Lyndon Hood: Political Nursery Rhymes
Political Nursery Rhymes
Scoop Satire by Lyndon Hood
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Parliament is back from recess, so that means it must be story time...
Georgie Porgie pudding and
Kissed the girls and made them cry.
When the boys
came out to play,
Georgie Porgie ran away.
The PM
refused to cement
The implied connection between those
Which left everybody rather unsure
Why a
Minister and MP went out the
Melissa Lee
Went to Mt
In a shower of rain.
She stepped in a
Right up to her middle.
Which wasn't the last
mistake she made.
A testifying
Thai tiler touched on Taito*;
The foreign fastener
fingered Phillip Field.
Since Sunan Siriwan swore a
solemn statement,
It's time to try a trial for Phillip
* (a title)
Sing a song of
tax cuts, a pocket full of nothing,
Two-odd million
voters played for a muffin.
When the books were opened
the Nats began to spin,
About the situation that the
Government books were in.
The first round of tax cuts were
mostly for the rich,
The second round was pretty much
thrown in a ditch.
The election was a while ago and lots
has happened since,
But can we say the end result is pure
Wee Willie Winkie runs
through the town,
Upstairs and downstairs in his
Tapping at the window and crying through the
Are all the children in their beds? I'll crush
their cars, if not.
Mary, Mary
quite contrary,
Did you notice that in his
Richard Worth said he'd earlier resigned as a
Cabinet Minister
When he was actually a Minister
outside cabinet?
Yes, I thought you'd find that
The Grand old Duke of York
he had ten thousand men
He marched them up to the top of
the hill
And he marched them down again.
When they
were up, they were up
And when they were down, they were
And when they were only halfway up
They were
neither up nor down.
They were about as reliable
the New Zealand dollar.
There was a
crooked man and he walked a crooked mile,
He found a
crooked sixpence upon a crooked stile.
He bought a
crooked cat, which caught a crooked mouse.
And they all
got together and started a finance
Baa baa black sheep, have
you any wool?
Yes sir, yes sir, three bags
Because my Shearer got two bags
For every one
all the other candidates got.
Peter pumpkin eater,
Had a wife and couldn't beat
Because at some point they changed the law,
make it no more legal to hit your wife
Than it is to hit
anyone else.
I imagine it caused quite a fuss at the
"Who killed Cock Robin?" "I,"
said the Sparrow,
"With my bow and arrow, I killed Cock
Or, to be fastidous, that's the police's
I've heard the tape - I think it's
This little piggy went
to market,
This little piggy stayed at home,
The first
little piggy gave its friends flu because it went out
despite feeling ill,
The second one was trapped in sow
But everyone's probably gone back to buying
whatever kind of pork they normally do,
All the way
Auckland City's falling
Falling down, falling down,
Auckland City's
falling down,
My fair Rodney.
Consider the commision
for a few days,
A few hours, a few days,
Then decide
to do it your way,
My fair Rodney.
First bill passed
quick as can be,
As can be, as can be;
Make it a fait
My fair Rodney.
Opposition won't shut
Won't shut up, won't shut up.
Say, "In time for
the World Cup!"
My fair Rodney.
Get a little help from
Help from Banks, help from Banks,
It was bad
before, but now it tanks,
My fair Rodney.
referendum's not a go,
Not a go, not a go,
If you did
that, they might vote 'No'!
My fair Rodney.
Make a
committee and then stack it,
And then stack it, and then
stack it,
Try the 'consultation' racket,
My fair
Then send in Melissa Lee,
'Lissa Lee, 'Lissa
Least she's not from your party,
My fair
Build a motorway straight through
'Way straight
through, 'way straight through
That'd be a helpful thing
to do,
My fair Rodney.
Your voters might feel double
Double crossed, double crossed,
That you
don't care what it will cost,
My fair Rodney.
their money on party central,
Party central, party
Circuses and... maybe lentils,
My fair
Then tie them up with shipping cable,
cable, shipping cable,
To stop them getting in the way of
your self-imposed timetable
My fair Rodney.
Auckland stuff is a mug's game,
A mug's game, a mug's
Key grins, and you just get the blame
My fair