New Zealand’s illegal trade in North Africa
New Zealand’s illegal trade in North Africa

On May 25, a Turkish owned ship called the Cake is due at Lyttleton harbour, and similar port records show the same ship is due in Napier between 3-5 June. On both occasions, the Cake will be unloading a cargo of phosphates that originated in the Western Sahara region of North Africa. This is a highly dubious trade, in seeming violation of the UN Charter.

This is because
Western Sahara has been under military occupation by Morocco
since 1975, against the wishes of the indigenous Saharawi
people and of their UN recognized political representatives,
the Polisario Front.
The Saharawi have not taken
the theft of their country lightly. For 16 yerars from 1975
onwards, the Polisario Front waged a highly successful
guerrilla war against the dual invading forces of Morocco
and Mauritania, eventually forcing the latter out of the
territory. The UN finally brokered a ceasefire in 1991, on
terms that it would hold a referendum that would offer the
option of full independence.
Such a referendum has
been promised ever since Spain abandoned its colonial
territory in 1975, and unilaterally ( and illegally) handed
it over to Morocco and Mauritania. Even within the past ten
years, different versions of the same promise have been
made, by the UN and broken afresh.The UN for instance,
eventually appointed the US politician James Baker to devise
a compromise plan – which came down to five years of
autonomy under Moroccan rule, to be followed by a
referendum on full independence. Morocco has refused.
In the meantime, New Zealand has been engaged with
Morocco for nearly the past two decades in a highly
questionable trade in phosphate extracted from Western
Sahara. On its website, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and
Trade lists Morocco as New Zealand’s main source of
phosphates and fertilisers, and these natural resources made
up the vast bulk of our $167.9 million imports from Morocco
recorded in the year to June 2007.
Given how crucial
fertilisers are to NZ agriculture and farming’s role
within the national economy, the importance of this trade
can hardly be exaggerated. Unfortunately, trading in the
exploited resources of the Western Sahara is in violation of
UN resolutions on such non self governing territories as
Western Sahara, and of an explicit UN legal opinion. In
that respect the trade is not only morally reprehensible,
but is, in all likelihood, illegal under international
Phosphate resources are only the half of it.
Under National and Labour governments, New Zealand has
sought to exploit Western Sahara’s rich fishing resources
as well. It signed a memorandum of understanding with
Morocco in November 2001 to facilitate the fisheries trade,
in the wake of a visit to Morocco by then Fisheries Minister
John Luxton in 1999, to discuss fishing opportunities for
New Zealand firms.
Two New Zealand firms, Sealord and
Prepared Foods NZ are currently exploring joint venture
fisheries deals in Morocco. Ravensdown and Ballance
Agri-Nutrients are the main New Zealand firms involved in
the phosphate trade. In January this year, Trade Minister
Phil Goff and Foreign Minister Winston Peters were in
Morocco, to discuss further trade options.
Ironically, this business activity makes Sealord -
which is half owned by Maori corporates - an economic ally
of the neo-colonial forces that have seized and settled the
territory, and it makes them an accomplice in exploiting
marine resources that ultimately belong to the indigenous
people of the Western Sahara.
The details of the
trade ? Sealord Spain, is a Sealord subsidiary, and has
joined with the Chilean company Friosur and Nippon Suisan of
Japan to form a partnership called Europacifico del Mar.
Europacifico distributes frozen fish products to Spain and
to Portugal. In addition, Europacifico exclusively
distributes some 30,000 tonnes of marine products in an
agreement with the Western Sahara-based Moroccan fishing
group Omnium Marocain de Peche.
As the
Norwegian-based Western Sahara Resource Watch ( WSRW)
research organization has discovered, this agreement entails
the distribution of some 30,000 tonnes of fish taken from
the occupied territory, mostly different species of octopus.
The bulk of the Saharawi population, WSRW has
concluded on the basis of its regular contacts, do not
profit at all from this exploitation. To compound
Sealord’s embarrassment, the agreements between foreign
fishing companies on one side and Moroccan fishermen
settlers on the other, are enabling Morocco to successfully
transplant its own fishing communities to Western Sahara,
thus leading to the further displacement and detriment of
the indigenous people.
On April 28, Boudjema
Souilah, head of the Foreign Affairs wing of Algeri’a
National Council warned countries that co-operate with
Morocco, “to stop plundering the natural resources of
Western Sahara.” New Zealand’s collusion with the
Moroccan regime happens to be surfacing right in the middle
of the latest round of UN brokered talks intended to try and
resolve the thirty year long impasse.
No one is
holding their breath for the outcome. Earlier this month in
Manhasset, New York, representatives of Morocco and the
Polisario Front met under the UN’s auspices in the fourth
round of the latest set of negotiations, Morocco is offering
broad autonomy to a Western Sahara that would still leave
its peoples and resources under Moroccan control, while
Polisario are holding out for a referendum containing the
option of full independence. Full independence, the UN’s
Envoy for the Sahara Peter Van Walsum said in late April,
is ‘unrealistic. ”
The UN’s view of Western
Sahara Trade.
