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This is Pablo Picasso the way he is rarely seen – at least in so far as the hundred or so pieces at the British Museum’s Picasso: Printmaker have been displayed. The viewer is treated to dazzling marked draughtsmanship that also evinces a mastery of techniques: the use of drypoint and etching, lithographs, linocuts and aquatints.
For obvious reasons, people feel uneasy when the right to be a citizen or resident is sold off to wealthy foreigners.
Ian Powell discusses what happens when facts get overtaken by fiction to become embellishment in the context of the current direction of New Zealand’s health system.
The key question now is whether Arabs and other supporters of Palestine worldwide will go beyond merely rejecting such sinister proposals and take the initiative to push for the restoration of the Palestinian homeland. This requires a justice-based international campaign, rooted in international law and driven by the aspirations of the Palestinian people themselves.
No amount of activism or number of mass movements can meet the crisis of man. The undivided individual contains the whole of humanity.
To provide aid suggests a benevolent undertaking delivered selflessly. It arises from charitable mission, an attempt to alleviate, or at least soften the blows of hardship arising from various impairments. But the provision of aid is rarely benign, almost always political, and, in its realisation, often self-defeating.