US and Europe. See... Toni Solo: Globalization And Terror

  • James J. Zogby - If We Were Smart

  • Russell Brown - Public Address 30/08/06 - Foo Report
  • Jason Leopold - Robert Novak & the Perfect Stranger
  • Akanimo Sampson - 3,000 Urban Poor Rendered Homeless In Aker Base
  • Evelyn Pringle - Spotlight Focused On Pfizer's Lipitor Follies
  • Cindy Sheehan - Celebrating Irrelevancy!
  • Rowena Thursby - Wanted: Inside Information On Dr Kelly's Death
  • Scoop Feedback
  • An Open Letter To IOC Pres. Dr. Jacques Rogge
  • Anne Else & Tze Ming Mok Ponder The Meaning Of "Bedrock Values" - I knew it was a long time since the last Letter, but I hadn’t realised HOW long. I have a good excuse, of course: I was finishing off my PhD, otherwise known as “getting doctored”. Then I went away for a while to recover, and when I got back, I discovered ... See... Letter from Elsewhere: Bedrock values & Public Address 28/08/06 - Women Elsewhere

    One Year On: Greg Palast & Ors Recall The Near Death Of The Big Easy - DON'T blame the Lady. Katrina killed no one in this town. In fact, Katrina missed the city completely, going wide to the east. It wasn't the hurricane that drowned, suffocated, de-hydrated and starved 1,500 people that week. See... Hurricane Expert Threatened For Katrina Warnings

  • Greg Palast - The Year The Levees Broke
  • Bill Quigley - New Orleans One Year After Katrina
  • William Rivers Pitt - They Called It Katrina
  • Regarding The War Clouds Gathering Over Iran - Once again we are being prepared for another devastating war in the Middle East. A terrorist group is “allegedly” discovered planning to blow-up 6 aircraft in UK. Another group is “discovered” in Germany planning to blow-up a train. Then UK warns whole Europe about the threat of terrorism. Then there are “loud” accusations that Iran has been trying to buy Uranium from Congo followed by a small retraction. Then there is the release of the 9/11 sound tapes of the fire-fighters along with the release of the emotional movie “9/11”. And finally we have the President of the United States warning us about the threat of Islamo-Fascism. See... US vs. Iran - Is An Attack Inevitable?

  • Dahr Jamail - Interview With Ray McGovern, Part 2
  • Thom Hartmann - Reclaiming Issues: Islamic Or Republican Fascism?
  • Larry C. Johnson - Republican Chutzpah on Iran
  • Ray McGovern - Ray McGovern: Hoekstra's Hoax

  • John Bishop - Communications Line: Number 35 of August 29 2006
  • Che Tibby - Public Address 29/08/06 - Momentum
  • Russell Brown - Public Address 26/08/06 - Quick Update & Public Address 25/08/06 - Letter From America
  • Rosalea Barker - Stateside: SunChronicity
  • Narconews - Contra-Stye Paramilitary Operations In Oaxaca
  • Mary Pitt - A Majority In Search Of Leadership
  • Kelpie Wilson - Death to the Incandescent
  • Cindy Sheehan - Cindy Sheehan: A Mother's Pain
  • John Chuckman - Cartoon: A Smoking Bush
  • Siddhi B. Ranjitkar - SPA and Current Political Situation in Nepal
  • Sherwood Ross - The United States of England & Minorities Poor Shut Out Of High-Priced Law School
  • Evelyn Pringle - Evelyn Pringle:Lethal Accutane Still A Top Seller
  • Michael Collins: Mexico Demonstrates How To Defend Democracy - The Mexican peoples’ democracy movement and their leader Andrés Manuel López Obrador are modern heroes of democracy and to all who demand clean elections. They recall the heroics of the Ukrainians with one important difference. See... The Mexican People: Heroes of Democracy & in Spanish El Pueblo Mexicano: Héroes De La Democracia

  • Narconews - On the Eve of the Crisis in Mexican Democracy & Daria: Two Days in the Life of Oaxaca's Revolution
  • Scoop Link - Mexico's Conservative Near Win as Court Backs Vote

  • Russell Brown & Ors… - Public Address 25/08/06 - Letter From America & Public Address 24/08/06 - Steak Break
  • Patterson Ogon - Nigeria: The Dream, The Drift In Bayelsa
  • Ramzy Baroud - Ramzy Baroud: The Real Terrorism Plot
  • Martin LeFevre - Meditations: Consciousness, Evolution & Revolution
  • Mahdi Darius Nazemroaya - Iranian War Games

  • Rosalea Barker - Stateside: A Must-Read
  • William Rivers Pitt- Supporting the Troops & They Called It Katrina
  • Norman Solomon - The Mythical End to the Politics of Fear
  • Sherwood Ross - Release Gitmo Prisoners Now , Arbitrary Rule Comes To America, WMD, Blix & The Great American Projection Machine & What Might Tom Paine Have Said About George Bush?
  • Kelpie Wilson - Kelpie Wilson: Chimpanzees and Culture Change
  • Evelyn Pringle - Fen-Phen May Cause Rummage Sale of Wyeth Assets & Lawmakers Sever Ties Between CDC And Big Pharma
  • Sam Smith - The Hazards Of Estivation
  • John Gideon - Daily Voting News For August 24, 2006, August 23, 2006, August 22, 2006
  • UQ Wire - Army Int Analyst Fired For 9/11 Questions
  • Missy Comley Beattie - No Exit
  • William Fisher - No ADD Here
  • Jason Miller - Fear and Loathing in the Occident
  • Bernard Weiner - Satire: Bush Awards Himself the Medal of Freedom
  • Bill Quigley - New Orleans One Year After Katrina
  • NEPAL:

  • M.R. Josse - Miserable Failure Of Government – And Much More
  • Bhola B Rana - Maoists Unveil New Strategy To Retain Weapons
  • Purbasi Chhetri - Nepal: Solving The Issue Of Arms Management
  • Kamala Sarup - Terrorism & War Causes Me Great Pain
  • Stateside: Where Rosalea Visits A Electronics Emporio Fit For The Pharaoh- There’s an ad on TV that has puzzled me ever since I moved to the Bay Area. It’s for an electronics store that sells not just consumer products but the kind of stuff techies go nuts for--memory upgrades, gold-plated audio jacks, all that jazz. The curious thing about the ad is that it features an owl and the night sky. So, being down in the South Bay this weekend, I decided to find out why. See... Stateside With Rosalea: Campbell And Fry’s

    Terror: Michel Chossudovsky Assesses The Credibility Of USUK Terror Alerts The British Home Office announced (August 10) that a "foiled terror plot" to simultaneously blow up as many as ten airplanes on transatlantic flights had been uncovered. So far Scotland Yard has not presented documentary evidence of this carefully coordinated suicide bombing operation. See... Michel Chossudovsky: Crying Wolf

  • Larry C. Johnson - Bush's Weapon of Mass Deception
  • William Blum - The Anti-Empire Report - August 18 2006
  • Greg Palast- Osama Walks Into To This Bar, See?
  • Murder: Richard S. Ehrlich's JonBenet Murder Confession Coverage - BANGKOK, Thailand -- Accused murderer John Mark Karr's last hours in Bangkok on Sunday (August 20) were spent dressing up and discussing Chopin and classical music, while listening to his Thai jailer serenade him with a personal, impromptu version of a 1960s Bee Gees song. Self-conscious, sullen, pale and silent, Karr walked out of the Immigration Department's detention center in the afternoon, escorted for several yards (meters) by a phalanx of unarmed Thai police. See... Ehrlich: John Mark Karr's Last Night In Bangkok
    EARLIER: Why Did John Mark Karr Confess Murder In Thailand? & Ehrlich: Ramsey JonBenet Thailand Murder Presser


  • Russell Brown & Ors… - Public Address 21/08/06 - Four New Posts!
  • Leopold & Ash - Indictment Still Sealed, Fitzgerald Still Busy
  • Critic Blog - Two Wrongs Make A Riot
  • Al Giordano - Fraud & Loathing On The Campaign Trail In Chiapas
  • John Gideon - Daily Voting News For August 21, 2006 & August 20, 2006
  • Lynn Landes - Video: Caught On Tape, The Fix Is In
  • David Swanson - The Best War Ever
  • Evelyn Pringle - Lawmakers Say FDA Better Clean Up Its Act
  • Green Left Weekly - Tahiti: Nuclear Coverup Stokes Tension With France
  • Anne McElroy Dachel - Guest Opinion: The Really Big Lie About Autism
  • Sanjay Upadhya - Nepal: Ominous Order Amid Murky Mandate
  • Antiquities: Suzan Mazur Wonders Why The NYT Isn't On Trial Too? While various American antiquities dealers, curators and collectors are "subjects of interest" of Italian and Greek prosecutors who, in the last year, particularly, have opened the floodgates for the return of their countries' cultural patrimony - the question is: Why not the media? For instance, there is no finer example of promotion and protection afforded the antiquities trade than New York Times reporter Rita Reif's June 1988 plug for art dealer Bob Hecht in the story titled, "Archaic Smiles Have Persisted for 2,000 Years". Hecht is on trial in Rome for trafficking in ancient art --charged with being one of the capos, if not the mastermind of an international conspiracy. See... Add NYT To Bob Hecht Antiquities Ring Organigram?

    Law: Ray McGovern On The President Who Would Be King - Who can forget the chutzpah of President George W. Bush as he bragged to Bob Woodward, "I'm commander in chief.... That's the interesting thing about being president ... I don't feel like I owe anybody an explanation." See... Ray McGovern: Checking A Would-Be King

  • Sarah Olson - NSA Ruling a Victory For the Constitution
  • William Rivers Pitt - Conyers Report - An Interview
  • No Right Turn - "No hereditary kings in America"
  • Scoop Link - Bush's Surveillance Program Ruled Unconstitutional
  • David Kelly: Andrew Gilligan - Investigative Journalist Turned Apologist? - You would think a journalist whose BBC career was ruined by the death of Dr Kelly would be terrier-like in his determination to get at the truth. Not so Andrew Gilligan. Baker and the conspiracy theories are wrong' he states in his 24 July 'Evening Standard' article ‘ Those who say Kelly was murdered are so wrong ‘. But as no one has put up any 'theories', how can they be 'wrong?' See… Rowena Thursby: Is Gilligan Afraid Of The Truth?

  • Joseph Dormer - Kelly And Dark Media Games

  • Catherine Austin Fitts - Mapping The Deal: Talking Locally
  • Russell Brown & Ors... - Public Address 18/08/06 - Bong Joy, Public Address 17/8/06 - A Great Occasion Of State & Public Address 16 & 17/08/06 - The Crazy People/Duh!
  • Martin LeFevre - Meditations: Return and Become Like Children
  • Dave McArthur - Bonus Joules: Transfusing The Economy
  • Michael Ruppert - By The Light Of A Burning Bridge
  • John Gideon - Daily Voting News For August 17-19, 2006
  • Douglas Mattern - We Have Come To Far To Lose The Future Now
  • Bill Berkowitz - FOIA At Forty: Public Service Or Potential Threat?
  • Dahr Jamail - Watada: "Soldiers Can Choose to Stop Fighting"
  • William Rivers Pitt - William Rivers Pitt: Everything Old Is New
  • Kamala Sarup - How To Defeat Terrorism?
  • M.R. Josse - Arms Management By UN: Deferred Not Resolved
  • Jason Leopold - Three Years After The NE Blackout
  • Guest Opinion - Nepals Arms Management Under UN Auspices?
  • COHA - Cuban Mirage: Self-Deception in Miami & Washington
  • Evelyn Pringle - $2 Mn Fine Small For Kaiser Transplant Disaster & Merck Keeps Right On Pushing Fosamax
  • Impeach
Bush, CheneyDavid Swanson Says Just Impeach The Man Already - Last December, when Congressman John Conyers released a huge report documenting the evidence that Bush and Cheney had lied us into a war, he also introduced a bill (H. Res. 635) to start a preliminary investigation of the matter and make recommendations on impeachment. This showed far more courage, not to mention long hours of work, than any other member of Congress had mustered at that time or since. But it was disingenuous. Impeachment is itself an investigation; a preliminary investigation is redundant. And any investigation is unnecessary when the impeachable offenses are part of the public record. See... Bush Versus the Constitution

  • Ernest Partridge - Ernest Partridge: A New Coalition?
  • US Rep. John Conyers - Report: The Constitution in Crisis
  • Scoop Link - AP: Bush Drafts Retroactive War Crime Protections

  • Evelyn Pringle - Lawsuits Multiply For Charite Spine Disc
  • Rosalea Barker - Movie review - World Trade Center
  • Kamala Sarup - My Lebanese And Israeli Friends
  • Richard S. Ehrlich - Sartori Cancer
  • Jason Miller - Can You Say Hidden Agenda?
  • Julie Webb-Pullman - Di­az of Your Lies
  • Greg Palast - British Petroleum's "Smart Pig"
  • Scoop Image: Paul
Buchanan - Image by Jason Dorday Paul Buchanan: Why Lebanon Conflicts Logistics Outweigh Moral Concerns - Buried beneath the chorus of moral indignation at the loss of life and calls for a ceasefire in Southern Lebanon are the logics of warfare at play. These reduce to the geopolitical and military rationales underpinning the conflict, which is a classic instance of asymmetrical war between agents as well as principals. See... The Logics of War in South Lebanon

  • MORE on the Israel/Lebanon Conflict...
  • NZCID - New Zealand NGOs respond to war in Lebanon

  • Scoop Audio.Kiwi FM Audio: Paul Buchanan and Wammo on Israel/Lebanon

    VF Bombshell: Hijack Exercise Disrupted 911 Response - NORAD & Dick Cheney Lied For 5 Years On Feb 19 2002 Scoop published a seminal article detailing inconsistencies in the NORAD account of what happened in two hours on the morning of September the 11th 2001. Yesterday the Washington Post reported: "We to this day don't know why NORAD told us what they told us," said Thomas H. Kean, the former New Jersey Republican governor who led the [US Congress Apppointed 911] commission. "It was just so far from the truth. . . . It's one of those loose ends that never got tied."
    Kyle Hence Writes For The UQ Wire: Recent articles in corporate media examine deception and lying by the Department of Defense relative to the attacks of September 11th 2001. They shed light on an effective cover-up by the 9/11 Commission... Links to these articles follow as do 11 questions which these revelations and NORAD tapes beg to be asked and which must be answered: See... 11 Questions Avoided by the Media On NORAD Tapes

  • 2 August 2004 - Sen. Dayton's "NORAD Lied" Transcript
  • 18 June 2004 - Families Respond to Last 9/11 Hearings
  • 5 June 2003 - The Failure to Defend the Skies on 9/11
  • Feb. 19 2002 - INVESTIGATION: Sept 11th - Unanswered Questions

  • For 5 years of investigative reporting on this and other questions related to 911... FULL COVERAGE: September 11th - Unanswered Questions


  • Richard S. Ehrlich - Aung San Suu Kyi On MySpace
  • Cindy Sheehan - Won't You Please Come to Camp Casey
  • Russ Wellen - Painting a Target on Ourselves
  • John Gideon - Daily Voting News For August 1, 2006
  • John Gideon - Daily Voting News For July 31, 2006
  • Evelyn Pringle - Medtronic's Medical Device Legal Troubles Not Over
  • Scoop Link: Meanwhile The Ultimate Goal... - Even before the bombs fell on Baghdad, a group of senior Pentagon officials were plotting to invade another country. Their covert campaign once again relied on false intelligence and shady allies. But this time, the target was Iran. See... Scoop Link: Rolling Stone - Iran, The Next War

    Suzan Mazur Assesses The Gender Gap In The Land Of The Free - With the dramatic lowering of the competency bar in the Bush II Presidency, no one can say any longer that American women are unqualified to govern. Still the issue of how to get a critical mass of women in public office -- so crucial to America becoming a truly egalitarian society -- remains elusive. But progress has been made. See... Women, Sexual Politics & the American Dream

    Jackie Little Meets A Charming Visitor From The Old Country - I was in the midst of an article concerning the joys of joining a school outing (Bet you're kicking yourselves that you're missing out on that) when an e-mail from a beloved friend back in the mother country brought back a flood of possibly repressed memories about my experience last Summer of the Visitor From Hell. See... Jackie Little: The Charmer

    Welcome To Post Constitutional America- The Independent UK - The controversy over the US-run detention centre at Guantanamo Bay is to erupt anew with confirmation by the Pentagon that a new, permanent prison will open in the Cuban enclave in the next few weeks. See... Bush to Open New Maximum-Security Jail at Gitmo and; Washington -U.S. citizens suspected of terror ties might be detained indefinitely and barred from access to civilian courts under legislation proposed by the Bush administration, say legal experts reviewing an early version of the bill. See... Link: Bush Bids for Sweeping Detention Power


  • Rosalea Barker - Stateside: Of Pollies And Weather And Wine & Stateside Movie Review: The Lake House
  • Russell Brown & Ors. - Public Address 28/07/06 - Darwin Awards Shoo-In & Public Address 01/07/06 - Ngaio In Winter
  • Narconews - Mexico: Paramilitary Attack- Fears of a Dirty War
  • Tlaxcala Translation - Paraguay : Militarism and Social Movements
  • John Gideon - Daily Voting News For July 30, 2006, July 29, 2006, July 28, 2006 & July 26, 2006
  • Kamala Sarup - Child Poverty & Domestic Abuse Worldwide & Maoism Or Capitalism From Economic Perspectives?
  • Guest Opinion - Royalist Realism In A Republican Nepal
  • William Rivers Pitt The Chalabi Factor & All Fall Down
  • M.R. Josse - UN Debut: Brand New Ball Game Set To Begin?
  • Andrew Jones - When Moralism-Lite Meets Religious Persecution
    Civilian Casualties + Depleted Uranium + Massive Oil Spills + White Phosporous Weapons = ??? - The delivery of at least 100 GBU 28 bunker busters bombs containing depleted uranium warheads by the United States to Israel for use against targets in Lebanon will result in additional radioactive and chemical toxic contamination with consequent adverse health and environmental effects throughout the middle east. See... Depleted Uranium Situation Worsens Requires Action


  • Jason Miller - Jason Miller: Lamentations for Sacrificial Pawns
  • John Chuckman - John Chuckman: Delusional Expectations
  • & Israel Harvests Death In The Fields Of Lebanon
  • John Feffer - The Axis of Intervention
  • Cindy Sheehan - Cindy Sheehan: The Struggle Continues
  • Sam Smith - Undernews: The Silence Of The Liberal Lambs
  • Bill Berkowitz - Bringing on 'World War III'
  • Michael Carmichael - Hizbullah Strikes Back
  • Genevieve Cora Fraser - Israel On State Dept. HR Watch List
  • Steven A. Hass - An American War In Israeli Uniform
  • Dr. Abbas Bakhtiar - Saudi Arabia and Jordan - With friends like these...
  • Am Johal - What Are the Root Causes, Mr. Bush and Ms. Rice?
  • Greg Palast - Blood In Beirut: $75.05 A Barrel
  • Tel Aviv Notes - Breaking The Link Between Hizbullah And Hamas
  • See also... Full Coverage: Israel Attacks Lebanon (Part III), (Part II) & (Part I)

    The Inconvenient Truth about An Inconvenient Truth - Sorry Al and Laurie. The perhaps inconvenient truth is that An Inconvenient Truth is perhaps convenient and not the truth. Science suggests the movie not based on science and it does not reflect reality. It's a trace out of focus. Here's why: See... The Inconvenient Truth about An Inconvenient Truth

    Toni Solo On Symptoms Of Imperial Decay - If people needed reminding that North American and European foreign policy, including policy on aid and trade, is based on sadism and hypocrisy, events in Palestine and Lebanon will surely have done so. While people inside the imperial Bluebeard's Castle come to terms with the narcissistic cynicism of leaders like Tony Blair and George Bush, outside the Castle other people are determined to realise the potential of themselves and their families and rescue as best they can the settlement embodied in the UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights so contemptuously trashed by the imperial leaders. See... Toni Solo: Varieties Of Imperial Decline

    David Dill, Doug Jones & Barbara Simons On Diebold - Most computer scientists have long viewed Diebold as the poster child for all that is wrong with touch screen voting machines. But we never imagined that Diebold would be as irresponsible and incompetent as they have turned out to be. See... The Diebold Bombshell

  • Michael Collins - Lehto To head Busby-Bilbray Recount Effort in CA
  • Daily Mail Continues Its Assault On Dr Kelly Suicide Story - Everyone knows, don't they, that most untoward events generally have banal explanations such as muddle, incompetence or sheer blind chance. To believe otherwise is to run the risk of being branded a 'conspiracy theorist', a small step away from being lumped together with the kind of people who think that crop circles are designed by visitors from Mars or that Princess Diana was murdered by MI6. See... Will We Ever Be Told The Truth About Dr Kelly?

