Precious Metals Market Report: 11 Nov, 2009
Precious Metals Market Report
It’s the second week of the month. That means I am headed over to see Franklin Sanders of The Moneychanger at Top of the World Farm in Westpoint, Tennessee. I will be working out of The Moneychanger offices on Wednesday and Thursday.
After our usual lively dinner with the Sanders clan on Thursday evening, Franklin and I will join you for The Solari Report. After Money & Markets, we will cover new developments in the precious metals market over the last month and the outlook for the fourth quarter.
Gold prices are approaching $1,100, indicating that the $1,000 floor has been established. This is a significant development.
Some argue that prices in the precious metals market reflect the same carry trade liquidity propping up the stock market. Hence, a change in central bank policies or a US dollar rebound could drive gold and silver down, even by a lot. For those accumulating precious metals, the potential volatility of the gold and silver prices through the end of the year is an important topic.
We will be addressing questions from subscribers, including the most popular:
- How do I start a local precious metals currency?
Additional questions include:
- Could the gold price drop significantly? What are the downside risks?
- Are gold price rises part of a “carry trade” bubble?
- What are the pros and cons of holding gold in other countries versus in our own possession?
- How does fiat currency devaluation occur?
- Does Solari find the “Texas Ratio” a realistic guide to bank solvency?
- Should we take the new Kitco gold index seriously?
I will also do a first segment on my response to the question subscribers have voted their second most popular: “How do I tell the truth and stay alive?”
In Let’s Go to the Movies, we will review Sir James Goldsmith’s interview with Charlie Rose of Bloomberg in 1994.
This interview was part of Goldsmith’s efforts to warn Americans about the consequences of adopting the General Agreement on Trade and Tariff (GATT) and the creation of the World Trade Organization, which would implement a global plan to devalue labor and industrialize agriculture.
For those who doubt the intentionality of a centralized effort to control global capital and resources, resulting in unemployment on a massive scale, this is strongly recommended.
Subscribers can access our full mp3 archive, including our precious metals reports. Here are key topics that The Solari Report has covered so far this year:
- Top 10 FAQ’s of Buying Silver and Gold Coins
- Ten Commandments of Gold and Silver Buying
- Top FAQ’s about Precious Metals Markets
- Options for an IRA or Tax-managed Account to Own Physical Precious Metals
- Trading the Gold-Silver Ratio
- Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs) - Is the Gold and Silver Really in Inventory?
- Traveling with Gold Coins
- Inflation Adjusted Gold and Silver Prices
If you would like to learn more about The Solari Report and subscribe, click here. To sign up for our Solari Report Digest, click here.
View this week’s Money & Markets Charts at the blog (published Thursday morning.)
Mapping The Real Deal is a column on
Scoop supervised by Catherine Austin Fitts. Ms Fitts is the
President of Solari, Inc. Ms. Fitts is the
former Assistant Secretary of Housing-Federal Housing
Commissioner during the first Bush Administration, a former
managing director and member of the board of directors of
Dillon Read “ Co. Inc. and President of The Hamilton
Securities Group, Inc.