Audio/Images: PM In Washington DC (Day 1 - Part 2)
Audio/Image: PM's Post USNZ Meeting Media Standup
Audio & Images from Rosalea Barker in Washington for

New Zealand Prime Minster Helen Clark's visit to Washington D.C. ended today with a reception and dinner hosted by the US/NZ Council. During the evening she took time to answer media questions about her meeting with House of Representatives Speaker Nancy Pelosi.

Click for big version
NZ Prime Minster Helen Clark this evening during her standup with media.
Audio of PM's Media Standup This
EveningScoop Streaming Audio (click here to listen):
PM's Post US/NZ Council Media Standup – Washington D.C.,
20/03/07 (10 mins)
Click to download the file (MP3)
Tomorrow the PM will be meeting the President at 11am Washington Time (6am NZT) followed by a working lunch.