KiwiFM Audio: Starved of Info? Here's Wammo's IV Feast
Wammo-Audio-Feast: KiwiFM's Wammo presents a feast of informative interviews from his morning show. So sit back and listen to the Wammonator quiz Russell Brown on whether musos are being bled to death by internet downloads; Gerry Brownlee on giving your kid a crack; and an Aussie doctor who says we are feeding our kids too much Ritalin.
KiwiFM Audio: (click here to
listen) Wammo talks to PublicAddress' Russell Brown
about the RIANZ stance that illegal downloads are killing NZ
musicians and the latest news that EMI is going DRM
KiwiFM Audio: (click here to
listen) Wammo talks to former Nat deputy leader,
Gerry Brownlee, about smacking and NZ First, what National
would do with overpaid Public Servants… Oh and also Gerry
has a home handyman tip for anyone thinking about
KiwiFM Audio: (click here to
listen) Wammo talks to Dr Brenton Prosser, an
Australian ADHD specialist and author of ADHD: Who's Failing
Who? In New Zealand and Australia, we use significantly more
ADHD drugs per head than the UK, Sweden, Spain, the
Netherlands, France and Denmark. The only countries who use
more than us are the US and Canada. Dr Prosser questions
feeding Ritalin to our kids in such high
Wammo has launched a podcast…

ALSO: Tune into KiwiFM Mornings
Wammo 10am till 2pm weekdays - KiwiFM 102.2FM Akl
102.1FM Wgtn 102.5FM ChCh
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