  • Scoop Link - "I Believe David Kelly Did Not Commit Suicide"
  • The Battle For Connecticut - Let Joe Go - Here we go again - There is a grass-roots movement picking up steam in the nutmeg state, but the old guard is rushing in to maintain the status quo. Bill Clinton is rushing to Connecticut to save Joseph Lieberman for the party insiders who don't want to lose their power in the party. We saw the same thing when Howard Dean energized the grass roots in 2004. Clinton and others rallied to John Kerry to make sure that a nominee would emerge that would answer to the party's moneyed interests.See... Scott Galindez: Hands Off Connecticut


  • Russell Brown & Ors. - Public Address 26/07/06 - Reasons To Be Cheerful & Public Address 25/07/06 - So That's It, Then?
  • Nafeez Mosaddeq Ahmed - UK Government Sources Confirm War With Iran Is On
  • Between The Lines - Congress Consensus to Uphold Geneva Conventions
  • Guest Opinion - Downsizing Nepal Army Challenges National Security
  • Kamala Sarup - Tourism Must Be Addressed To Reduce Poverty
  • Evelyn Pringle - Boston Scientific Won Guident - What A Prize
  • Sanjay Upadhya - Nepal: New Portrait Of Chinese Pragmatism?
  • David Swanson - David Swanson: Impeachment - Why and How
  • Rosalea Barker: Burn The Butter! - Hmmm. You guys seem to be having a bit of a problem with the yummy stuff, I see. Well, let me revive an idea I first had back in the 70s for NZ's famed "butter mountain"--melt the stuff down and sell it as biofuel! (Only back then, there there was no such word; I just thought we could run the Silver Streak railcar on it and not have to do away with the service.) See... Stateside With Rosalea: Melting Moments

    Greg Palast: They Don't Call It The "White" House For Nothing - God lost this time. I counted: Bush mentioned God only six times in his speech to the NAACP yesterday. The winner was 'faith' - which got seven mentions, though if you count "The Creator" as God, well, then the Lord tied it. Coming in right behind God and Faith, other big mentions in the First Home Boy's rap included: The Voting Rights Act, his family's "commitment to civil rights," the "death tax," rebuilding New Orleans, "public school choice"and "soft bigotry." See... Greg Palast: Bush at the NAACP Convention


  • Bill Grigsby - Bill Grigsby: Electile Dysfunction
  • Graham Reid - Public Address 24/7/6 - Go Ahead, Make My Charter
  • John Gideon - Daily Voting News For July 23, 2006, July 22, 2006 & July 21, 2006
  • Eric Shackle - Tom Shufflebotham Charmed 511 Earthworms
  • Rajat KC - : The Background of Maoist Strategy
  • Kamala Sarup - Internally Displaced People Are Facing Insecurity & Kamala Sarup: When Khmer Rouge Butcher Ta Mok Died
  • Tlaxcala Translation - Colombia's Integration Into Plan Puebla Panama
  • Tlaxcala Translation - The World Bank Vs Bio-Security
  • Evelyn Pringle - TeenScreen - Prescription Drug Pusher In Schools
  • War Lies: Why Outed CIA Officer & Husband Are Suing - Syndicated columnist Bob Novak and officials speaking on behalf of White House political adviser Karl Rove have attempted to convince the American people that there wasn't a White House campaign to smear and discredit former Ambassador Joseph Wilson three years ago for speaking out publicly against the Bush administration's use of pre-war Iraq intelligence. See... Leopold: Why Joe Wilson and Valerie Plame Filed

  • Plame & Wilson - Wilson, Plame to Sue Cheney, Rove and Libby
  • Jason Leopold - Novak Source Warned Reporters On Iraqi WMD Claims
  • Energy: Bonus Joules uses solar energy to stop the shivers and THE ECONOMY shakes - Could it be the British Conservative Party is about to put care back into Conservative? And is Labour about to put arduous, difficult and wearisome into Labour? And is the Green Movement about to go green about the gills? Check this new Conservative policy out. See... Bonus Joules: The Economy Jitters


  • Russell Brown & Ors. - Public Address 18/07/06 - Mindshare Vs. Moolah
  • UQ Wire - Fox Supports Death Threats On Scholars
  • Harvey Wasserman - More Atomic Bomb Balm From The New York Times
  • Cindy Sheehan - Me, Hugo and George
  • Evelyn Pringle - Mental Illness Screening In US Schools & Merck Not Losing Sleep Over Vioxx
  • Sarwat Hassan - Can The US play an effective role in Kashmir?
  • Eric Shackle - It's A Startling Word Indeed!
  • Vaibhav Gangan - Vaibhav Gangan: Who Is Safe?
  • Jay Shaft - Pfc. Chris Gorman: I refuse to go back to Iraq
  • Kamala Sarup - . AIDS Infected People Have Been Murdered & Economic Reform for Poverty Eradication
  • David Swanson - Swanson: Containing the Military Indust. Complex
  • John Gideon - Daily Voting News For July 16-17, 2006, July 15, 2006 & July 14, 2006
  • Kamala Sarup - Economic Reform for Poverty Eradication
  • Bill Berkowitz - Competitive Enterprise Inst.'s Cat. 5 Gore Bashing
  • Atlanta Progressive News - Georgia Lawsuit Filed On E-Voting Questionability
  • Council on Hemispheric Affairs - Chavez Kim Jong Il Talks Could Fuel US Propaganda
  • image
from reforma.comMexico: Narconews.Com Lifts Lid On Mexican Vote Fraud - Things are looking worse and worse in Mexico for the Felipe Calderon, his National Action Party, and the Federal Elections Institute that prematurely announced his victory. New evidence of fraud and crimes on the part of the electoral authorities is appearing every day. The White House is backtracking from its initial enthusiasm for Calderon's "victory." Citizens in towns and cities across Mexico are standing up to make sure the crimes they've witnessed and the stealing of their election is known. And Narco News isn't missing a beat. See... Giordano: Mexico's Election Fraud Is Coming Undone

  • Bob Fitrakis - An Open Letter From Ohio To The People Of Mexico

  • Lopez Obrador - We Have Enough Strength To Make Democracy Prevail!
  • Scoop Link - Lopez Obrador Files Challenges
  • Greg Palast - Greg Palast: "Senor Blank-o" wins in Mexico
  • Bob Fitrakis - Dems Must Take A Lead From Mexico On Vote Fraud
  • Toni Solo Translation - La Jornada Editorial: Mexico - The Vote, Trashed
  • Scoop Link - LA Times: Obrador May Seek New Vote in Mexico
  • War Lies: Outed CIA Officer & Husband Sue Bush Admin. Officials - Valerie Plame Wilson and Ambassador Joseph Wilson initiate a civil action against Vice President Cheney, Karl Rove, and Scooter Libby for violations of their Constitutional and other legal rights. See... Wilson, Plame to Sue Cheney, Rove and Libby

  • Jason Leopold - Novak Source Warned Reporters On Iraqi WMD Claims
  • Guantanamo Bay: William Rivers Pitt On Post-Constitutional America - BBC News reported it this way: "All US military detainees, including those at Guantanamo Bay, are to be treated in line with the minimum standards of the Geneva Conventions. The White House announced the shift in policy on Tuesday, almost two weeks after the US Supreme Court ruled that the conventions applied to detainees." See... William Rivers Pitt: Minimum Standards

  • UN - Annan Welcomes US Endorsement Of Geneva Convention

  • Russell Brown & Ors. - Public Address 14/07/06 - Some Week & Public Address 13/07/06 - Things I Never Knew
  • Syed Atiq ul Hassan - Response to Mumbai Bombing
  • Richard S. Ehrlich - Letter To Bush Puts Thai PM Back In Hot Water
  • Dahr Jamail - "This Is Going to Be a Big War"
  • Sanjay Upadhya - S. Upadhya: Eyeball To Eyeball At Putin's Party
  • Siddhi B. Ranjitkar - Nepal Govt's Policies & Programs for Fiscal 2006
  • Atlanta Progressive News - Choicepoint Pres. Funds Would Be GA SoS Holcomb
  • John Gideon - Daily Voting News For July 13, 2006, July 12, 2006 & July 11, 2006
  • Kamala Sarup - Asia To The World - Conflict & Feminism & Terrorism Threatens Innocent Lives & Peace
  • Mark Rais - Oil Rules The World
  • David Swanson - GOP Rep. Says Bush Should Be Removed from Office
  • Sam Smith - Sam Smith: The Urban Myth Of Urban Reform
  • Am Johal - Am Johal: In the Land of Tito
  • Akanimo Sampson - HIV/AIDS And Stigmatisation In Nigeria
  • Michael Parenti - The Stolen Election of 2004
  • Mexico & U.S. Ruling Parties Ties to Blow Bust - On April 10th an American-registered DC9 was caught carrying 5.5 tons of cocaine destined for the U.S., the Mexican military announced, at an airport in Ciudad del Carmen. In the more than two months since, the incident has slipped into a black hole. See... UQ Wire: The Homeland Security Rackets

    Karl Ferguson Reviews Varieties Of Peugeot 307 - Peugeot, it would seem, are in the mood for makeovers. Not only has the 206 hatch range had a recent revitalisation with the arrival of the 407 sedan, estate and coupe, but now so has mid-range vehicle the 307. See... MOTORNET: Makeover Madness French Style

    Has Bonus Joules Discovered The Postie's Nightmare? - Have you ever wondered why we have a Climate Change Office? I can understand the need for Climate Balance Research Centre or even a Climate Balance Protection Agency. But an office of climate change? It's as weird as having an Energy Conservation Authority or a Minister of Energy or a Ministry of Existence. Existence is, energy is conserved and climate change happens. Its real! They are all real. As real as real can be. See... Bonus Joules: At One yet Everywhere


  • Russell Brown - Public Address 12/07/06 - Freaky Money & Public Address 11/07/06 - New Old News
  • Martin LeFevre - Meditations: Is Nuclear War Inevitable?
  • Bernard Weiner - Making Sense Out of Dangerous Nonsense
  • Tanveer Jafri - Tanveer Jafri: World peace & Central Asia Conflict
  • Cindy Sheehan - Mamas Don't Let Your Babies Grow Up to Be Soldiers
  • David Swanson - Geneva Convention? We Thought You Said Geneva Choc
  • Evelyn Pringle - Lawsuits - Only Weapon Against Big Pharma Pushers
  • Toni Solo Translation - The Secessionist Project Of Santa Cruz Oligarchy
  • Toni Solo Translation - Bolivia: The Wished-For Technical Draw
  • William Rivers Pitt - William Rivers Pitt: A Day in the Life
  • Thom Hartmann - Reclaiming The Issues "Why Is Bush Spying On Dems"
  • Paul Waldman - A Declaration of War
  • William Fisher - The End Of Democracy Promotion In Iraq? & AUS Redux
  • John Gideon - Daily Voting News For July 10, 2006 & . July 9, 2006
  • Dennis Hans - Powell Pushed Prague Connection Before Cheney Did
  • Jason Leopold - The Political Benefits of Terror
  • Paola Pisi and Gabriele Zamparini - : Iraq - Listening to the Survivors
  • Between The Lines - Gitmo Court Decision Could Rein in Executive Power, Children Victims of Aid Cut-off to Palestinians & Interview with Greg Palast On NYT Intimidation
  • Sanjay Upadhya - Nepal: Perilous Koirala-Kerensky Parallels
  • Larry Johnson - House Intel Chief Misses the Boat
  • Kamala Sarup - Small Arms Trade & Killing Innocents
  • Atlanta Progressive News - Rep. McKinney Meets Progressive Constituents
  • Syed Atiq ul Hassan - Who Stimulated Nth Korea To Become A Nuclear Power
  • Genevieve Cora Fraser - Harold Pinter: Israel Central to World Unrest
  • Rosalea Barker On The Berkeley Cohousing Project - Saturday, I was standing under a Norfolk pine in northern California reading about a housing development in Ranui, New Zealand. I was on a bus tour of six cohousing communities in the East Bay, and the book was one of many that had been put out for our perusal during our stop at the Berkeley Cohousing project. See... Stateside With Rosalea: Clayton's Communes

    Jackie Little's Life As A Domestic Ogress - Well, the time had come. Sons number one and two established at the local primary school, the tiny terror dispatched to wreak his havoc at the kindergarten three afternoons per week. Perhaps my head would stop spinning for long enough to make a much needed return to paid employment. See... Jackie Little: My Life As A Domestic Ogress

    The Seige Of Gaza Continues & Intensifies - This year the 9th of July is a bitter day for Palestinians. The Occupation Army besieges Gaza, massacres its people and attacks its infrastructure. The ghettos of the West Bank take shape as the Apartheid Wall edges closer to completion and the Palestinian exodus from Jerusalem has begun. Over 9000 Palestinians sit in Israeli prison cells whilst Palestinians who remain on their 1948 lands do so under the subjugation of the most vicious and discriminatory Apartheid system. See... Global Powers Failing Palestinians Once Again

  • Mary Ethridge - Mary Ethridge-Majayda: In His Father's Arms
  • Uri Avnery - Uri Avnery: A One-sided War
  • Genevieve Cora Fraser - Has Israel's Absolute Power Corrupted Absolutely?

  • Russell Brown & Ors. - Public Address 10/07/06 - The Usual B*Stardry
  • Toni Solo - Ransacking Chile: Fabulous Profits For The MNs
  • Greg Palast - London 7/7: George and Tony Get their al-Qaeda fix
  • Bradblog.Com - Manual Hand Count Requested in Busby/Bilbray Race!
  • Jason Miller - Jason Miller: The Rendition of Christ
  • Evelyn Pringle - Bush's Mental Illness Screening Squad On the Move
  • Eric Shackle - Citizen Reporters Everywhere
  • Syed Atiq ul Hassan - South Asian Stability & Kashmir
  • Dahr Jamail - "Packing It In"
  • Stirling Newberry - Black Gods - Big Coal Cons America
  • John Gideon - Daily Voting News For July 8, 2006 & July 7, 2006
  • Kamala Sarup - Terrorism Is Higher In Poverty
  • William Fisher - The Next Gitmo?
  • Tanveer Jafri - India: Vision 2020 & Kalam's Reelection
  • Cindy Sheehan - Conduct Unbecoming
  • John Chuckman - Afghanistan Is No One's War
  • David Swanson - Interview: Command Rape
  • M.R. Josse - Nepal: Moriarty Missile - Backdrop And Fallout
  • American Coup: Michael Collins: Big Dawg Steps Up To Election Fraud Plate - Former President Clinton spoke to the Association of Alternative Newsweeklies on June 17, 2006. He gave the keynote address which covered a number of topics. He even provided his answer to "the fundamental nature of the 21st century" - "interdependence." Former President Clinton Raises Cain - Almost

    Environment: Pacific Ecologist Winter 2006 Edition Out Now! - Golden leaves pile high on the ground here as autumn gives way to winter's bare trees. Nature's abundance and beauty creates, sustains and inspires us all. But for how long will it continue to sustain us in the extravagant way rich countries and multinational corporations promote as a way of life? See... Pacific Ecologist Editorial: Healthy Communities & Pacific Ecologist - issue 12, winter 2006 - CONTENTS

    Antiquities: Suzan Mazur Returns To The Case Of "Bully Bob" Hecht - "Bully Bob" Hecht is best known for escorting Italy's priceless Sarpedon Euphronios vase to the US in 1972 and selling it for personal profit to a private museum that gets public funding -- the Metropolitan Museum of Art; his price was $1million. Hecht is also known for his threatening fist, including an attempted assault on this writer. See... "Bully Bob" Hecht And The Euphronios Questions

    Gaza: James Zogby On The Ongoing Attack On Gaza - Today I thought of Kitty Genovese. Some of you won't remember her, but many in my generation will recall the horror and shame they felt after hearing the story of how she was raped and stabbed to death on a New York City street in 1964. What shocked the nation was the fact that 37 witnesses heard Kitty's cries but did nothing to help. Years later, social scientists, studying this disturbing passivity, termed it the "Genovese Syndrome." See... James Zogby: Watching Gaza "The Genovese Syndrome"
    Tanveer Jafri - A Hindrance in World Peace- Central Asia Conflict
    Tel Aviv Notes - Operation "Summer Rains" - Aims, Methods, Outcomes
    Green Left Weekly - Palestine: Israel Escalates Brutal War

    Video & Text: Brit MP Advances Investigation Into David Kelly's Death - David Kelly was an employee of the United Kingdom Ministry of Defence (MoD), an expert in biological warfare, and a former United Nations weapons inspector in Iraq. His talk with a journalist about the British government's dossier on weapons of mass destruction (WMD) in Iraq inadvertently caused a major political scandal, and he was found dead days after appearing before a Parliamentary committee investigating it. The Hutton Inquiry, a public inquiry into his death, ruled that he had committed suicide. Now a British LibDem MP Norman Baker is two months into a private, year-long investigation into the suspicious death.
    Scoop Audio. Video and Text: Investigation Into The Death Of David Kelly


  • Russell Brown & Ors. - Public Address 07/07/06 - Friday Diversions , Public Address 06/07/06 - Holidays And Departures, Public Address 05/07/07 - Catching Up
  • Martin LeFevre - Meditations: Teach Your Children Well
  • Richard S. Ehrlich - Aung San Suu Kyi Doomed Says Junta
  • Dave Crampton - Big News: Riding Crop Mum Disciplines Child
  • Eric Shackle - Pecked by a Pesky Pelican
  • Jason Leopold - Transcripts Reveal Reporter's Role in Plame Outing
  • John Dean - New Book: Conservatives Without Conscience
  • N.K. Pandey - Nepal's Shrinking Political Space Portends Calamity
  • William Rivers Pitt - Two Stories Tell the Tale & The Example
  • William Fisher - State Secrets & Where's My Money, Mohammed?
  • - Exposed: CoRWM's Close Ties to the Nuclear Ind.
  • John Gideon - Daily Voting News For July 6, 2006, July 5, 2006 & July 04, 2006
  • Thom Hartmann - "It's an Illegal Employer Problem"
  • Cindy Sheehan - Starving for Attention
  • Evelyn Pringle - Merck Legal Team's Killing Losing Vioxx Strategy
  • Scoop Link- "Kenny Boy" Lay Ex-Chairman Enron Dies
  • Scoop Link - new Yorker's Seymour M. Hersh - Last Stand
  • Bernard Weiner - Five Intercepted NSA Communiques Revealed
  • Cindy Sheehan - Bombs Bursting in Air
  • Kamala Sarup - Stop Further Genocide
  • Robert Parry - The '06 Stakes Just Got Raised
  • Mary Pitt - Trust Is A Mutual Affair
  • Siddhi B. Ranjitkar - Maoists' Quiet Revolution
  • Election: Matt Pascarella Reports On A Looming Mexican Coup - Gore vs. Bush. Kerry vs. Bush. Lopez Obrador vs. Calderon. As in Florida in 2000, as in Ohio in 2004, the exit polls show the voters voted for the progressive candidate, but the race is "officially" too close to call. See... Pascarella, Palast: Stealing Mexico In Plain Sight

  • Narconews - And the Winner in Mexico Is...
  • Julie Webb-Pullman - Mexico vs Human Rights Council – Nil All?
  • Greg Palast - Stealing Mexico
  • COHA – Mexican Presidental Battle Goes Down to the Wire
  • American Coup: Bobby Kennedy, Jr. To Sue US Voting Machine Companies - Since Bobby Kennedy, Jr. and attorney Mike Papantonio have now discussed this out loud on the air on their Ring of Fire radio program (where yours truly will be a guest next Saturday, by the way) and since this week's Rolling Stone references it, we may as well share a few more prevoiusly undisclosed exclusive details about the upcoming federal qui tam (false claims or fraud) lawsuits to be filed against two of the major American electronic voting machine companies. See... RFK Jr Files Fed. Suit Against Voting Machine Cos.

  • Harvey Wasserman - Media Stonewalls Green Party Ohio Ballot Victory
  • John Gideon - Daily Voting News For July 2, 2006
  • Gaza: Israel's Restraint Increasingly Hard To Discern - My friend Hoda , lives next to the ministry of interior building , in Gaza, that was hit last night with 2 rockets ,the attack occurred 2am yesterday, please forgive me about the accuracy , l am starting to lose track of days and nights , and how many times we were attacked , hoda told me that the whole building was shaking. Collective Punishment And State Terrorism In Gaza

  • Mary Ethridge - Once in a While the True Victims Strike Back
  • Ron Jacobs - Killing Without Blame, Killing Without Shame
  • Genevieve Cora Fraser - Open Letter: ABC Nightline Biased Toward Israel
  • Uri Avnery - Uri Avnery: Agatha In The Rain
  • Sonia Nettnin - Israeli Sonic Boom Damages OT Deaf Children Soc.
  • Scoop Link - Link: Israel Warns Free Soldier or Hamas PM Dies
  • Remi Kanazi - Remi Kanazi: When Pariah States Cry Wolf

  • Rosalea Barker - Stateside: Miscellany
  • Russell Brown & Ors. - Public Address 04/07/06 - Mission Accomplished & Public Address 3/6/6 - Among Blank-Faced Tourists
  • Sheila Samples - Sheila Samples: Shadows On The Wall
  • Dahr Jamail - Orwell in Iraq: Snow Jobs, Zarqawi & Bogus Peace
  • Toni Solo Translation - René Báez: The Ambivalent Andean Chessboard
  • William Rivers Pitt - When I Paint My Masterpiece
  • UQ Wire - Reuters Reports On 9/11 LA Conference
  • Scoop Link - NSA Sought US Call Records 7 Months Before 911
  • Larry C. Johnson - The Myth of Terrorism, Part Deux
  • Kamala Sarup - Children Are Worried About Security
  • Guantanamo Bay: Bush's Gulag Gets Marching Orders From SCOTUS - A rolling sense of awe has enveloped the mainstream news media since yesterday's Supreme Court decision on Guantanamo. The specifics of the decision are part of the discussion, to be sure, but the sense of amazement has a more basic root. After all this time, after a seemingly endless series of over-reaching power grabs by the Bush administration, someone with a big enough stick finally got in the way and said, "No." See... William Rivers Pitt: A Moment of Pause

  • Scoop Link - SCOTUS Rules Bush Overstepped Authority at Gitmo
  • William Fisher - Signing Away The Constitution?
  • William Fisher - The Issue That Just Won't Go Away
  • Russia Rising: Regarding The Games That Empires Play - Along with all Americans, save the generation now in high-school and younger, I grew up and lived under the shadow of the Cold War, and behind it the ever-present threat of nuclear annihilation. We all remember it well. See... What About the Russians? Personal Encounters

  • Dr. Abbas Bakhtiar - Cold War II
  • William Blum - The Anti-Empire Report- June 21, 2006
  • Timor L'este: Maryann Keady & John Pilger On The Timor Crisis - Three years ago, I wrote a piece talking about attempts to oust Prime Minister Mari Alkatiri in East Timor, then a new struggling independent nation. I wrote that I believed the US and Australia were determined to oust the Timorese leader, due to his hardline stance on oil and gas, his determination not to take out international loans, and their desire to see Australia friendly President Xanana Gusmao take power. See... 2 Alternate (Aussie) Views Of East Timor Crisis


  • Richard S. Ehrlich - "Love, Drugs, And Politics" In Burma & Thai AG Declares Shinawatra Election Illegal
  • Che Tibby - Public Address 29/06/06 - Blogger Not Suicidal
  • Dahr Jamail - Dahr Jamail: An Iraqi Withdrawal From Iraq
  • Martin LeFevre - Africa Is the Homeland of Humanity
  • Ramzy Baroud - Re-Interpreting Iraq: Propaganda Campaign Underway
  • Translation by Sol Salbe - The Harshest Images Were Edited For TV
  • John Chuckman - Why American Liberalism Is Impossible
  • David Swanson - On the 4th, Read the Declaration of Impeachment
  • Bill Quigley - Ten Months After Katrina - Gutting New Orleans
  • Greg Palast - IV With Hugo Chavez - The Progressive
  • COHA - . The Undeclared War Against Venezuela?s Hugo Chᶥz
  • Greg Palast - Treason: ?Firing Squad? For The New York Times?
  • Toni Solo - Sandino - Empire To The Rescue.... & IV with Venezuelan Army General Ra?ais Baduel
  • John Gideon - Daily Voting News For June 30, 2006, June 29, 2006 & June 28, 2006
  • Evelyn Pringle - Risk Of Harm From Motrin Aleve Advil & Add Triaminic Vapor Patch To Deadly Patches List
  • Atlanta Progressive News - Rep. John Lewis on the Voting Rights Act Renewal
  • Mark W. Bradley - The Carnage of the Animals
  • Bruce E. Levine - STAR*D Wars
  • Hari Bansha Dulal - Arresting the Lawlessness Syndrome in Nepal
  • Greg Palast: Looking For A Better-Documented Conspiracy Theory - The US Congress will open hearings this week on the War in Iraq - a wee bit late one might think. But one question at the forefront of the minds of many on both the Left and the Right is sure not to be asked: Did the Jews do it ? I mean, after killing Jesus, did the Elders of Zion manipulate the government of the United States into invading Babylon as part of a scheme to abet the expansion of Greater Israel? See... Palast: The Invasion of Iraq A Jewish Conspiracy?

