Lyndon Hood's Pics of the Weeks: March to May '09
Lyndon Hood's Pics of the Weeks: March to May '09
New Scoop editorial images by Lyndon Hood, for stories from March to May 2009. For previous images see Lyndon Hood's Pics of the Weeks: Nov 08 to Feb 09.
March 2009 (top)

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Gordon Campbell - Our Dependence On Australia; Tax Cuts; TVNZ

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Stardome Observatory - New Telescope to Study the Birth of the Universe

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Gordon Campbell - How Treasury put us on the hook to finance companies

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Greens - Backbenches un-earths backroom deal?

Scoop Business - Bollard may not cut as deep as RBA holds rates

Gordon Campbell - Murray McCully’s attack on New Zealand’s foreign aid programme

Amisha and Tony O'Brien - Letter to NZ Government Re: Genesis Power Station

Council of Trade Unions - “9-day fortnight” welcomed

Gordon Campbell - The miserly funding of the 9 day fortnight, and Israel’s war on children

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A. R. D. Fairburn - Roll Out the Knightcart

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C.D. Sludge - Sludge Report #189: Jubilee - Halve The Debt!

Gordon Campbell - Power’s reluctance to cap energy prices, and TVNZ Job Losses

NZ Govt - Government to amend Section 92A

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Greens - Sheep shipments will slaughter NZ's overseas image

Greens - Govt plans to sink TVNZ in unchartered waters

Gordon Campbell - Parliament’s willingness to scrutinise the SIS

Statistics NZ - Current account deficit rises to 8.9% of GDP

Gordon Campbell - The Helen Clark appointment

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Riddet Institute - Mega deal for New Zealand science

Gordon Campbell - The rush to impose the ‘Super City’ proposal on Auckland

Lyndon Hood - Scoop Satire: Collins Crush!
April 2009 (top)

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Keith Rankin - Rankin: Tax Cuts 2009-2011

Scoop Business - NZ property values drop 9.3%, led by Auckland

Gordon Campbell - Events in Fiji

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Gordon Campbell - The plans to bomb Iran’s nuclear facilities

Gordon Campbell - Selling our defence bases to property speculators

AgResearch - Release of bovine genome

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Gordon Campbell - The Greens’ deal with National

Tania Hodges - Sacking of Board in Waikato

Gordon Campbell - On the swine flu epidemic

Labour - Ministerial staff immune from recession
May 2009 (top)

Hawkes Bay DHB - School students quarantined

Lyndon Hood - The Caper Of The Missing Stimulus

Greens - Name the Secret Lobbyists

Labour - Do reduced health targets signal budget cuts?

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Gordon Campbell - The Melissa Lee Factor

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Lyndon Hood - Lyndon Hood: Super-City Map

Gordon Campbell - On the power company rip-offs

State Services Commission - Outcome of G2009 Microsoft negotiations

Gordon Campbell - The Budget’s tightening noose

Gareth Hughes - Green My World Cup
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