Scoop Video + Audio: PM's Post Cabinet Presser - Monday, 21 April 2008

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- Video on Demand of NZ Prime Minister Helen Clark's post Cabinet press conference for Parliamentary press gallery journalists held this afternoon. The cabinet readout was followed by Q&A beginning with the latest verbal gaffes from Labour Party President Mike Williams. Also covered was the furore around the head of the Immigration Service Mary Anne Thompson after TVNZ revealed various members of her family had apparently skipped the queue to be come New Zealand residents.
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Also: Quicktime Version
- Scoop Audio: Audio on Demand of NZ Prime Minister Helen Clark's post Cabinet press conference for Parliamentary press gallery journalists held this afternoon. The cabinet readout was followed by Q&A beginning with the latest verbal gaffes from Labour Party President Mike Williams. Also covered was the furore around the head of the Immigration Service Mary Anne Thompson after TVNZ revealed various members of her family had apparently skipped the queue to be come New Zealand residents.