    Oklahoma!Sheila Samples: On Oklahoma and The Darn Government! I've been reading about this "grass roots" phenomenon that's sweeping the country. It must not have "swept" down this far, because I scoured the prairies and plains of Oklahoma, and the only thing I came up with was a clump or two of Johnson grass, a few scraggly buffalo and some errant loco weed... See... Musings from Tom Joad Country


  • Rosalea Barker - Stateside with Rosalea: Over the Edge
  • Rosalea Barker - Stateside With Rosalea: Feedback
  • Sanjay Upadhya - Sanjay Upadhya: Nepal - The Taming Of The Crew
  • Entertainment: Suzan Mazur Resurrects An Interview With Michael O'Donoghue - As the Bush administration inches closer and closer to resembling a "cheap, sleazy" science fiction movie from the 1950s, I'm reminded of a conversation I had in New York with late Saturday Night Live comic Michael O'Donoghue about that very subject. O'Donoghue died in 1994, but he was always ahead of his time so his humor is now totally relevant. See... Comic Michael O'Donoghue on the "End of the World"

    Media: Sam Smith On Jason Leopold's New Book - If I were Jason Leopold I probably wouldn't bother to tell you that we had the same publisher since, after all, Process Media (which published Leopold) and Feral House (which published me) are separate operations even if Adam Parfrey is the force behind both. It's the way you start to think after you've been reading 'News Junkie' for awhile. We have a few other differences. I, for example, have never been a drug addict, never stolen 450 CDs from a record company to feed that habit, never agreed to a plea bargain for doing so, never tried to kill myself, and never had to worry that if I went on national TV someone might recognize me and inform my editor of my felonious past. See... Sam Smith: News Junkie - Jason Leopold


  • Russell Brown & Ors. - Public Address 16/06/06 - One Friday & Slack & Public Address 15/06/06 - Digital Day
  • Michael Carmichael - Taunted & Jeered Bolton Bolted
  • Greg Palast - Front Lines of the Class War from 1927 to Today & Greg Palast: Keeping Iraq's Oil in the Ground
  • William Rivers Pitt - House Republican War Crimes
  • Evelyn Pringle - Congressmen On War Path Over FDA Approval Of Ketek
  • Genevieve Cora Fraser - Israel?s Dirty Little Secret ? Slavery
  • Sanjay Upadhya - Nepal: Prime Minister?s Pragmatism Or Preemption?
  • Mary Collins - What TeenScreen Doesn't Want You to Know
  • Henri Bou Saab - Lebanon tackles electoral reform
  • Ernest Partridge - Where Are Our Heroes Today?
  • Martin LeFevre - Meditations: It?s All ?Domestic Terror? Now
  • Sam Bahour - Spinning Out Of Control
  • Remi Kanazi - Witnessing The Destruction Of Gaza
  • Ramzy Baroud - Trying Times for Palestinians
  • Tomgram - David Swanson On War Porn And Iraq
  • Bernard Weiner - What Rove's Skate May Mean
  • Green Left Weekly - GLW: Bush And Howard Plan Australian Nuclear Dump
  • Siddhi B. Ranjitkar - Koirala Family & Kingship in Nepal
  • AmericanProgress - UQ Wire: GOP Iraq Debate Memo ? Use 9/11
  • Evelyn Pringle Karl Rove and Bush - Most Insidious Traitors
  • Peter King Examines The New Zealand Defence Force - This study is a private investigation into the value for money offered by Vote Defence. It concludes that it should be possible to operate a defence force that is better equipped and more capable of responding to all likely emergencies than the one we have at present. The force would have higher wages, lower operating costs but have a headcount of just over two thirds of the current force. See... A NZ Security Review - Opportunities Lost

    Stateside: Where Rosalea Attends An NZ Maori Rugby Match - So what if the only technical rugby terms I know are "whip" and "arse"? They're all anyone needed to do a commentary for the Barclay's Churchill Cup match on Wednesday evening at Santa Clara University, down in the Silicon Valley. I will spare you the commentary, but here are some pix. See... Stateside With Rosalea: What Can I Say?

    Jason Leopold: Where The Rove Indictment Is Now At - Four weeks ago, during the time when we reported that White House political adviser Karl Rove was indicted for crimes related to his role in the leak of covert CIA operative Valerie Plame Wilson, the grand jury empanelled in the case returned an indictment that was filed under seal in US District Court for the District of Columbia under the curious heading of Sealed vs. Sealed. See... Jason Leopold: Sealed vs. Sealed
    Evelyn Pringle - Karl Rove Gets Off - I Want My Money Back

    Supercomputer Weather: Hurricane Alberto vs Florida - The Atlantic Hurricane season for 2006 is expected to be one of the worst ever. Last year's season was in fact the worst ever to date, and will be hard to beat, however, so far 2006 is shaping up as expected. See... Supercomputer Weather: Hurricane Alberto?

    Gitmo ? Where Suicide Is "A Good PR Move " - The US Government today sought to distance itself from a statement calling the suicides of three Guantanamo Bay prisoners "a good PR move to draw attention" as human rights groups, legal experts and newspapers in the Middle East renewed calls for the prison's closing. Colleen Graffy, deputy assistant U.S. secretary of state for public diplomacy, told the British Broadcasting Corporation over last weekend that the suicides at the US-run camp in Cuba were a "good P.R. move to draw attention" and "a tactic to further the jihadi cause." See... William Fisher: Will Gitmo Go Away? & William Fisher: And the Oscar Goes To ...

  • Marjorie Cohn - Spinning Suicide
  • More Comment On The Death Of Abu Musab Al Zarqawi - As reported in 2004 by Jim Miklaszewski of NBC News the U.S. Military presented President Bush three plans to kill or capture Abu Musab Al Zarqawi [link] between June of 2002 and January, 2003 before the invasion of Iraq. In each instance the authorization was not forthcoming. They never pulled the trigger and by March of 2004 over 700 terrorist killings had been blamed on Zarqawi. Investigative reporter, Greg Palast presents the case that it was the U.S. that effectively invited Zarqawi into Iraq in the first place. See? UQ Wire: Zarqawi, 9/11 and the Bogus War on Terror

  • Greg Palast - Unreported - The Zarqawi Invitation
  • Tanveer Jafri - Zarqawi?s Death & Civil War in Iraq

  • Russell Brown & Ors. - Public Address 14/6/6: 3 Days Before The Day After Tomorrow & Public Address 13/06/06 - Baghdad On The Waitemata
  • Dave Crampton - Bradford's Intention Is Not To Outlaw Smacking & Big News: Bradford & Kiro Disagree On Smacking
  • John Roughan - John Roughan: Time Is Not On Our Side!
  • Tanveer Jafri - Bush: The Most Defamed President Of US History
  • Kamala Sarup - US: Happy Birthday And Love To Your Nation
  • John Gideon - Daily Voting News For June 13, 2006 , June 12, 2006, June 11, 2006 , June 10 2006 & June 9 2006
  • Greg Palast- Greg Palast Interviews The Real Randi Rhodes
  • Sheila Samples - Support The Troops
  • Charles Shaw - Biofuel Challenges Big Oil
  • Remi Kanazi - Humanizing the Other
  • William Fisher - Saudi Arabian Cosmetics?
  • Dahr Jamail - Ramadi - Fallujah Redux & Jamail and Pflueger: Propaganda and Haditha
  • Am Johal - Trauma, Reflexivity and Al Gore
  • Daniel Ellsberg - Iraq's Pentagon Papers
  • Norman Solomon - Why Pretend Hillary Clinton Is Progressive?
  • Jason Miller - Bon App鴩t, America
  • Scoop Link - US Congress HoR Rejects Net Neutrality
  • Uri Avnery - Oh, What A Wonderful Plan!
  • John Chuckman - Chuckman: Terror In Toronto Or Tempest In A Teapot
  • NRT: Sedition Verdict Shameful - Tim Selwyn has been found guilty of sedition. This is a shameful verdict, and a major step backwards for freedom of speech in this country. Punishing people for their words and intentions rather than their actions should require meeting a very high threshold, and one which our sedition law, with its vague references to "violence, disorder, and lawlessness" simply does not come close to. See... No Right Turn: A Shameful (Sedition) Verdict

  • Green Party - Selwyn case shows need for review of sedition law
  • Charles Shaw Reviews Al Gore's "An Inconvenient Truth" - It never ceases to amaze me the lengths people will go to maintain their delusions, or to serve their own agendas. Despite there being literally unanimous consensus within the scientific community that Global Warming is indeed a real and perilous crisis on a scale we have never witnessed, a tiny gaggle of political ideologues and their corporate benefactors continue to try and convince us that Global Warming is ?theory, rather than fact,? and is a result of ?cyclical change? and not rapacious industrialization. See... Charles Shaw Movie Review: "An Inconvenient Truth"


  • Russell Brown & Ors . - Public Address 9/6/6 - Death Of Video Store Guy
  • David Swanson - No Permanent Iraq Bases: Passed & Removed in Conf. & David Swanson: Safe Passage On The Earth
  • Marjorie Cohn - First Officer Publicly Resists War
  • Narconews - Al Giordano: The World Is Going to Hell
  • Dr. Michael Carmichael - Richard Perle reveals US War Plans in the Iran
  • Martin LeFevre - - Meditations: Feeling the Breath of God
  • Green Left Weekly - US Soldiers: Iraq Massacre Not An Exception
  • Tel Aviv Notes - Emily B. Landau: US Engagement With Iran
  • COHA - A Quantum Leap for U.S.-Bolivian Relations
  • COHA - The SOA and its Devastating Legacy
  • M.R. Josse - A Numbers Game & Impending Fireworks
  • Kamala Sarup - The HIV Risk To Women In South Asia
  • Polygamy: The Polygamist Mormon's Private ? yet Govt. Funded - Airport - The first shock is the realization that an airport costing Americans $3 million exists in the polygamist-owned Arizona wastelands of Colorado City. It sits "Spielberg-like" north of the Grand Canyon, east of the Colorado River and serves a handful of planes. How and why it materialized is the second shock. But most disturbing is what a town of outlaw cultists might be using an isolated airstrip for under the radar. See... The AZ Polygamy Town Airport Built With Fed $$$Mns

    Blood & Oil: Dr. Abbas Bakhtiar: Meanwhile In The House Of Saud - ?Passing over, for the present, all the evils and mischiefs which monarchy has occasioned in the world, nothing can more effectually prove its usefulness in a state of civil government than making it hereditary. Would we make any office hereditary that required wisdom and abilities to fill it? And where wisdom and abilities are not necessary, such an office, whatever it may be, is superfluous or insignificant. See... When Will The House Of Saud Feel Safe?

  • William Fisher - William Fisher: Saudi Cosmetics?

  • Russell Brown & Ors. - Public Address 08/06/06 - Remembering Glide Time & Public Address 07/06/06 - Splendidly Patronising
  • Am Johal - The Right to Live Without Fear
  • Ramzy Baroud - Israeli Exceptionalism: Hamas Is Not the Issue
  • Siddhi B. Ranjitkar - Resurrection Of Old Habits In Nepal
  • Evelyn Pringle - Bush Stacked SCOTUS Muzzles Public Employees
  • Narconews - Online Video: "Atenco - Breaking the Siege"
  • Jason Miller - Of Water, Human Beings and Other Commodities
  • Kamala Sarup - When Maoists Killed My Own Uncle
  • Norman Solomon - The Urbanity of Evil
  • Genevieve Cora Fraser - Israel?s Right to Exist a Question of Legitimacy & Militants Bred in American-Israeli Cauldron
  • Bernard Weiner - "Groundhog Day" in Asia: Unwinnable Wars
  • Evelyn Pringle - Ortho Evra Patch Maker Waves A White Flag
  • David Swanson - Nine State Democratic Parties Back Impeachment
  • Sanjay Upadhya - Nepal: Perpetual Legislature, Political Legitimacy
  • John Lama - Nepal Likely To Slide Into ?Dharma Yuddha?
  • William Fisher - Calling Mr. Smith
  • Greg Palast - Palast vs. Coulter - Battle of the Books begins
  • Treason: No Right Turn Previews The Tim Selwyn Sedition Trial - Today we will see a remarkable step backwards for freedom of speech in this country. Tim Selwyn - an Auckland freelance writer - will go on trial in the Auckland District Court on sedition charges relating to flyers left at the scene of an axe attack on ... See... A Step Backwards For Freedom Of Speech

    Iraq: Cindy Sheehan On The Abominations Of War - This is the most difficult article that I have ever had to write, but I have to write it anyway, unfortunately. I and just about anyone and everyone who criticizes George Bush and this war are accused of "not supporting the troops." Since my son, Casey, was killed in Iraq because of lies and to actually make that country safe for our corporate interests, I have been saying the only way we can support our troops at this point is to get them the hell out of this illegal and immoral war. See? The Abominations of War From My Lai to Haditha

  • Larry C. Johnson - : Earplugs, Marines, and Haditha
  • Marjorie Cohn - Stop the Beast
  • David Swanson - Stay in Iraq Until it's Peaceful or We're Sane
  • Dahr Jamail: Countless My Lai Massacres in Iraq
  • Marjorie Cohn - Marjorie Cohn: The Haditha Massacre

  • Rosalea Barker - Stateside With Rosalea: Down In The Dumps
  • Russell Brown & Ors. - Public Address 06/06/06 - Shipping Out! & Public Address 02/06/06 - Another Hat On
  • John Roughan - People's Code of Conduct
  • Am Johal - The Myth of Unilateralism and Convergence
  • Kamala Sarup - Women Rights Are Limited in Seminars
  • Narconews - Atenco Crimes Committed on Orders from Above & IV with Subcomandante Marcos Now Translated
  • Genevieve Cora Fraser - Israel Taunts Hamas
  • Toni Solo - Tommy Cooper Journalism
  • Martin LeFevre - The Logical End of "Support Our Troops" Idiocy & Observing the Observer
  • David Swanson - 11 Excellent Reasons Not to Join the U.S. Military
  • Evelyn Pringle - Nursing Home Ind. - Whistleblower Breeding Ground & Poster Child Of Fraud And Neglect In Nursing Homes
  • Bill Berkowitz - Bill Berkowitz: The Lou Dobbs Fear Factor
  • Art: Graham Reid Steps Into The Et. Al. Debate - I suspect I am in a fairly small minority in this country: I have been to two Venice Biennales and -- here's the punch line -- I paid my own way both times. More fool me, I like art. When we went to Europe for two months at the end of last year I had three specific things I wanted to see: the moving painting of Pilgrims Going To Mecca by Leon Belly in the Musee d'Orsay in Paris (it was in storage!); Sir Norman Foster's bridge at Millau in the south of France (it confirmed my belief that it is the first great piece of 21st century architecture); and a Venice Biennale again. See... Public Address 01/06/06 - Et Al, Etcetera Etc.

    Tourism: Richard S. Ehrlich Writes Home From Istanbul - ISTANBUL, Turkey -- The cylindrical "fez" hat, with its dangling black tassel, provokes feelings of resentment, humiliation and grim memories of repression among many proud, nationalistic Turks. Another traditional symbol of Turkey, the white-robed Whirling Dervishes and their 700-year-old mystical Sufi brand of Islam, conjure up different responses, evoking a confused mix of suspicion and admiration. See... Richard S. Ehrlich: A Letter From Turkey

    Oil & Gas: Toni Solo Has A Recon. Around Latin America's Oil Industry - Much attention has focused lately on the Bolivian government's nationalization of the country's hydrocarbon resources. Bolivia's policy change follows up the Venezuelan government's systematic renegotiation of contracts with foreign petroleum companies which dramatically increased revenue available to benefit Venezuela's people. Ecuador has reinforced that regional trend by terminating agreements with the US oil multinational Occidental Petroleum in response to 43 alleged breaches of contract by that company. All these moves indicate a rethink by Latin American governments about how best to manage their energy resources. See... Rough Reckoning: Energy In Latin America


  • Russ Wellen - Making the World Safe for Anti-Semitism
  • Undernews - Huge Banking Firm's Man Takes Over Treasury Again
  • Mark S. Tucker - Remember Vote Fraud: A Review - Part 1
  • William Fisher - William Fisher: Another Lipsticked Pig? & William Fisher: The Mouse on Steroids
  • Ramzy Baroud - Palestinian Violence Indicator Of Bigger Battle
  • Kelpie Wilson - Monkey Business 2008
  • Green Left Weekly - Climate change: Nuclear Is No Solution!
  • Narconews - Weak Mandate for Uribe in Colombia
  • Tanveer Jafri - Shadow of Pentagon on CIA
  • Kamala Sarup - Crimes Against Women Still Prevalent & Politics Of Education
  • Bernard Weiner - The Seven Pillars of Misrule
  • Ernest Partridge - Swords Into Plowshares
  • Madan P. Khanal - People Victims Of Nepal?s Politics Of Vengeance
  • Between The Lines - NAFTA's Role in Fueling Illegal Immigration to US

    Leopold On The Conviction Of Enron's "Kenny Boy" Lay - The Bush administration knew Enron was on a collision course two months before the high-flying energy company collapsed in a wave of accounting scandals that wiped out $60 billion in shareholder value and left thousands of company employees penniless. See... Jason Leopold: George W. Bush and Kenneth Lay

    Rosalea Barker: Cowboys and Indians - Some younger Indians, second and third generation US citizens, are attracted to colours on the political spectrum other than the blue of Democrats and the red of Republicans. One such candidate on the ballot this June 6 if you're registered Green is Mehul Thakker, who is uncontested for his party's nomination to run for State Treasurer in November. See... Stateside With Rosalea: Cowboys and Indians

    John Roughan Considers The Equation For Solomons Success - Solomons? newly elected government is to be congratulated on its determination to turn the fortunes of our country around by focusing the state?s many and varied resources on rural people?s daily lives. But it?s completely out of character for me to simply roll over, heap lavish praise on government?s latest initiative and not mention a number of serious stumbling blocks along the difficult path it has chosen. See... New Direction - Old Attitudes - Deadwood = ?

  • ?RAMSI Tuesday? Wasn?t Due To Intelligence Failure

  • Russell Brown & Ors - Public Address 30/05/06 - Kabul And Elsewhere & Public Address 29/05/06 - Mao Chicken Memories
  • William Fisher - Oil On Troubled Waters
  • Norman Solomon - Media Memorial Day
  • George Stone - The Plan to Drug US School Children
  • Am Johal - Pope Visits Krakow and Auschwitz
  • Evelyn Pringle - Pfizer & GlaxoSmithKline Help Send Kids To Prison
  • David Swanson - David Swanson: Peace in a Gas Pump
  • Kamala Sarup - Nepali Women's Voice "We Want Lasting Peace", Kamala Sarup: Injustice And Conflict, Kamala Sarup: Darfur's War I Condemn & Kamala Sarup: Nepalese Contribution On Development
  • Larry Birns - Latin America - The Path Away from U.S. Domination
  • Laba Karki - Illiberal Democracy In The Making
  • Uri Avnery - Missed Opportunities (Partial List)
  • Sanjay Upadhya - Nepal: All Not Quiet On The Southern Front
  • Ernest Partridge - Eyes On The Prize
  • Larry C. Johnson - Wrong Way Bush
  • Genevieve Cora Fraser - Palestinian Justice vs US & Israeli Sociopathology & Poem: Jailors Jubilee as Israel Triumphs
  • Tel Aviv Notes - Ehud Olmert?s Visit To D.C.: Realignment Delayed
  • Narconews - Giordano: The Media Netwar Over Defining Atenco
  • M.R. Josse - Don't Tilt The Electoral Field Now
  • Polygamy: Suzan Mazur Widens The Senatorial Responsibility Net - To be fair, while the FLDS, America's largest polygamy cult, is incorporated in Utah -- members live and vote on either side of the Utah-Arizona border. That means media darling John McCain's (R--AZ) stance on polygamy is also an issue, particularly because of McCain's 2008 US presidential aspirations. See... Senator John Mccain Passes The Buck On Polygamy

  • Reports Reconfirm Hatch Said He Condones Polygamy
  • Scoop Link: Leahy Takes On Hatch Over Polygamy
  • Suzan Mazur: Most Wanted In Polygamy Coverup
  • Crooked Spooks: Cocaine One Was Most Probably A CIA Plane - The ?mystery? of Porter Goss? resignation last month as CIA Director is apparently directly related to the huge seizure in Mexico several weeks earlier of over 5.5 tons of cocaine, according to government documents recently obtained by the The MadCowMorningNews. After Goss?s surprise resignation last month he told reporters his reason for resigning was "just one of those mysteries," offering no other explanation for his sudden departure after almost two years on the job. See... UQ Wire: Porter Goss Resignation Solved


  • Rosalea Barker - Movie Preview: An Inconvenient Truth (aka MI 4.5?)
  • Russell Brown & Ors. - Public Address 26/05/06 - Whack-A-Mole & Public Address 25/05/06 - All In The Game
  • William Fisher - Used The Phone Lately? Worried?
  • William Rivers Pitt - Playing the Impeachment Card
  • David Swanson - RNC Line on Impeachment: Verily, This Is That
  • Narconews - Del Castillo: Democracy on the Hacienda
  • Greg Palast - Lay Convicted, Bush Walks (Ahnold Got Lay'd) & Greg Palast: The Al Capone Of Electricity
  • Evelyn Pringle - Neurontin Deal - Slap On The Hand To Pfizer
  • Ray McGovern - Eavesdropping, Gagging, And the Constitution
  • Siddhi B. Ranjitkar - House Declaration Ends The Shah Dynasty In Nepal
  • Bhupal Lamichhaney - Democracy, Injustice, And Civil Disobedience
  • Tanveer Jafri - Atrocities on POW?
  • Kamala Sarup - Nepal Peace Agreement Concern, Don't Attack Hindu Religion & Women's Empowerment Under Threat
  • Dennis Hastert Illustrates What Not To Say To A Taxpayer - In a debate over extending tax cuts for the wealthy and corporations, Dennis Hastert justified the rip-off of the middle class and poor with these words: "well, folks, if you earn $40,000 a year and have a family of two, you don't pay any taxes. So you probably if you don't pay any taxes, you are not going to get a big tax cut. Now, if you earn $1 million a year, you are going to pay about $400,000 of taxes. Maybe you'll get a $40,000 tax cut ..." See... Hastert Gave the Dems the House, If They Want It
    Catherine Austin Fitts On Who Is REALLY Winning The War In Iraq - I never cease to be amazed at the extent to which successful policies are portrayed as failed policies, and the transfer of public resources to private parties are spun as the result of government and bureaucratic ?incompetence.? Recent financial headlines are full of news of record profits by oil companies and strong stock performance, proof positive that the invasion of Iraq has been successful. See... The Real Deal: The Great "Incompetency" Heist

    Who's Afraid Of The Mexicans? - Whenever a new crisis develops in an election year and it's not nature's or the stock market's fault, the odds are pretty good that it's not a crisis. Witness the sudden discovery of immigrants, a much more comfortable topic for some than Iraq, global warming, globalization, or runaway corporate greed. See... When Was The Last Time A Mexican Cut Your Pension?

