Audio: PM In Washington D.C. (Day 2 - Part 1)
Audio/Image: Helen Clark And George Bush's Media Moment
Audio from Rosalea Barker in Washington for
Audio of
PM's Media Moment Following Meeting With

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The Prime Minister with President Bush in the Oval Office of the White House, Wednesday March 21, 2007. – MFAT Image
Scoop's Stateside columnist Rosalea Barker was in the press party ushered into the Oval Office for today's post bilateral media moment with the leaders of New Zealand and the United States.
The following audio begins during the walk through the White House to the Oval Office with a commentary from Rosalea. It ends after the end of the brief speaking moment by the President and Prime Minister Clark.
No questions were taken by either leader from the media. After the meeting the Prime Minister was invited to have lunch with the President.
Waiting at the back of the room with Rosalea to talk to the President were the President's spokesman Tony Snow and Vice President Dick Cheney.
Audio of Columnist
Rosalea Barker's Visit To The Oval Office Scoop Streaming Audio (click here to listen):
Rosalea Barker's Visit To The Oval Office – Washington
D.C., 21/03/07 (7 mins)
Click to download the file