VIDEO: The McCain-Palin mob in Strongsville, Ohio
By Tim Russo, Blogger Interrupted
Wed, Oct 8,
For full
story see...
VIDEO: The McCain-Palin mob in Strongsville,
It’s no wonder that the slightest incitement from Sarah Palin or John McCain will turn one of their rallies into a lynch mob. Just talk to the folks who attend.
My camera was rolling for literally seconds before people happily said to me, on camera, that Barack Obama is a terrorist. If I hadn’t spent most of my time at the event inside, waiting for the candidates to show up, I could have gotten dozens of these people on tape.
The fact that my videos of McCain-Palin supporters (here and here) are blowing up online tells me a lot.
First, the media should be ashamed of themselves for not covering this until now. The McCain-Palin supporters in my videos are not new, they are not exceptional, they are not hiding. This is who they are. It has been brewing for months, and not one mainstream media outlet has taken the time to expose them. Not one. And that is dangerous. If America is about to decide on its president based on this level of hate and ignorance, without a single question being asked as to why, then America is in for a rude awakening.
You could get video of these hateful and ignorant people in your sleep. Not just in Ohio, everywhere. Our country has been sleepwalking through this campaign as if none of this vitriol exists. Well, not only does it exist, it is rampant, and it is there for anyone with a camera to record. And these people are proud to be this hateful and ignorant on your camera.
Second, the McCain campaign has done nothing to dispel these fantasies. To the contrary, McCain and Palin themselves have been stoking it. That, too, is dangerous.
For full story see...
VIDEO: The McCain-Palin mob in Strongsville,