  • Sam Smith: The Politics Of Anger
  • Human Rights: United Nations Seeks Closure Of Gitmo ? Again - For the second time this year, a United Nations body has chastised the United States for its torture of prisoners and told it to close its prison camp at Guantᮡmo Bay, Cuba. In February, the UN Human Rights Commission criticized the US government for force-feeding hunger strikers there - calling it torture - and urged the United States to "close the Guantᮡmo Bay detention facilities without further delay." See... Marjorie Cohn: UN to US: Close Guantanamo!

  • Launch Of Amnesty International Report 2006

  • Russell Brown & Ors.. - Public Address 23/05/06 - You Have Been Warned
  • Scoop Link - Wired Defies Court Publishes Spy Docs
  • Marjorie Cohn - The Hayden Charade
  • William Rivers Pitt - Just Don't Tell 'Em You Know Me
  • Martin LeFevre - Meditations: Goliath vs. Global Governance
  • Bernard Weiner - Cheney Testifies To Truth & Reconciliation Com.
  • David Swanson - So, How WOULD a Patriot Act?
  • Jason Miller - Slaves to the "Free Market" Unite
  • Remi Kanazi - Multilateral Collusion
  • Ramzy Baroud - Palestinian Catastrophe- Myths Revisited
  • Translation by Sol Salbe - Withdrawal To 1967 borders Will Lead To Peace
  • Kamala Sarup - Violence Threat to Nepalese Tourism & Nepal's Relations with China & India
  • Toni Solo - Social Justice & Economic Integration In S.America
  • Dahr Jamail - Easily Dispensable - Iraq's Children
  • William Fisher - Pain Management - A Double Standard?
  • Uri Avnery - Who's Guilty? The Victim Of Course
  • Sheila Samples - Nature Of The Beast
  • Image by Jason
DordayPacific: John Roughan Analyses How RAMSI Failed Solomon Islanders - Whether the Solomons was a failed state or not, there is no doubt that in the hour of our greatest need, the Regional Assistance Mission to Solomon Islands (RAMSI) failed us. The heroics of police personnel, ordinary citizens, both men and women, fortunately spared the nation the agony of mourning its dead. Startling as it was, during the whole two-day riot--Black Tuesday and Black Wednesday--not a single person died although some experienced narrow escapes. But the bottom line remains: the rowdy crowd that surrounded Parliament Building spun out of control and became an uncontained, rock throwing mob. What happened? Image by Jason Dorday See... John Roughan: RAMSi failed us!

    Mexico: Julie Webb-Pullman Reports On The Rape Of The Women Of Atenco, Mexico - I have spent the last week translating statements given to human rights organisations by 19 women brutally detained, beaten, sexually assaulted and/or raped in San Salvador Atenco, Mexico, and who are now in prison, invariably charged with blocking public ...See... Atenco - Women of Mexican Dissent the New Target
    Narconews Reports From Atenco:

  • Giordano: The Virtual Rapists of Atenco
  • Ross: The "Dirty War" Returns to Mexico
  • Narconews: Testimonies of Rape by Police in Atenco

  • Rosalea Barker - Stateside: Barry And Doug And Al And Babs
  • Russell Brown et Ors. - Public Address 22/05/06 - Mash-Up! & Public Address 19/05/06 - Budgetballs
  • Mark Bradley - Get Your 2006 Congressional Election Results Now!
  • Daniel Patrick Welch - Sucks To Be You!
  • Doug Giebel - When Everything Real Is Fake
  • William Blum - William Blum's Anti-Empire Report May 21, 2006
  • Ray McGovern - Should Gen Hayden Be Confirmed or Court-Martialed?
  • Remi Kanazi - The Existing Question
  • Bill Berkowitz - Is It A Massachusetts 'Miracle'?
  • David Swanson - 43,000 Reasons Not To Attack Iran
  • Martin LeFevre - Meditations: Being Human Is No Longer an Option
  • David Miller - Democracy: Corporate Spin's Part In Its Downfall
  • Evelyn Pringle - Merck Caught Misrepresenting Vioxx Risks Again
  • Christine Smith - My America
  • Mary Pitt - A Time For Euthanasia
  • M.R. Josse - Nepal: Vendetta, Appeasement, Confusion And Infighting
  • Dr Pravin Rajbahak - Directionless Voyage Of Govt.
  • Kamala Sarup - Three Nepalese Opinion Pieces & Kamala Sarup: Development Nepal & Securing Peace
  • Karl Ferguson's Motornet: Peugeot?s Excellent 407 - Honestly, I really didn?t think I was going that quick. It was a bright sunny weekend in late summer, and we were headed for New Plymouth for a weekend away. The idea was to travel in two cars and rendevous in Wanganui for lunch. See... MOTORNET: Six-Speed Sensation

    Falling In Love In NYC - I love America. And I have to say I love Americans too. I feel the need to say this because as a New Zealander living overseas I often hear about what a friendly nation we are and how we?re always happy to help people out and ?lend a hand.? But here?s a news flash, so are Americans ? incredibly so and in my view they?re a lot more friendlier than your average Kiwi. See... Kirk MacGibbon: I love America

    UQ Wire: Cocaine One --> Titan Corp --> 9/11 - A MadCowMorningNews investigation into the ownership of the DC9 airliner caught carrying 5.5 tons of cocaine in Mexico last month has uncovered explosive new details about some of the many lingering mysteries still surrounding the 9.11 attack. See... UQ Wire: Coke Bust Connection To 9.11 Attack & UQ Wire: Titan Corp. Connection To Cocaine One


  • Russell Brown - Public Address 18/05/06 - Doing It For The Kids
  • George Monbiot - When 2 Poor Countries Reclaim Oil Fields
  • Dahr Jamail - Support Our Troops, Anybody?
  • Am Johal - Israel Court Upholds Racist Family Unification Law
  • Ramzy Baroud - Redefining the Middle East
  • Bernard Weiner - "Shallow Throat" on GOP Meltdown: Turn Up the Heat
  • Greg Palast - Big Brother Tries To Fool Randi Rhodes
  • Qusay Hamed - Impact Of The Financial Crisis On Palestinians
  • John Lama - Nepal: Maoists Need To Be Ostracized
  • Sam Smith - Bush Calls Up National Guard To Help In Campaign
  • Bill Grigsby Considers The Lies And The Liars - This White House has challenged the frontiers of propaganda and political discourse in ways that make previous administrations look like rank amateurs. Mainstream news media outlets may occasionally report, but the vast majority shy away from labeling government accounts as propaganda. But of all the Orwellian perversions perpetrated by the BushCo White House, perhaps the most spectacular is the ?free speech zone.? See... How Stephen Colbert Got Picked, Truthy, And Panned

    Is Al Gore Considering A Second Shot At The White House? - (APN) ATLANTA - Al Gore may be a "recovering politician," but "You always have to worry about a relapse," Gore told Atlanta Progressive News. The in-person exchange with the former Vice President took place following a special screening of "An Inconvenient Truth," here at Atlantic Station in Midtown Atlanta. See... Gore May Run Again in 2008 for US President

    Legitimizing Palestinian Bantustans - The Occupation has a ?new? scheme to ensure Palestinian rights continue to be negated and violated: the ?Convergence Plan?. Offering the media as much excitement as the ?Disengagement Plan?, it aims to legitimize the annexation of all territories and resources west of the Apartheid Wall including Jerusalem. Palestinians are to be left under siege in Bantustans, sealed in from the East and dissected by settler-highways. Meanwhile the refugees are supposed to vanish from political discourse. See... Jamal Juma: The Occupation?s ?Convergence Plan?


  • Russell Brown & Ors - Public Address 17/05/06 - Risky Business & Public Address 16/05/06 - It Never Rains ...
  • Paul Budde - Telecom And Telstra ? Comparing Strategies
  • Fitrakis & Wasserman - Will Major Media Finally Cover Election Fraud?
  • Marjorie Cohn - What Will It Take?
  • Genevieve Cora Fraser - Hamas Upholds Palestine?s Right to Exist
  • Krishna Singh Bam - Nepal: A Suicidal Approach To National Security
  • Narconews - Narco Corruption In U.S. Embassy in BogotἯa> & Giordano: The Virtual Rapists of Atenco
  • William Rivers Pitt - Humpty-Dumpty Republicans
  • Between The Lines - Amnesty Reports to U.N. on U.S. Torture and Abuse
  • Uri Avnery - Voices from Prison
  • Joe Costello - The Crisis of Western Politics
  • Tanveer Jafri - Bush Admin: Greatest defaulter of Human Rights?
  • Kamala Sarup - Religion And The Cast System
  • Karl
RoveWashington: George Bush's Political Advisor Karl Rove Indicted For Perjury - Special Prosecutor Patrick Fitzgerald spent more than half a day Friday at the offices of Patton Boggs, the law firm representing Karl Rove. During the course of that meeting, Fitzgerald served attorneys for former Deputy White House Chief of Staff Karl Rove with an indictment charging the embattled White House official with perjury and lying to investigators related to his role in the CIA leak case, and instructed one of the attorneys to tell Rove that he has 24 hours to get his affairs in order, high level sources with direct knowledge of the meeting said Saturday morning. See... Karl Rove Indicted on Charges of Perjury, Lying and Rove Informs White House He Will Be Indicted

  • Evelyn Pringle - Evelyn Pringle: Rove and Fitzgerald Play Monopoly
  • Intelligence: Paul Buchanan on 'Potential' Threats - In early April Director General of the New Zealand Security Intelligence Service, Ambassador Richard Woods, presented his 2005 annual report to the government. In it he highlighted the potential threat of local al-Qaeda sympathisers, drawing direct parallels with the 2004 Madrid train bombings, 2005 London tube and bus bombers and the arrest of purported jihadists in Australia. He urged vigilance against a threat that, if low at the moment, had the potential to become real sometime in the indeterminate future. See... Of Myth and Reality in Terrorist Threat Assessment

    Utah: Suzan Mazur Gets Inside The Polygamy Protection Scandal - It will take more than Utah Attorney General Mark Shurtleff's "mea culpa" to the Los Angeles Times to clear him and other officials who are responsible for allowing polygamy to flourish up and down the US Rocky Mountains, with Utah currently at the epicenter of sex cult activity. Why? Because America along with 182 other countries is signatory to the 1979 UN Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women recognizing that Polygamy Is A Human Rights Violation. See... Suzan Mazur: Most Wanted In Polygamy Coverup

  • John R. Llewellyn - LDS Upset With Media's Reporting Of Mormonism
  • Stateside: Rosalea Barker Marks Mothers Day With Some Pix - I have only a cheap internet camera so these pix aren?t all that good, but hopefully you?ll get some idea of how the recent months of rain and the subsequent warm, sunny weather of the last two weeks have brought out the best in the Bay Area. See... Stateside: A Postcard and Flowers for Mothers Day . See also... Stateside: Banana Sunday With A Sprinkling Of Nuts

  • Cindy Sheehan - A Perfect Mother's Day Gift
  • Kelpie Wilson - A Layer Cake for Mother's Day


  • Russell Brown & Ors. - Public Address 15/05/06 - Migraine Journalism
  • John Bishop - Communications Line of 12 May 2006
  • John Roughan - Culture Of Impunity!
  • Toni Solo - Solidarity: Remembering Algeria And Fanon
  • William Fisher - Blocking Justice , Can't We Have Any Fun Anymore? & Our $2 Billion Leverage
  • Tel Aviv Notes - Coalition-Building In Iraq: Mission Impossible?
  • Greg Palast - The Spies Who Shag Us
  • Mark Bradley - Satire: The "Meet Your Maker" Package Getaway
  • BuzzFlash.Com - Wash Post "Fixes the Poll" by "Fixing Questions"
  • Doris Colmes - Saving The Internet Is Saving Freedom
  • Cindy Sheehan - Oh No, Canada! &
  • Evelyn Pringle - Bush Uses FDA To Shield Big Pharma From Lawsuits
  • Narconews - A Week After the Repression in Atenco & Ordered To Lay Her Head In A Pool Of Blood
  • Sam Smith - Undernews: The Road Grows Shorter
  • Bill Berkowitz - Thinking Globally, Running Locally
  • Kamala Sarup - Child Marriages Are A Bad Practice
  • David Swanson - Bush Beats Out Nixon: Least Liked President Ever
  • Energy - Dave McArthur's Bonus Joules - (In which Chapter Bonus Joules explores how our current image of the nature of energy came to rule human consciousness and who made the rules.) Bonus Joules asks the Minister of Energy the Big Scientific Question. See... Bonus Joules: Gods of Energy

    Postal Diplomacy: The President Of Iran's Unanswered Mail - What drives American foreign policy as much as - if not more than - ideology is male insecurity mitigated occasionally by women secretaries of state trying to prove that they can act just as insecurely as males. It is a foreign policy led by an intelligentsia that went to Ivy schools or Georgetown but wishes it had played football for Notre Dame. See? The Unanswered Mail Of Insecure Males

  • Ramzy Baroud - Iran and US: Nuclear Standoff or Realpolitik?
  • Le Monde - President of Iran's Letter To President Bush
  • Spooks: Are You Paranoid Yet? - The National Security Agency has been secretly collecting the phone call records of tens of millions of Americans, using data provided by AT&T, Verizon and BellSouth, people with direct knowledge of the arrangement told USA TODAY. See... Links: NSA's Database of Americans' Phone Calls

    Polls: American's Believe Bush Stole Election Then Lied America Into War - In the first poll of its kind, , in the second OpEdNews/Zogby People's poll has learned that except for viewers of right wing news show, Fox News, poll respondents believe that the 2004 presidential election was stolen. See... Poll: 2004 Election Was Stolen ('Cept Fox Viewers) & Bush Lied About Iraq, Has No Right to Attack Iran

    Media: Greg Palast's The Armed Madhouse - Audio, Contents & Introduction - President Jeb Bush declared his reelection victory early, in August, before the machines were fully programmed, but the results were nevertheless assured. President Jeb accepted a call from ?Hillary Kerry Gore??the virtual candidate, put up as quadrennial opponent, designed to lose?who always made the same moving concession speech, ?American democracy has triumphed again,? written for her by Karl Rove. The official voting won?t take place until November. ?Our nation,? Vice-President Kate Harris assures us, ?is safer and more prosperous than at any time in our history.? See... Audio: Larry David On How Kerry Won In '04 & Greg Palast's New Book: The Armed Madhouse

    Media: Back When The Bird Really Was The Word (APN) ATLANTA - It's difficult to talk about the leftist scene in Atlanta in the 1960's and 70's without someone bringing up The Great Speckled Bird, the leftist alternative newspaper which influenced so many minds of the time. But what was The Bird? Who ran it and how did it operate? Atlanta Progressive News has conducted extensive interviews and uncovered vast archives of The Bird's back issues, to explain this historical phenomenon to our progressive readers of today. See? Jonathan Springston: Great Speckled Memories


  • Tze Ming Mok & Ors. - Public Address 12/05/06 - Trade? Me? & Public Address 11/05/06 - Flocking Tossers
  • Anthony Ravlich - Psychiatric Survivors At The Beach

  • Dahr Jamail - All of Us Participate in a New Iraq
  • Zoe Kenny - Green Left Weekly: Uranium - Leave It In Ground!
  • Tanveer Jafri - Time Not Ripe For ?Bush The Great?
  • John Chuckman - The Iceman Cometh

  • Ernest Partridge - A Perfect Storm
  • Noam Chomsky - Subordinate & Non-Subordinate States
  • Evelyn Pringle - Ex-Pfizer VP Peter Rost Takes On Goliath & Whistleblower Mark Livingston Battles Wyeth Pharma
  • William Rivers Pitt - An Open Letter to Richard Cohen
  • Atlanta Progressive News - Atlanta Backs US Department of Peace
  • David Swanson - Cindy Sheehan's New Book: Dear President Bush

  • NEPAL:
  • John Lama - Tribunal to Investigate Maoist Killings
  • M.R. Josse - Nepal ? The Hard Part Begins
  • Bhuwan Sharma - Check Mate Say Maoists
  • Shashi Malla - Maoists' Bloody War & Tourism
  • Telecommunications: Theresa Gattung Features On Public Address - Still - Dear Ms. Gattung,"The" unbundling should keep the ICT industry in gossip for a few weeks as yet: over at gen-i I am sure the walls are positively pulsing with theory and rumour. I actually want to offer a word of support and some advice, but I need to start with some criticism. See... Public Address 10/05/06 - Dear Ms. Gattung, Public Address 09/05/06 - Everything Broadband & Public Address 08/05/06 - "Not Being Straight-Up".
    Scoop Audio. Listen also to this short, startling clip in MP3 Audio

    War Lies: Ray McGovern vs US Defence Sec. Donald Rumsfeld - Ray McGovern wasn't aiming to make Donald Rumsfeld stutter and stammer like a kid caught cheating on a test when he asked him last week why he'd lied us into a war. That was just a side benefit. Ray wants answers, and he's taking his demand to Donald Rumsfeld's house in Washington, D.C. Ray McGovern Is Going to Rumsfeld's House

  • Larry C. Johnson - Ray, You da Man!
  • David Swanson - WaPo Attempt to Defend Rumsfeld Against McGovern
  • Not In Our Name - Rumsfeld's Bad Day In Atlanta
  • Immigration: Charles Shaw Attends Chicago Immigrant Demonstration - The worm, as they say, is turning. Last Monday witnessed the largest political demonstration in Chicago's history, and the second march of 400,000 or more people I have participated in within the last two years. See... Photo Essay: Chicago Immigrant Rally

    Spooks: Scoop Looks Behind The Goss Gloss - If the New York Times is correct, John Negroponte and Michael Hayden are hell bent on shifting critical analytical functions from the CIA to some other part of government (perhaps a stand-alone entity). If true, the death knell for the CIA is sounding, and an important national security capability will disappear if they are permitted to institute this madness. While right-wing crazies, convinced that the CIA is part of an elaborate plot to undermine the Bush administration, will celebrate this pyrrhic victory, sane Americans should hit the panic button. See? Whither the CIA?

  • Undernews - Goes Behind The Goss Gloss
  • Larry Johnson - Why Did Goss Resign?
  • William Rivers Pitt - : Going Nukular
  • Mark G. Levy - The FBI Busts Goss, Wilkes & GOP Spy Industry
  • US Congress Reps - Shirlington Limo. Investigation Sought

  • M. Shahid Alam - Muslims America Loves
  • Bernard Weiner - How to Keep Democrats From Blowing the 06 Election
  • William Fisher - Defending the Indefensible
  • Narconews - The Media Boycott Against the Other Campaign, LA Times Reporters Jump on the Coffin of 14-Yr-Old & Coverage of Atenco Violence & Solidarity Actions
  • Kamala Sarup - The Biggest Threat To Nepal's Democracy
  • Between The Lines - Use of Tactical Nukes Could Kill 100s Of 1000s
  • Marjorie Cohn - Marjorie Cohn: Bush Setting up Attack on Iran
  • Abdelnasser Rashid - Poem: The Definition Of Occupation
  • Damien Chettri - King's Initiative Essential For National Unity
  • W. David Jenkins - UQ Wire: 911 Table Scraps and Lies

    Antiquities: Suzan Mazur's Continuing Coverage Of Antiquities Theft - It is not totally surprising that New York antiquities dealer Ed Merrin appears to be caught in the dragnet of Italian prosecutors who are conducting a criminal trial in Rome, having already charged dealer Bob Hecht and former Getty Museum curator Marion True with conspiracy to traffic in ancient art. Merrin testified before US Congress in the 1970s in opposition to H.R. 5643, a bill designed to implement the UNESCO convention protecting cultural property. He has said "prohibition never worked and never will work". See... Merrin Gallery In Italy's Antiquities Dragnet?

    Smuggling: Daniel Hopsicker On The Mystery Of "Cocaine One" - In the two weeks since an American DC9 airliner was busted by Mexican troops at a small airport in the Yucatan, carrying 5.5 tons of cocaine packed neatly into 128 identical black suitcases (somewhat hilariously marked 'private') the search for the true owners of the plane has produced these startling new developments... See... The CIA, Cocaine One & Putting Planes in 'Suspense


  • Rosalea Barker - Stateside: Who Goes There?
  • John Roughan - Lessons From The Chinatown Burnout?