Is the NZ trade in Western
Saharan resources legal ? Phil Goff says it is. On 26 July
2006, Goff told Parliament he had been advised that New
Zealand companies involved in the phosphate trade “are not
in breach of either international or domestic law in
importing phosphate from Morocco that has been mined in
Western Sahara. “ Furthermore : “ I am also advised
there are there are no legal grounds for banning the trade
from Morocco. Indeed, to do so would be subject to a legal
challenge from Morocco under international trade law.”
Earler this month when the details of the Sealord deal
emerged Goff said that the UN’s position was that such
trade was legal, so long as the people of the territory
Virtually in the same breath, Goff voiced
his concerns about the political situation in the territory
and said New Zealand has “strongly supported” the UN
processes and peace plan designed to resolve the Western
Sahara dispute.
How Goff could reach those
conclusions is a mystery. His claims misrepresent the
analysis provided to the Security Council on 29 January 2002
by the UN’s legal counsel, Hans Corell. Corell had been
asked by the Security Council to advise on the legality
under international law of ‘the offering and signing’ of
contracts with foreign companies for the exploration of
mineral resources in Western Sahara.”
analysis ? For starters, Corell
confirmed that Western Sahara was a non self governing
territory as defined by the UN, that its peoples’
interests were paramount, and that Morocco had no valid
administrative power over it. Morocco, he pointed out, was
not listed by the UN as Western Sahara’s administrating
power - and had never transmitted to the UN the necessary
information on social, economic and educational conditions
in the territory as required of any such valid
administrating power under the UN Charter.
Furthermore, Corell reminded his readers that “the General Assembly has consistently condemned the exploitation and plundering of natural resources and any economic activities which are detrimental to the interests of peoples of these territories and which deprive them of their legitimate rights over their natural resource.”
Exploration that went only so far as reconnaissance
and evaluation, Corell continued, wasn’t illegal per se.
Nor would – and this is the bit Goff has selectively
seized upon - actual exploitation be illegal if it accorded
with the wishes and interests of the people of Western
Sahara. In this case however, Morocco is the beneficiary,
not the Saharawi. Furthermore – and this should be the
decisive factor for Goff - the Saharawi have not been
consulted about how they feel about the exploration and
exploitation taking place. By contrast, Corell cites in his
opinion how when it came to agreements on the exploration
and exploitation of oil and gas deposits in East Timor,
consultation was carried out with the East Timorese people,
who participated actively in the discussions.
kind of conulstation has simpolyt not happened in Western
Sahara. Exploring its resources without consent would not,
in itself, in Corell’s view, be illegal. The crunch point
would come when the actual exploitation occurred. “If
further exploration and exploitation were to proceed in
disregard of the interests and wishes of the people of
Western Sahara, they would be in violation of the
international law principles applicable to mineral [ read :
phosphates, or fisheries] resource activities in non self
governing territories.”
This situation could hardly
be more clear. Yet Goff, in his 26 July 2006 statements to
the House and subsequently, has kept on trying to find
wiggle room in the Corell opinion where none exists : “ I
do not think anybody can say with any certainty what the
local people in Western Sahara feel about the mining of
phosphate resources. I certainly have no evidence about
that. I am aware that the independence movement [ ie, the
Polisario Front] is opposed to that, but I am not aware of
what the views of the ordinary people in Western Sahara may
be, and how could I be? “
This is incredible stuff.
Goff is claiming that we don’t know what the people of
Western Sahara think of the trade - even though in the same
breath he says he knows that their recognized political
representatives ( ie the Polisario Front ) oppose such
trade. Polisario, you will recall, are the organisation the
UN continue to recognize as the valid political voice of the
Saharawi people in the Manhasset talks aimed at resolving
the conflict.
That’s not good enough for Goff. In
the House in 2006 , he was adamant that no way exists for
him to know what the Western Saharans really want. That’s
why, he says, he has to keep on fostering and supporting
the phosphate trade with Morocco. Ironic, really – with
such sophistry, Goff is siding with the very people who
have consistently denied the Western Saharans the right to
say what they want, via a referendum on self determination.
If Goff feels in such hapless confusion about what
Western Saharans really feel about the foreigners and
Moroccans jointly exploiting their natural resources, one
can reasonably ask what steps did Goff and Winston Peters
take during their January 2008 visit to meet with Saharawi
leaders, in order to dispel New Zealand’s economically
convenient state of confusion?
Need I also point out
how craven it is for New Zealand to be invoking the fear of
being sued by Morocco for a WTO trade violation, if we ever
did ban the phosphate trade from Western Sahara? In
reality, New Zealand would be doing the world a service if
it did impose such a ban, and dared Morocco to challenge it.
