Fernando Ramirez Photos: Day Tripper - Wellington
Photo Essay: Day Tripper - Wellington
Words and Images by Fernando Ramirez

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The Day Tripper project started by itself. When I got to Wellington, I started to take long trips with the Day Tripper ticket. Turned out to be an excellent way to know about Wellington and the areas around it. In many of these trips, I talked to people about the city and about the kind of persons that live here. Later on the photos started, and soon realized that Wellington is a beautiful city not just because of the great architecture. It's a beautiful city because of its people. Really kind, they let a complete stranger approach, take photos, learn about their lives and hope for the best. - Fernando Ramirez Photographer
Fernando Ramirez studied journalism at the Diego Portales
University, and published many stories in several
newspapers. Only in the last three years has he has been
dedicated to photography in a professional way. His
photography career started with a story related to Chilean
bands in which he took the photos and. From that moment on,
he started to work in a pub, covering every event and band
for nearly two years. Meanwhile , he also started working in
weddings with great success. Finally he got to work in press
at the independent research journalism website www.CIPERCHILE.cl , where he works at
present. He continues to occasionally do weddings or band
photos. He can be contacted on contact@fernandoramirezphoto.com