  • Jason Leopold - Last Question is Obstruction for Fitzgerald, Rove
  • Larry C. Johnson - Ray, You da Man!
  • William Fisher - Remember the Edsel!, William Fisher: Spinning America's Forgotten War & Let's Hear It for the Voice of Democracy!
  • David Swanson - WaPo Attempt to Defend Rumsfeld Against McGovern , RNC Attack on John Conyers Demands Dems Action, Atheists for Peace , Wrongly Convicted, Almost Executed, Awarded $2.25M, Lobbying Hitler's Legislature for Peace & Made By Slaves, Backed by Congress Wasserman & Fitrakis - OH Election Thief Gets Nod As Machines Malfunction
  • Evelyn Pringle - Kids Dying From Off-Label Use Of Antipsychotics
  • Marjorie Cohn - Moussaoui Jurors Choose Life
  • Bill Berkowitz - Open Season On Undocumented Immigrants
  • Greg Palast - Immigrants "Must Learn To Misinterpreate English"
  • Ceci Wheeler - May Day In Pittsburgh
  • Jason Miller - Success is Not An Option
  • Cindy Sheehan - Pro-American = Anti-BushCo
  • Sam Smith - Flotsam & Jetsam

  • Uri Avnery - 300 Kisses
  • Masalai i tokaut - Kina Securities Admits Rimbunan Hijau Ownership!
  • Gabriel Kolko - US Visions For Expanding NATO Include Australia
  • Narconews - Protest at Mexican Consulate in New York, Friday

  • NEPAL:
  • John Lama - Exorcise Evil Spirit Before It Is Too Late
  • I.K. Pradhan - Development Through Unity Of King And People
  • Sanjay Upadhya - Clarity At Home, Cloudiness Abroad
  • D.Michael Van De Veer - Will Nepal?s King Be Charged With Crimes
  • Kamala Sarup - We Can Not Agree At Maoists Violence
  • M.R. Josse - US Will Oppose Maoist Takeover Of Nepal: Boucher
  • Shashi Malla - Constituent Assembly & Nepal Future
  • Hugo ChavezMatt Robson: Goff Should Shake Hands With Chavez Not Rumsfeld - Former Associate Minister of Foreign Affairs Matt Robson argues that New Zealand should be paying close attention to the changes happening in Latin America flowing on from Hugo Chavez being elected president of Venezuala. Mr Robson suggests that rather than paying attention to US foreign policy and sending Phil Goff to shake hands with Donald Rumsfeld perhaps New Zealand would be better off having a chat to Hugo Chavez. See... The Sins Of Venezuelan President Chavez

    Iran: Iran's Tragic Path Into The 21st Century - How did Iran arrive at the crossroads that it finds itself at today? Many Westerners believe Iran to be an angry anti-Western entity that for some unknown reason, took American's hostage in 1979 and has maintained a passionate hatred for America and the West ever since. The truth is, that there is much more to Iran's story. See... M. Gary Hucul: The Tragedy of Iran

    Mayday: After The April Sun In Cuba - From Julie Webb-Pullman in Havana: Over the rise, and into the Plaza de la Revolucion ? to where it all happens on 01 May ?under Che's approving gaze... when it's not obscured by the flags of workers from so many countries. See... Photo Essay: May Day In Cuba

    Foreign Policy: Scoop's Suzan Mazur Makes Madeleine Albright Blush - Secretary Albright's discussion of her morality & foreign policy book was immediately followed by two questions about her widely-rumored romantic relationship with diamond broker Maurice Tempelsman during the Clinton years, some say resulting in Tempelsman ... See... Madeleine Albright & Maurice Tempelsman Q&A


  • Russell Brown & Ors - Public Address 03/05/06 - Various Informations & Public Address 04/05/06 - It's All On - Eventually
  • Martin LeFevre - Meditations: The Genesis of Genocide
  • William Fisher - What Happened to the Good Fight?, American Bedfellows
  • Good Returns - Book Review: Your Money Diet By Bruce Wallace
  • Dahr Jamail - "Reason for Their Death Is Known"
  • Ramzy Baroud - Sovereignty & Military Occupation Not Compatible
  • Tanveer Jafri - ?Islami Crusade? of the Talibans
  • Between The Lines - Interview: Six Nations Land Dispute in Ontario
  • Narconews - Oaxaca: Arrested Narconews Correspondents Released, Free Journalists Dul Santamaria and James Daria! & Narco News Journalists Arrested in Oaxaca Mexico
  • BuzzFlash.Com - From King George of 1776 to King George of 2006
  • Financial Times - Scoop Link: FT - Electronic Voting & Mass Confusion
  • Atlanta Progressive News - 36 US House Reps Want Bush Impeachment Probe
  • Evelyn Pringle - Drive For Oil Company Profits Threatens Economy , Tequin's Serious Injuries - Bristol-Myers Feigns & Evelyn Pringle: Karl Rove Indictment Long Overdue
  • Kamala Sarup - Women Needed To Join Nepali Press
  • William Rivers Pitt - A Turning Point
  • Pierre Tristam - All-American Seduction - J.F. Revel?s Mistake
  • Professor Brad K Berner - Campaign Calumny
  • Media & Race: Tze Ming Mok 'Respectfully Disagrees' With The SST - In my initial contract discussions with Sarah Stuart, then of the SST, now of the Herald on Sunday, we discussed the meaning of 'no bagging the SST on my blog'. She said there was a difference between 'bagging' and 'respectfully disagreeing', which would be fine of course. Right then - herewith, some respectful disagreement with the content and framing of the Sunday Star-Times article on the 'foreign criminal explosion'. See... Public Address 02/05/06 - Satanic Majesties . See also? Public Address 01/05/06 - Foreigners And Freelance

    Impeachment: Neil Young And Bruce Springsteen Join The Revolution - Bruce Springsteen and Neil Young have just released a pair of incredible albums of protest, one a bone-rattling revival of the best of rebel music of ages past, the other an impassioned attack on our present slide toward fascism. David Swanson: Springsteen & Young


  • Rosalea Barker - Stateside: May Be Almost Here!
  • No Right Turn - Against A Smaller Parliament
  • Hamish Low - : Sycamore

  • Jason Leopold - Fitzgerald to Seek Indictment of Rove
  • John Chuckman - Oh, Say, Can You See Xenophobia
  • Cindy Sheehan - Mission Accomplished Day
  • David Swanson - Impeach Cheney First
  • William Fisher - Give Us Huddled Masses - But Not Battered Women , Rearranging the Deck Chairs? & William Fisher: "The Worst of the Worst"
  • Jay Shaft Interview - "This is an Ungodly War Based on Lies and Sin"
  • Ramesh Sharma - Immigration Shaking the Country?s Foundation
  • Fitrakis & Wasserman - "New Totalitarianism" Defines A Desperate End Game

  • Uri Avnery - The Trap
  • Sonia Nettnin - April 2006: Third Killing Operation in Bethlehem
  • Remi Kanazi - Call a Spade a Spade
  • Ramzy Baroud - Hamas? Impossible Mission
  • Bill Berkowitz - The Rabbi And The Uber-Lobbyist

  • Narconews - Subcomandante Marcos In Mexico City & Narconews: Colombia's Secret Narco-Police
  • Syed Atiq ul Hassan - Let?s Test Australian Values
  • Iran: John Stanton Considers The Implications Of War With Iran - Just when it seemed unlikely that domestic and international events would unfold to test an already incompetent US government, along comes the acceleration of the movement to destroy Iran. See... Strike Iran, Watch Pakistan and Turkey Fall

  • Russ Wellen - Russ Wellen: Whoa, Mr. President!
  • Peak Oil: Kelpie Wilson On The End Of Cheap Oil - Gas prices are on the rise again and news analysts are kicking it around, wondering who is being ripped off this time. But geologists, scientists and even some economists suspect that unlike other gas shortages, this one is the real thing, or at least the beginning of the real thing: production has peaked and the era of cheap oil is about to end. See..Kelpie Wilson: Stop the Fossil Foolishness

  • Tony Soldo Big Oil and the Warporations

  • Russell Brown - Public Address 28/04/06 - Backup! & Public Address: The Good, The Bad And The 256k
  • Martin LeFevre - Meditations: Does God Give a Damn?
  • Amira Hass - Scoop Link: Hungry and Shell-Shocked
  • Jason Leopold - Target Letter Drives Rove Back To G. Jury
  • William Fisher - We Can All Agree on This, Right?
  • Ernest Partridge - UQ Wire: 911 Conspiracy - A Skeptic?s View
  • Evelyn Pringle - Big-Mouth Bush Told Clinton How To Handle OPEC
  • Genevieve Cora Fraser - Kerry Sponsors Palestine's Collective Punishment
  • Guest Opinion - Guest Opinion: We Don't Want Maoists In Nepal
  • Shashi Malla - Nepal King's Reinstatement of Parlt.
  • Thom Hartmann - The Story of Carl - On Workers Memorial Day
  • John Chuckman - Cartoons: The Decider
  • David Swanson - The War Looks Different From Inside Congress
  • Steven A. Hass - More Notes From The Fringe
  • Capt. Paul Watson - The Strange Transformation of Dr. Patrick Moore
  • Harvey Wasserman - Chernobyl Kills While Bought Ex-Greenpeacer Shills
  • Daniel Patrick Welch - Beyond Bashing Bush
  • William Rivers Pitt - Changes
  • Cindy Sheehan - Peace Takes Courage
  • Marjorie Cohn - The Perfect Storm
  • Narconews - Zapatista Subcomandante Marcos in Guerrero
  • Tanveer Jafri - Iraq - Is it under Control?
  • Suzan Mazur: Interview With Prof. David N. Gibbs - I first met University of Arizona political science professor David N. Gibbs about a year ago while researching a story about the Patrice Lumumba matrix. Dr. Gibbs spent a couple of years in Africa in the Peace Corps(Niger, 1979-1980) where his ... See... Mazur: Deeper Into The Dillon-Euphronios Nexus

    Bernard Weiner: Dim Son Rex Ignobilis - The world of theatre that I've swum in for decades as a drama critic provides a useful prism through which to view today's political events and players. This is especially true when thinking about drama from ancient Greece and Europe's Renaissance. Those periods remind us how often human tragedy repeats itself over the centuries. (Which is why many modern directors return so often to the wisdom of these ancient plays, often staging them with contemporary conceits so as to make the connections overt for their audiences.) Much of ancient Greek drama focuses on the disastrous results of "hubris," an overweening pride and arrogance that can lead rulers to go outside the ethical/legal boundaries. See... Bushism As Greek Drama: "Hubris" And "Tragic Flaws

    Kara-Leah Grant: Are You Kiwi Or Kea Like? - After all, are New Zealanders easy prey? Or are they hardy survivors? Are we dowdy and round? Or colourful and sleek? Are we habitual creatures? Or we blessed with an unusual ability to learn and create new solutions to whatever problems we encounter? See... A Lighthearted Look At Our National Nickname

    Michael Collins: State Legislators Begin Impeachment Process - Representative Karen A. Yarbrough, a Democratic member of the Illinois State Assembly, introduced a resolution calling for the impeachment of President George W. Bush. House Joint Resolution 125 was introduced on April 20, 2006 with two co sponsors, Representatives Sara Feigenholtz and Eddie Washington, also both Democrats. Derided by Thomas Jefferson as ?scarcely a scarecrow,? the presidential impeachment process is a rarity in United States history. The impeachment of federal judges is more common but also a rare event. See... Bush Impeachment Resolution Introduced In Illinois

  • David Swanson - California 2nd State To Introduce Bush Impeachment

  • Russell Brown Et Ors. - Public Address 26/04/06 - Wiki Trouble & Public Address 24/4 - From The Freelance Frontline
  • Rosalea Barker - Stateside: A State Of Electioncy
  • Idiot Savant - No Right Turn: Labour's Dog

  • Toni Solo - Shifting Centres Of Gravity In Latin America
  • Dahr Jamail - Subject to the Penalty of Death
  • William Blum - The Anti-Empire Report April 22, 2006
  • Syed Atiq ul Hassan - Will Benazir-Nawaz Political Marriage Be Accepted? & US Can Still Save This World

  • Uri Avnery - Who's The Dog? Who's The Tail?
  • Muhammad Idrees Ahmad - Behind the Fa硤e of Israel-Pakistan Rapprochement
  • Genevieve Cora Fraser - Poem: Palestine Will Not Bow to Anyone But Allah, Is Hamas creating a Palestinian Armed Forces? & Do We Need Bin Laden To Tell Us Muslims Targeted?
  • NEPAL:

  • D.Michael Van De Veer - 8- Party Alliance Meet To Form Republic Of Nepal & Nepal: Leaders Reject Attempt To Save The Monarchy
  • Sanjay Upadhya - Nepal: Above The Din, King Reframes The Debate
  • Siddhi B. Ranjitkar - Sincerity of Nepal's King
  • Khagendra Thapa - Nepal on Fire
  • Kamala Sarup - Atrocities Committed Against Nepali Children, Communists Rising In Nepal & How Peace Can Influence
  • Laba Karki - Monarchy An Antidote To The Poison Of Maoists
  • Sudhina Malla - 7 Parties and Maoists - Terrorism Must End
  • Ms Joyti - Roundup Of King's Address With Direct Quotes

  • Bill Grigsby - Lame Duck, Or Armed And Dangerous?
  • Mary Pitt - So You Want To Be A US Citizen
  • Norma Sherry - Genocide
  • Atlanta Progressive News - Georgia's Oxendine Accused of Cab Scam
  • Evelyn Pringle - Drip Drip - Paxil Info Leaks Out
  • William Fisher - Someone Does Not Mean Anyone , Whistleblowing Past the Graveyard & Getting Closer To The Top?
  • Ray McGovern - McCarthyism: Mary and Joe
  • David Swanson - Pacifica Radio Air Congressional Iraq Forum Live , A Living Wage Revolution & Congressional Hearing on Iraq
  • John Chuckman - America's Gulag
  • Sheila Samples - We Are The Deciders
  • William Rivers Pitt - Deadlines and Dissent & My Morning Song
  • Bill Berkowitz - Michael Ledeen's Dream, M. Elbaradei's Nightmare
  • Cindy Sheehan - Raging Grannies & Raging Americans
  • Scoop Satire: Phil Goff and the Handshake of Doom - Trade and Defence Minister Phil Goff, currently visiting Washington, is assumed to have shaken the hand of United States Defence Secretary Donald Rumsfeld during an amiable meeting in which they discussed New Zealand's military ties with the US and our role in regional security. Based on similar past handshakes, New Zealand can expect to be the subject of a US-led invasion in mid-July 2016. See... Lyndon Hood: Defence Briefs

    Scoop EXCLUSIVE: Cramdown, Stripdown, Lockdown Democracy In The USA - The Help America Vote Act of 2002 (HAVA) was passed on the heels of the Florida 2000 presidential election and its ?hanging chad? problem. These ambiguous ballot chads riveted and frustrated the nation for a couple of months in late 2000. However, few thought the solution to the ambiguity of hanging chad evidence of a voter?s intent would be to completely eliminate that evidence. See... Cramdown, Stripdown, Lockdown Democracy In The USA
    Bob Fitrakis - Evidence Of Ballot Tampering In Warren County, OH

    Lebanon: From Beirut NZ's Nuclear Free Oasis Looks Attractive - The issue of nuclear energy, and nuclear weapons, has been in the news lately. First, it was the allegations made by the British and U.S. governments against the former socialist dictator in Iraq, Saddam Hussein. See... NZ's nuclear-free voice sounds sweet from MidEast

    Arts: Karim Sahai Snaps Blues Legend Keb Mo. - Wellington digital photographer and Scoop contributor Karim Sahai was at this week's Keb Mo concert at the State Opera House where he captured these images of Mr Mo. See... Karim Sahai: Images of Keb Mo

    Nepal: D.Michael Van De Veer Reports From Kathmandu, - Overnight the sky above Kathmandu and much of the Kingdom was filled with beautiful displays of lighting and earth shaking thunder. The cold winds falling from the Himalayas clashed with the warm steamy air rushing up from the Indian sub-continent and bathed the country for 15 hours in cool rain. See... Nepal?s "Orange Revolution" Has Rain Break

  • Sudha Rajbhandari - Maoists & Seven Party Agitation Increasing Poverty
  • M.R. Josse - Is India Re-Thinking Support For Nepali Maoists?
  • Dr. Pravin Rajbahak - Maoist Takeover: Becoming A Reality
  • Kamala Sarup - World Refugees Day

  • D.M. Van De Veer: The End Of Nepalese Monarchy?
  • Mitra Bandhu Poudel - Nepal: Departure Of Absolute Monarchy
  • Michael Van De Veer - Nepal Call For Elections Too Little, To Late
  • Shashi Malla - Nepal - Beginning Of The End?
  • Bhuwan Sharma - Missing The Ride To Multiparty Democracy
  • P Pradhan - Human Rights, Freedom & Democracy Of Maoists
  • Siddhi B. Ranjitkar - Infiltration into Nepal Rallies
  • United States: Leading US Magazines Savage Bush The Younger - George W. Bush's presidency appears headed for colossal historical disgrace. Barring a cataclysmic event on the order of the terrorist attacks of September 11th, after which the public might rally around the White House once again, there seems to be little the administration can do to avoid being ranked on the lowest tier of U.S. presidents. And that may be the best-case scenario. Many historians are now wondering whether Bush, in fact, will be remembered as the very worst president in all of American history. See... Scoop Links: Vanity Fair & Rolling Stone vs Bush

    United States: Former Top US Spook Slams Bush Iraq Policy - Former National Security Agency Director Lt. General William Odom dissected the strategic folly of the Iraq Invasion and Bush administration policies in a major policy speech at Brown University last week for the Watson Institute- America?s Strategic Paralysis . See... NSA Director William Odom Dissects Iraq Blunders

    Middle East: Hamas's Palestinian Leadership Talks Peace & Security - Prime Minister of the Palestinian Authority Ismail Haniyeh outlines the basis for comprehensive peace & Hamas's speaker Abdul-Aziz Duwaik answers questions. See... Hamas' PM: Peace Can Only Be The Fruit Of Justice & Interview With Hamas's Speaker Abdul-Aziz Duwaik

  • Ramzy Baroud - A Case for the Palestinian Govt.
  • Genevieve Cora Fraser - Hamas - Thumbs Up or Down?
  • Genevieve Cora Fraser - Palestinian Welcome
  • Bill Berkowitz - Pastor John Hagee & Christians United For Israel

  • Keith Ng, Tze Ming Mok & More - Public Address 20/04/06 - Special Reports, Public Address 21/04/06 - No N*Dity & Public Address 19/04/06 - A History Of Violence
  • John Bishop - Communications Line Issue 29 - April 20 2006
  • Paul Budde - Slowly But Surely Structural Changes Are Underway
  • Brian Carter - The May Night Sky

  • Martin LeFevre - Meditations: An Excess of Memory
  • William Rivers Pitt - William Rivers Pitt: My Morning Song
  • Evelyn Pringle - Evelyn Pringle: Outing CIA Agent - Keep It Simple, Pringle: Autism, Worst Welfare Disaster In History, Is Shelf Life Of Zicam Nasal Spray In Jeopardy? & Ortho-McNeil Knew Ortho-Evra Patch Was Lethal
  • William Fisher - Anti-Terrorism Financing Laws Unequally Applied & Words To Ponder
  • William Rivers Pitt - Setting the Record Straight
  • Cindy Sheehan - Welcome Home
  • Dean Lawrence R. Velvel - Physical Courage, Moral Courage, American Generals
  • David Swanson - Iranian Irony & Iran Through the Media
  • Jason Leopold - State Memo - '16 Words' Were False
  • Bernard Weiner - Stop Us Before We Kill Again!
  • Jeanyne Wanner - TeenScreen - Stealing Our Children's Future
  • Between The Lines - Activists' Sacred Run For A More Peaceful World & Interview With Ecological Footprint's Co-Creator

  • Narconews - New Video Newsreel from Oaxaca & More! & Rodr�ez: Marcos - Listen to Each Other
  • Via Sol Salbe - Knowing Why Not To Bomb Iran Is Half the Battle
  • Tanveer Jafri - Terror and Terrorism in the World: The Remedy & Tanveer Jafri: America-Iran War - May Be Or Not
  • Dahr Jamail - The Ongoing War on Truth in Iraq
  • Rosalea Barker: Easter In America - "If I was in Boston I wouldn't have forgotten it was Easter," a workmate said on Friday. He was relating how he'd parked his usual three blocks from the BART commuter train station thinking that he was too late to get a parking space, but in fact the carpark was more than half deserted. See... Stateside: Yul-Brynner-in-a-Tin-Skirt Weekend

    United States: US Defence Sec. Donald Rumsfeld Faces Friendly Fire - One day, when he was in the third grade, Donald Rumsfeld brought a bomb to school. He put it on the teacher?s desk. ?Is it real?? she asked. ?Maybe,? he replied. See... Mark W. Bradley: Donald in Miscalculand

  • Greg Palast - Palast: Why Rumsfeld Should Not Resign

  • William Fisher - American Support For Iraq War In Sharp Decline

  • Evelyn Pringle - About Iraq - Not So Fast Colin Powell
  • George W Bush: The Leaker-In-Chief & The Wilson-Plame Hit Squad - Now that we've spent millions of tax dollars on the CIA leak investigation, here?s a new bit of information that adds a whole new twist to the saga. According to a recent article by ace investigative reporter, Jason Leopold, Dick Cheney met with Bush in early June 2003, and told him that CIA agent Valerie Plame was the wife of Iraq war critic Joe Wilson and that she was responsible for sending Joe on a fact-finding mission to check out reports about Iraq's attempt to purchase uranium from Africa. See... Bush and Cheney Directed Wilson-Plame Hit Squad

  • Jason Leopold - Libby Filing - A Denial & a Mystery

  • Sam Smith - Sam Smith: The Hazards Of Cleaning The Attic
  • Between The Lines - US Anti-Immigrant Activists & Racist Hate Groups & Immigrants in the U.S. Take to the Streets
  • Toni Solo - Nicaragua - Why CAFTA Makes Things Worse
  • Evelyn Pringle - Evelyn Pringle: Fosamax Does More Harm Than Good & Accutane - Another Case of Too Little Too Late
  • David Swanson - Activists at Bush Ranch Out of Jail & May Day, Memo Day, Mission Accomplished Day
  • William Fisher - A Dilemma in Search of a Policy (Again) & William Fisher: Alas, Poor Scott
  • Norman Solomon - The Lobby and the Bulldozer
  • Genevieve Cora Fraser - Has Palestine Been Set Up for Genocide?
  • Syed Atiq ul Hassan - Who is to blame for terrorism in Pakistan?
  • Easter 2006 & The Seige Of Gaza - She was finally able to contact him over the internet but their messages were cut short because helicopters were flying over head again. We are all dead men he later admitted to her. The time is NOW, the place is GAZA, i.e. Occupied Palestine. See... SOS: Palestine - the Holy Land - Is Under Siege

  • Dr. Mary Ethridge - Israel is Sewing Seeds for the Future
  • Sonia Nettnin - Palestinian Occupation Health Care Conditions
  • Genevieve Cora Fraser - Poem: Palestine Shrouded in Sorrow Resurrects
  • Leaker-In-Chief Caught Out In YET Another WMD Lie - Yesterday the Washington Post broke yet another story apparently catching U.S. President George Bush in a lie. This time in a direct, conscious and often repeated lie over the discovery of WMDs in Iraq in the form of "biolab" biological weapons mobile laboratories. See... Leaker-In-Chief Caught Out In Another WMD Lie

  • Scoop Links - NYT & Ors. ? Leaker-In-Chief In Spotlight
  • - Analysis: The Leaker-In-Chief
  • Jason Leopold - Bush and Cheney Discussed Plame Prior to Leak

  • Greg Palast - Evelyn Pringle - NYT & WashPost - William Rivers Pitt: The Leaker-in-Chief- Jason Leopold 2 & Jason Leopold 1
  • Ramzy Baroud: The End Of The American Empire? - The miscalculated policies of the US administration in the Middle East are quickly depleting the country?s ability to sustain its once unchallenged global position. Winds of change are blowing everywhere, and there is little that Washington?s ideologues can do to stop it. The above claim is increasingly finding its way into the realm of mainstream thinking, despite all attempts to mute or relegate its import. See... Ramzy Baroud: Imminent Decline of Empire?

    William Rivers Pitt On The Nuking Of Iran - Things have come to a pretty pass in the United States of America when the first question you have to ask yourself on matters of war and death is, "Just how crazy are these people?" See... William Rivers Pitt: How Crazy Are They?