To win any subsequent WTO complaint, Morocco would
have to prove its rightful ownership of the resources
involved. To do so, it would have to argue that its military
seizure and subsequent colonization of Western Sahara was
valid, and that Morocco was the proper administrating
authority. It has absolutely no chance of doing so. The
Corell opinion and the International Court of Justice in its
1974 Advisory Opinion have both come down heavily on the
side of the Saharawi.
To this day, Morocco claims
that legal ties of allegiance existed in pre-colonial times
between the Sultan of Morocco and the tribes living in the
territory, sufficient to validate its seizure and current
occupation. The International Court of Justice shot that
claim down in 1974. Some tribes, the Court agreed, did have
such ties at the time when the Spanish arrived in 1884, and
some others in the territory did not.
Overall, the
Court concluded the evidence before it did not establish
“any tie of territorial sovereignty between the territory
of Western Sahara and the kingdom of Morocco…”
Therefore, it found, the central UN resolution 1514 on
de-colonisation did apply to the people of Western Sahara.
In particular, the Court supported their right of
self-determination “through the free and genuine
expression of the will of the peoples of the Territory.”
So, despite the Clark government’s vociferous
support for the UN and its principles, our comp;licity in
the economic exploitation of the Western Sahara suggests the
opposite. For now, and unlike its stance on East Timor, New
Zealand prefers to cut deals with the occupying power that
has long been denying the right of Africa’s last colony to
full self determination under the UN Charter.
Where To From Here?
The need to find a speedy and just solution in Western Sahara could hardly be more pressing. For the last 30 years, some 90-165,000 Saharawi refugees who fled the Moroccan invasion have been living in horrendous conditions in camps ( situated in harsh desert regions inside Algeria ) that are controlled by the Polisario Front. The Polisario leadership does not live inside the camps, but controls freedom of movement from them, and dissent within them. There are recurring reports that the Polisario leadership profits from smuggling some of the international humanitarian aid essential to keeping the camps afloat.
Both Morocco and the Polisario Front
leadership have been accused of too readily accepting the
continuation of the status quo. Any final resolution of
Western Sahara’s struggle for freedom, as the al-Hayat
newspaper wrote in late April, will really depend on
whether Algeria and Morocco - the two big rivals for
supremacy in this part of North Africa - can reach a
mutually acceptable compromise.
This will not be
easy. Algeria and Morocco co-exist in a climate of mutual
suspicion and paranoia that has twice led to outbreaks of
military conflict in recent times. First, in the so called
Sand War of `1963, and again in 1975, when Algeria came off
badly. Algeria and Morocco differ in very essential ways.
The current state of Algeria was born from a revolutionary
struggle against its colonial power, France and has natural
sympathy for the Saharawi quest for independence. Morocco by
contrast is a hereditary kingdom that can trace its
existence in consistent form right back to the 9th century.
Morocco assisted the Algerians in their revolution, and
feels betrayed by them..
Algeria on the other hand,
distrusts Morocco’s ambition to re-create the vast
Greater Morocco borders of pre-colonial times. Therefore, it
uses the Polisario as a pawn and buffer against further
expansion by Morocco. For its part, Morocco fears that a
free Western Sahara would place an Algerian client state
right up against its own borders.
And so the wary,
paranoid dance continues - however tantalizing the fruits of
a lasting resolution might seem. If Western Sahara did ever
become independent, Algeria could use its former client for
direct access o the Atlantic, and use the same route to
export iron ore from the Gara Djibilet deposit situated on
the Algerian border with Western Sahara. Oh, and did I
mention that there is a very real prospect of large reserves
of oil and natural gas being discovered in Western Sahara?
Morocco has its eye on that potential bonanza. For
now, it is gambling that its occupation is being accepted
as a fait accompli – by France, by the United States and
apparently, even by the likes of New Zealand. The risks
involved with the world choosing that route and shelving a
just resolution is as real with the Saharawi as it is with
the Palestinians. Young Saharawi refugees who have spent
their entire lives in the camps are increasingly restive
with the stalled diplomatic process, with the corruption
among the Polisario, and with the failure of the UN to keep
its promises. Reportedly, they want to go back to fighting.
If they do, and Morocco responds militarily by say,
shelling the camps on Algerian soil, the Algerians would
have no choice but to respond in kind. This would trigger a
regional war in North Africa that could make Lebanon look
like a picnic. Besides everything else, any rise in regional
tension could well leave New Zealand farmers needing to
look elsewhere for a cheap supplier to satisfy their
fertilizer addiction.
Over coming days and weeks, I
will be seeking comment from Phil Goff, and the likes of
Sealord and Ravensdown about this phosphate/fisheries trade
with Morocco. Not to mention comment from the trade
unionists who will be unloading those phosphate cargoes from
the Cake, in Lyttleton and in Napier.