  • Thom Hartmann - Democracy Be Damned - Republicans Need Another War

  • Cindy Sheehan - Don't Attack Iran

  • Moveon.Org - Moveon.Org: Don't Nuke Iran

  • Scoop Blogwatch - Is Your Entire Country On Crack?
  • Scoop Link - Seymour M. Hersh - The Iran Plans
  • David Swanson - Stop the Next War Now

  • Keith Ng & Ors. - Public Address - Plenty More Phish In The Sea & Public Address 12/04/06 - Scams 'N' Junkets
  • Bernard Weiner - Bernard Weiner: Bush Visits His Shrink, Session #2
  • Martin LeFevre - Meditations: Jesus? Mission Failed
  • John Spritzler - Which Direction for the Anti-Zionist Movement?
  • Remi Kanazi - Cleaning Up Your Mess
  • Warren Stewart - US Election Commissioner (EAC) Martinez Resigns
  • Gabriele Zamparini- Open Letter To United For Peace And Justice
  • Greg Palast - Loser Nation
  • - Giordano: Showdown In Cuernavaca
  • Cindy Sheehan - A Markerless Grave in Vacaville
  • Sanjay Upadhya - The Unfolding ?Great Game? In South Asia
  • Bhola Rana - Terrorism unacceptable - King
  • Ms Jyoti - Trace Maoists In Kathmandu
  • Kamala Sarup - Organizations & International Community For Peace & Kamala Sarup: Non-Violence Law We Must Need
  • Internet: Are You Being Watched Online? Apparently So - On 26 Jan 2006 I wrote: Particularly scary is that the Patriot act gives the feds the right to basically march up to every ISP in the country and install special 'black boxes' [doing] God only knows what and the ISP's cannot even mention this fact publically let alone not comply... Now we have confirmation from a whistleblower that this is exactly what they've been doing. See... Scoop Blogwatch: Are We Paranoid Enough Yet?


  • Keith Ng & Tze Ming Mok - Public Address 11/04/06 - Migrant Entertainment
  • Atlanta Progressive News - Women Rally For Choice At Georgia Capitol
  • Madan P. Khanal - Nepal: Haughty Hegemon Gets Home-Grown Help
  • Krishna Singh Bam - Democracy?s Dance Of Death In Nepal
  • Ms Jyoti - Nepal: Opposition Activists Continue To Defy Curfe
  • Scoop Image: When The Snow Comes - A dedicated Scoop reader has sent in this image of the first snow on the hills of South Canterbury. The reader lives in Pleasant Point. See... Scoop Images: First Snows Hit South Canterbury

    No Right Turn: New Zealand's Silence On Gitmo Investigated - Where does the New Zealand government really stand on Guantanamo? The first point is that the government has not made any public statement condemning Guantanamo Bay or raising concerns about its legality under international law. They've repeatedly said that detainees must be treated in accordance with international humanitarian law, but they have not said "we think that this treatment violates that law". See... No Right Turn: New Zealand and Guantanamo

Bush and Mitt Romney with their hands on their hearts. The Polygamy Apologist Who Would Be President "I have to admit that as a Mormon, I believe that marriage should be between a man and a woman - and a woman and a woman..." -- Mitt Romney at a political roast in Boston March 2005. Aside from HBO's Big Love series generating big laughs at the expense of tens of thousand of women and children who languish in polygamy cults up and down the Rocky Mountains as American Justice looks the other way -- the show is believed designed to clear the air for a successful 2008 US presidential bid by Massachusetts Republican governor Mitt Romney. See... Suzan Mazur: Big Love, Romney, Bush & Mormons

    Scoop Blogwatch: Plain Speaking From Canada On Iran - This little gem is topping the reddit charts right now.. but its so excellent thought it would cross post it. We are pretty sure that people will enjoy this - a new classic in blogger vernacular. See... BlogWatch: Is Your Entire Country On Crack?

    United States: Has George Bush Been Caught Lying Through His Teeth? (More Coverage) - It's a crime. No kidding. But the media has it all wrong. As usual. 'Scooter' Libby finally outed 'Mr. Big,' the perpetrator of the heinous disclosure of the name of secret agent Valerie Plame. It was the President of United States himself -- in conspiracy with his Vice-President. Now the pundits are arguing over whether our war-a-holic President had the legal right to leak this national security information. But, that's a fake debate meant to distract you. See... A Leaky President Runs Afoul Of 'Little Rico'

  • Evelyn Pringle - Bush & Cheney Get Over On Fitzgerald
  • Scoop Links - NYT & WashPost - George Bush The Leaker-In-Chief
  • William Rivers Pitt - The Leaker-in-Chief
  • Jason Leopold - Evidence Suggests White House Conspiracy & Bush at Center of Intelligence Leak
  • Seymour M. Hersh - The Iran Plans - The Bush Administration, while publicly advocating diplomacy in order to stop Iran from pursuing a nuclear weapon, has increased clandestine activities inside Iran and intensified planning for a possible major air attack. See... Scoop Link: Seymour M. Hersh - The Iran Plans

  • David Swanson - Stop the Next War Now

  • Russell Brown & Ors. - Public Address 10/4/6 - Ecstasy For Grownups
  • Rosalea Barker - Stateside With Rosalea: Crikey Dick!
  • Dave Crampton - Plunket Seeks Meeting With PM On Plunket Line
  • Scoop Feedback - A Serious Injustice in Jayapura, West Papua
  • Uri Avnery - The Big Wink
  • William Fisher- Grading Our MBA President
  • John Gunther Dean - A Problem In American Foreign Policy: Palestine
  • Between The Lines - Dems Run Away from Feingold's Censure Resolution
  • Fitrakis & Wasserman - US Mainstream Churches vs GOP Christian Blitzkrieg
  • D. Michael Van De Veer -Putting The Nepalese Kingdom Together Again
  • Kamala Sarup - Fight Against Disease Is Part Of Peace-Building
  • Evelyn Pringle - Kids On ADHD Drugs - Dangerous Path To Addiction
  • Narconews - Conroy: Cynthia McKinney Plays with Real Heart
  • Internet: Russell Brown On Public Address's Netguide Victory - We won a People's Choice NetGuide Web Award last night: Best Blog. I'm really pleased. Thanks everyone, and big ups to the other finalists, Kiwiblog and IdolBlog... See... Public Address 07/04/06 - Thanks Everyone. Earlier? Public Address 06/04/06 - Read Graham

    Thailand: Richard S. Ehrlich On The Fall Of Thaksin Shinawatra - BANGKOK, Thailand -- Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra resigned on Wednesday (April 5), and appointed a loyal colleague, to end anti-Thaksin street protests before the June arrival of the world's kings, queens and other royalty to honor Thailand's revered monarch. See... Thailand's PM Thaksin Shinawatra Resigns


  • William Fisher - Amnesty Takes On Rendition & And This Guy Wants to Be President?
  • Remi Kanazi - Assaulting Cynthia McKinney
  • Sheila Samples - UQ Wire: Thompson's Dog Won't Hunt
  • Fitrakis & Wasserman - Shocking Diebold Conflict Of Interest Revelations
  • David Swanson - Hawaii Legislature Takes Steps to End War & David Swanson: Public Energy Is Misdirected
  • John Bishop - Communications Line of 6 April
  • Lyndon Hood - Theatre Review: Never Swim Alone
  • Marc Alexander - Marc My Words - 7 April 2006
  • Ramzy Baroud - US & Hamas: The Disturbing Parallel With Nicaragua
  • D. Michael Van De Veer - Has Nepal?s Orange-Revolution Begun?
  • Narconews - MichoacᮠPeasant Farmers Defend Their Lands
  • Green Left Weekly - Iraq: US Massacres Unarmed Civilians
  • Daily Telegraph Reports Secret Iran Attack Meetings - The [UK] Government is to hold secret talks with defence chiefs tomorrow to discuss possible military strikes against Iran. A high-level meeting will take place in the Ministry of Defence at which senior defence chiefs and government officials will consider the consequences of an attack on Iran. See... UK Govt. In Secret Talks About Strike Against Iran

    Will Pitt On The Fall Of "The Hammer" Tom Delay - Stone the crows. Tom DeLay is checking out. "I'm going to announce tomorrow that I'm not running for reelection and that I'm going to leave Congress," said DeLay on Monday. "I'm very much at peace with it." This is the man who once said, in a debate about the minimum wage, "Emotional appeals about working families trying to get by on $4.25 an hour are hard to resist. Fortunately, such families do not exist." See... William Rivers Pitt: He's Gone

    When Killing The Innocent Is No Longer Newsworthy - US soldiers killing innocent civilians in Iraq is not news. Just as it was not news that US soldiers slaughtered countless innocent civilians in Vietnam. However, when some rare reportage of this non news from Iraq does seep through the cracks of the corporate media, albeit briefly, the American public seems shocked. Private and public statements of denial and dismissal immediately start to fill the air. We hear, "American soldiers would never do such a thing," or "Who would make such a ridiculous claim?" See... Dahr Jamail: How Massacres Become the Norm

    911Truth Reports On A Breakthrough Week - We always knew that one good news event exposing the official deception of 9/11 could be the catalyst to unravel the Big Lie. We didn't know there would be several news events in one week! Now we see what it looks like when the truth breaks loose. See... The Week The USA Went Down The 911 Rabbit Hole

  • UQ Wire: San Fran. Chron. On David Ray Griffin
  • UQ Wire: Edmonds Moves to Dismiss Judge Walton
  • UQ Wire: Mark Morford - The 9/11 Conspiracy!
  • Bonus Joules Considers The Departure Of David Parker - New Zealand ? land of the long white cloud. Or should that read land of the long dark shroud. Our Parliament is cloaked in ignorance, confusion, obscuration and pure nastiness and the statistics of our carbon emissions form a pall over the nation. The sacking of the Minister for Transport, Energy and Climate Affairs deepens the murk. See... Bonus Joules: Suffocating Images


  • Russell Brown & Ors. - Public Address 05/04/06 - Not Good Enough & Public Address 04/04/06 - Contempt
  • Scoop Image - RNZN's Project Protector Takes Shape
  • Chaff - Massey University Senior Management Dysfunctional
  • John Roughan (Honiara) - The Youth's Election!
  • Bruce Clark - Bring Back Saddam
  • Good Returns - Book Review: Saving and Investment: A Primer
  • Jason Leopold - Enron's Kazillion Dollar Bash & Fitzgerald Knew Identity of Leaker From Start
  • Mark Curtis - The Myth Of The ?Honest Broker?: Britain & Israel
  • Allie Deger - In New Orleans, a Second Freedom Ride
  • Sam Smith - No Dreams On H Street
  • David Swanson - Not One More Death
  • Tanveer Jafri - Indo-Pak Prisoners Issue: Forgive The Forgivable
  • Jay Shaft - The US Army Is Persecuting & Harassing My Husband
  • Bernard Weiner - Bush's Grand Game: A "PNAC Primer" UPDATE
  • William Fisher - Bush's Mixed Signals
  • William Rivers Pitt - An Average Joe's Spectacular Lies
  • Greg Palast - The New World Oil Order
  • Cindy Sheehan - Cindy Sheehan Responds to Congressman's Attacks
  • Immigration Iniquity Has The World & U.S. In A Froth - In same the week that ETA announced an indefinite ceasefire - after more than 40 years of terrorism and 817 deaths - Spanish police revealed that between 1000 and 1500 sub-Saharan Africans had died attempting to reach the Canary Islands in the last five months. The first item was, rightly, front-page news and attracted acreage of coverage in the world?s press ? the second was, generally, relegated to single story on the inside pages. See... Jeremy Rose: Globalisation?s Unsung Martyrs

  • Martin LeFevre - Meditations: "Give Me Your Tired, Your Poor...?
  • Rosalea Barker - Stateside: Something EEV-Al This Way Comes
  • Jason Miller - Your Huddled Masses Are Now My Wretched Refuse
  • Marjorie Cohn - Marjorie Cohn: The New Civil Rights Movement
  • Thom Hartmann - The Immigration Battle - Corporatists vs. Racists
  • Cindy Sheehan Remembers Her Fallen Son - As far as we can piece things together, March 31st, two years ago, is the day that the First Cavalry arrived in Sadr City, a slum in Baghdad formerly named "Saddam City," Iraq. I say "as far as we can piece together" because we have heard many different stories, but this date seems to be the one that we have heard most often. See... Casey Austin Sheehan - May 29 1979 / Apr. 4 2004. See also... Which Soldier Will Be The Last To Die For Bush?

    Uri Avnery Reports On The Israeli Election Outcome - THE MOST dramatic and the most boring election campaign in our history has mercifully come to an end. Israel looks in the mirror and asks itself: What the hell has happened? Uri Avnery: What The Hell Has Happened?


  • Russell Brown et Ors. - Public Address 03/04/06 - It's Grim In Mt Eden
  • Rosalea Barker - Stateside: Update On Last Monday's March
  • Richard Ehrlich - Election Aftermath In Thailand
  • Martin LeFevre - Meditations: The Last Trumpet
  • Dr. Mary Ethridge - Apostilles Or Authentication & Palestine's Status
  • Am Johal - Introducing Israel?s New Front Man for the Right
  • Mark Bradley - My Daughter, the Apostate
  • John Chuckman - America's Brutal Tactics
  • Narconews - New Reports From Gomez & Conroy , A Laughable "Victory" in the Drug War & Giordano: Zapatista "Other Campaign" ? Guanajuato
  • Genevieve Cora Fraser - Accepting Palestine Would Make Israel Legit & Open Letter To The Prime Minister Of Palestine
  • William Rivers Pitt - Plea in DeLay Case Snares Close Confidant
  • Evelyn Pringle - Gambro Healthcare - Dialysis Fraud Pays Big Bucks
  • Guest Opinion - Royal Nepalese Army On Frequency Modulation
  • Remi Kanazi- Rachel?s Words Live On
  • Toni Solo - The Anti-Americans - Blame Kirkpatrick First
  • Bob Fitrakis - The New Face Of Apartheid: J.K. Hackwell's Ohio
  • Evelyn Pringle - Cheney, Halliburton Hold Top Earners In Iraq Title
  • Pierre Tristam - Plausible Deniability - When America Is the Rogue
  • Daniel Patrick Welch - The Bulldozer Sits At The Ready
  • William Fisher - Not a Country Anymore
  • Bill Berkowitz - Greenlighting Intervention In Iran
  • Richard S. Ehrlich Interviews A Khmer Rouge Survivor - BANGKOK, Thailand -- Vann Nath is one of seven survivors of Cambodia's Tuol Sleng torture chambers, and escaped when Pol Pot's "killing fields" regime suddenly collapsed in 1979. Vann Nath is also an artist, and painted graphic pictures of communist Khmer Rouge extracting "confessions" from victims before dumping an estimated 16,000 corpses from Tuol Sleng into more than 100 mass graves. See... Tuol Sleng Survivor Paints Pictures Of His Torture

    John Pagani Reports From The Barricades In Paris - The Maori guy in the All Blacks beanie confused me. We emerged from the underground right in the middle of Place de Republique and he came straight up to us. I thought he had clocked us as kiwis, so I said, 'kia ora'. See... John Pagani: Paris Manifestation

    Stateside: Where Rosalea Participates In The Peace Process - I went on the Peace March this morning. The audio file (click above) is part of the blessing we were given by a local Native American leader, one of the Vietnam War conscientious objectors who got a health clinic and a law clinic established in the Fruitvale/Oakland area during the '60s. The clinics still operate today. See... Stateside With Rosalea: Peregranacion Por La Paz & Stateside: It's Not Over Yet

    Image Norman Mackay Captures An Avalanche - "Recently in the Mount Cook area on my way to the Hooker glacier when I heard what turned out to be the start of a smallish avalanche. Luckily I had my camera at the ready and was able to get off one shot as the avalanche started. Truly spectacular ... See... Scoop Image: Avalanche On Mount Cook


  • The Public Address Team - Public Address 30/3/6 - Crazy Talk In A Deep Voice & Public Address 29/03/06 - Big Housekeeping
  • Jason Leopold - Fitzgerald Will Seek New White House Indictments
  • Alex Shea - The Rise of the Suicide Bomber
  • William Fisher - William Fisher: Ball In The Supreme's Court, William Fisher: Government To Pay "Terrorist" & William Fisher: Biscuits, Anyone?
  • Dahr Jamail - An "Alliance" of Violence
  • Martin LeFevre - Meditations: Mystical Experience & God
  • Bernard Weiner - Inside Rove's Diary: Strangle That Censure Baby
  • Marjorie Cohn - Supremes Consider Kangaroo Courts
  • Bill Berkowitz - Olga Talamante - Surviving torture
  • Mary Pitt - Compassionate Immigration Reform
  • Sonia Nettnin - Galilee Bishop Speaks for Justice Friendship Peace
  • Jay Shaft - Letters From Iraq Part 1
  • Tanveer Jafri - Death Sentence For Change Of Faith
  • Kelpie Wilson - Interview: Diane Wilson, An American Hero
  • David Swanson - Truth Seeping Through Media After Ten Months RELATED: Link: Proof That Bush And Blair Lied About Iraq
  • Harvey Wasserman - Nuke Revival As A Form Of Three Mile Insanity
  • Kenneth W. Thomas, RN - Guest Opinion: Is It Really ADHD?
  • Kamala Sarup - Compares To Lives In Peace
  • Evelyn Pringle - Fentanyl Deaths - Severe Math Problems At FDA
  • Genevieve Cora Fraser - The Iraq War Is Going Very Well - For Israel
  • Ramzy Baroud - It?s the Media, Stupid
  • Green Left Weekly - Australia: Bosses Prepare To Slash Pay
  • Sam Smith - Why We Need History
  • Landscape: Norman Mackay Finds Fire In The Sky Over Ohau - From now until mid winter, the skies will become a deeper colour of red as the sun gradually sinks over the horizon at the end of each day. Spectacular colours in a truly beautiful area situated in the High Country of the south island. See... Scoop Images: Fire Returns To The Sky Over Ohau


  • Rosalea Barker - Stateside: It's Not Over Yet
  • Russell Brown and Ors. - Public Address 28/03/06 - Anyone More Normal? , Public Address 27/3/6 - A Clayton's Bill Of Rights & Public Address 24/03/06 - Gossip And Espionage
  • John Roughan (In Honiara) - Taking Things For Granted!
  • No Right Turn - Climate Change: Failure Is Better Than Nothing
  • Richard S. Ehrlich - Thaksin Shinawatra Portrayed As Adolf Hitler
  • Martin LeFevre - Meditations: Contemplating ?Grizzly Man?
  • Marc Alexander - Marc my Words: Tax - a state sponsored mugging
  • Nepal: Siddhi B. Ranjitkar On Understandings With Maoists - Communist Party of Nepal-United Marxist-Leninist (CPN-UML) leader, Madhav Kumar Nepal and his associates have been engaged in dialogue with the Maoists in the country and out of the country already for some time. Mr. Nepal has visited Lucknow and New Delhi several times for talks with the Maoists in 2005. He even once went to Silgudi, India to meet with the Maoist leaders. So, he had courting the Maoists hoping to bring them to the mainstream politics. Nepali Congress Leader, Girija Prasad Koirala also visited New Delhi ostensibly for routine health check-ups but obviously for talks with the Maoist leaders several times in 2005. See... Siddhi B. Ranjitkar: Understanding with Maoists

    Internet: President Jimmy Carter Becomes A Blogger - There is a desperate need in America to block and reverse the radical departures from the moral and ethical principles that have made ours a great nation. See... Former President Jimmy Carter's First Blog Post. EARLIER: Scoop Feedback: An Open Letter to President Jimmy Carter & Jimmy Carter: Colonization of Palestine Precludes Peace


  • William Rivers Pitt - Incompetent Design & The Mouse That Roared
  • Between The Lines - Death Squads in Iraq & The Likelihood of Civil War
  • BuzzFlash.Com - America Under a Junta: An Update
  • Norma Sherry - Grandma's Worth More Than a 100k, Maybe More
  • Sonia Nettnin - Women and War
  • William Fisher - Iraq Told To Rebuild Itself & The Oxycops
  • Mark Bradley - Bluster?s Last Stand
  • Harvey Wasserman - Bush Makes Iraq The Vital Reason For Impeachment
  • Jason Miller - Democratizing the World 1 Torture Victim at a Time
  • Uri Avnery - Whom To Vote For?
  • Translation by Sol Salbe - M Michaeli: The Olmert-Lieberman Dirty Alliance
  • John Chuckman - Sorry, Mr. PM, Afghanistan Is Not Our War
  • Genevieve Cora Fraser - Palestinian Rights Face Israeli Terrorism
  • Narconews - Swier: "Other Loves" in the Other Campaign & From The Narcosphere: Columbia & Mexico
  • Marjorie Cohn - Israel, al Qaeda and Iran
  • Cindy Sheehan - Volunteers for Endless War
  • Twin MSM Allegations Of US Military Murder In Iraq - BAGHDAD, Iraq (Knight Ridder)- Iraqi police have accused American troops of executing 11 people, including a 75-year-old woman and a 6-month-old infant, in the aftermath of a raid last Wednesday on a house about 60 miles north of Baghdad. See... Iraqi Police Report: Civilians Killed By US Troops. Meanwhile Last November, U.S. Marines killed 15 Iraqi civilians in their homes. Was it self-defense, an accident or cold-blooded revenge? Scoop Link: Time - US Marines Civilian Massacre?

  • - An Iraqi-American Student Speaks Out
  • Dahr Jamail - Dahr Jamail: Operation Swarm of Lies
  • - 51 Arrests at Pentagon On 3rd Anniversary of War
  • Robert Parry - Iraq - U.S. News Media's Waterloo
  • Between The Lines - Antiwar Groups Target Flawed Corporate Media
  • Bob Woodward Becomes The President's Man - He is referred to as "official one" and he is the mysterious senior Bush administration official who unmasked the identity of an undercover CIA operative to Pulitzer Prize-winning reporter Bob Woodward in mid-June 2003 and conservative columnist Robert Novak a month later. See... Jason Leopold: Woodward's Plame Leak Deep Throat

    Leaving The Bank Of America - Okay, there it was, and I had to face it. I was out of sync, not in alignment, a sore thumb in the evenhanded practicality of ?Coming Clean.? Ever since the first time I heard Catherine Austin Fitts speak, in December 2004, she had been talking about how it important it is to change to a local bank. Ten months later, even after Solari?s excellent audio seminar "Where Would Jesus Bank (and other good folks too)?" had been released, I was still feeding the Bank of America, commonly known as the B of A. See... Mapping The Real Deal: Banking Local

    An Engineer Comments On Auckland's Traffic Woes - One of the most important events of the present decade in New Zealand is Auckland?s traffic problem. Auckland is facing a serious traffic problem, which is deteriorating day by day. See... Auckland?s Traffic and Changes in Travel Behaviour


  • Russell Brown et Ors. - Public Address 23/03/06 - Crash!
  • Scott Galindez - Someone Should Tell Bush Why We Went to War
  • Ramzy Baroud - The Jericho Prison Raid
  • Remi Kanazi - US Media Bias: Covering Israel/Palestine
  • Green Left Weekly - The Nuclear Madness Of George Bush
  • William Blum - The Anti-Empire Report March 22, 2006
  • Sol Salbe - No To Apologists For The Mass Murder Of Civilians
  • Mark Drolette - Mark Drolette: America ܢer Alles
  • Mary Pitt - Mary Pitt: What If We Don't?
  • Tanveer Jafri - Tanveer Jafri: Beware of Internet Thugs
  • - Conroy: Law Enforcement Corruption in Colombia
  • Bernard Weiner - Anti-Semitism and the New "Jews"
  • Between The Lines - Norton Resigns After Weakening Land Protection
  • Iraq: Through The Looking Glass Darkly - On May 1, 2003, George W. Bush swaggered across an aircraft carrier deck and declared "Mission Accomplished." Yesterday, his proclamation was a little more understated. He said it marked "the third anniversary of the beginning of the liberation of Iraq," and claimed to be "implementing a strategy that will lead to victory in Iraq." So far, that victory appears as elusive as a greased pig. See... Marjorie Cohn: Bushies in Wonderland

  • William Rivers Pitt - The Silence of the Sheep
  • Greg Palast - Bush Didn't Bungle Iraq, You Fools
  • George Bush - Bush On War on Terror and Operation Iraqi Freedom , Operation Iraqi Freedom: Three Years Later , President's Radio Address - March 18, 2006 & U.S. Strategy for Victory: Clear, Hold, and Build
  • Jason Leopold: Looking Forward To The Libby Trial - The criminal trial against I. Lewis "Scooter" Libby, Vice President Dick Cheney's former chief of staff, may still be nearly a year away, but the special counsel prosecuting the case has already provided a preview into the government's criminal case against the ex-White House official, who is accused of lying to the FBI and a grand jury about his role in the leak of a covert CIA operative. See... Fitzgerald Previews Government Case Against Libby


  • Russell Brown - Public Address 21/03/06 - Gone By Lunchtime
  • Uri Avnery - A Disgusting Exercise
  • William Fisher - Give Us Your Huddled Masses - Or Not
  • Sam Smith - On The Care And Feeding Of Unsolved Mysteries
  • Atlanta Progressive News - Walking to New Orleans - Veterans Arrive in Style
  • David Swanson - Media Avoids Covering Vote on Permanent Bases
  • Suzan Mazur: "Dirt Archaeologist" Elizabeth Stone Weighs Into The Euphronius Debate - Hungry for love after a trouncing on these pages by antiquities whistleblower Oscar Muscarella [ Antiquities Whistleblower Oscar White Muscarella], New York Times chief art critic Michael Kimmelman and Metropolitan Museum of Art director Philippe de Montebello took their "Who Owns Art" show last week to Greenwich Village's New School and an audience packed with collectors. See... NYT, Met Sing to Collectors: Elizabeth Stone I/V

    Am Johal Surveys The Merits Of Non-conformism - The public sphere as a concept which has been under development since the days of Socrates and Plato, continues to be the subject of modern debate. Socrates, in the end, was executed not for asserting the way the world should be, but for doubting the truths of others. Non-conformism in the public sphere has thus historically often been dangerous intellectual terrain virtually since the beginning of modern civilization. See... The Public Sphere in Conflict and Transition State

    John Pagani: Paris's Probationary Employment Legislation Protests - They say the street always wins in French politics. Daily for a week the Paris streets have filled with protests organised by students and unions demanding 'retrait du Contrat Premi貥 Embauche', or withdrawal of the 'first employment contract' law. The CPE introduces a two-year probationary period for anyone under 26 when employers could fire them for any reason. See... France Protests Over Probationary Employment Law

    Walter Brasch: The Land Of The Not So Free Anymore? - Two weeks before President Bush signed Congressional legislation that made permanent all but two sections of the USA PATRIOT Act, State College, Pennsylvania., became the 397th American community to reaffirm the belief that the Constitution and Bill of Rights take precedence over any federal law. Not one of those resolutions should have been necessary. Nor should the legislatures of eight states?Alaska, California, Colorado, Hawaii, Idaho, Maine, Montana, and Vermont?have had to pass legislation affirming the rights of all Americans. But they had to, and they did. See... Brasch: Compromising Americans? Civil Liberties

    Jason Leopold Gets Inside PlameGate - The identity of intelligence officials who are thought to have passed information about covert CIA operative Valerie Plame Wilson to Vice President Dick Cheney's former chief of staff, I. Lewis "Scooter" Libby, surfaced in a federal court document filed Friday evening. See.. Attorneys Identify CIA Officials in Plame Leak and Leopold: Obstruction Trial May Jog Libby's Memory


  • Russell Brown - Public Address 20/03/06 - Mixed Feelings & Public Address 17/3/06
  • Martin LeFevre - Meditations: The New Human Rights Council
  • Keith Rankin - Keith Rankin: Motorway Follies
  • John Roughan (In Honiara) - A History of Forgetting!
  • Issa Khalaf - What Options Left for Palestine?
  • Evelyn Pringle - Just What Kids Need - Sparlon - Another ADHD Drug , Legal ADHD Speed New Drug Of Choice For Americans, Trasylol Patients and Clinical Trial Subjects Bewa & ADHD Drugs, Who Said What At Last Month's Hearings
  • Sonia Nettnin - Coalition Mobilizes for Muhammad Salah's Rights in US Courts
  • Mary Pitt - J-Mac And The Prez
  • Jason Miller - Pink Slips Abound for Prosecutors and Therapists
  • Sanjay Upadhya - Milosevic?s Defiance In Saddam?s Defense
  • Bill Berkowitz - Rick Warren And The New Evangelism
  • Kelpie Wilson - From Teapot Dome to Gale Norton
  • William Fisher - The Age Of Anxiety Redux
  • David Swanson - Republicans for Impeachment & Homeland Dreamland
  • William Rivers Pitt - Deranged, Disconnected, and Dangerous
  • Genevieve Cora Fraser - Israeli Propaganda Attacks Hamas for Fateh Website
  • Daniel Patrick Welch - Saint Patrick's Day: Needlessly Missed Opportunity
  • Norman Solomon - Norman Solomon: War-Loving Pundits
  • Upton-On-Line: The Latest Diaspora Edition - The annual French Salon de l?Agriculture takes place amidst self-doubt and virally induced gloom; James Lovelock preaches climate apocalypse and nuclear salvation; and Simon Upton opines on a recently published report, Closing the Net, which brings to a close an interesting experiment in trying force the pace of international action on illegal high seas fishing. See... Upton-on-line Diaspora Edition 15th March 2006

    Book Review: How To Work Less And Live More - How do you fund the life you want when you are no longer part of the daily grind? When you do get to the stage of wanting to step back and have an easier lifestyle how do you know you have enough? Best-selling financial author, Martin Hawes shows you how to plan the life you want, maximise your financial potential in your earning years and recognise when the time is right to make the break and re-organise your finances to sustain your new lifestyle.See... Book Review: Martin Hawes' Twenty Good Summers

    Anthony Ravlich: New Zealand's Role In The New UN Human Rights Council - Countries with a more balanced approach to human rights at the international level, such as New Zealand, should be used in peace-maker roles on the new United Nations Human Rights Council. See?The New United Nations Human Rights Council

    Remi Kanazi: America Has Lost The War In Iraq - America has lost the war in Iraq. The chance for victory vanished long ago with the hearts, minds, arms, legs and lives of the Iraqi people. The insurgence hasn?t won; rather the American government never obtained the formula to win. America, led by war-bent hawks (Vice President Dick Cheney, Secretary of Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld and Deputy Secretary of Defense Paul Wolfowitz) entered this war with many interests. In this excess of interests, the US neglected a major factor in the equation?the Iraqi people. See... Accepting Reality: America Lost the War in Iraq


  • Russell Brown et Ors. - Public Address 15/03/06 - Strange World
  • Martin LeFevre - Meditations: The Scientific & Religious Mind
  • Genevieve Cora Fraser - Hamas Rightly Demands Palestinian Rights
  • Ramzy Baroud - Remembering a Valiant Journalist: Atwar Bahjat
  • BuzzFlash.Com - How America Won the Vietnam War, By Losing
  • Scoop Link - US Contractor With Bombs & Guns Arrested In Iraq
  • Gabriele Zamparini The Insane Society
  • William Fisher - How To Lose Friends And Encourage Extremists
  • Translation by Sol Salbe - Sharon Kaduri: Let The Palestinian Fix It
  • Bernard Weiner - The Middle East Muddle: Is Peace Still Possible?
  • William Engdahl - No, The Iran Oil Bourse Is Not A Casus Belli?
  • Guest Opinions On Nepal - Nepal: Unmasking The Real Obstacle To Peace , Bhola Rana: Camp Visit to Nepal Constructive & Terrorists Have No Right To Rule The Nation
  • Between The Lines - US Park Service Cuts Imperils Infrastructure, Anti-Abortion Forces Try to Overturn Roe vs. Wade & Soldiers in Iraq Overwhelmingly Favor Withdrawal
  • Evelyn Pringle - Pfizer Makes List Of Worst Corporate Evildoers
  • Dipta Shah - An Integrated Response To An Integrated Challenge
  • Look Who Helped Get Nukes Into The Holy Land The UK supplied Israel with quantities of plutonium while Harold Wilson was prime minister, BBC Newsnight can reveal. The sale was made despite a warning from British intelligence that it might "make a material contribution to an Israeli weapons programme". See... BBC Link: Secret Sale Of UK Plutonium To Israel

    Richard Seymour: The Pillorying Of A Palestinian - Axiomatically, leading academic institutions involve intense and varied debate over a variety of topics, and some of that debate ranges over territory that mainstream conversation often misses. The School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS), a prestigious higher learning institution in the centre of London, would appear to have a defender of free and open discussion in head Colin Bundy. In the last month, the Director & Principal has openly defended the right of an apologist for the Uzbekistan regime, Shirin Akiner, to speak at SOAS, rejecting calls for reconsideration by former British ambassador the dictatorship, Craig Murray. See... Richard Seymour: A Caricature of Free Speech

    Dahr Jamail On The US Bases In Iraq - Why does the Bush Administration refuse to discuss withdrawing occupation forces from Iraq? Why is Halliburton, who landed the no-bid contracts to construct and maintain US military bases in Iraq, posting higher profits than ever before in its 86-year history? Why do these bases in Iraq resemble self-contained cities as much as military outposts? See... Dahr Jamail: Iraq - Permanent US Colony


  • Russell Brown - Public Address 14/03/06 - Oh, The Irony
  • John Roughan In Honiara - Villager Or Farmer!
  • William Fisher - Experts Question Credibility Of US HR Report
  • Mark Drolette - Hey, Cut Scooter Some Slack
  • Buzzflash - Bush Locks Horns with Being a Loser
  • William Fisher - Quoth The Craven Evermore
  • Evelyn Pringle - Reviewing ADHD Drugs - FDA Goes Through The Motion
  • Marjorie Cohn - War Crimes - Goose and Gander
  • Swanson - Did Bush Make Mistakes in Good Faith?
  • Rosalea Barker Takes A Look Around Her Cyber-TV - At the risk of having you wander out into cyberspace never to return to our beloved mothership, Scoop, I'm going to pepper this post with hyperlinks to interesting video on the Net. If you want to cut to the chase, go to the last one. See... Stateside With Rosalea: Untethered

    Mike Whitney On The Prospects Of War With Iran - In the last 48 hours all the major players in the Bush administration have issued statements warning of the impending danger of Iran. Cheney blasted the Islamic regime saying there would be "meaningful consequences" if it refuses to comply with international ... See... The 48 Hour Media-blitz For War With Iran

    Am Johal On The European Union Dilemma - From November 2004 until March 2006, Israelis and Palestinans will have seen the following happen in only seventeen months: the death of Yasser Arafat, the election of Mahmoud Abbas as President of the Palestinian Authority, the first withdrawal from Gaza and four West Bank settlements since 1967, a centrist breakaway from the ruling Likud Party in Israel and a new leader of Kadima and the Labor Party, a debilitating stroke which has incapacitated former Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon, the election of Hamas in Palestinian legislative elections and the upcoming Israeli elections in March. See... The EU, Israel, Palestine & The Geneva Initiative


  • Russell Brown & Che Tibby - Public Address 13/03/06 - Blur
  • Uri Avnery - A Four-Letter Word
  • Tanveer Jafri - Attacks On Religious Faiths, Fatal For World Peace
  • Mary Pitt - To Our Republican Congress & Who You Callin' Liberal
  • Sam Smith - Integrity Doesn't Need A Law & Music & Politics
  • Evelyn Pringle - FDA On ADHD Drugs Will Sound Like A Broken Record & Life After Depo-Medrol - Sheer Hopeless Hell
  • Atlanta Progressive News - 30 US Reps Back Bush Impeachment Inquiry & GA SoS Cox Violated Voter Rights, Judge Rules
  • Daniel Patrick Welch - Bread and Roses
  • Narconews - Daria & Santamaria: Oaxaca's State of Repression
  • John Chuckman - The Nonsense Of Nation-Building In Afghanistan
  • Marc Alexander - The price of justice must not be short-changed
  • Jimmy Carter - Jimmy Carter: Colonization of Palestine Precludes
  • Martin LeFevre - Meditations: Averting Spiritual Extinction
  • Syed Atiq ul Hassan - PM Howard?s Visit To India
  • Genevieve Cora Fraser - Israel Feeds Palestine on Steady Diet of Death
  • Sanjay Upadhya - Sanjay Upadhya: Nepal - A Spring Of Surprises?
  • Kamala Sarup - Kamala Sarup: Protecting Women Farmers' Rights
  • Race Relations: Melbourne's Stolenwealth Games About To Begin - The 2006 Commonwealth Games is an opportunity for Australia to showcase its success and wealth to the rest of the former British Empire. Such spectacles can only be held in economically secure locations and are only successful when a vibrant local culture is able to hold the festival up and make it shine. The financial benefits for cities that host these extravaganza are huge. As Commonwealth Games Minister Justin Madden said "It's the best thing we've ever done. We'll be displaying to the world what we're best at, in sport, in festivities, in celebration and unity". See... Rayna Fahey: Stolen or Sharing Wealth?

    Corporations: See Dick Loot -Halliburton and its subsidiary Kellogg, Brown and Root (KBR) have been making hay in the burning Iraqi sun for years now. It is, of course, no coincidence that the man sitting as vice president played a key role with his influence in obtaining the lion's share of contracts in Iraq for the company he was CEO of prior to his self-appointed position. Yet none of this is news. See... Dahr Jamail: See Dick Loot

    Middle East: He Who Sows Hatred Will Reap A Field Of Blood - On Thursday 4 September 1997, five innocent people were murdered in the Ben-Yehuda Mall in Jerusalem. It was one of the ?mere? three suicide bombings that occurred during the time of the Netanyahu government. And in that ?mere?single bombing eight years ago, I lost my one and only daughter, 14-year-old Smadari. Through no fault of my own, I earned the dubious honour of belonging to the ranks of the victims of Palestinian terrorism. I ended up being one of those who pay the price for others? arrogance and stupidity. They Are Laughing, And Our Children Are Dying?


  • Russell Brown & Ors. - Public Address 09/03/06 - Not Bolted Down
  • Norma Sherry - Mein Country ? Unforgivable
  • Al Giordano & Ors. - Narconews: New Reports from the Other Campaign
  • Ramzy Baroud - Lying and Deception as the Government Policy
  • William Fisher - Bush Is Herding Cats In The US Jewish Community
  • Ernest Partridge - An Appearance of Guilt
  • Jason Miller - Jesus As A Commodity, And A Weapon
  • Christine Tomlinson - Bush and Blair Say God Made Them Do It
  • Bernard Weiner - Conservatives Are Jumping Ship: Bush Is Going Down
  • Norman Solomon - Digital Hype - A Dazzling Smokescreen?
  • David Swanson - Iraqi Women: "We Are Human, Like You"
  • Leopold: Origins Of The Plan To Out Plame - In mid-June 2003, when former Ambassador Joseph Wilson's criticism against the White House's use of pre-war Iraq intelligence started to make national headlines, Vice President Dick Cheney told his former chief of staff and close confidant I. Lewis "Scooter" Libby to leak classified intelligence data on Iraq's nuclear ambitions to a legendary Washington journalist in order to undercut the charges made against the Bush administration by the former ambassador. See... Leopold: CIA Leak Path: Cheney, Libby, Woodward

    Tanveer Jafri: George Bush In India As Seen In India - The president of United States of America, George W. Bush may consider himself the most powerful and the best statesman of the world but in reality he stands at the top of the list of controversial leaders. He is constantly under the controversy just for the steps taken to encounter the terrorist attack on 11 September. Today the reason of his being more controversial is the vague and policies lacking result, to fight terrorism being adopted by him. See... Most Controversial, Most Powerful, Bush The Great


  • Public Address 07/03/06 - Loads Of It!
  • William Rivers Pitt: The Politics of Shoe Leather
  • Yo Troops! Hey Vets! We Got Yer Support Right Here
  • Mary Pitt: Planned Media Gag May Save America
  • Conroy: DEA Corruption Intersects With FBI & CIA
  • Chuckman Cartoon: Cheney With A Gun
  • Bush's Illegal Conduct and Impeachable Offenses
  • Pringle: Psych Drugs Used To Manufacture Insanity
  • Siddhi B. Ranjitkar: Nepal Lawyers' Conference
  • Norway Lends Hand To Nepal For Conflcit Resolution
  • Dipta Shah: US Policy on Nepal
  • M.R. Josse: Political Ground Trembles Beneath SPA
  • Suzan Mazur: Where The Antiquities Trade Meets Spookworld - Metropolitan Museum director Philippe de Montebello now refers to it as an "impropriety". He seems to believe that the "grand acquisitors" are off the hook following the Met signing an agreement with Italy regarding title transfer back to Italy of the Euphronios vase and other highly important looted antiquities. De Montebello is mistaken. The arm-twisting of Italy to sign on the dotted line and absolve all guilt on the part of the Met has merely opened another window into the corruption of the US political system through the involvement of late exofficio C. Douglas Dillon. See... Suzan Mazur: The Euphronios C Douglas Dillon Nexus

    Ptech: - The Terrorist Connected Computer Co. In The 911 Frame - While Congress and the media focus on the potential dangers of a UAE-owned company running American port operations, any possible threat is dwarfed by the current insecurity of the US government's computer infrastructure, which has been compromised by a company with multiple connections to terrorist financing. The company, once known as Ptech (now GoAgile), has been contracted to provide sophisticated computer software to several government agencies, including the Army, the Air Force, Naval Air Command, Congress, the Department of Energy, the Department of Justice, Customs, the FAA, the IRS, NATO, the FBI, the Secret Service, and the White House. See... UQ Wire: Port Deal Pales In Comparison To Ptech


  • Russell Brown - Public Address 06/03/06 - Three Things
  • John Roughan - (From Honiara): 2,000 vs. 50!
  • Rosalea Barker - Stateside With Rosalea: All Reads Lead To Home
  • - The Letter ? Monday March 6, 2006
  • Dahr Jamail - Dahr Jamail: Negroponte's 'Serious Setback'
  • John Cory - Twilight's Last Gleaming
  • Harvey Wasserman - Kurt Vonnegut's "Stardust Memory"
  • Remi Kanazi - The Art of Politics
  • John Berger - Undefeated Despair
  • Evelyn Pringle - Psych Drugs - Doctors Serve As Middle-Man Pushers, US Schools Failing Children With Disabilities & Bextra - What Did Pfizer Know? - Everything
  • David Swanson - David Swanson: Iraq - Pure War, Pure Crime & David Swanson: Civil War and Ending the War
  • Narconews - Chiapas Political Prisoner Villanueva Released
  • SCOOP EXCLUSIVE: Adding Insult to Injury for Katrina Survivors - Wash. DC. - Two court decisions this weekend create barriers to voting for hurricane Katrina survivors spread around the United States. The U.S. District Court of Louisiana (Eastern) denied a lawsuit that sought to delay elections and allow special measures to enable voting by several hundred thousand displaced New Orleans evacuees. Advancement Project, a civil rights organization, filed the suit with ACORN (a national community rights organization) and individual voters. See... The Disenfranchisement Of Katrina's Survivors

  • Bob Fitrakis - 308,000 Cancelled Ohio Voter Registrations & 2004
  • Suzan Mazur: The Bermuda Euphronius Nexus - It's privately gated - Tucker's Town, Bermuda. Who comes and goes is not public information. But that they've talked antiquities, maybe even had a serious dinner conversation over she-crab soup and mako shark while sketching out possible title transfer of Italy's highly important antiquities from New York's Metropolitan Museum of Art seems more likely than not. See... Was NY Met-Italy Deal A Bloomberg-Berlusconi Pact?

    George Bush's Big Katrina Porkie Exposed - The video is gut-wrenching. There they sit, a whole room full of hurricane experts and disaster managers, shouting down a telephone line at George W. Bush, warning him a full day ahead of time that Hurricane Katrina is a catastrophe waiting to happen. ... See... William Pitt: 'No One Could Have Anticipated...'

    Jason Leopold: Emails Implicate More Neo-cons In PlameGate - The White House confirmed Tuesday that it recently turned over to Special Prosecutor Patrick Fitzgerald 250 pages of emails from the Office of Vice President Dick Cheney related to covert CIA operative Valerie Plame Wilson and her husband, former Ambassador Joseph Wilson, a vocal critic of the Bush administration's pre-war Iraq intelligence. The emails were not submitted three years ago when then-White House Counsel Alberto Gonzales ordered White House staffers to turn over all documents that contained any reference to Valerie and Joseph Wilson. See... Leopold: Details Emerge in Latest Plame Emails

    Martin LeFevre Addresses The United Arab Emirates Ports Deal - You couldn?t make this stuff up. George Bush, who invokes 9/11 ad nauseam to stoke primal fears of Arab ?lurkers? whenever his policies come under attack, has been hoisted on his own petard by a mishandled port leasing deal with the United Arab Emirates. See... Meditations: Requiem for the Post-Cold War Order

  • Buzzflash - Is US Nat. Security Being Blackmailed? & Connecting Dubai Ports World Players

  • William Rivers Pitt William Rivers Pitt: The Boomerang

  • Russell Brown, Keith Ng & Ors - Public Address 03/03/06 - Foul, Public Address 02/03/06 - Oops, I Did It Again & Public Address 01/03/06 - Memory
  • Omar Hamed - Phillipines: From People Power to Partially Free
  • Richard S. Ehrlich - Thailand Not A Happy Place For Thaksin Shinawatra

  • Mary Pitt - Mary Pitt: Personal Responsibilty
  • Ray McGovern - I Do Not Wish to Be Associated With Torture
  • Sam Smith - Premature Aging
  • Sonia Nettnin - American Youth Counter-Recruitment
  • William Rivers Pitt - The Most Dangerous Days
  • Cindy Sheehan & Sam Bostaph - A Common Cause
  • William Fisher - Son Of Guantanamo
  • Kelpie Wilson - Pete McCloskey Talks about GOP Corruption - IV
  • Cindy Sheehan - Cindy Sheehan: Speak for Yourself

  • Narconews - San Blas Atempa, Oaxaca, Refuses to Surrender
  • Green Left Weekly - Venezuela: The `Threat Of A Good Example'
  • Narconews - Gomez: Bolivia's Political Moment, Part II?

  • Ramzy Baroud - Middle East Democracy and the Hamas Factor
  • Translation by Sol Salbe - Terrorism Before & After Hamas' Election
  • Henri Bou Saab in Beirut - Lebanon's Democracy Needs Support of Western World

  • Evelyn Pringle - FDA Shields Drug Companies From Lawsuits
  • Evelyn Pringle- Tysabri Clinical Trial, Woman Misdiagnosed MS Dies
  • Evelyn Pringle - Natrecor Heart Drug - Deadly and Expensive
  • Evelyn Pringle - FDA Grants Guinea Pig Status To US Citizens

  • NEPAL:
  • Guest Opinion - Govinda Bhattarai: Dangerous Alliance
  • Guest Opinion - Furtherance Of Democracy And Peace: The Road Ahead
  • Siddhi B. Ranjitkar - Nepal: Demise of RCCC - A Blow to Autocrat
  • Jason Leopold On What's Missing From The Enron Trial - More than 400 pages of documents released by federal energy regulators suggest that former Enron chairman Ken Lay and former chief executive Jeff Skilling were aware that the company's west coast traders may have broken the law by using manipulative trading tactics in California to boost Enron's profits during the height of the state's power crisis. See... Jason Leopold: Enron Trial Avoids the Real Ripoff

    Sheila Samples On The World That Dick Built - This is the guy who pulled the trigger of the gun that fired the round that hit his friend that ruined the hunt and shed some light on the world that Dick built... Sheila Samples: The World That Dick Built

    Mamas, Don't Let Your Babies Grow Up To Be Mutants - Few people who have seen David Cronenberg's 1986 classic, The Fly, could ever wish upon themselves the horror and personal tragedy that the genetic disaster in that film ultimately created. This touching, yet profoundly disturbing gross-out fest told the story of eccentric scientist Seth Brundle who, in pursuit of teleportation technology, accidentally has his DNA fused with that of a common housefly. The resulting mutation, "Brundlefly", seems at first to be an inexhaustible Superman with tremendous strength, heightened senses, lightning-fast mental acuity, and the marathon sexual proclivities of an African lion. See... BioEthics & Pandora's Box of Genetic Engineering


  • Hartmann: When Americans No Longer Own America
  • Sonia Nettnin: Arab Women?s Movement in US - IV
  • Fitts: Dillon, Read & Co. & Prison Profits: Part I
  • Think Global, Act Local: Rinse, Repeat, Die
  • David Swanson: About That Anthrax
  • Marjorie Cohn: Human Rights Hypocrisy
  • Public Address 28/02/06 - The Long Goodbye
  • Evelyn Pringle: SSRIs - Wonder Drugs From Hell
  • Dahr Jamail & Ors On Sectarian Violence In Iraq - The most important question to ask regarding the bombings of the Golden Mosque in Samarra on the 22nd is: who benefits? Prior to asking this question, let us note the timing of the bombing. The last weeks in Iraq have been a PR disaster for the occupiers. See... Dahr Jamail's Iraq Dispatches: Who Benefits?

  • Pierre Tristam: Iraq?s Cambodian Jungle
  • Jason Leopold On The PlameGate Blowback - Two top Bush administration officials who played an active role in the leak of covert CIA agent Valerie Plame Wilson, have been removing from their jobs, career State Deptartment weapons experts who have spoken to investigators during the past two years about the officials role in the leak, according to a half-dozen State Department officials. See... Plame Whistleblowers Targeted by Administration


  • The Letter ? Monday, 27 February 2006
  • Public Address 27/02/06 - Four Strange Men
  • Stateside With Rosalea: I Am Curious, Jaundiced
  • Adderall - Black Market Profits In Plain Sight
  • William Fisher: Death In U.S. Custody
  • Bill Moyers Speech - Restoring the Public Trust
  • Well, I Was Wondering Whose Government It Was
  • Remember When Cartoons Used to be Funny?
  • Mark W. Bradley: The Declaration of Dependence
  • Mary Pitt: The Good News
  • Bolivia's Moment, Part I: Leonilda Zurita's Visa
  • William Fisher: Remember Rendition?
  • Huge March Planned for Eve of Katrina Evictions
  • Another Testing time for Australian Muslims
  • Bereaved Israelis Meet with Hamas to Discuss Peace
  • An Open Letter To Bush On Eve Of South Asia Visit
  • Mexico: "Other Campaign" Organizer Imprisoned
  • Kamala Sarup: Women Give Birth To Create Peace
  • Paul Buchanan on Cold War Communism and World Peace - In 1990, somewhere in the bowels of the Pentagon, someone in the Joint Chiefs of Staff is reputed to have said that the United States would rue the day that the Berlin Wall fell. At least the Communists running the Soviet Union and its allies shared the logics of conventional and nuclear deterrence that preserved the relative peace of the 45-year-old Cold War. See... Paul Buchanan: When Communists Look Good

    Motornet Takes Directions From A Beamer - ?Please take the next exit on your left. Then, turn right in 200 metres,? says the modulated voice of BMW?s satellite navigation system. Failing to follow instructions does nothing to raise a non-automated response. Even a complete 360 will see the GPS based system pause for the briefest of seconds before re-plotting the correct course, and re-issuing instructions. It?s really quite frustrating? There?s an unflappable quality in many German cars and the new BMW 330i is no exception. See... MOTORNET: On Your Command - The BMW 330i

    Suzan Mazur: Spinning the Returned Euphronios - The battle for ownership of the Euphronios vase illustrates perfectly how the New York Times publishing family fools only itself. Sales of the newspaper deservedly continue to decline as the people responsible for putting the Times out think they can get away with hoodwinking the public. See... Suzan Mazur: The Italy-Met Euphronios Accord?

    David Slack compares broadband deals and oranges - Business New Zealand waded into the Broadband debate yesterday. Quoting from the release: "Business NZ has called for a more factually based argument over broadband access." ... Coverage, so far, of their contribution has been a little short on an actual comparison of the oranges, apples and lemons in question, which of course is what you want in a more factually based argument, so I asked Business NZ for a copy of the data. See... Public Address 23/02/06 - All you can eat, assuming you're not very hungry


  • UQ Wire: The Secret History Of Mohamed Atta
  • Public Address 24/02/06 - Totally Hot
  • Mary Pitt: Walkin' Up On A Jackass
  • Martin LeFevre: The ?Riddle of Man?
  • Norma Sherry: The Big "A" - As in Alzheimer's
  • Swanson: Sweat Shop Workers Tour US Colleges
  • Marc My Words ? Against Section 59 Propaganda
  • ?Democracy? To Justify Invasion And Mass Murder
  • Russ Wellen: The Bourse Conspiracy
  • John Bishop: TV Debases The Viewers
  • Dubai and The Bush Dynasty Deal with the Devil
  • A New Era Of Surveillance & Military Police In Oz
  • John Bishop's Communications Line - 23 Feb 2006
  • Ernest Partridge: Perception is Reality
  • Green Left Weekly: Latin America Revolts Against The Empire
  • G C Fraser: Israeli Defense Minister -Palestine ?Axis of Evil?
  • Evelyn Pringle: Psych Drugs - Doctors Serve As Middle-Man Pushers
  • Rodr�ez Santos: The Indocumentados Of Today
  • Province of Michigan: A Modest Proposal,
  • Russell Brown posts long on telecommunications - I'm inclined to believe that the Business Roundtable's submission of a column by its chairman Rob McLeod arguing against regulation of Telecom - without the fairly important declaration that McLeod is a director of Telecom - was an error, rather than an attempt to mislead the public. I'm less inclined to credit McLeod's argument. See... Public Address 22/02/06 - Telecommunications & God

  • Business Roundtable - The Itch to Regulate Broadband
  • Business NZ - Call for facts in broadband debate
  • AND
  • Public Address 21/2 - Tomorrow Is Another Scarlett
  • William Fisher on the Guantanamo Evidence - Last June 17, U.S. Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld told reporters, "If you think of the people down there (at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba), these are people, all of whom were captured on a battlefield. They're terrorists, trainers, bomb makers, recruiters, financiers, (Osama bin Laden's) bodyguards, would-be suicide bombers, probably the 20th 9/11 hijacker." Yet two recent reports, based on the Defense Department's own documentation, reach conclusions that are dramatically different than Mr. Rumsfeld's. See... A Tale Of Two Gitmos: Where Was The MSM?

  • US Force-Feeding Prisoners in Torture Camp
  • No Right Turn: Welcoming A War Criminal
  • Ramzy Baroud on the Western media and the Muslim world - In Arab and Muslim media, few condoned the aggressive protests, embassy burnings and threats of violence awakened by the global cartoon campaign. Except of a few holier-than-thou Arab and Muslim journalists, however, there seemed to be consensus among most commentators that both appreciate the enormity ? and harm- of the inherent anti-Muslim bias in Western societies and acknowledged the need to respond to such vilification of Muslims and Arabs on a collective level, even if it includes modes of pressure and muscle flexing. See... Ramzy Baroud: Cartoon Awakening: A Positive Media Strategy

  • Meditations: Cartoons and Human Consciousness (II)
  • Cartoon Issue: Is It A Freedom Of Expression?

  • Mars. Science: Brian Carter's The March Night Sky - We are moving into Autumn now with the Sun visible for half the day. This means that the nights for astronomy are rapidly getting longer. Planets - March is a good month for viewing the planets. Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn will be visible for the whole of the month. Mercury will be visible for the last half of March. Mars will be visible for the first third of the night. Mars is in the constellation of Taurus. Its magnitude fades from 0.7 to 1.2 during the month. Saturn will be visible for the first two thirds of the night. Saturn is in the constellation of Cancer, in which it remains until September 2006. Its magnitude slightly fades from ?0.1 to 0.1. See... The Night Sky


  • Sam Smith: The Real Holocaust Denial
  • Jimmy Carter: Don't Punish the Palestinians
  • Sol Salbe: Something A Bit Different: An Israeli TV Review
  • Flashback: Beginning of the Final World War
  • Sam Smith: How Washington Thinks And Why It Doesn't Work
  • Bernard Weiner: Slicing Away Liberty: 1933 Germany, 2006 America
  • Leopold: NSC, Cheney Aides Conspired to Out CIA Operative
  • Mark Drolette: Living the American Ream
  • Satire: President Bush's Next Speech
  • William Fisher: National Security Whistleblowers
  • Doug Giebel: The George Bush Mulligan
  • Pringle: Vaccinating for Profit - From Cradle to Coffin
  • Pringle: Whistleblowers Reveal Medicating For Profit Scam
  • Protection of Canada's Great Bear Rain Forest
  • Narconews: Subcomandante Marcos Meets The Braceros
  • Narconews: Subcomandante Marcos Goes to Jail
  • Josse: Recent Developments In Nepal's Maoist Insurgency
  • Norm Dixon: Australia?s 'Greenhouse Mafia? Exposed
  • Book Review: How To Grow Your Business
  • The Letter ? Monday, 20 February 2006
  • Abbas' message to Hamas - President Mahmoud Abbas advised the Hamas dominated opening session of the Second Palestinian Legislative Council (PLC) that the peace process, which was established by the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) to build a present and a future for the Palestinian people in a modern state, must be allowed to move forward if there is to be any hope in combating Israeli extremism which is attempting to eliminate the political identity of the Palestinian people and its national rights. See... G C Fraser: National Rights of Palestine Key to Peace - Abbas


  • Stateside With Rosalea: Away With The Fairies
  • Bonus Joules: Heated Ups and Downs
  • Public Address 20/02/06 - Philosophies
  • Mary Pitt: Talking to Bush Republicans
  • Evelyn Pringle: Poisoning In the Womb ? SSRIs
  • Swanson: Road to Peace Goes Through Santa Cruz
  • Founding Fathers, Baseball, Apple Pie, Impeachment
  • W.D. Jenkins: Monty Python?s ?The Meaning of Bush?
  • Kamala Sarup: Maoists Threat Increasing And Way Out Of Peace
  • Am Johal: Can?t Get No Satisfaction - The Olympic Spectacle
  • Ranjitkar: Nepal Municipal Elections: A Bit of Joke
  • Uri Avnery: A War of Religions? God Forbid!
  • William Rivers Pitt: The Enemy
  • Bill Berkowitz: Christian Right Eyes Canada
  • Guantanamo: "Evidence"
  • No Right Turn on UN Guantanamo Report - Guantanamo must be closed, and its prisoners either released or given a fair trial in the United States under US law. That is the recommendation of an investigation conducted by the United Nations Commission on Human Rights. Why? Apart from general principles of justice and a respect for human rights, the UN has three reasons. See... No Right Turn: Guantanamo Delenda Est

    Kirk MacGibbon: A New York Perspective on Labour's Spending - News that the Labour Party is being investigated for allegedly breaching campaign spending limits by a whopping $400,000 seems almost quaint from a New York perspective. What struck me was just how cheap it is to win office in New Zealand. The Labour party spent $2.8 million to win control of the Treasury for another three years. Helen Clark said the laws were in need of ?clarification.? See... Kirk MacGibbon: The Price Of Office

    Jason Miller on the Brits' Good News Agency - A succession of scandals in the US has revealed widespread government funding of PR agencies to produce 'fake news'. Actors take the place of journalists and the 'news' is broadcast as if it were genuine. The same practice has been adopted in Iraq, where newspapers have been paid to insert copy. These stories have raised the usual eyebrows in the UK about the pitiful quality of US democracy. Things are better here, we imply. See... Miller: The British Government's Global Fake News Network

    Pierre Tristam Defending the Enlightenment - In the eternal battle between reason and regression there's never been a rallying cry as powerful as Voltaire's double-barreled phrase: Ecrasez l'infame. It has been translated variously as "crush the infamous," "crush the horror" or -- my preference -- "smash the rogues." Voltaire's targets, his recent biographer Ian Davidson writes, "included superstition, theological repression, Jesuits, monks, fanatical regicides, and the Inquisition in every shape and form; in short, all facets of the dark and regressive alliance between the Catholic Church and the French State." ... It's a lesson the Islamic world has not yet learned. It's a lesson the western world risks forgetting. See... When Liberty's The Ward Of A Higher Power's Rogues


  • Public Address 17/02/06 - Large File Alert
  • Public Address 16/02/06 - Everything Is At Stake
  • William Fisher: What To Do With The Prisoners?
  • Solomon: Cheney's Dodge - Taking Responsibility
  • Tanveer Jafri: Iran Issue - Is the Boss Always Right?
  • Martin LeFevre: Death and the Big Bang
  • Ramzy Baroud: Weathering the Globalization Storm
  • Pringle: Strattera - 130 Reports Of Suicidality In One Month
  • Peterson: Permanent Bases Point Toward Permanent War
  • Cora Fraser: Poem - Hamas Plots Exodus from Israeli Bondage
  • Jason Leopold: Gonzales Withholding Plame Emails
  • William Blum's Anti-Empire Report - Feb. 14, 2006
  • Sarup: Terrorism Germinated In An Isolated Corner
  • Nepal: Prachanda tempts SPA, blasts King and America
  • Fighting against Terrorist and Peace In Nepal
  • Dale Mills on Australia's Taser Plans - Australia's police is becoming increasingly militarised, with NSW Police leading the way in trialling Taser stun-guns. Taser are hand-held guns that fire two metal probes attached to copper wires, delivering a 55,000-volt electric shock that lasts for five seconds. Victims typically fall to the ground and involuntarily urinate, with all major muscle groups going into spasm. The guns have an effective range of 6.4 metres, with the possibility that inaccurate shooting will hit bystanders. See... Australian Police To Use Taser Stun-Guns

    No Right Turn on UN Guantanamo Report - Guantanamo must be closed, and its prisoners either released or given a fair trial in the United States under US law. That is the recommendation of an investigation conducted by the United Nations Commission on Human Rights. Why? Apart from general principles of justice and a respect for human rights, the UN has three reasons. See... No Right Turn: Guantanamo Delenda Est


  • Public Address 15/02/06 - Telco Fury
  • Michael Keefer: Petrodollars and Nuclear Weapons Proliferation
  • Berkowitz: The Powerful Koch Boys From Kansas
  • Mary Pitt: The American Turkey Is Dead
  • Weiner: Pushing Them Off the Precipice of Power
  • William Rivers Pitt: The Wack-Pack
  • Evelyn Pringle: ADHD Drugs - Cash Cow For Pharma
  • Nepal: Maoists Hide More Than They Reveal
  • Gregory Fortuin on Cartoons and Drawing Lessons - There is no such thing as an unbiased view. Our opinions are mostly formed by our values, our experiences and our exposures. I am unashamed of my faith in God and my often stumbling desire to follow the teachings of Jesus Christ. This belief system informs my opinion. See... Gregory Fortuin: Cartoons ? 5 Lessons To Draw

  • John Chuckman: Cartoons And Bombs
  • Richard S. Ehrlich: Background to the New Terror Plot - When CIA and Thai authorities caught Hambali in Thailand in 2003, nothing was said publicly about his involvement in a 9/11-style plot to fly an airplane into a skyscraper in Los Angeles. Shaving off his beard, Hambali, then aged 40, had bounced around incognito in neighboring Cambodia, while staying in a cheap hotel among international backpackers, before allegedly using a Spanish passport to hide in Thailand's ancient Buddhist town of Ayutthaya, 50 miles (85 kilometers) north of Bangkok. See... Bush Recalls The Capture Of Hambali In Thailand

  • Marjorie Cohn: Spinning Fear

  • Public Address 14/02/06 - Enemy Mine
  • Public Address - The Bright Side Of Insurgency
  • The Letter ? Monday, 13 February 2006
  • Stateside With Rosalea: Here Be Dragons!
  • William Fisher: Rising Above Principle
  • John Pilger: The Next War - Crossing the Rubicon
  • Who Will Blow the Whistle Before We Attack Iran?
  • Swanson: Debating Impeachment Among Democrats
  • Jason Miller: Beyond Mere Survival in the American Dystopia
  • UQ Wire: Porter Goss's 'Ignoturn per Ignotius!'
  • Siddhi B. Ranjitkar: Taliban Tears Down Buddha Statues
  • Uri Avnery: The Secret of Kadima
  • Sol Salbe: Knowing What We Don't Know
  • Bill Rosenberg on the WTO Ministerial - The official line from the WTO?s Director-General Pascal Lamy is that the 6th WTO Ministerial conference in Hong Kong, was a modest success, and that its scant results recognised that this is a ?Development Round?, putting the developing countries to the fore. Yet the process and outcome leaves developing countries not only seriously disadvantaged but with more and more rungs sawn away from the development ladder. Most are expressing disappointment. See... Bill Rosenberg: WTO (Hong Kong) Wrap Up - Part One

  • Bill Rosenberg: WTO (Hong Kong) Wrap Up - Part Two
  • Met Whistleblower Oscar White Muscarella On Immediate Return Of Italy's Euphronios - Unlike many in the museum world, Metropolitan Museum Ancient Near East expert Oscar White Muscarella was not born with a silver spoon in his mouth. His childhood was spent in foster homes. And at age ten or eleven he was adopted by his mother's second husband, Mr. Muscarella. See... Suzan Mazur "No Ransom" - Part II (With Audio)

    Scoop Image of Paul Buchanan by
Jason Dorday. Media: Prophet Muhammad Cartoons Depict More Than Culture-Clash - Paul Buchanan writes that the publication of cartoons depicting the prophet Muhammad have raised the spectre of a deepening cultural clash between Islam and the West... The issue is one of pre-modern versus postmodern perspectives on life... One person?s blasphemy is another person?s parody. Image of Paul Buchanan by Jason Dorday. See... Paul Buchanan: The Politics of Cartoon Conflict

  • Te Mangaroa - The Press Has Always Been Racist
  • Edward Gay - A Question Of Ethics vs Publish And Be Damned

  • Public Address 10/02/02 - Five Kinds Of Yikes
  • Jason Leopold: Cheney Spearheaded Effort to Discredit Wilson
  • Ramzy Baroud: At Last, A Real Middle East Democracy Project
  • Bill Berkowitz: Foaming Campus Cleanser Sputters At Temple
  • William Rivers Pitt: Trapped Like a Rat
  • Scoop Blogwatch: The Trouble with Fascists
  • David Swanson: Impeachment Versus Arianna
  • Hopsicker: Abramoff & The Republican Black Hand
  • Narconews: Tilting At The Mega-Windmill of Capitalism
  • Marc My Words: Respect arguments not threats
  • Russell Brown on Kiwi Tolerance - Apparently our local imams have called for amputations and executions of errant cartoonists and publishers. Well, that's what it says in the New York Times anyway: "From Gaza to Auckland, imams have demanded execution or amputations for the cartoonists and their publishers." Guess it must be true, then ? See... Public Address 09/02/06 - Is It Because I Is White

  • Stuart Pethick: The Freedom Of Expression Defence Is Questionable
  • Meditations: Cartoons and Collective Consciousness
  • Uri Avnery Sees Two Movies - If one wants to understand what the Palestinians did on election day, one has to see the film "Paradise Now", which has been nominated for an Oscar for the best foreign film, after collecting several prestigious international prizes. It explains better than a million words. See... Uri Avnery: "? Shall We Not Revenge?"


  • Dave Taggart: An Economic Occam?s Razor
  • G.W. Bush's 2000 & 2004 Election Conspiracy
  • Issues Around NSA's Domestic Surveillance Program
  • David Swanson: Inequality and War
  • Sheila Samples: Tale Of A Connecticut Donkey
  • Tse Ming Mok on Different Kinds of Famous People - The year I moved to Wellington one of my flatmates got incredibly excited that I knew someone on Shortland Street. People get excited about that sort of thing in Wellington. I got excited that she knew Kate Camp - and yes she thought that was weird. If you're an Aucklander, knowing actors is not a very big deal. New Zealand actors, even if they're in a movie, are generally still poor and just shlumping around, freely accessible. See... Public Address: Mt Roskill Will Take Over World


  • Bush Takes Heat on Oprah's Couch (Satire)
  • Ernest Partridge: The View (Of The US) From Abroad \
  • Cohn: Bush Mouthpiece Defends Illegal Spying
  • After Downing Street: $1000 Reward Offered For Bush Iraq Question
  • Cindy Sheehan: Numbers
  • Narco News Coverage of Elections in Haiti
  • Narconews: The Other Campaign Has Reached Oaxaca
  • Voting Is A Basic Right Of The Nepali People
  • ENDS

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